“Nurturing Readers: Ways to Improve Chinese word order right

Instilling a love for reading in children is one of the most valuable gifts we can give them. When it comes to Chinese language skills, encouraging your child to read and enjoy the process is essential. In this article, we’ll explore creative and effective ways to help your child improve their Chinese word order right while having fun.

  1. Storytime Adventures Transform reading into a captivating adventure by acting out stories together. Encourage your child to use their imagination and express themselves in Chinese. This not only enhances reading skills but also fosters creativity and language development.
  2. Dual-Language Books Begin with dual-language books that provide the text in both Chinese word order right and your child’s native language. This allows them to connect familiar words and concepts, making Chinese reading less intimidating. Gradually transition to books predominantly in Chinese.
  3. Reading Challenges and Rewards Turn reading into a thrilling challenge by setting reading goals and offering rewards for accomplishments. Create a reading chart or log where your child can track their progress and celebrate milestones with incentives or treats.
  4. Comic Books and Graphic Novels Comic books and graphic novels are visually stimulating and perfect for young readers. They often use colloquial language and offer a different reading experience. These materials can be less intimidating and more enjoyable for children.
  5. Audio Books and Podcasts Audio books and podcasts in Chinese are excellent supplements to traditional reading. They enhance listening comprehension, pronunciation, and overall language skills. Encourage your child to listen while following along with the printed text.
  6. Interactive Language Apps There are numerous interactive apps designed to improve Chinese word order right. Look for apps that offer games, quizzes, and engaging stories in Chinese. These apps make learning feel like playtime.
 Chinese word order right
  1. Join a Reading Club or Group Consider joining or forming a Chinese reading club or group with other families. Reading together as a community provides a supportive and social context for improving reading skills. It also encourages discussions and sharing of thoughts about the texts.
  2. Cooking Chinese Cuisine Combine cultural immersion with reading by cooking Chinese dishes together. Use Chinese recipe books as guides, and involve your child in reading and following the instructions in Chinese. This hands-on experience reinforces vocabulary and cultural understanding.
  3. Explore Language Camps and Workshops Explore summer camps or workshops that focus on the Chinese language and culture. These programs often incorporate reading, writing, and cultural activities, creating a fun and immersive learning environment.
  4. Embrace Chinese Festivals and Traditions Participate in Chinese festivals and traditions, and read stories and legends related to these events. This not only enhances language skills but also deepens your child’s connection to Chinese culture.
  5. Encourage Writing in Chinese Complement reading with writing exercises. Encourage your child to keep a journal, write short stories, or create their own comic strips in Chinese. Writing helps reinforce vocabulary and language structure.
  6. Make Reading a Family Activity Foster a love for reading in your child by making it a family activity. Share Chinese word order right books with your child, discuss what you’ve read, and create a reading-friendly atmosphere at home. Be a reading role model for your child to follow.
  7. Provide Positive Feedback Praise and positive reinforcement are essential motivators for children. Celebrate their reading achievements, no matter how small. This positive feedback will boost their confidence and enthusiasm for reading in Chinese.
  8. Use Technology Wisely Utilize educational apps and online resources designed to improve Chinese reading skills. Many interactive apps offer engaging games and activities that make learning enjoyable for children. Just ensure that screen time is balanced with other activities.

In conclusion, improving Chinese word order right in children should be a delightful and engaging experience. By incorporating storytime adventures, dual-language books, reading challenges, comic books, audio books, interactive apps, reading clubs, cooking Chinese cuisine, language camps, embracing traditions, encouraging writing, and making reading a family affair, you can make the journey of enhancing Chinese reading skills an enjoyable and memorable one for your child.

Why Reading Comprehension for Kids is Important?

Why reading comprehension for kids is so important?

Reading allows us to be transported from our own world to another. Between the pages of a book, we can immerse ourselves in the lives of fictional characters and learn about a culture quite different from our own.

We also learn new words and phrases, experience emotions, and gain skills and knowledge. Because of the learning potential, the impact of reading on a child’s development is enormous, with multiple studies highlighting its benefits. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Thus, teachers and parents can ensure that reading becomes an important part of children’s daily lives. Here will give you more information on why this is so important and provide some helpful tips and guidance that parents and teachers can use both in and out of the classroom.

Reading comprehension for kids, how? Reading comprehension plays a vital role in a child’s overall development and academic success. It is the ability to understand and interpret written text, which is crucial for acquiring knowledge, expanding vocabulary, and developing critical thinking skills.

In this modern age of information, where reading is an essential skill, nurturing strong reading comprehension skills in children is of utmost importance. This article explores why reading comprehension is important for kids and how it benefits them in various aspects of their lives.

