Reading Comprehension for Kids Matters to Their Future!

Some parents asked about reading comprehension for kids, and Mr. K found an interesting phenomenon, which is also a common phenomenon in the Chinese learning process of elementary school students.

When students are reading, their comprehension ability is layered. For example, if you read a passage of text, you know every word, but you cannot answer the question. When parents ask their children, do you understand?

The child said that he understood the reading, but he couldn’t do the questions. Parents think that their children have problems with reading comprehension, and they need to develop the skills of answering questions and learn routines and formulas.

There are also some children who have learned to answer questions, but when you ask subjective questions, the children cannot understand, have no insight, and cannot empathize with the author’s emotional expression. What is the reason? (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Some parents will say that their children don’t like to read, how to accumulate reading, some parents will say that their children like to read, but their reading comprehension is not good, what’s going on?

Reading comprehension for kids, we always encounter various problems in practice, so Mr. Kojima wants to address this phenomenon and discuss with parents and friends how to cooperate with the teaching of the Chinese teacher to improve children’s reading comprehension ability.

Let’s not fall into the predicament of brushing questions. In primary school, there is no need to brush questions to find patterns. Try to divide reading comprehension into 3 steps, and improve reading comprehension step by step.

  1. The first step in reading: read the text first
    When we read an article, a book, or a story, the first thing we need to do is to understand the text. Do you know every word?

Therefore, for students in the lower grades of elementary school, the reading requirement is literacy, and a large number of new characters can be accumulated through reading.

Books in phonetic versions are good reading materials. This is the first step in reading accumulation, to understand the text. That is what we encountered in the process of reading. I know every word, but I can’t understand it when combined.

In fact, for most elementary school students, it is quite good to be able to know every word when reading. At least in terms of literacy accumulation, they have completed their learning goals.

From the perspective of the text, reading the words and understanding the language itself is also a method of reading. Therefore, in the first step of reading, parents don’t need to put forward too high requirements, as long as they can know the characters.

There are three stages of reading, language text reading, reading for understanding, and reading for emotional experience and learning. These three stages represent the advanced reading ability and the reading ability we need to have at different stages. So reading comprehension for kids? How?

Parents need to cooperate with the language teacher to pay attention to the child’s literacy, dictation, review the meaning of words, learn to identify synonyms, adjectives, etc. in reading, and understand the part of speech in the daily accumulation of language learning.

Especially for students in lower grades, if they want to achieve the reading ability of knowing every word, finger reading, intensive reading, and parent-accompanied reading must be practiced.

Finger reading is to establish good reading habits such as not missing reading, and to cultivate hand-eye coordination. Intensive reading is to improve literacy by understanding every word and sentence. Accompanying parents to read is to improve the efficiency of reading.

Students in lower grades do not have the ability to use dictionary tools. At this time, parents need to act as their children’s dictionaries. After completing this step, we can truly open the door to reading for children, and we need to consider that it is time to enter the next stage of improvement in reading comprehension.

  1. The second step of reading: understand the work through words

Many elementary school students are stuck in the second step of reading. In fact, parents and teachers need to cooperate to help children establish the concept of understanding the meaning of words, and guide them to understand what to do after reading each word.

The poor comprehension ability of elementary school students is not because they are not smart, or their language foundation is too poor, or they lack the amount of reading, but because they do not know the process and method of reading.

I can already recognize every word in the text material, but I can’t understand the work through the text. This is because our primary school students have not yet entered a state of reading, and they don’t know what reading is for.

In their conceptual understanding, reading is the Chinese homework assigned by parents and Chinese teachers, and I have to complete it. I can’t build a learning method and awareness from reading, and I can’t understand the logic of writing.

Then, in the second step of reading, parents should cooperate with the Chinese teacher to explain to their children, why do you want to read? How to understand works through words, and why we need to read and understand.

How do we extract the rich meaning in a story or a piece of text through reading? We need to guide children to build interest in reading. Our parents can tell children about the knowledge background in the text material to help children understand the logic of writing.

I also need to teach my children what information and knowledge points I can get by reading texts. Learning how to read is very important. In the second step, parents don’t have to rush to evaluate their children’s acquisition ability.

Parents will be confused if they don’t feel anything after reading. Understanding works requires accumulation and practice. As long as parents follow the second step of reading comprehension and help children understand why they should read, it will be very easy to achieve.

  1. Reading Step 3: Understanding the Author’s Intent

Coming to the third step of reading, it is the test points of reading comprehension in the Chinese test that we often understand.

Understand the author’s writing intention, understand the viewpoints and insights I gained through reading, read the philosophy from the text, not only understand what kind of person the author is, what his life is like, but also understand the deeper thinking conveyed by the text.

Here are the 3 steps to improve reading comprehension. Only by improving reading comprehension step by step, can you improve your reading comprehension step by step.

Reading comprehension for kids is not very difficult; To understand the author’s writing intention, parents and teachers need to give children more reading information and understand the principles of reading.

Online Chinese Courses for Kids that You Deserve to know!

So online Chinese courses for kids is possible?

Many overseas Chinese parents want their children to learn Chinese, but they are struggling with work and daily chores, and cannot spend a lot of time teaching their children systematically. All they can do is ask their children to speak Chinese at home and exercise their listening and speaking skills. The method may not allow children to really learn Chinese.

An Australian mother confides her distress on the Internet. Her family Chinese education has achieved remarkable results from the beginning to slow progress. In the end, Chinese can’t express the child’s thoughts, and adults can’t communicate deeply with the child. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Back to English communication, in daily conversations, there are only simple and commonly used conversations such as “wake up”, “it’s time to eat”, and “goodbye, mother”.

When summing up the experience and lessons, this mother realized that if parents want to exercise their children’s Chinese ability, it is not enough to teach them simple daily conversations.

Every language has its own culture and system, and it is necessary to lay a good foundation for the children, arrange Only by learning the content and progress well, and constantly overcoming problems in Chinese learning can we make progress.

To a certain extent, it is a good language atmosphere for parents to speak Chinese at home, which can make children listen more and practice more. In early childhood, children’s listening and speaking learning is mainly based on imitation, so this method works very well.

 online Chinese courses for kids

But when the child grows up, don’t force the child to express everything in Chinese, because at this stage, the ability of imitation learning will decline rapidly, and the learning mode will gradually change to trial-and-error learning, relying solely on dialogue to improve the child’s Chinese Levels are extremely limited.

