2023 Online Mandarin Chinese tutoring in Singapore, join sino-bus now!

Why online mandarin Chinese tutoring in Singapore is important? From traveling to textbooks to speaking to software, there are many more ways to learn Chinese. Overall, there are five basic ways to learn Chinese.

Mastering these methods is a good experience and help for foreigners who want to learn Chinese. Below, International Chinese Teacher Training will take you through these five different methods and the methods they include, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each method. (如果還想了解更多關於中文學習的信息,那就快點擊這裡吧!)

  1. Immersive learning of Chinese

As the name suggests, the immersion method immerses you in Chinese language and culture. It involves traveling to China, spending an extended period of time there and living your daily life in the language. Online mandarin Chinese tutoring in Singapore is often used in place of personal immersion when you learn the language by dating or becoming close friends with Chinese speakers.


This is the ideal Chinese learning method for those who don’t like formal learning, have some free time and money, want to learn the language in a natural environment, are lively and ambitious! Immersion learning forces Chinese learners to use the language every day, helps them connect with native speakers, and teaches them valuable knowledge about Chinese culture. Not only that, it can do all of this in a fraction of the time. The immersion learning method is often considered a faster way to learn Chinese.


For those of us with less time and money, immersion learning in Chinese is not a better option. This method is expensive, time-consuming and not to mention stressful. Although most Chinese speakers will welcome you and help you make your first introduction to the language, the initial communication barriers and culture shock can be very stressful and even scary.

  1. Learn Chinese translation methods

This method was used by people who studied a language before 1900 or who studied an extinct language such as Latin. In the translation method, Chinese learners find a Chinese book and then use a bilingual dictionary to translate between Chinese and their native language.

online mandarin Chinese tutoring in Singapore

International Chinese Teacher Training states that this method of language learning is a very cost-effective way of learning and is considered a cheap way to learn Chinese. If you are willing to invest the time and effort, you can get Chinese to a very high level for very little money.


If actually communicating in Chinese is your goal, then the translation method is not for you. This is a very difficult and tedious way to learn a language and does not teach speaking, listening or writing. Since Chinese is a native language with millions of speakers, you may find other ways to help you acquire a well-rounded Chinese language from online mandarin Chinese tutoring in Singapore.

  1. Grammar-based Chinese learning method

The grammar-based approach is the language learning method commonly used in most Chinese learning textbooks and “self-study” language books. These books are usually divided into chapters and contain a small amount of vocabulary and a lot of grammar rules, which are the key to building a perfect foundation in Chinese. The focus is on learning the grammatical rules of Chinese and being able to read and write in the language.


Learning the grammatical rules of Chinese can make it easier to integrate and use new vocabulary correctly. This is a great and cost-effective method for learners who like to know the rules of a language and want to be able to write well.


Additionally, students who learn Chinese using a grammar-based approach do not have many opportunities to actually speak or hear that language. Students have to remember a lot of grammar rules, which can be very frustrating and sometimes a bit boring.

Additionally, the vocabulary learned in a Chinese-speaking environment is often not the most practical, so students may not be able to use their knowledge immediately. This can be frustrating and lead to a lack of motivation to learn Chinese.

  1. Learn Chinese using the communicative method

Online mandarin Chinese tutoring in Singapore is a commonly used method in international Chinese teacher training schools where schools teach Chinese as a second language. If you’ve studied another language in class, chances are you’re familiar with this method. The communication method involves a teacher who teaches to a small group of students. Lessons are usually divided into reading, writing, listening or speaking activities to help students learn Chinese quickly.


Students who learn Chinese through the communicative approach will receive a well-rounded education. If lessons are planned and taught well, students can learn quickly and benefit from face-to-face, real-time interaction with teachers and other students in the target language.

With this approach, students can start having conversations in Chinese just weeks after starting language courses. This is why many language teachers believe that the communicative method is a good way to learn Chinese.

  1. Vocabulary-based Chinese learning method

Most language learning software and apps use a vocabulary-based approach to teaching Chinese. With this method, students learn Chinese by associating words with pictures of the objects they represent. Traditional grammar rules are not taught, but they are learned naturally as students develop.