Academic Success: Reading comprehension is directly linked to academic achievement. It enables children to understand textbooks, assignments, and other learning materials across all subjects.

When children can comprehend what they read, they can extract relevant information, make connections, and apply it to problem-solving tasks. Strong reading comprehension skills contribute to improved performance in subjects like science, social studies, and literature.

Language Development: Reading comprehension enhances language skills, including vocabulary, grammar, and syntax. Through reading, children encounter new words, sentence structures, and idiomatic expressions, which expand their language repertoire.

Exposure to diverse reading materials exposes children to different writing styles and genres, enabling them to develop their own writing skills and express themselves effectively.

Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills: Reading comprehension cultivates critical thinking abilities in children. When they engage with text, they learn to analyze, evaluate, and interpret information, supporting the development of analytical skills.

This process involves reasoning, making inferences, and drawing conclusions, enabling children to think critically and form their own opinions.

Reading comprehension for kids

Cognitive Development: Reading comprehension stimulates cognitive development in children. It exercises their memory, attention span, and concentration as they actively engage with the text, remember details, and make connections between different parts of the story or information. Reading also enhances problem-solving skills, logical reasoning, and creativity.

Imagination and Creativity: Reading comprehension fuels imagination and creativity. As children immerse themselves in stories, they visualize characters, settings, and events, allowing their imagination to soar. This imaginative process helps children develop creativity, empathy, and a broader perspective of the world around them.

Cultural Awareness: Reading comprehension exposes children to diverse cultures, experiences, and perspectives. Through literature and informational texts, children gain insights into different societies, traditions, and historical events. This exposure fosters cultural awareness, empathy, and a sense of global citizenship.

Life-Long Learning: Strong reading comprehension skills are a foundation for life-long learning. The ability to comprehend complex texts enables children to access a vast array of information from books, articles, and online resources.

As they grow older, reading comprehension becomes crucial for higher education, professional development, and staying informed in a rapidly changing world.

Reading comprehension is a fundamental skill that empowers children academically, intellectually, and emotionally. It fosters language development, critical thinking, and cultural awareness while igniting imagination and creativity.

As parents and educators, we should prioritize the cultivation of strong reading comprehension skills in children by providing them with a rich and diverse reading environment, encouraging reading habits, and engaging in meaningful discussions about the texts they read.

By investing in their reading comprehension abilities, we empower children to become confident, lifelong learners who can navigate the complexities of the world with curiosity, understanding, and an appetite for knowledge.

What are the benefits of reading comprehension for kids?

The importance of reading to children cannot be underestimated. Reading for pleasure can benefit children’s educational, social and cognitive development, well-being and mental health as they grow.

How does reading affect children’s development?

Numerous studies have found the profound benefits of reading on children’s development. A study details the impact of reading on later literacy, facilitating social interaction between adults and children, and encouraging children to engage with the world around them. It also explains how reading can be a “steady source of information” throughout a child’s life.

This stability allows them to access texts in a constant manner and is especially beneficial for children growing up in challenging environments.

Aids cognitive development. Cognitive development refers to how we perceive and think about our world in terms of intelligence, reasoning, language development, and information processing. By reading to children, you give them insight into their world and fill their brains with background knowledge.

They then use this acquired background knowledge to understand what they see, hear and read, which aids their cognitive development.

Aids cognitive development. Cognitive development refers to how we perceive and think about our world in terms of intelligence, reasoning, language development, and information processing. By reading to children, you give them insight into their world and fill their brains with background knowledge.

They then use this acquired background knowledge to understand what they see, hear and read, which aids their cognitive development.

Develop empathy. When we read a book, we place ourselves in the story before us. This allows us to empathize with the lives of other characters and identify with their feelings. Children can then use this understanding to empathize with others in the real world.

Additionally, children will develop a greater understanding of emotions, which can help them understand their own and others’ emotions. This greatly contributes to their social development. A deep understanding of reading contributes to empathy – an important character trait that people can develop.

It helps us form relationships with others and encourages us to be kind and considerate of others’ feelings. It turns out that reading actually helps improve empathy. When people read stories about other people’s lives, it helps them develop the skills to understand the world through their eyes.

This is a key element of empathy for others. One way to read that is by improving on what is called “theory of mind” Theory of mind is the ability to attribute mental states such as beliefs, intentions, desires or emotions to others, and to understand that other people’s beliefs, intentions and desires differ from our own.

So now do you know the importance of reading comprehension for kids? When you read literary fiction, you deepen your understanding of other people’s thoughts, feelings, and desires. This understanding can be used in real life to try to understand and connect with other people, no matter what their background.

Reading Comprehension for Kids, Difficult?