In addition, as the level of Chinese learning deepens, the Chinese language system that comes into contact with becomes more and more complex and difficult to imitate, and children will naturally develop resistance.

At this time, parents should be patient, guide their children, and encourage them to try more. It doesn’t matter even if the expression is wrong. The children must be willing to speak Chinese in order to learn Chinese better.

Online Chinese courses for kids, if a child retells what he saw and heard in school today, if there are words or situations that he cannot express, parents can first ask the child to express it in another way.

If the child still cannot express it, do not force the child to use Chinese , After the child has fully expressed what he wants to say, the parent will guide the child and tell him how to express the content just now in Chinese better and more accurately.

Online Chinese courses for kids?At the same time, parents can also collect more literary stories or film and television dramas with Chinese characteristics, tell them to their children or watch them together, so as to increase their interest in learning Chinese, guide them to learn Chinese independently, and understand Chinese culture.

From the perspective of teaching methods, chatting with children in Chinese can indeed exercise children’s listening and speaking skills, and can also stimulate children’s desire to learn after guidance.

However, it is difficult for children to establish a complete language system without professional courses. Therefore, many parents will gradually feel that the improvement of their children’s Chinese ability is slowing down or even deteriorating.

This is because children have shortcomings in reading and writing, which leads to more and more complex language expressions and more and more problems. It will cause children to fear difficulties, greatly reduce their enthusiasm for learning Chinese, and even develop rebellious psychology and refuse to learn Chinese when they reach adolescence.

Moreover, it is difficult to improve children’s reading and writing skills if they only use Chinese for daily chatting, and it is also difficult for children to learn more Chinese characters and written expressions. Such incomplete Chinese skills are difficult to use in formal occasions.

You must know that although domestic children are also taught to speak by their parents little by little, they have teachers who have taught them to read and write systematically since kindergarten, and use well-arranged short stories to let the children learn on their own initiative and fill every day.

There are teaching vacancies in each stage. In the senior grades, the children have developed the habit of thinking in Chinese, through talking, reading, watching movies, writing… Every moment is actively or passively strengthening their language ability.

And children living abroad, outside the family, do not use Chinese to speak, write, read and write. How can this allow children to learn Chinese naturally, communicate with their parents at home without any obstacles, and be proficient in everything in listening, speaking, reading and writing? Woolen cloth?

In the face of such problems, the most scientific way at present is to carry out systematic Chinese training. Although our parents are very proficient in Chinese, teaching children to learn Chinese is not an easy task.

Family education alone is not enough. Chinese itself is a relatively complex language with profound historical background, and there are certain thresholds at different stages of learning, which can only be passed to the next stage.

If there is no professional teacher to help children build a Chinese learning system from an early age and lay a solid language foundation, then when learning increasingly complex advanced language content, it is necessary to constantly find and make up for incomplete basic knowledge.

This requires finding a suitable Chinese teacher for the children, using standardized teaching methods and scientific teaching methods, laying the foundation for children to learn Chinese, making up for the lack of reading and writing language skills of Chinese children, and correcting some of the usual problems.

Pay attention to pronunciation and expression habits, so that children can master the purest Chinese.

In this regard, professional Chinese school teachers can save parents a lot of trouble. For example, Lingxi Chinese, which has been studying Chinese language teaching for many years, has a large number of cases and teaching experience.

The problem is well understood. At present, the Chinese classes in most public language schools, in order to meet the learning progress of most people, will lack pertinence, waste children’s natural advantages in Chinese learning, and miss the best learning time.

Good Chinese teachers have established targeted teaching models for children with different learning abilities, which can better guide and strengthen children’s weaknesses and make up for their shortcomings.

Online Chinese courses for kids, teachers of Lingxi Chinese can communicate with children anytime and anywhere to ensure that children learn Chinese most efficiently and solve difficulties encountered in learning in a timely manner.

Best Way to Learn Chinese Online in 2023, Some Tips for Success

What is the best way to learn Chinese online?

Many overseas Chinese parents want their children to learn Chinese, but they are struggling with work and daily chores, and cannot spend a lot of time teaching their children systematically.

All they can do is ask their children to speak Chinese at home and exercise their listening and speaking skills. The method may not allow children to really learn Chinese.

An Australian mother confides her troubles on the Internet. Her family’s Chinese education has achieved remarkable results at the beginning to slow progress. In the end, Chinese can’t express the child’s thoughts, and adults can’t communicate with the child deeply.

Back to English communication, in daily conversations, there are only simple and commonly used conversations such as “wake up”, “it’s time to eat”, and “goodbye, mother”. (If you want to know more about Chinese, please feel free to click here!)

When summing up the experience and lessons, this mother realized that if parents want to exercise their children’s Chinese ability, it is not enough to just teach their children simple daily conversations.

best way to learn Chinese online

Every language has its own culture and system, and it is necessary to lay a good foundation for the children, arrange only by learning the content and progress well, and constantly overcoming problems in Chinese learning can we make progress.

To a certain extent, it is a good language atmosphere for parents to speak Chinese at home, which can make children listen more and practice more. In early childhood, children’s listening and speaking learning is mainly based on imitation, so this method works very well.

But when the child grows up, don’t force the child to express everything in Chinese, because at this stage, the ability of imitation learning will decline rapidly, and the learning mode will gradually change to trial-and-error learning, relying solely on dialogue to improve the child’s Chinese Levels are extremely limited.

In addition, as the level of Chinese learning deepens, the Chinese language system that comes into contact with becomes more and more complex and difficult to imitate, and children will naturally develop resistance.

At this time, parents should be patient, guide their children, and encourage them to try more. It doesn’t matter even if the expression is wrong. The children must be willing to speak Chinese in order to learn Chinese better.

In daily life, if a child retells what he saw and heard in school today, if there are words or situations that he cannot express, parents can first ask the child to express it in another way.

If the child still cannot express it, do not force the child to use best way to learn Chinese online, after the child has completely expressed what he wants to say, the parent will guide the child and tell him how to express the content just now in Chinese better and more accurately.

At the same time, parents can also collect more literary stories or film and television dramas with Chinese characteristics, tell them to their children or watch them together, so as to increase their interest in learning Chinese, guide them to learn Chinese independently, and understand Chinese culture.

Learning Chinese online can be an effective and convenient way to acquire the language. Here are some steps you can take to make the most of your online learning experience:

Set clear goals: Determine your reasons for learning Chinese and set achievable goals. This will help you stay motivated and track your progress.

Choose a reputable online platform: There are several online platforms and websites that offer Chinese language courses. Look for platforms with experienced teachers, interactive learning materials, and positive reviews from previous learners.