Chinese learners can improve their vocabulary very quickly with this method due to the use of repetition and images. By using this method instead of traditional classes, students save travel time and money and can progress at their own pace. This is why the vocabulary-based approach is often considered an easy way to online mandarin Chinese tutoring in Singapore.


While students do learn a lot of vocabulary, the vocabulary taught is often not useful to people who want to travel to China or who want to communicate quickly with Chinese people.

Online mandarin Chinese tutoring in Singapore is not taught directly, students may sound a bit like Tarzan when they try to speak. Finding a good program that can also help students master basic Chinese grammar rules, speaking and writing can be expensive and many language learning software ignore these areas.

Why Reading Comprehension for Kids is Important?

Why reading comprehension for kids is so important?

Reading allows us to be transported from our own world to another. Between the pages of a book, we can immerse ourselves in the lives of fictional characters and learn about a culture quite different from our own.

We also learn new words and phrases, experience emotions, and gain skills and knowledge. Because of the learning potential, the impact of reading on a child’s development is enormous, with multiple studies highlighting its benefits. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Thus, teachers and parents can ensure that reading becomes an important part of children’s daily lives. Here will give you more information on why this is so important and provide some helpful tips and guidance that parents and teachers can use both in and out of the classroom.

Reading comprehension for kids, how? Reading comprehension plays a vital role in a child’s overall development and academic success. It is the ability to understand and interpret written text, which is crucial for acquiring knowledge, expanding vocabulary, and developing critical thinking skills.

In this modern age of information, where reading is an essential skill, nurturing strong reading comprehension skills in children is of utmost importance. This article explores why reading comprehension is important for kids and how it benefits them in various aspects of their lives.

Academic Success: Reading comprehension is directly linked to academic achievement. It enables children to understand textbooks, assignments, and other learning materials across all subjects.

When children can comprehend what they read, they can extract relevant information, make connections, and apply it to problem-solving tasks. Strong reading comprehension skills contribute to improved performance in subjects like science, social studies, and literature.

Language Development: Reading comprehension enhances language skills, including vocabulary, grammar, and syntax. Through reading, children encounter new words, sentence structures, and idiomatic expressions, which expand their language repertoire.

Exposure to diverse reading materials exposes children to different writing styles and genres, enabling them to develop their own writing skills and express themselves effectively.

Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills: Reading comprehension cultivates critical thinking abilities in children. When they engage with text, they learn to analyze, evaluate, and interpret information, supporting the development of analytical skills.

This process involves reasoning, making inferences, and drawing conclusions, enabling children to think critically and form their own opinions.

Reading comprehension for kids

Cognitive Development: Reading comprehension stimulates cognitive development in children. It exercises their memory, attention span, and concentration as they actively engage with the text, remember details, and make connections between different parts of the story or information. Reading also enhances problem-solving skills, logical reasoning, and creativity.

Imagination and Creativity: Reading comprehension fuels imagination and creativity. As children immerse themselves in stories, they visualize characters, settings, and events, allowing their imagination to soar. This imaginative process helps children develop creativity, empathy, and a broader perspective of the world around them.

Cultural Awareness: Reading comprehension exposes children to diverse cultures, experiences, and perspectives. Through literature and informational texts, children gain insights into different societies, traditions, and historical events. This exposure fosters cultural awareness, empathy, and a sense of global citizenship.

Life-Long Learning: Strong reading comprehension skills are a foundation for life-long learning. The ability to comprehend complex texts enables children to access a vast array of information from books, articles, and online resources.

As they grow older, reading comprehension becomes crucial for higher education, professional development, and staying informed in a rapidly changing world.

Reading comprehension is a fundamental skill that empowers children academically, intellectually, and emotionally. It fosters language development, critical thinking, and cultural awareness while igniting imagination and creativity.

As parents and educators, we should prioritize the cultivation of strong reading comprehension skills in children by providing them with a rich and diverse reading environment, encouraging reading habits, and engaging in meaningful discussions about the texts they read.

By investing in their reading comprehension abilities, we empower children to become confident, lifelong learners who can navigate the complexities of the world with curiosity, understanding, and an appetite for knowledge.