Why reading comprehension for kids is difficult? There can be several reasons why children may struggle with learning Chinese reading:

Complex writing system: The Chinese writing system is logographic, meaning that each character represents a meaning or an idea rather than a sound. This makes it more challenging for children to learn compared to alphabetic systems. Memorizing a large number of characters and understanding their different combinations requires time and practice. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Lack of exposure: If children do not have regular exposure to the Chinese language outside of formal learning settings, such as at home or in their daily lives, they may have limited opportunities to practice reading and develop their reading skills. Consistent exposure to Chinese texts and materials is crucial for building reading proficiency.

Limited vocabulary: Reading comprehension for kids heavily relies on vocabulary knowledge. If children have a limited vocabulary in Chinese, they may struggle to understand the meaning of words and sentences in texts. Building a strong vocabulary foundation is essential for improving reading skills.

Insufficient reading strategies: Effective reading involves the use of various strategies, such as phonics, context clues, and understanding sentence structures. If children are not explicitly taught these strategies or do not know how to apply them, it can impede their reading comprehension abilities.

Lack of reading motivation: If children do not find reading in Chinese enjoyable or relevant to their interests, they may lack the motivation to invest time and effort into improving their reading skills. Creating a supportive and engaging reading environment, with interesting and age-appropriate materials, can help foster a love for reading and enhance their reading abilities.

 reading comprehension for kids

Inadequate instructional methods: The teaching methods employed may not be effective in helping children develop their Chinese reading skills. It is important to use a variety of instructional approaches, such as phonics instruction, guided reading, and comprehension strategies, to cater to different learning styles and needs.

To address these challenges and support children in learning Chinese reading, it is crucial to provide them with a supportive and immersive learning environment, expose them to a wide range of reading materials, and employ effective instructional strategies that focus on vocabulary development, reading comprehension strategies, and fostering a love for reading.

Additionally, regular practice and consistent exposure to the Chinese language will contribute to their overall progress in reading proficiency.

Character complexity: Chinese characters are logograms, and some of them can be quite complex, consisting of multiple strokes. Learning and recognizing a large number of characters can be overwhelming for some children, especially those accustomed to phonetic-based writing systems.

Reading comprehension for kids

Lack of exposure: Children who do not have regular exposure to the Chinese language outside of formal learning environments may find it challenging to grasp the language’s nuances and context. Exposure to authentic Chinese texts, conversations, and media is crucial for language development.

Different writing system: Children whose native language uses a phonetic-based writing system might initially struggle to adapt to the unique logographic nature of Chinese characters. This requires a shift in their approach to reading and writing.

Learning reading comprehension effectively requires a combination of strategies and approaches tailored to the needs and abilities of children. Here are some tips to help children improve their reading comprehension skills:

Start with appropriate reading materials: Choose reading materials that are suitable for your child’s reading level. Begin with simpler texts and gradually increase the complexity as their skills improve. This ensures that they can understand the content and feel motivated to continue reading.

Build vocabulary: Vocabulary plays a crucial role in reading comprehension. Encourage your child to learn new words regularly by reading books, engaging in conversations, and using vocabulary-building apps or games. Provide explanations and examples to help them understand the meaning and usage of words.

Develop pre-reading skills: Before diving into a text, help your child develop pre-reading skills such as making predictions, activating prior knowledge, and previewing the text. This helps them establish connections and better understand the content.

Encourage active reading: Teach your child to engage actively while reading by highlighting important information, underlining or taking notes, and asking questions. This promotes deeper comprehension and critical thinking.

Discuss and summarize: After reading a passage or a book, encourage your child to discuss the content with you. Ask questions about the main idea, characters, plot, and their thoughts or opinions. This helps them practice summarizing, analyzing, and reflecting on what they’ve read.

Teach comprehension strategies: Reading comprehension for kids is difficult? Introduce specific comprehension strategies, such as making inferences, identifying main ideas, drawing conclusions, and visualizing. Teach your child how to apply these strategies while reading to enhance their understanding.

Provide context and background knowledge: Help your child make connections between the text and their own experiences or prior knowledge. Provide additional information or context when necessary to improve comprehension.

Encourage reading fluency: Fluent reading allows children to focus more on understanding the content rather than decoding individual words. Encourage regular reading practice to improve fluency, such as reading aloud, using reading apps, or participating in reading challenges.

Expose them to a variety of genres: Introduce your child to different genres of literature, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and short stories. This helps them develop a broader understanding of different writing styles and themes.

Make reading enjoyable: Foster a love for reading by creating a positive and enjoyable reading environment. Allow your child to choose books that interest them and incorporate reading into their daily routine. Visit libraries, participate in reading clubs, and celebrate reading accomplishments.