Seek structured courses: Look for courses that offer a structured curriculum, covering different aspects of the language such as vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, listening, and speaking. A well-organized course will ensure you have a comprehensive learning experience.

Utilize multimedia resources: Make use of multimedia resources like videos, audio recordings, and interactive exercises to enhance your learning. Many online platforms provide access to these resources, which can help improve your listening and pronunciation skills.

Best way to learn Chinese online? Practice speaking: Chinese is a tonal language, and speaking practice is crucial for developing accurate pronunciation and intonation. Seek opportunities to practice speaking, such as language exchange programs, conversation groups, or online tutoring sessions.

Engage with native speakers: Interacting with native speakers will expose you to real-life language usage and cultural nuances. Join online forums, language exchange websites, or social media groups to connect with native Chinese speakers and practice your language skills.

Supplement with reading and writing: Chinese characters may seem daunting at first, but regular practice is key to developing reading and writing skills. Use online resources for reading Chinese texts, and practice writing characters using online tools or apps specifically designed for character learning.

Use language-learning apps: Incorporate language-learning apps like Duolingo, HelloChinese, or Memrise into your routine. These apps offer gamified lessons, vocabulary building exercises, and interactive quizzes to make learning more engaging.

Practice regularly and be consistent: Consistency is crucial for language learning. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to practice Chinese. Regular practice, even in short sessions, will help reinforce your learning and improve your retention.

Join online communities: Joining online communities of Chinese language learners can provide you with additional support, resources, and opportunities for practicing your skills. These communities often have forums, discussion boards, and language partners who can offer guidance and practice opportunities.

Remember, learning a language requires time, effort, and patience. By following these steps and staying committed to your learning journey, you can make significant progress in learning Chinese online.

Focus on vocabulary and grammar: Expand your vocabulary gradually by learning common words and phrases in context. Study grammar rules and sentence structures to enhance your ability to form coherent sentences. Online platforms often provide vocabulary and grammar exercises, flashcards, and quizzes to reinforce your learning.

Join online language communities: Engage with fellow Chinese language learners through online forums, social media groups, or language exchange platforms. Interacting with other learners and native speakers can provide valuable practice opportunities, cultural insights, and motivation.

Incorporate multimedia resources: Take advantage of multimedia resources like videos, podcasts, and interactive exercises. These resources can expose you to authentic Chinese content, help improve your listening skills, and provide cultural context.

Practice reading and writing: Develop your reading skills by starting with simple texts, such as children’s books or online articles. Gradually increase the difficulty level as your proficiency improves. For writing, practice stroke order and character formation using online tools or apps designed for Chinese character learning.

So now do you know the best way to learn Chinese online? Remember, learning a language requires patience and perseverance. Stay motivated, be open to making mistakes, and embrace the learning process. Learning Chinese online provides flexibility and convenience, allowing you to progress at your own pace.

To Improve Reading Comprehension for Kids, Why Still Waiting?

Reading comprehension for kids is difficult. How to improve students’ reading ability has become one of the most troublesome topics for parents in the daily study in elementary school! When it comes to the improvement of reading ability, people naturally think of the answer: read more.

Of course, practice makes perfect is a well-known truth. Although there are old sayings: “Reading a book for a hundred times, its meaning will emerge”, “Reading an old book a hundred times, if you read it carefully, you will know yourself”, but given the heavy learning tasks of children, it is more appropriate to pursue the quality of reading .

Blindly piling up reading volume may not necessarily improve reading comprehension. Many students feel aggrieved, and they have read a lot of articles and learned a lot of “secret skills”, but their reading comprehension skills are always not improved. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

In the face of such a situation, after usual practice, the following editor will talk about how to improve the reading comprehension for kids.

  1. Interest is the best teacher

Interest refers to the emotion of liking or caring about something.

reading comprehension for kids

Psychology believes that it is the basic motivation for people to know something and engage in a certain activity, and it is manifested as people’s selective attitude and positive emotional response to a certain thing or a certain activity.

It can push children to seek new knowledge and broaden their horizons. Children who are interested in learning will be more active and active, and will have a happy and tense mood and a state of active will effort, thereby improving the efficiency and effectiveness of their own learning activities.

Therefore, before reading, parents can use the method of stimulating interest with suspicion to stimulate children’s interest in self-study.

So reading comprehension for kids, how? When children encounter doubts in the process of learning, parents make the best use of the situation to stimulate their desire and interest in self-study. Therefore, when guiding children to read texts, ask them to think while reading, especially to work hard on the word “thinking”, learn Set up doubts, clear up doubts.

Grasp the main questions of the text to ask questions, and then let the children read the text with the questions, try to figure out the general meaning of the text independently as much as possible, and grasp the context of the whole article.

  1. Good reading habits lie in daily accumulation

Mr. Ye Shengtao once said: “If you read roughly and develop bad reading habits, it will become a ‘lifelong fruit’. It can be seen that if you develop good reading habits, you will benefit for life.

The so-called good reading habits include three meanings:

A. Develop the habit of reading every day

Persevere, accumulate knowledge over time, develop intelligence, cultivate ability, and cultivate temperament;

B.When reading, uphold a good reading attitude and correct reading method

In the process of reading, carefully search and look up dictionaries, make comments, reflect on problems, and recite excerpts after reading. Only by developing good reading habits can we learn something.

C.Break the rough cumulative pan-reading mode and strengthen personalized reading

Strengthen the sense of participation in reading, respect individual differences, and guide children to understand and appreciate articles to strengthen their perception of articles, maximize reading initiative, develop reading ability in personalized reading activities, and improve reading comprehension.

  1. Strengthen the exercise of reading skills in the process of independent reading

In the process of reading, parents should try their best to only teach their children how to understand the text, and not arrange to replace their subjective consciousness. Let the children complete the reading independently. At this time, the editor summarizes some small methods for your reference:

  1. Extensive reading of the full text improves reading speed

For the articles to be read, it is required to read the entire text within the specified time, and then answer the questions.

During the reading process, students in lower grades will inevitably encounter new words and difficult sentences, but due to time constraints, they are not allowed to look up the dictionary, and can only guess the meaning and meaning of new words and difficult sentences based on the context.