What are the benefits of reading comprehension for kids?

The importance of reading to children cannot be underestimated. Reading for pleasure can benefit children’s educational, social and cognitive development, well-being and mental health as they grow.

How does reading affect children’s development?

Numerous studies have found the profound benefits of reading on children’s development. A study details the impact of reading on later literacy, facilitating social interaction between adults and children, and encouraging children to engage with the world around them. It also explains how reading can be a “steady source of information” throughout a child’s life.

This stability allows them to access texts in a constant manner and is especially beneficial for children growing up in challenging environments.

Aids cognitive development. Cognitive development refers to how we perceive and think about our world in terms of intelligence, reasoning, language development, and information processing. By reading to children, you give them insight into their world and fill their brains with background knowledge.

They then use this acquired background knowledge to understand what they see, hear and read, which aids their cognitive development.

Aids cognitive development. Cognitive development refers to how we perceive and think about our world in terms of intelligence, reasoning, language development, and information processing. By reading to children, you give them insight into their world and fill their brains with background knowledge.

They then use this acquired background knowledge to understand what they see, hear and read, which aids their cognitive development.

Develop empathy. When we read a book, we place ourselves in the story before us. This allows us to empathize with the lives of other characters and identify with their feelings. Children can then use this understanding to empathize with others in the real world.

Additionally, children will develop a greater understanding of emotions, which can help them understand their own and others’ emotions. This greatly contributes to their social development. A deep understanding of reading contributes to empathy – an important character trait that people can develop.

It helps us form relationships with others and encourages us to be kind and considerate of others’ feelings. It turns out that reading actually helps improve empathy. When people read stories about other people’s lives, it helps them develop the skills to understand the world through their eyes.

This is a key element of empathy for others. One way to read that is by improving on what is called “theory of mind” Theory of mind is the ability to attribute mental states such as beliefs, intentions, desires or emotions to others, and to understand that other people’s beliefs, intentions and desires differ from our own.

So now do you know the importance of reading comprehension for kids? When you read literary fiction, you deepen your understanding of other people’s thoughts, feelings, and desires. This understanding can be used in real life to try to understand and connect with other people, no matter what their background.

Primary 1 Chinese Tuition: Lay a Solid Chinese Foundation, how?

Many people complained that their kids think Chinese is difficult to learn; So how to lay a solid Chinese foundation for kids? Is primary 1 Chinese tuition necessary?

To lay a solid foundation in Chinese for kids, you can follow these strategies:

Start early: Introduce Chinese to kids at a young age. The early years are crucial for language acquisition, and children are more receptive to learning new languages during this period.

Create a language-rich environment: Surround kids with Chinese language materials such as books, music, videos, and games. Label objects in the house with Chinese words, and use Chinese in daily routines and conversations. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Use interactive and engaging resources: Utilize interactive and age-appropriate resources that make learning Chinese enjoyable for kids. This can include educational apps, online games, and videos with interactive exercises and quizzes.

Focus on listening and speaking: Emphasize listening and speaking skills in the early stages. Engage children in conversations, sing Chinese songs together, and encourage them to repeat words and phrases. This helps them develop a natural pronunciation and intonation.

Introduce reading and writing gradually: In primary 1 Chinese tuition class, teachers will introduce basic Chinese characters and pinyin (phonetic system) as children progress. Start with simple characters and gradually increase the complexity. Incorporate reading Chinese books, practicing writing strokes, and forming simple sentences.

Make learning fun and interactive: Incorporate games, role-plays, storytelling, and hands-on activities to make learning Chinese engaging and interactive. Use props, puppets, or flashcards to make the learning experience enjoyable.

Provide cultural exposure: Introduce Chinese culture through stories, traditions, festivals, and cultural activities. This helps children understand the context and significance of the language and promotes cultural appreciation.

 primary 1 Chinese tuition

Consistency and repetition: Consistent practice and repetition are essential for language learning. Set aside regular time for Chinese learning activities and ensure continuous exposure to the language.

Celebrate progress: Celebrate children’s achievements and progress in learning Chinese. Encourage and praise their efforts, which boosts their confidence and motivation to continue learning.