Remember to be patient and supportive throughout the process. Each child learns at their own pace, so provide guidance, encouragement, and opportunities for regular practice. With consistent effort and a nurturing learning environment, children can improve their reading comprehension skills and develop a lifelong love for reading.

Vocabulary development: Building a strong vocabulary is essential for reading comprehension. Encourage children to read widely and expose them to a variety of texts. Introduce new words and concepts, discuss their meanings, and help children make connections between new words and their existing knowledge.

Active reading strategies: Teach children to be active readers by using strategies such as previewing the text, predicting what might happen, and asking questions before, during, and after reading. This helps children engage with the text and promotes better comprehension.

Understanding story elements: Help children identify and understand key story elements, such as characters, settings, plot, and main ideas. Discuss the beginning, middle, and end of a story, and help them make connections between different parts of the text.

Making inferences: Encourage children to make inferences by using clues from the text. Help them identify implicit information and draw conclusions based on the information provided.

Provide a variety of texts: Offer children a wide range of reading materials, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and informational texts. Exposing children to different genres and writing styles helps broaden their reading comprehension skills.

Remember, every child learns at their own pace, so it’s important to be patient and provide support and guidance throughout the learning process. Encourage a love for reading and make it an enjoyable and rewarding experience for children.

So reading comprehension for kids is not very difficult, it is just a piece of cake!

Reading Comprehension for Kids Matters to Their Future!

Some parents asked about reading comprehension for kids, and Mr. K found an interesting phenomenon, which is also a common phenomenon in the Chinese learning process of elementary school students.

When students are reading, their comprehension ability is layered. For example, if you read a passage of text, you know every word, but you cannot answer the question. When parents ask their children, do you understand?

The child said that he understood the reading, but he couldn’t do the questions. Parents think that their children have problems with reading comprehension, and they need to develop the skills of answering questions and learn routines and formulas.

There are also some children who have learned to answer questions, but when you ask subjective questions, the children cannot understand, have no insight, and cannot empathize with the author’s emotional expression. What is the reason? (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Some parents will say that their children don’t like to read, how to accumulate reading, some parents will say that their children like to read, but their reading comprehension is not good, what’s going on?

Reading comprehension for kids, we always encounter various problems in practice, so Mr. Kojima wants to address this phenomenon and discuss with parents and friends how to cooperate with the teaching of the Chinese teacher to improve children’s reading comprehension ability.

Let’s not fall into the predicament of brushing questions. In primary school, there is no need to brush questions to find patterns. Try to divide reading comprehension into 3 steps, and improve reading comprehension step by step.

  1. The first step in reading: read the text first
    When we read an article, a book, or a story, the first thing we need to do is to understand the text. Do you know every word?

Therefore, for students in the lower grades of elementary school, the reading requirement is literacy, and a large number of new characters can be accumulated through reading.

Books in phonetic versions are good reading materials. This is the first step in reading accumulation, to understand the text. That is what we encountered in the process of reading. I know every word, but I can’t understand it when combined.

In fact, for most elementary school students, it is quite good to be able to know every word when reading. At least in terms of literacy accumulation, they have completed their learning goals.

From the perspective of the text, reading the words and understanding the language itself is also a method of reading. Therefore, in the first step of reading, parents don’t need to put forward too high requirements, as long as they can know the characters.

There are three stages of reading, language text reading, reading for understanding, and reading for emotional experience and learning. These three stages represent the advanced reading ability and the reading ability we need to have at different stages. So reading comprehension for kids? How?

Parents need to cooperate with the language teacher to pay attention to the child’s literacy, dictation, review the meaning of words, learn to identify synonyms, adjectives, etc. in reading, and understand the part of speech in the daily accumulation of language learning.

Especially for students in lower grades, if they want to achieve the reading ability of knowing every word, finger reading, intensive reading, and parent-accompanied reading must be practiced.

Finger reading is to establish good reading habits such as not missing reading, and to cultivate hand-eye coordination. Intensive reading is to improve literacy by understanding every word and sentence. Accompanying parents to read is to improve the efficiency of reading.

Students in lower grades do not have the ability to use dictionary tools. At this time, parents need to act as their children’s dictionaries. After completing this step, we can truly open the door to reading for children, and we need to consider that it is time to enter the next stage of improvement in reading comprehension.

  1. The second step of reading: understand the work through words

Many elementary school students are stuck in the second step of reading. In fact, parents and teachers need to cooperate to help children establish the concept of understanding the meaning of words, and guide them to understand what to do after reading each word.

The poor comprehension ability of elementary school students is not because they are not smart, or their language foundation is too poor, or they lack the amount of reading, but because they do not know the process and method of reading.