Through such training, students not only speed up their reading speed, but also greatly improve their ability to guess words and sentence sentences according to the context;

  1. Answer questions quickly

After quickly scanning the reading materials, give some “yes” or “no” questions and ask for quick answers to deepen the impression and understanding of the articles read. The setting of these questions should be simple and easy to answer in order to build up their self-confidence and increase their interest in reading;

  1. Insist on retelling the content of the article

Retelling the content of the article means that the students will tell the content of the article in their own words according to the order of the article after reading. After the students have finished reading quickly, I will ask the students to retell the main idea of the article within the specified time and encourage them to speak. Specifically, there are the following ways:

① Repeat in detail. That is, according to the original meaning of the article, it is comprehensively and carefully described;

② Brief retelling. That is to say, it is required to describe the main content of the article in a general and concise language.

  1. Strengthen intensive reading training

Improving reading skills doesn’t happen overnight. Many students reported that after a lot of fast reading exercises, the reading speed has increased, but the comprehension ability has not improved much.

Why is this? In fact, it is difficult to improve reading comprehension only by fast reading. Language knowledge is the material basis of reading, and repeated reading comprehension is the only way to read.

For the texts that have been read, you should choose their representative articles and let the students read them intensively. They are not only required to understand the relationship between words and words, clauses and clauses in each sentence, but also to explain difficult sentences clearly.

reading comprehension for kids

Repeatedly scrutinize, understand its meaning deeply, and go deep into the language points and discourse structure inside the article. In addition, after the intensive reading, it is necessary to find out the topic sentence of the article, and tell the conception level of the article, the logical relationship of the context and the author’s point of view, so as to cultivate students’ ability of comprehensive analysis, induction and rationale;

  1. Parents should guide patiently and not rush for success

After all, elementary school students have poor comprehension ability. Parents should explain clearly to children about difficult and confusing knowledge points, and don’t rush to get results and pass them by;

  1. Pay attention to guiding children to repeat reading aloud

Reading aloud needs to be repeated, and the purpose of repeated reading aloud is to better cultivate the sense of language, so that children can better understand the meaning of the article.

Only repeated reading aloud can make children feel that the text they read is familiar and simple, which not only helps to understand the words deeply, but also makes children read more fluently.

  1. Diversity of Choices for Extracurricular Reading

The content of reading should be in line with the child’s actual level, interests and hobbies. In today’s diverse and open information environment, there are many channels to obtain reading resources.

Actually, reading comprehension for kids is not a difficult thing; Try to read some beautiful Chinese and foreign literary masterpieces, so that children can feel the beauty of the situation and language created by the articles during self-reading. Charm!

Primary 3 Chinese Tuition Tell Why Kids Can’t Learn Chinese Well?

When chatting with parents before, I often heard many mothers complain that their children are very resistant to primary 3 Chinese tuition.
“Mom, I don’t want to learn Chinese anymore, Chinese is so boring!”
“No, I have to go! Don’t be self-willed, be good.”
“I hate Chinese!”

Looking at the baby’s red eyes, most mothers dare not say a word to their children at this time, for fear of causing their children’s rebellion against Chinese; some mothers start to question themselves, is it right to insist on letting their children learn Chinese? (If you want to know more about Chinese, please feel free to click here~)

I believe that you who clicked into this article must have encountered a similar situation.

In order to escape the Chinese class, the children often fought wits and courage with the old mothers. From the initial verbal resistance, to pretending to be sick and staying in bed, everything that can be used.

Although most of the children’s tricks ended in failure, there is no winner after a fierce battle. The child’s idea of “not wanting to learn Chinese” has not been dispelled, it is only a temporary submission to the authority of the parents.

After a long time, children will feel that their inner voice has not been listened to and understood by their parents. As learning Chinese becomes more and more difficult, children who do not experience the joy of primary 3 Chinese tuition will inevitably have stronger resistance.

primary 3 Chinese tuition

With the rise of overseas Chinese fever, more and more parents send their children to Chinese schools to study. However, when it comes to how to help their children learn Chinese, many parents often have some problems.

Discussing these problems and proposing solutions will play a very good role in the communication between teachers and parents.

Widespread problem~

1.Sending children to school too early.

Many parents are very enthusiastic about letting their children learn Chinese, and they can’t wait for their children to come to primary 3 Chinese tuition when they are 4 years old. But I didn’t expect that from a psychological point of view, such a young child could not adapt to the continuous 3-hour Chinese class study.

They can’t concentrate in class and can interfere with older students’ learning.

Moreover, since young children’s eyes and hand bones are not mature enough, writing in small grids too early can easily cause myopia and wrist pain, which greatly affects their original enthusiasm for learning, and even fears going to school.

According to our teaching experience, I think it is more appropriate for children to go to Chinese schools when they are 6 years old.

At that time, the children had already started to go to elementary schools in Germany, became familiar with school life, and their physical conditions had also adapted to the requirements of learning.

So, how should 6-year-old children learn Chinese? Our suggestion is: qualified parents should speak more Chinese with their children, read nursery rhymes to them, and teach their children to read with flashcards.

If the child has the requirement to learn to write, it is best to let the child learn to write on the blackboard, sand table or large sheets of paper.

Do not write small print on the grid book. In this way, children can always maintain their interest in Chinese. Prepare yourself for studying in a Chinese school in the future.

2.Be eager for success.

Many parents have great hopes when their children are sent to Chinese schools. It is best for the child to become fat in one bite, and learn a lot every time. In the freshman class, you can often see this situation:

As soon as the teacher announced that get out of class was over, parents rushed into the classroom to check how many new words their children had learned. Then ask the child to write to them, regardless of this should be the child’s rest time.

Sometimes children do not write well, and they have to be criticized, which makes the children teary, and they don’t want to go to the next class.

This kind of practice is really undesirable. It must be known that interest is the greatest motivation for learning. Too much pressure will dampen children’s enthusiasm for learning.

What’s more, the teacher has his own teaching plan, not how many new words are taught in every class, sometimes it is review, such as flash card recognition, and sometimes it is test, such as recitation of nursery rhymes. Don’t think that if you don’t teach new characters, you haven’t learned something.

Three hours of continuous Chinese classes are already stressful enough for children (parents, please just imagine how you felt when you first learned German), otherwise ordinary primary and secondary schools would not need to painstakingly stagger the various classes in order to arrange the timetable.

Therefore, parents are asked to give their children enough rest time between classes, and do not put pressure on them at this time.

Tutoring children to learn Chinese is a long-term job that requires patience and perseverance. The most taboo is to be eager for success first, and then let go of it later.