Seek professional guidance: Consider enrolling children in Chinese language classes or hiring a tutor who specializes in teaching Chinese to kids. Qualified instructors can provide structured lessons and tailored guidance based on children’s abilities and learning styles.

Remember, building a solid foundation takes time and patience. By incorporating these strategies and creating a supportive learning environment, you can help children develop a strong foundation in Chinese language skills.

Start with basic vocabulary: Begin by introducing essential vocabulary words and phrases that are relevant to a child’s daily life. Teach them words for common objects, actions, and greetings. Use visuals, flashcards, and interactive games to make learning fun and engaging.

Focus on pronunciation and tones: Pay special attention to correct pronunciation and tones from the beginning. Primary 1 Chinese tuition will Help kids develop good pronunciation habits by modeling the sounds for them and encouraging them to practice speaking aloud. Practice tone recognition through listening exercises and repetition.

Use interactive and age-appropriate resources: Utilize interactive resources designed for children, such as educational apps, online games, and videos. These resources often incorporate colorful visuals, animated characters, and interactive exercises to make learning Chinese enjoyable and interactive.

Encourage conversational practice: Create opportunities for kids to practice speaking Chinese in a conversational setting. Engage in simple conversations with them, encourage them to speak in Chinese during daily activities, and role-play scenarios to simulate real-life situations. Provide positive reinforcement and corrective feedback to help them improve their speaking skills.

Incorporate storytelling and songs: Storytelling and songs are effective tools for language learning. Read Chinese storybooks to kids, incorporating gestures and expressions to make it more engaging. Sing Chinese songs together, teaching them the lyrics and explaining the meanings. These activities help develop vocabulary, listening comprehension, and intonation.

Introduce Chinese characters gradually: Introduce Chinese characters at an appropriate pace. Start with basic characters that are relevant to their daily life and gradually introduce more complex characters as their proficiency grows. Use stroke order worksheets and character tracing activities to help them become familiar with the characters’ formation.

Provide cultural exposure: Introduce aspects of Chinese culture to make the language learning experience richer. Explore Chinese traditions, holidays, and customs with kids. Watch Chinese cultural performances, introduce Chinese cuisine, and engage in activities like paper cutting or calligraphy. This fosters a deeper appreciation and understanding of the Chinese language and culture.

Consistent practice and reinforcement: Encourage regular practice to reinforce learning. Set aside dedicated time for Chinese language activities each day. Use flashcards, language games, and quizzes to review vocabulary and reinforce language concepts. Celebrate their progress and achievements to motivate continued learning.

Provide opportunities for immersion: Whenever possible, create opportunities for kids to use Chinese outside the classroom. Attend Chinese cultural events, visit Chinese-speaking communities, or connect with native Chinese speakers through language exchange programs. Immersion experiences enhance their language skills and boost confidence in using Chinese.

Start with oral communication: Focus on developing oral communication skills as a foundation for language learning. Encourage kids to listen and speak Chinese through conversations, role-playing, and language games. Provide ample opportunities for them to practice speaking and build their confidence in using the language.

Introduce Pinyin and tones: Teach Pinyin, the phonetic system for Chinese, to help kids understand pronunciation. Emphasize the importance of tones and guide them in correctly pronouncing the four tones of Mandarin. Practice tone drills and provide feedback to ensure accuracy.

Build vocabulary systematically: Introduce vocabulary based on themes or topics relevant to kids’ lives, such as family, school, food, and animals. Start with basic words and gradually expand their vocabulary. Use flashcards, picture books, and interactive activities to reinforce vocabulary acquisition.

Use visual aids and multimedia: Utilize visual aids, such as posters, charts, and videos, to support learning. Incorporate multimedia resources like interactive apps, songs, and videos designed for children to make the learning experience engaging and enjoyable.

Cultural immersion: Expose kids to Chinese culture and traditions through activities, stories, and celebrations. Share Chinese folktales, introduce traditional festivals, and explore customs like calligraphy or paper cutting. This helps children develop an appreciation for Chinese culture alongside language learning.