I can already recognize every word in the text material, but I can’t understand the work through the text. This is because our primary school students have not yet entered a state of reading, and they don’t know what reading is for.

In their conceptual understanding, reading is the Chinese homework assigned by parents and Chinese teachers, and I have to complete it. I can’t build a learning method and awareness from reading, and I can’t understand the logic of writing.

Then, in the second step of reading, parents should cooperate with the Chinese teacher to explain to their children, why do you want to read? How to understand works through words, and why we need to read and understand.

How do we extract the rich meaning in a story or a piece of text through reading? We need to guide children to build interest in reading. Our parents can tell children about the knowledge background in the text material to help children understand the logic of writing.

I also need to teach my children what information and knowledge points I can get by reading texts. Learning how to read is very important. In the second step, parents don’t have to rush to evaluate their children’s acquisition ability.

Parents will be confused if they don’t feel anything after reading. Understanding works requires accumulation and practice. As long as parents follow the second step of reading comprehension and help children understand why they should read, it will be very easy to achieve.

  1. Reading Step 3: Understanding the Author’s Intent

Coming to the third step of reading, it is the test points of reading comprehension in the Chinese test that we often understand.

Understand the author’s writing intention, understand the viewpoints and insights I gained through reading, read the philosophy from the text, not only understand what kind of person the author is, what his life is like, but also understand the deeper thinking conveyed by the text.

Here are the 3 steps to improve reading comprehension. Only by improving reading comprehension step by step, can you improve your reading comprehension step by step.

Reading comprehension for kids is not very difficult; To understand the author’s writing intention, parents and teachers need to give children more reading information and understand the principles of reading.

To Improve Reading Comprehension for Kids, Why Still Waiting?

Reading comprehension for kids is difficult. How to improve students’ reading ability has become one of the most troublesome topics for parents in the daily study in elementary school! When it comes to the improvement of reading ability, people naturally think of the answer: read more.

Of course, practice makes perfect is a well-known truth. Although there are old sayings: “Reading a book for a hundred times, its meaning will emerge”, “Reading an old book a hundred times, if you read it carefully, you will know yourself”, but given the heavy learning tasks of children, it is more appropriate to pursue the quality of reading .

Blindly piling up reading volume may not necessarily improve reading comprehension. Many students feel aggrieved, and they have read a lot of articles and learned a lot of “secret skills”, but their reading comprehension skills are always not improved. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

In the face of such a situation, after usual practice, the following editor will talk about how to improve the reading comprehension for kids.

  1. Interest is the best teacher

Interest refers to the emotion of liking or caring about something.

reading comprehension for kids

Psychology believes that it is the basic motivation for people to know something and engage in a certain activity, and it is manifested as people’s selective attitude and positive emotional response to a certain thing or a certain activity.

It can push children to seek new knowledge and broaden their horizons. Children who are interested in learning will be more active and active, and will have a happy and tense mood and a state of active will effort, thereby improving the efficiency and effectiveness of their own learning activities.

Therefore, before reading, parents can use the method of stimulating interest with suspicion to stimulate children’s interest in self-study.

So reading comprehension for kids, how? When children encounter doubts in the process of learning, parents make the best use of the situation to stimulate their desire and interest in self-study. Therefore, when guiding children to read texts, ask them to think while reading, especially to work hard on the word “thinking”, learn Set up doubts, clear up doubts.

Grasp the main questions of the text to ask questions, and then let the children read the text with the questions, try to figure out the general meaning of the text independently as much as possible, and grasp the context of the whole article.

  1. Good reading habits lie in daily accumulation

Mr. Ye Shengtao once said: “If you read roughly and develop bad reading habits, it will become a ‘lifelong fruit’. It can be seen that if you develop good reading habits, you will benefit for life.

The so-called good reading habits include three meanings:

A. Develop the habit of reading every day

Persevere, accumulate knowledge over time, develop intelligence, cultivate ability, and cultivate temperament;

B.When reading, uphold a good reading attitude and correct reading method

In the process of reading, carefully search and look up dictionaries, make comments, reflect on problems, and recite excerpts after reading. Only by developing good reading habits can we learn something.

C.Break the rough cumulative pan-reading mode and strengthen personalized reading

Strengthen the sense of participation in reading, respect individual differences, and guide children to understand and appreciate articles to strengthen their perception of articles, maximize reading initiative, develop reading ability in personalized reading activities, and improve reading comprehension.