It is recommended that parents spend a little time every day (15 minutes is enough) to help their children learn Chinese, such as listening to their children reading aloud, reciting, or dictating new words to their children. Instead of focusing on raids on weekends.

primary 3 Chinese tuition

When your child expresses negative emotions about Chinese for the first time, don’t rush to get angry, I will give you a big praise first! When your child encounters a problem, you can take the initiative to speak out, which shows that in normal life, you and your child Very effective communication took place.

When the child sends out his distress signal, the parents should not immediately get angry or get angry, first of all, they must express their position, we are friends on the same front, not enemies.

You can share your childhood experiences:

“Mom couldn’t tell the difference between pinyin and English when she was a child, but you are so good at learning, much better than your mother!”

You can also fully understand the child’s mood and then encourage:

“Mom understands your feelings very well. Writing Chinese characters in primary 3 Chinese tuition is indeed more difficult than English, but you can learn so many Chinese characters in one class, which is really amazing!”

In the process of learning Chinese, children will face one challenge after another. It may be that just because a word is not written well will hit the child’s confidence and motivation to learn.

At this time, parents must help their children build up their self-confidence in learning, and at the same time, from the perspective of their children, find out the problems that need to be overcome at present, and recognize and agree with their emotions.

I believe that after taking primary 3 Chinese tuition, the children will be full of confidence to meet the next challenge.

Primary 3 Chinese Tuition Let Children Win at the Starting Line

Mike is in Primary 3 this year. Every day after school, he would take his favorite bus to go to primary 3 Chinese tuition. The center is located in Jordan and specializes in serving non-Chinese speaking students.

Today, his Chinese homework was to make sentences. There were two questions on the worksheet. The first question had to use the word “friendly”, and the second question had to use the words “busy” and “care”.

The tutor explained the words first, and then let Mike make up the sentences by himself. At the same time, the teacher was preparing another girl’s Chinese silent book for the next day. Mike stared at the two black lines in front of his eyes, holding a pencil, unable to start.

Why is it so difficult to make sentences? “I know the meaning of these words, but I don’t know how to put together a sentence.” Mike, who originally spoke fluent English, suddenly spoke intermittently.

(If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Too much, too much, too much dissatisfaction poured out all at once, like a pile of colorful building blocks, and he couldn’t find the shape he wanted.

primary 3 Chinese tuition

“I hate dictation,” he said. Over the years he had learned many words, but he never knew how to use them. “I hate Chinese,” he said. Strange structure, rote memorization of homework once, meeting the same sentence three months later, is like a stranger.

Since entering primary 3 Chinese tuition for 1 year, he often gets “A” grades in homework, but he always thought it was “B” grades.

For five years, every Monday to Friday, Mike has spent an hour and a half at the tuition center every day. He remembers that when he was still in kindergarten, he sang songs and read stories in the tuition center, and he did learn a lot of Chinese.

Later, when he entered elementary school, the one-and-a-half hour tutoring time was usually only enough for him to complete his homework, and sometimes he could barely read a few pages of storybooks.

Mike thinks that instead of preparing silent books and doing homework, it is better to spend more time learning Chinese. “But I know that silent reading is very important. Parents ask tutoring teachers like this.”

If you had three wishes to change the school and make you happier in school, what would you do? “I love primary 3 Chinese tuition! Sports days and travel days are my favorite,” Mike said. When he goes to school on weekdays, he looks forward to the break most, running around the campus and playing with his classmates
In class, Mike also has favorite activities. For example, he can play Scrabble on the whiteboard in English class, and he can raise his hands to answer questions in math class, and strive for opportunities to solve problems on the whiteboard. “Only in the Chinese hall, I can only sit in a daze.”

“I think one wish is enough.” Mike said suddenly, “No more Chinese homework, dictation, quizzes, and exams.” He was promoted to primary two last year, and he had already complained to his parents that he didn’t want to learn Chinese.

“They ignored it. Is it normal? Adults usually ignore children’s complaints.”

“I don’t want my son to face the same difficulties in life as I do in the future,” said Anjali, who is Mike’s mother. As a child, she grew up and studied in Nepal to gain professional qualifications.

After coming to Hong Kong, due to language problems, she can only work in the catering industry, and her husband is currently a construction worker. “If we know how to speak Chinese, others will look at us differently, and we can get more opportunities.”

primary 3 Chinese tuition

She believes that Mike was born and raised in Hong Kong, so he needs to learn Chinese well and understand the local culture.

Anjali has always been nervous about Mike’s studies, but she couldn’t help him with his Chinese, which he needs help most. She used to find private tutoring for Mike, but the tuition was too expensive to afford.

Through word of mouth, she learned from relatives that an education center was dedicated to serving non-Chinese speaking students, and that it was a charity organization with affordable fees. As if she had found a treasure, she immediately took Mike, who was still in kindergarten at the time, to sign up.

The Integrated Brilliant Education Center (Integrated Brilliant Education Center) was founded by an Indian couple. They found that the social welfare institutions provided insufficient learning support for ethnic minorities.

The children had to go to school every day, but the homework tutoring class was only two days a week. Six years ago, the couple founded a tutoring center with their own funds, providing non-Chinese speaking students with homework tutoring classes five days a week, with a teacher-student ratio as low as one to three or four.

The monthly tuition fee is 1,000 yuan, which is half of the average tuition fee.

In the first month of establishment, there were only eight students in the center; after two months, the number of students increased to thirty. Two years later, the center is providing homework assistance to 80 students every day. The founders, Geetanjali and Manoj, sometimes serve as volunteer teachers and hire part-time teachers.

They also offer Chinese classes on Saturdays, hoping that students will have more class hours to improve their Chinese proficiency.

Paying 1,000 yuan a month is an expense for Anjali, but she knows it is well spent. “Mike likes to go to the tutoring center. He said that the teachers are friendly and enthusiastic. After attending the remedial class, his Chinese writing has improved.”

However, the improvement does not mean that he is interested. Mike’s motivation to learn Chinese is still very low, and Anjali is helpless. .

Not long after Mike was born, Anjali chose English as the “mother tongue” of the family, hoping to help the child use it in school in the future. “Among the Nepalese parents I know, even though everyone wants their children to learn Chinese well, most of them will not send their children to Chinese schools.

They are worried that they will not be able to help their children with revision in the future.” As a result, many children start attending English schools from kindergarten .

Take Mike as an example. Most of the friends and teachers he met at school are also from ethnic minorities, and they communicate in English in daily communication.

Only primary 3 Chinese tuition class can let your children win at the starting line, don’t hesitate, come on!

Why Primary 3 Chinese Tuition Matters to Your Children?