Encourage authentic language use: Provide primary 1 Chinese tuition for kids to use Chinese in real-life contexts. Encourage them to engage with native speakers, participate in language exchange programs, or join Chinese language clubs. This allows them to practice and apply their language skills in authentic settings.

Consistent practice: Establish a consistent language learning routine. Set aside dedicated time for Chinese practice each day, incorporating activities like reading, listening to Chinese songs or podcasts, and engaging in interactive language apps. Consistency helps reinforce learning and build fluency over time.

Remember, creating a supportive and encouraging learning environment is essential. Primary 1 Chinese tuition will tailor the approach to each child’s learning style and interests, making the learning process fun and engaging. With consistent practice and guidance, children can develop a solid foundation in Chinese.

Primary 1 mandarin Tuition:Let Children Win at the Chinese Interview

Helen is a teacher in a school in Hong Kong. Her daughter is about to enter primary 1 mandarin tuition, but she was eliminated in the first round of Chinese interviews. Her daughter has good grades, definitely above average.

Although lively, but also know the measure. In addition, the teacher’s children apply for further education, and they themselves have employee benefits (not through the back door), so the result of the first round of failure can imagine how shocking she was.

As far as she knew, there were six other students interviewing with her daughter, all of whom passed the interview. After many inquiries, I learned that all the six students had participated in the primary one interview class.

Among them, there were two Hong Kong treasures in the mainland, and the interview counseling course was arranged by the service organization in the mainland.

(If you want to know more information about Chinese learning, please click here!)

primary 1 mandarin tuition

Only my daughter did not participate. Because of this, she feels depressed. As a teacher, I have always warned myself not to fall into the educational trap of the tiger mother, but I have to accept the fact that I have lost some advantages because I did not force my children.

She also felt confused: how should she educate her youngest son in the future? Start enrolling him in classes, taking tutoring, and let him “race” with other children?

If everyone in the society is challenging the limit, hoping to seize a better position and get more resources at the earliest time and in the shortest time, this kind of anxiety is like participating in a speed race, if you are not crazy When you get up, you will inevitably fall behind the majority of people, or take another path and suffer the loneliness of being behind.

Such loneliness and helplessness are not acceptable to every parent.

I said at the beginning that I would not force my children to attend any tutor school, and we should respect their wishes. I only hope that my children will be healthy and happy, and I don’t want to be the first.

But in the face of setbacks, these words will become less firm. Instead, it turned into a sense of being at a loss as to whether I was wrong.

Two weeks later, the teacher’s daughter had a second round of interviews. Looking at her anxious appearance, I also seem to understand how the parents’ anxiety spreads and why the tutoring market can continue to flourish.

This is the case in Hong Kong, and the same is true in the Mainland. All extracurricular primary 1 mandarin tuition and interest classes are in full swing.
Although there are endless voices criticizing this trend in the society, when it comes time to fight for some scarce resources—such as places in prestigious schools, parents can’t calm down.

Hong Kong people will be anxious, as will Hong Kong treasure families in the mainland. As we know, compared with the mainland, Hong Kong degree is not something that can be obtained by sending money. Helen is a teacher and does not have any privilege or help for the whole degree application.

This is fair to every child, but Hong Kong Bao in the Mainland wants to enter a prestigious primary 1 mandarin tuition school in Hong Kong? Is it more difficult?

Applying to a prestigious school in Hong Kong is really not as simple as simply filling out the information and submitting the form. In addition to carefully preparing the information, each school of different types has different requirements for materials, so it is necessary to “prescribe the right medicine” for different schools.

If you are not familiar with the many years of examination questions and corresponding difficulties of each school in Hong Kong, the interview will be more difficult, so this is why even parents in Hong Kong will send their children to attend interview remedial classes.

According to the evaluation results of the child’s current level, we will provide the child with a tailor-made improvement counseling plan and targeted interview counseling, so that the child can stand out in many interviews and pass the interview smoothly, so as not to become that A member of the losing team.

No one wants their child to be the one who loses the election, and everyone wants their child to be the lucky one to be selected by the school of their choice. Is it really just luck?

Let’s take a look at the application experience of Candy Gangbao:

Zhang Sheng found our consultant teacher of Diocesan Education in Hong Kong in May 2015.