  1. Strengthen the exercise of reading skills in the process of independent reading

In the process of reading, parents should try their best to only teach their children how to understand the text, and not arrange to replace their subjective consciousness. Let the children complete the reading independently. At this time, the editor summarizes some small methods for your reference:

  1. Extensive reading of the full text improves reading speed

For the articles to be read, it is required to read the entire text within the specified time, and then answer the questions.

During the reading process, students in lower grades will inevitably encounter new words and difficult sentences, but due to time constraints, they are not allowed to look up the dictionary, and can only guess the meaning and meaning of new words and difficult sentences based on the context.

Through such training, students not only speed up their reading speed, but also greatly improve their ability to guess words and sentence sentences according to the context;

  1. Answer questions quickly

After quickly scanning the reading materials, give some “yes” or “no” questions and ask for quick answers to deepen the impression and understanding of the articles read. The setting of these questions should be simple and easy to answer in order to build up their self-confidence and increase their interest in reading;

  1. Insist on retelling the content of the article

Retelling the content of the article means that the students will tell the content of the article in their own words according to the order of the article after reading. After the students have finished reading quickly, I will ask the students to retell the main idea of the article within the specified time and encourage them to speak. Specifically, there are the following ways:

① Repeat in detail. That is, according to the original meaning of the article, it is comprehensively and carefully described;

② Brief retelling. That is to say, it is required to describe the main content of the article in a general and concise language.

  1. Strengthen intensive reading training

Improving reading skills doesn’t happen overnight. Many students reported that after a lot of fast reading exercises, the reading speed has increased, but the comprehension ability has not improved much.

Why is this? In fact, it is difficult to improve reading comprehension only by fast reading. Language knowledge is the material basis of reading, and repeated reading comprehension is the only way to read.

For the texts that have been read, you should choose their representative articles and let the students read them intensively. They are not only required to understand the relationship between words and words, clauses and clauses in each sentence, but also to explain difficult sentences clearly.

reading comprehension for kids

Repeatedly scrutinize, understand its meaning deeply, and go deep into the language points and discourse structure inside the article. In addition, after the intensive reading, it is necessary to find out the topic sentence of the article, and tell the conception level of the article, the logical relationship of the context and the author’s point of view, so as to cultivate students’ ability of comprehensive analysis, induction and rationale;

  1. Parents should guide patiently and not rush for success

After all, elementary school students have poor comprehension ability. Parents should explain clearly to children about difficult and confusing knowledge points, and don’t rush to get results and pass them by;

  1. Pay attention to guiding children to repeat reading aloud

Reading aloud needs to be repeated, and the purpose of repeated reading aloud is to better cultivate the sense of language, so that children can better understand the meaning of the article.

Only repeated reading aloud can make children feel that the text they read is familiar and simple, which not only helps to understand the words deeply, but also makes children read more fluently.

  1. Diversity of Choices for Extracurricular Reading

The content of reading should be in line with the child’s actual level, interests and hobbies. In today’s diverse and open information environment, there are many channels to obtain reading resources.

Actually, reading comprehension for kids is not a difficult thing; Try to read some beautiful Chinese and foreign literary masterpieces, so that children can feel the beauty of the situation and language created by the articles during self-reading. Charm!

Reading Comprehension for Kids: Helping Kids Get It!

May people said that reading comprehension for kids is very difficult. Why? Due to the lack of reading comprehension ability, many children feel very difficult and unable to start when writing essays or doing reading questions.

So how to improve children’s reading comprehension ability? Understand the reading characteristics of primary school students


Reading purpose is not strong

Many elementary school students believe that extracurricular reading is to complete the tasks assigned by their parents and teachers. The so-called classics and novels only choose chapters with strong stories or interleaved pages to read. (If you want to know more about Chinese, please feel free to click here!)

More than half of the students do not consider the characters in novels or classics. What is the meaning of society? There are fewer students who take reading notes.


Read more pictures than text

According to surveys by authoritative organizations, nearly 30% of primary school students like comics, and only 20% of primary school students are willing to read books that are “full of text”.

 reading comprehension for kids

This result explains well the reason why the four major classics of “vernacular version” and “picture version” are selling well in the market. When students read, whether they emphasize the text or the pictures, they should be analyzed with a rational eye.


Why reading comprehension for kids is hard? Not enough time to read

From the end of primary school to the time before going to bed at night, primary school students spend about 4 hours at their disposal, but 26% of families watch TV (including surfing the Internet) for more than 2 hours.

If the time for dinner is deducted, it is estimated that many children have no time to read. It is hoped that this issue can attract the attention of parents.


The source of extracurricular books is relatively single

The survey found that although 40% of families have more than 50 books in their collection, the source is very single. Parents bought 67%, and 13% were borrowed from relatives or classmates.