How can we increase children’s interest in learning? In other words, how can primary 3 Chinese tuition start with my child’s interests? Immersion opens the door to Chinese learning.

An English teacher’s journey of letting her daughter learn Chinese.

In this four-part series, former New York professor and “ang moh pai” (Western education) English teacher Dr Yanyan Hu goes from tearing up Chinese textbooks to writing Chinese comics and a giant musical touring China 25 cities.

She shares her journey and how she enabled her American-born daughter with zero Chinese to thrive in a Taiwanese public school with all Chinese instruction.

This lecture series was produced for the Singapore Ministry of Education’s Mother Tongue Symposium 2020 and is supported by the Speak Mandarin Campaign.

How to stimulate children’s learning interest in primary 3 Chinese tuition?
Why is free time important for kids? When learning music or language, we often think that we have to start from the basics, step by step, and only move on to the next stage when we have mastered the basic level.

That’s why there are graded readers in classrooms, why we have grades and exams in music, and why kickboxing has different ribbons.

Have you also noticed that many children practice and learn to play the piano for years until 8th grade and then never play music again in their life? Have you ever noticed that many of us living in Singapore may have studied Chinese for many years but never read Chinese novels?

My speculation as to why this happened is that these learners never really felt ownership of the subject matter, and the process and lessons never really sparked their interest. It’s a “what my parents want me to do” or “I have to study to pass a test” kind of thing.

While we always assume we have to start with “the basics,” I think that focus is misplaced.
I think we have to start with “interest”, what is “interesting”!

It’s not that the foundation is not important, but that we must first engage in interest. This will take us further. Because studying is for living, not just for passing exams.

The father of progressive education, John Dewey, told us in Experience and Education (1938) that there must be experiential fireworks—those that arouse enough “curiosity,” strengthen “initiative,” and make learners “

It is enough that the experience of “desire and purpose” is aligned so that that spark can carry the learner through those difficult parts of learning when we have to work very, very hard to acquire new knowledge. This means effective learning starts with interest!

What does it mean to start with an interest?
Her curiosity and creativity will have to give way to mundane homework.

This is probably the most important point. What is the goal of learning anything – Chinese or any other subject?

Isn’t it about making our kids smart, creative, and innovative?

Especially when we know that in our current and future world, most jobs will be replaced by artificial intelligence, and the only thing that will allow our children to survive in the age of artificial intelligence is human intelligence, a major component of which must It’s creativity!

This means effective learning starts with interest!
What does it mean to start with an interest?

Curiosity and creativity will have to give way to mundane homework.
This is probably the most important point. What is the goal of learning anything – Chinese or any other subject?

Traditionally, the outside world’s impression of private schools is that there are many classes, many exams, and heavy schoolwork. This is indeed the case during the reporter’s on-site visits. But other than that, we also see some different changes in the current Weidao curriculum.

The day of my visit happened to be the regular class running time on Friday, and all the freshmen and sophomores in the school were busy taking “multiple elective courses”, walking faster than many public high schools.

During the interview, I observed a class called “Science for Playing Beauty”, which was co-taught by art, biology, physics, mathematics and other teachers, leading students to design websites and computer graphics.

Principle, draw many lively patterns and color them, and also design multi-color QR code, which is both beautiful and practical.
Every Saturday morning, students can also choose to deepen and broaden the “characteristic courses”.

Some courses focus on the analysis of previous exam questions and the strengthening of problem-solving skills, but there are also electives that are not related to exams, such as “AI programming” in the middle school The course has entered its fifth year.

The teacher who started the course, Cheng Weixiang, said that it can be combined with science exhibitions, and it is interesting, and is very popular among students. “I often think about what is the purpose of elite education?

It should be practiced and contribute to society.” Cheng Weixiang even combined with public services, leading students to exchange courses with Namasia Middle School in a remote village on weekends, encouraging those who take courses Junior high school students must learn mathematics and programming well before they can teach others.

(If you want to know more information about Chinese, please click here!)

 primary 3 Chinese tuition

As for the more complicated characters, they are expressed in the form of building blocks. According to the shape and meaning of the characters, they are transformed into the most basic and simple elements.

Through the prompts, the images are formed in the brain, and the concept of the characters is established, and then the image text is read. To understand the meaning of words, deepen the understanding and impression of words.

Thomas pointed out that word forms and meanings are unique features of Chinese characters. When designing font-related pictures, they must be simple, easy to understand and easy to remember.

In addition, this learning method can also inspire creativity. Taking “birth” as an example, “the cow’s first birthday” was used as a prompt sentence. Later, a teacher proposed another interpretation method of “three-layer birthday cake”.

Thomas said: “The creative process allows learners to think carefully about the various elements of each character, and to experience the beauty of Chinese characters.”

Chinese learning needs to be done step by step, starting from learning single characters, and then combining single characters into words, using different character cards to form different characters or words, such as “” and “月” become “明”, which can be associated with the sun and the moon are very bright the meaning of.

“Even nonsensical words, as long as they make sense, create associations, and understand them, that’s how Teochew comes from. Just like the compound word “Mingtian” I created, it means a luminous field.”

We often hear “go with the child’s interests” but don’t know how to do it. I’ve demonstrated several methods:

“Symbiosis” with primary 3 Chinese tuition
Find ways to get our kids to contribute their knowledge
Most importantly, we need to protect and value free time because it is actually very productive time.

Reading Comprehension for Kids is a Piece of Cake!

When it comes to reading comprehension for kids, many parents are confused – They have no idea letting their kids like reading comprehension……

(If you want to know more about Chinese learning for kids, please click here!)

Is your child having difficulty with Chinese reading comprehension in elementary school?

Then come and take a look at this about elementary school Chinese reading comprehension. Reading comprehension not only tests students’ ability of understanding Chinese, but more about their ability to apply Chinese.

Not surprisingly, students often view it as the hardest part of the Chinese test paper to do well.

Keeping an eye out for our next few blog posts for some helpful strategies, tips, and these tips you can use when parenting your kids at home.

Read books since childhood

First, help your child develop an interest in reading, and build a solid foundation in Chinese by developing reading habits from an early age, even before they enter Primary One.

 reading comprehension for kids

Yes, reading comprehension for kids starts from reading!

As your child is exposed to more Chinese books, he/she will learn to recognize more words, understand more vocabulary and become familiar with common Chinese sentence structures (different from English sentence structures).

In turn, these help your child understand the comprehension passages he/she reads.

Now, you might be wondering, what kind of reading material is right for your child?