Preliminary school district

Mr. Zhang works in Beijing. Although his child is Hong Kong treasure, he has been studying in kindergarten in Beijing, and he doesn’t know much about the specific situation of Hong Kong schools.

Mrs. Zhang knew that Hong Kong’s places are tight, especially in primary one, so she thought about giving candy in advance. Solve the problem of primary one degree. After learning from friends around me, I still felt helpless. After many inquiries, I found our outstanding consultant teacher.
Because Zhang Sheng has a house in Yuen Long, he hoped that his daughter could go to school nearby.

After understanding the specific situation, the teacher gave a detailed explanation of the school. Zhang Sheng combined his own educational philosophy and had a preliminary understanding of some Hong Kong schools with the consultant teacher. basic situation.


Assess and develop school choice options

After confirming the primary one degree application service, the consultant teacher gave Candy an evaluation for her further studies. Candy has a lively and lovely personality. During the chatting process, she will take the initiative to greet the teacher politely.

At the same time, after class, Mrs. Zhang also attaches great importance to children’s education and training, allowing children to participate in painting and Taekwondo interest classes.

primary 1 mandarin tuition

However, the child does not speak Cantonese, the English level is relatively weak, and the ability to recognize traditional Chinese characters needs to be improved, so the evaluation situation is not very satisfactory.

However, because the parents are far-sighted and prepare one year in advance, the time is relatively loose. Based on the ability test and comprehensive evaluation of the students, the outstanding teachers have formulated a professional school selection plan for the children. This plan is based on the parents’ selection of schools. requirements and the results of the child’s assessment.


Improve training to ensure success in further studies

After finalizing the school, our teacher team, based on the rich experience accumulated in previous years, arranged for Candy to register and interview for direct-funded private primary schools on time, and also filled in suitable volunteers for Candy according to the gradient during the official allocation period.

At the same time, the teacher also maintains close contact with primary 1 mandarin tuition. Parents will be notified to participate in the admissions briefing meeting of the relevant school, so that parents can further understand the school’s educational philosophy, which plays a very good role in assisting the child’s later interview.

Why Primary 3 Chinese Tuition Matters to Your Children?

How can we increase children’s interest in learning? In other words, how can primary 3 Chinese tuition start with my child’s interests? Immersion opens the door to Chinese learning.

An English teacher’s journey of letting her daughter learn Chinese.

In this four-part series, former New York professor and “ang moh pai” (Western education) English teacher Dr Yanyan Hu goes from tearing up Chinese textbooks to writing Chinese comics and a giant musical touring China 25 cities.

She shares her journey and how she enabled her American-born daughter with zero Chinese to thrive in a Taiwanese public school with all Chinese instruction.

This lecture series was produced for the Singapore Ministry of Education’s Mother Tongue Symposium 2020 and is supported by the Speak Mandarin Campaign.

How to stimulate children’s learning interest in primary 3 Chinese tuition?
Why is free time important for kids? When learning music or language, we often think that we have to start from the basics, step by step, and only move on to the next stage when we have mastered the basic level.

That’s why there are graded readers in classrooms, why we have grades and exams in music, and why kickboxing has different ribbons.

Have you also noticed that many children practice and learn to play the piano for years until 8th grade and then never play music again in their life? Have you ever noticed that many of us living in Singapore may have studied Chinese for many years but never read Chinese novels?

My speculation as to why this happened is that these learners never really felt ownership of the subject matter, and the process and lessons never really sparked their interest. It’s a “what my parents want me to do” or “I have to study to pass a test” kind of thing.

While we always assume we have to start with “the basics,” I think that focus is misplaced.
I think we have to start with “interest”, what is “interesting”!

It’s not that the foundation is not important, but that we must first engage in interest. This will take us further. Because studying is for living, not just for passing exams.

The father of progressive education, John Dewey, told us in Experience and Education (1938) that there must be experiential fireworks—those that arouse enough “curiosity,” strengthen “initiative,” and make learners “

It is enough that the experience of “desire and purpose” is aligned so that that spark can carry the learner through those difficult parts of learning when we have to work very, very hard to acquire new knowledge. This means effective learning starts with interest!