This shows that whether it is the school or the society, the book resources available to primary school students are very limited. If the resources are more abundant and the procedure of borrowing books is simplified, it may increase the reading volume of primary school students.

Understanding the Requirements for Teaching Reading in Primary Schools

Reading ability refers to the child’s ability to understand books and newspapers. Requirements vary for different grade groups.

In the primary school stage, children should be trained to have preliminary reading ability and be able to read relatively simple books and newspapers suitable for age characteristics.

Reading ability is a comprehensive ability. The reading ability of elementary school students mainly refers to the ability to read and understand the content of ideas.

Specifically manifested in the following aspects:

  1. Ability to read and understand text. Be able to read, write, and use

2.The ability to understand the content of thought, the ability to understand words, sentences, and texts.

Require children not only to understand the meaning of the words and sentences in the article, but also to divide the paragraph levels, and to summarize the meaning and central idea of the paragraph, and have the ability of preliminary analysis and generalization;

  1. Able to read the text aloud correctly, fluently and emotionally, and then more skillfully silently read the text;
  2. Ability to use reference books. If you encounter unfamiliar words or meanings when reading, you can solve them yourself by consulting dictionaries, dictionaries, etc.

Children must develop good reading habits from an early age. When reading, they must read, think, and outline.

Good habits can benefit children for life, and bad habits may harm them for life. Therefore, we must attach great importance to the cultivation of good reading habits in children.

Ways to guide children in reading texts

The British biologist Darwin said: “The most valuable thing is the knowledge about the method.”

The child has mastered the method, just like getting a “golden key” to open the treasure house of knowledge, which can be used for life. Therefore, parents should pay attention to teaching children how to read while reading.

 reading comprehension for kids

When children get an article, they often feel that they have no way to start, and they think that they have finished reading after a cursory reading. This kind of reading is ineffective and cannot improve their reading ability as soon as possible. So, how to guide children to read a text?

The first step is to let the children recognize and read the text, read it two or three times, and understand the general idea of the article as a whole. For unfamiliar words and words, parents should urge their children to solve them by looking them up in the dictionary.

The second step is to let the children read the text carefully. Through the children’s own brains, mouth, and hands, they can understand the content of the text, try to divide the text into paragraphs, and summarize the meaning of the paragraph.

The third step is to let the children read the text intensively. On the basis of understanding the content of the text, you can determine the key paragraphs, focus on understanding, extracting from them, and come up with the central idea of the article.

The fourth step allows children to answer the questions at the end of the book, write preview notes, and have their own evaluation of the article. After reading the text, you can ask questions that you don’t understand, and ask the teacher and others.

Through the above process, children will understand that to read an article, they must not only read through the sentences, but also understand what the article is about, how it is written, and why it is written in this way, so as to cultivate children’s ability to analyze and generalize.

Cultivate the habit of reading more, thinking more, and writing diligently

Children should develop the reading habit of reading more, thinking more, and writing diligently from an early age. The content of the article is expressed through language and characters.

Only through reading can the silent language be turned into a sound language, and the characters and stories described in the language can be expressed. Learning is expensive and doubtful, and thinking always starts with questions.

Only when children have doubts in their studies can they have a strong desire to actively explore and solve problem – reading comprehension for kids. Parents should be enthusiastic about this.

For example: After learning the text “A Parachute”, the child asks, why did Premier Zhou give up his umbrella bag to others? This question is the center of this text.

After solving this problem, we have grasped the center of this article——at the critical moment when the plane was in danger, Premier Zhou gave up the hope of life to others and left the danger of death to himself.

This kind of positive thinking not only masters the content of the text, but also understands the author’s expression method. Frequently guiding your child to read in this way will help improve his reading ability.

Parents should set an example

There is a story that in a Jewish home, when a child is a little sensible, the mother will open the Bible, drop a little honey on it, and then ask the child to kiss the honey on the Bible. Let children feel the sweetness of books and the beauty of reading from an early age!

Israel surpasses any other country in the world in terms of per capita ownership of books and publishing houses and per capita reading per capita. So far, there have been more than 130 Jewish Nobel laureates.

Although it is hard to judge the connection between winning the Nobel Prize and studying in childhood simply by using this example, in real life, many families have not formed a good reading atmosphere.

After the parents pick up their children home, they lie down in front of the computer and TV, or play with their mobile phones on the sofa, but ask their children to read famous books. This situation exists in many families.

Some people think that the national reading plan should be implemented, just like the implementation of nine-year compulsory education. The plan is beautiful and long-term.

For now, the most urgent task facing parents is to cultivate children’s reading habits through their own words and deeds. In terms of education for the next generation, I believe most people don’t want to hear “haven’t read” and “lack of education”. Wait for similar reviews?