Read different books at different ages

 Preschool

If you have a very young child, read picture books (picture books).

Picture books usually have a large picture-to-text ratio. Some of them have so little text that you might wonder if they are worth reading or buying.

In fact, picture books can have different reading depths, suitable for children of different ages and different levels of Chinese, and can even be read all the way to the upper grades.

We will share more knowledge about how to make full use of reading Chinese picture books in the next introduction to elementary school Chinese reading comprehension, so stay tuned!

 After preschool

Read graded books (graded books) with your K1 or K2 child. These readers are designed to cater to different reading levels. Levels range from urgent/beginner to advanced/independent with increasing number of words.

As your child enters elementary school and builds a larger vocabulary, gradually encourage him or her to study other bridge books, which are usually simpler, shorter chapter books with a smaller illustration-to-text ratio.

Hanyu Pinyin – yes or no?

Are you torn about whether to choose books with or without Hanyu Pinyin (Hanyu Pinyin)?

The most important factors to consider when choosing books are still based on their content and value – whether the storyline is interesting, engaging, appealing to your child, encouraging thought and conversation, and teaching good values.

Then, as much as possible, priority is given to those who do not have Hanyu Pinyin. Your child will get more practice about recognizing and remembering Chinese words, instead of just relying on Hanyu Pinyin to read.

 reading comprehension for kids

If you need help with this, invest in a dictionary to look up words. Looking it up in a dictionary is also a great skill to teach your child.

 Textbooks are not boring

Reading comprehension for kids?
What if your child has not developed a regular Chinese reading habit when he enters P1? Let him/her develop the habit of reading the Ministry of Education’s Chinese textbook “Happy Partners” at home every week, at least three times a week.

This will help to review and remember what he/she learned in school.

Make it a funny activity by taking turns reading alternate lines or paragraphs with him/her, or role-playing.

Enhancing learning by watching animations, listening to songs, and taking quizzes with him/her on LearningNet, the Department of Education’s digital resource library that complements the Joyful Partners curriculum.

Magazines as supplementary reading materials

Another reading resource is the popular Chinese magazine Good Friends (Primary 1-2 students)/Knowledge Pictorial (Primary 3-4 students)/Knowledge News (P5-6 students), also based on the “Partner” recommended syllabus for elementary school Chinese reading comprehension introduction.

You can subscribe through your child’s school or through Etutor’s website Knowledge Network.

Encourage your child to read the magazine at home after completing the exercises in the school magazine. If the subscription includes digital resources, you can also read with him/her on graded e-readers and try online quizzes.

Take reading comprehension seriously

Go to your local library or bookstore and check out Chinese comics such as Noisy Manga Paradise, Diary of This Class, and This Class Again. Written by local authors, the stories are full of country and humor.

Since your child can easily identify the characters, places, and situations in the comics, they may be more willing to read the comics instead of more text-based Chinese books.

Many children feel that reading comprehension is difficult, and they have no idea to answer the questions.

I hope this introduction to elementary school Chinese reading comprehension can make children no longer afraid of reading. In fact, reading is really not difficult to understand!

So reading comprehension for kids is not a difficult and boring thing unless you can work hard on it!

98.89% People Don’t Know the Truth about Online Chinese Class for Adults !

What? Online Chinese class for adults?

I wanna make sure if I heard it right or not? According to some research and data, It’s better to learn Chinese from an early age; I’m already 32, is there still chance to learn Chinese?

(click here to know more information about Chinese learning)

The thing that I want to tell you is: as long as you want to learn! Willing to work hard to learn Chinese! It is never too late to start learning Chinese!

Let me tell you a real story – From learning Chinese to starting a business: How to start a successful career by learning Mandarin

For non-native speakers of Chinese, Online Chinese class for adults is an extremely challenging task.

Chinese has intricate strokes and thousands of characters, most of which take at least a year or even longer to understand and master, plus the difficulty of pronunciation makes many people daunted.

Although Mandarin is one of the most difficult languages in the world to master, there are many benefits to learning Chinese.

Mandarin is considered to be the second most common language in the world, therefore, being able to speak Mandarin can open you up to many employment opportunities and give you more opportunities to advance in various fields.

That’s why the story of Malaysian-born Shah Farid Rashid is so fascinating. As a Malay, he grew up with little exposure to Mandarin, but was eventually able to master the language.

Online Chinese class for adults

He told Study International: “As crazy as it sounds, I grew up listening to Chinese people speaking Mandarin. Even though I couldn’t understand what they were saying, I still found it very interesting.”

He decided to challenge himself and went to Beijing Foreign Studies University to study Chinese language and literature. His strong determination and hard work attitude have allowed him to master Mandarin in only six months, an amazing achievement!

From self-study to international education
Rashid spent his childhood in the Malaysian state of Kelantan, one of the poorest states in Malaysia. Like his hometown folks, Rashid comes from a modest family.

He shared, “My life was restricted a lot when I was a child. Due to my poor family background, I couldn’t pursue many things I was interested in.”

Therefore, Rashid has always believed that education is the key to changing destiny. He vowed to create a better future for himself and his family, so he resolutely decided to apply to a famous local university in Malaysia.

In this regard, he said, “I believe that only by working hard on my own can I realize my life-changing dream. For the future of me and my family, I must do my best to achieve success.”

Like his college classmates, Rashid worked hard to win a scholarship to study abroad. But, unlike other students, Rashid chose a unique path. “Most students either study maths or accountancy and I want to make a different choice,” he said.

And just as he expected, Rashid also received the admission letter from Beijing Foreign Studies University majoring in Chinese as he wished.

He explained, “I was very excited and had been waiting for the admission letter. I knew there wasn’t much competition because not many people realized the importance of Mandarin at the time.”

Master Mandarin in six months
After coming to Beijing, Rashid faced another new challenge: adapting to life in the city. “I didn’t know anything about the city, and the language barrier got me into a lot of trouble,” he recalls.

“Not being able to communicate well prevented me from going out shopping, taking public transport, etc. I had to ask others for help from time to time.”

So Rashid doubled down on learning Mandarin. He thinks a lot of it has to do with his determination and self-discipline, but also with the interesting lessons he’s had.

He enthused, “Those lessons were so much fun. All the colors, songs and learning activities put me in kindergarten, but the students were adults. This unique and fresh way of learning was really different. “

Rashid’s five years in Beijing have been very fulfilling. He spent a lot of time exploring China and felt the rich and colorful culture and characteristics of this country.