What does it mean to start with an interest?
Her curiosity and creativity will have to give way to mundane homework.

This is probably the most important point. What is the goal of learning anything – Chinese or any other subject?

Isn’t it about making our kids smart, creative, and innovative?

Especially when we know that in our current and future world, most jobs will be replaced by artificial intelligence, and the only thing that will allow our children to survive in the age of artificial intelligence is human intelligence, a major component of which must It’s creativity!

This means effective learning starts with interest!
What does it mean to start with an interest?

Curiosity and creativity will have to give way to mundane homework.
This is probably the most important point. What is the goal of learning anything – Chinese or any other subject?

Traditionally, the outside world’s impression of private schools is that there are many classes, many exams, and heavy schoolwork. This is indeed the case during the reporter’s on-site visits. But other than that, we also see some different changes in the current Weidao curriculum.

The day of my visit happened to be the regular class running time on Friday, and all the freshmen and sophomores in the school were busy taking “multiple elective courses”, walking faster than many public high schools.

During the interview, I observed a class called “Science for Playing Beauty”, which was co-taught by art, biology, physics, mathematics and other teachers, leading students to design websites and computer graphics.

Principle, draw many lively patterns and color them, and also design multi-color QR code, which is both beautiful and practical.
Every Saturday morning, students can also choose to deepen and broaden the “characteristic courses”.

Some courses focus on the analysis of previous exam questions and the strengthening of problem-solving skills, but there are also electives that are not related to exams, such as “AI programming” in the middle school The course has entered its fifth year.

The teacher who started the course, Cheng Weixiang, said that it can be combined with science exhibitions, and it is interesting, and is very popular among students. “I often think about what is the purpose of elite education?

It should be practiced and contribute to society.” Cheng Weixiang even combined with public services, leading students to exchange courses with Namasia Middle School in a remote village on weekends, encouraging those who take courses Junior high school students must learn mathematics and programming well before they can teach others.

(If you want to know more information about Chinese, please click here!)

 primary 3 Chinese tuition

As for the more complicated characters, they are expressed in the form of building blocks. According to the shape and meaning of the characters, they are transformed into the most basic and simple elements.

Through the prompts, the images are formed in the brain, and the concept of the characters is established, and then the image text is read. To understand the meaning of words, deepen the understanding and impression of words.

Thomas pointed out that word forms and meanings are unique features of Chinese characters. When designing font-related pictures, they must be simple, easy to understand and easy to remember.

In addition, this learning method can also inspire creativity. Taking “birth” as an example, “the cow’s first birthday” was used as a prompt sentence. Later, a teacher proposed another interpretation method of “three-layer birthday cake”.

Thomas said: “The creative process allows learners to think carefully about the various elements of each character, and to experience the beauty of Chinese characters.”

Chinese learning needs to be done step by step, starting from learning single characters, and then combining single characters into words, using different character cards to form different characters or words, such as “” and “月” become “明”, which can be associated with the sun and the moon are very bright the meaning of.

“Even nonsensical words, as long as they make sense, create associations, and understand them, that’s how Teochew comes from. Just like the compound word “Mingtian” I created, it means a luminous field.”

We often hear “go with the child’s interests” but don’t know how to do it. I’ve demonstrated several methods:

“Symbiosis” with primary 3 Chinese tuition
Find ways to get our kids to contribute their knowledge
Most importantly, we need to protect and value free time because it is actually very productive time.

Primary 1 Chinese Tuition Is the Cornerstone of the Child’s Success

Many parents are worried about their child’s Chinese learning, and they will attach more importance to primary 1 Chinese tuition; Let’s start with some questions first…

(If you want to know more information about Chinese learning, please click here^^)
“Why can’t my child learn Chinese well after enrolling in a course to learn Chinese?”
“Why do children learn Chinese all the time, but the more they learn it, the worse it becomes?”
“I bought a lot of textbooks for learning Chinese, and my child’s Chinese ability still hasn’t improved!”