In fact, it doesn’t matter if adults don’t like to read literature books, history books, psychological books and other books with serious topics. There are also relaxing travel books and gourmet books to read.

You can also explore books about reading comprehension for kids, which cultivate logical thinking with your children. Opening books is beneficial. Just give yourself some time to start reading and the fun will spring up on its own.

Reading Comprehension for Kids is a Piece of Cake!

When it comes to reading comprehension for kids, many parents are confused – They have no idea letting their kids like reading comprehension……

(If you want to know more about Chinese learning for kids, please click here!)

Is your child having difficulty with Chinese reading comprehension in elementary school?

Then come and take a look at this about elementary school Chinese reading comprehension. Reading comprehension not only tests students’ ability of understanding Chinese, but more about their ability to apply Chinese.

Not surprisingly, students often view it as the hardest part of the Chinese test paper to do well.

Keeping an eye out for our next few blog posts for some helpful strategies, tips, and these tips you can use when parenting your kids at home.

Read books since childhood

First, help your child develop an interest in reading, and build a solid foundation in Chinese by developing reading habits from an early age, even before they enter Primary One.

 reading comprehension for kids

Yes, reading comprehension for kids starts from reading!

As your child is exposed to more Chinese books, he/she will learn to recognize more words, understand more vocabulary and become familiar with common Chinese sentence structures (different from English sentence structures).

In turn, these help your child understand the comprehension passages he/she reads.

Now, you might be wondering, what kind of reading material is right for your child?

Read different books at different ages

 Preschool

If you have a very young child, read picture books (picture books).

Picture books usually have a large picture-to-text ratio. Some of them have so little text that you might wonder if they are worth reading or buying.

In fact, picture books can have different reading depths, suitable for children of different ages and different levels of Chinese, and can even be read all the way to the upper grades.

We will share more knowledge about how to make full use of reading Chinese picture books in the next introduction to elementary school Chinese reading comprehension, so stay tuned!

 After preschool

Read graded books (graded books) with your K1 or K2 child. These readers are designed to cater to different reading levels. Levels range from urgent/beginner to advanced/independent with increasing number of words.

As your child enters elementary school and builds a larger vocabulary, gradually encourage him or her to study other bridge books, which are usually simpler, shorter chapter books with a smaller illustration-to-text ratio.

Hanyu Pinyin – yes or no?

Are you torn about whether to choose books with or without Hanyu Pinyin (Hanyu Pinyin)?

The most important factors to consider when choosing books are still based on their content and value – whether the storyline is interesting, engaging, appealing to your child, encouraging thought and conversation, and teaching good values.

Then, as much as possible, priority is given to those who do not have Hanyu Pinyin. Your child will get more practice about recognizing and remembering Chinese words, instead of just relying on Hanyu Pinyin to read.

 reading comprehension for kids

If you need help with this, invest in a dictionary to look up words. Looking it up in a dictionary is also a great skill to teach your child.

 Textbooks are not boring

Reading comprehension for kids?
What if your child has not developed a regular Chinese reading habit when he enters P1? Let him/her develop the habit of reading the Ministry of Education’s Chinese textbook “Happy Partners” at home every week, at least three times a week.

This will help to review and remember what he/she learned in school.

Make it a funny activity by taking turns reading alternate lines or paragraphs with him/her, or role-playing.

Enhancing learning by watching animations, listening to songs, and taking quizzes with him/her on LearningNet, the Department of Education’s digital resource library that complements the Joyful Partners curriculum.

Magazines as supplementary reading materials

Another reading resource is the popular Chinese magazine Good Friends (Primary 1-2 students)/Knowledge Pictorial (Primary 3-4 students)/Knowledge News (P5-6 students), also based on the “Partner” recommended syllabus for elementary school Chinese reading comprehension introduction.

You can subscribe through your child’s school or through Etutor’s website Knowledge Network.

Encourage your child to read the magazine at home after completing the exercises in the school magazine. If the subscription includes digital resources, you can also read with him/her on graded e-readers and try online quizzes.

Take reading comprehension seriously

Go to your local library or bookstore and check out Chinese comics such as Noisy Manga Paradise, Diary of This Class, and This Class Again. Written by local authors, the stories are full of country and humor.

Since your child can easily identify the characters, places, and situations in the comics, they may be more willing to read the comics instead of more text-based Chinese books.

Many children feel that reading comprehension is difficult, and they have no idea to answer the questions.

I hope this introduction to elementary school Chinese reading comprehension can make children no longer afraid of reading. In fact, reading is really not difficult to understand!

So reading comprehension for kids is not a difficult and boring thing unless you can work hard on it!