And Online Chinese class for adults also brought great help to his job hunting process after he returned to Malaysia.

“I feel very lucky because I have been interviewed by many companies. Although I majored in languages, I have received high-paying offers from many large companies such as Google, Xiaomi and several fashion companies.

Although I did not Not having all the required skills, but the key to these employers is that I can speak Mandarin. They told me that other skills on the job can be learned by doing, but languages cannot.”

Faced with a plethora of job opportunities, Rashid found himself happiest in a teaching environment. In addition, he realized that learning Mandarin could help impoverished communities like his own, which prompted him to give back in what he believed to be the best way: through education.

The Beginning of Entrepreneurship: Fasih Mandarin (Fasih Mandarin)
Rashid got his first job as a Mandarin teacher at a local university, a profession he loved. However, he also faced the limitations and many limitations of the existing curriculum.

He explained: “The school’s teaching goal is only to let students pass the exam, and the curriculum is very rigid. I try my best to make my class interesting and lively, but there are still various restrictions.

Online Chinese class for adults

More importantly, I found that students don’t enjoy the course. They just take my class for credit and have no interest or value in the course content.”

Rashid realized that the real meaning of teaching is to stimulate students’ interest and interest in learning, rather than simply learning to meet graduation requirements.

Therefore, in 2018, he founded his own language center, which provides Mandarin training for non-native Chinese speakers.

Most of the teachers are also Malay. The Online Chinese class for adults school currently has branches in seven regions in Malaysia, with more than 8,000 students, making it one of the largest chartered Mandarin language institutes in Malaysia.

Faxi Mandarin is an academy for students of all ages, including young children and working professionals. The Academy’s courses are lively and engaging, employing many of the teaching strategies that Rashid employed while studying in Beijing.

However, according to Rashid, the really meaningful aspect of Faxi Mandarin is how helpful they are to students.

He shared: “One of our students came back to thank us for teaching her Mandarin. Because of her ability to speak Mandarin, she got a raise.” This story gave them new motivation to continue to make greater contributions to society.

Study International asks Rashid: Any advice for students looking to follow a different path?

He replied: Trust your instincts. Believe in yourself first, because if you don’t have confidence, others won’t trust you either.

If you want to experience a new life and challenge yourself, come and join in Online Chinese class for adults!

O level higher Chinese Tuition,Mastering Chinese in 1 Month!

Referring to O level higher Chinese tuition for children, what do you think about?

Most of these children are between 3 and 7 years old. Generally speaking, they have the following characteristics:

Inability to concentrate for a long time, often study may lead to desertion.

I am very tired of boring repetition. If it is just memorization, it will make them very boring and reduce their interest.

Inability to remember abstract concepts

During this period of time, I often see such a question, how to teach children who are three or four years old or slightly older?

In other words, how can children learn Chinese with zero foundation?

This problem frequently occurs in overseas Chinese families. Most of their children do not have a pure Chinese language environment, and most of them do not use Chinese in daily life.

Therefore, if you want to learn Chinese from scratch, you must have a suitable teaching form and lively and interesting teaching materials.

In our daily teaching experience, we have found that young children have difficulty concentrating and are easily distracted.

Many times the teacher’s teaching makes them feel bored, they will unconsciously look out the window, or fiddle with the stationery in their hands.

O level higher Chinese tuition

Therefore, the best way for O level higher Chinese tuition is to catch the children’s attention all the time and keep them very interested in your courses. The following are some commonly used methods in the teaching process:

(click here to know more information about Chinese learning)

Singing nursery rhymes with children.

The most suitable way for zero-based children to learn Chinese is interactive teaching.

We can find some related nursery rhyme resources before class, and let the children sing and dance together before or during class.

This behavior will be difficult at the beginning. Most children can’t keep up with the speed of the song at all, let alone rap and dance, and more are just dancing with the music.

Repeat it several times, and start to speed up the song when some children can keep up, so that the children are happy, and the teaching effect is often not bad.

Watch animated videos with kids.
Watching cartoons is not learning for children, but a kind of reward and a kind of relaxation.

Children learning Chinese with zero basics cannot learn boring grammar and knowledge points all day long like adults learning foreign languages. No child can sit still and listen to you finish a class.

The colorful pictures are a wonderful world for children, and they will deeply remember the important knowledge points in the classroom while wandering in the beautiful animation.

Here I recommend several youtube channels, you can go there to download the animation videos you need.

Rubik’s Cube Chinese
Little Fox Chinese
Liuyi Children’s Network

Recommend children to read picture book stories
There is no child who does not like listening to stories, and there is no child who is not interested in picture books.

Which picture book stories are worth reading? Which picture books can children learn Chinese with zero basics?

Books for O level higher Chinese tuition Children Learning Chinese——10 Classic Picture Books You Must Read

O level higher Chinese tuition

As a simple and light teaching tool, it plays a pivotal role in the growth of many Chinese children. When we were young, we often begged our parents to buy us a new picture book after school.

4) Chinese mini-games

Games are one of the most effective channels for children to learn Chinese.

There are many Chinese games, including You Draw My Guess, Bingo, Story Solitaire, etc. You can choose the game according to the specific level of the child.

Making good use of games can make children learn Chinese more happily.

Build children’s confidence in speaking Chinese

For many overseas children, Chinese is a foreign language, and it is a long process to master a language proficiently. Then in this process, teachers and parents must give children timely affirmation and encourage their efforts.

Don’t be afraid of them making mistakes, but cultivate them to speak Chinese boldly, for example, let them use Chinese to have more conversations, and practice more in Chinese with other children.

  1. When learning Chinese with zero foundation, pay attention to the problem of homophones.
    The Chinese textbooks used by some teachers are written in pinyin throughout, without any Chinese characters.

Although such textbooks are easy to learn, there is a big problem-the inability to distinguish homophones. There are a large number of characters in Chinese that have the same pronunciation, but the meaning of the words is not related.

  1. When learning Chinese with zero foundation, the purpose should be clear.
    The purpose of learning Chinese is different, and the content of the teacher’s teaching naturally needs to be changed accordingly.

Some students only need to learn daily Chinese to deal with life scenes and general communication activities; some foreigners learn Chinese to deal with complex business conversations.

Teachers need to prepare lessons for different students. Usually, a teacher’s income is linked to the number of teaching hours. Most foreign students take Chinese classes three times a week, two class hours each time.

According to the different abilities of each teacher, the number of students that can be accepted is also different.

So do you have any other questions about O level higher Chinese tuition for children?