Parents obviously invest a lot in their children’s Chinese learning, but the children’s Chinese level is still at the initial state, and repeated learning is still unsatisfactory, and some primary 1 children will even become more and more resistant to learning Chinese.

I also received some similar feedback in our study group, and found that most parents are also facing these problems. After communication, I found similarities in the parents of these children.

In fact, parents must avoid these misunderstandings if you want your children to learn Chinese well!

1.Chinese is too difficult, and children don’t have to force it if they can’t learn it well.
I can understand my parents’ thinking, after all, they use foreign languages most of the time abroad; So primary 1 Chinese tuition is necessary;

Learning Chinese is not easy, and learning it abroad is even more difficult. If this concept is instilled in children, then when they learn Chinese, they will also think: Chinese is so difficult to learn, why should they learn Chinese? Why do you still have to take up your playing time to learn Chinese?

In fact, there is no child who is not playful. Coupled with the difficulty of Chinese, it is also difficult for children to learn.

Many parents will not bear to compromise after seeing their children fail to improve after studying for a long time.

I think: as long as you can speak, you don’t have to force your child to learn well.
So many children have the same problem: “It can be said, that they are illiterate and unable to write.”
You can learn Chinese well if you learn Pinyin well

Many parents teach their children in the domestic way when they start to learn Chinese, speaking first, and then learning Pinyin. In fact, foreign children cannot be taught in this way.

Because all sentences and articles in a foreign language are composed of letters, it is very important to learn alphabetic words well. However, Chinese characters are different.

 primary 1 Chinese tuition

Chinese characters are not composed of pinyin. Chinese characters are mainly based on form. To truly learn Chinese well, you must not only learn pinyin, but also understand the meaning and learn how to write.

Moreover, Chinese characters have their own particularities, and it is impossible to learn Chinese in the way of “just learn pinyin well”.

After taking primary 1 Chinese tuition, many children are able to speak Chinese, but when they are allowed to read and write Chinese characters, they find that they can’t and don’t know them at all.

When children start to have their own memorization ability, they can also learn Chinese characters while learning pinyin, starting from some simple characters.

Step-by-step learning method
The way of learning is also a very important part. When the child is young, parents can guide the child to speak Chinese through ordinary conversations, and try to speak Chinese as much as possible in life.
Learning Chinese through life is also a subtle influence. Such learning The method will not be particularly deliberate.

When children show unwillingness to learn Chinese, what parents should do at this time is not to press every step of the way, let alone use some extreme methods to force children to learn.

Instead, we should think about how to make children like learning Chinese.
Moreover, when studying, you should not be limited to some dry books. You should change your teaching methods and methods, and guide them from the perspective of children.

You can let children recognize them through some simple text cards.
When children are young, parents can guide their children to take primary 1 Chinese tuition through stories and poems. It’s okay if they can’t speak, at least they have been exposed since childhood.

When the child is slowly able to speak Chinese, parents can guide the child to read through the method of identifying Chinese characters at this time, which is an excellent method of unconscious cognition!

 primary 1 Chinese tuition

You can also choose the corresponding learning method according to the child’s interest. If the child likes the learning method with more interaction, at this time, the parents can arrange a simple drama based on the story and learn while playing. There is also a strong sense of participation.

I am afraid that my child will learn two languages, and neither of them will be able to learn well.
Many parents should have had this thought: they are worried that their children are still young, and they are afraid that their children will not be able to learn two languages.

In fact, there is no conflict between learning Chinese and learning foreign languages. When children start to babble, they can slowly teach them to speak some simple Chinese.

Although they are two different languages, there is no conflict between children’s learning.
If you want to learn Chinese well, you must use it frequently in your life.

Children use more foreign languages abroad, and they are exposed to foreign culture and education.
In fact, this will make the child form a fixed way of thinking. After the child has formed this kind of thinking, it will be more difficult to learn Chinese.

If parents want to cultivate their children’s bilingual thinking, it is best to learn Chinese at the same time when their children start learning foreign languages. In this way, it will be much easier for children to learn Chinese in the future.

In fact, the potential of every child is unlimited, and parents and the environment have a great influence on children.

Come and join in primary 1 Chinese tuition, I believe that children can learn Chinese well!