Private Mandarin Lessons in Singapore, Important?

Private Mandarin lessons in Singapore offer a personalized and effective way for individuals of all ages and backgrounds to learn Mandarin Chinese. These lessons are tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of each student, providing a focused and efficient learning experience.

Singapore, being a multiracial and multicultural city-state, places a high value on linguistic diversity, and Mandarin is one of its official languages. Private Mandarin lessons in this context are not just about language acquisition; they also immerse learners in the cultural nuances and societal importance of the language.

For beginners, private lessons often start with the basics of Mandarin pronunciation, tones, and characters. This foundational knowledge is crucial as Mandarin is a tonal language, and its script is character-based, differing significantly from Latin-based alphabets. Instructors typically introduce essential vocabulary and basic grammatical structures, enabling students to start constructing simple sentences early on.

Private Mandarin lessons

As students progress, lessons become more advanced, covering complex grammatical patterns, expanding vocabulary, and improving conversational fluency. For those interested in business Mandarin or specific professional jargon, tutors can customize the curriculum to include relevant terminology and cultural etiquette, which is particularly beneficial for professionals engaging with Mandarin-speaking markets.

The one-on-one nature of private lessons allows for immediate feedback and correction, which is vital for language learning. Tutors can adjust the pace and focus of lessons based on the student’s progress and learning style. This personalized approach helps in overcoming individual challenges, whether they are in pronunciation, character recognition, or conversation.

Moreover, private Mandarin lessons in Singapore often incorporate elements of the local culture and context. Tutors might include examples from Singaporean media, literature, and daily life, making the learning experience more relatable and engaging. This cultural immersion helps students not only learn the language but also understand the cultural significance of Mandarin in Singapore’s diverse society.

In conclusion, private Mandarin lessons in Singapore offer a unique and customized learning experience, blending language skills with cultural understanding. They cater to a wide range of learners, from complete beginners to advanced speakers, and are an excellent way to delve into the rich linguistic tapestry of Singapore.

Chinese Tutor Singapore in Sino-bus~

In the heart of Singapore’s vibrant Chinatown, a small, brightly lit classroom buzzes with the energy of language learning. Here, a young and dynamic Chinese tutor Singapore, with an infectious enthusiasm for teaching, conducts her Mandarin classes. The room, though modest in size, is a colorful tapestry of Chinese culture, adorned with red lanterns, intricate paper cuttings, and a large map of China dominating one wall.

This tutor, known for her innovative teaching style, combines traditional methods with modern technology. Her students, ranging from young children to adults, are captivated by her interactive lessons that often incorporate digital media, games, and even virtual reality to explore the depths of Chinese language and culture. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

On one side of the room, a small library holds a treasure trove of Chinese books, from beginner textbooks to advanced literature, offering a window into the diverse aspects of Chinese tutor Singapore. The tutor encourages her students to engage with these materials, fostering a love for reading and self-directed learning.

Chinese tutor Singapore

During her lessons, the tutor seamlessly blends language instruction with cultural immersion. She organizes field trips to local Chinese temples, markets, and museums, allowing her students to practice their Mandarin in real-life settings. Additionally, she holds special sessions during Chinese festivals, where students learn about customs, enjoy traditional foods, and participate in cultural activities like lantern making and dragon dance.

Her approach not only teaches her students the intricacies of Mandarin but also connects them with the Chinese community in Singapore, creating a unique and enriching educational experience. Through her dedication and creativity, the tutor bridges language barriers and brings to life the rich tapestry of Chinese culture in the heart of Chinese tutor Singapore.














Chinese Word Order Right, Right?

Learning Chinese is of significant importance for students in Singapore due to a combination of cultural, economic, and global considerations. Culturally, Singapore is a multi-ethnic nation with a substantial Chinese community, making Chinese crucial for understanding and participating in the diverse cultural landscape of the country. Chinese word order right allows students to connect with their heritage, understand traditional customs, and engage more deeply with a major segment of the local community.

From an economic standpoint, Singapore’s position as a global business hub and its close trade relationships with China make Chinese an invaluable skill in the job market. Proficiency in Chinese can open doors to career opportunities both within Singapore and in international markets, especially in fields such as business, diplomacy, finance, and tourism. It also facilitates better understanding and communication with one of Singapore’s largest trading partners, enhancing business relations and economic collaboration.

Chinese word order right

Furthermore, in an increasingly globalized world, Chinese stands as one of the most spoken languages. For Singaporean students, learning Chinese is not just about local or regional engagement; it’s also about positioning themselves advantageously on the global stage. Knowledge of Chinese word order right broadens their international perspectives and prepares them for diverse global opportunities.

In the educational context, Singapore emphasizes bilingualism, and Chinese is a key component of this policy. Learning Chinese complements the students’ English skills, fostering a more holistic and versatile linguistic proficiency. This bilingual advantage enhances cognitive abilities, cultural awareness, and provides a competitive edge in both local and international arenas.

In summary, for Singaporean students, learning Chinese is a multifaceted asset. It bridges cultural understanding, boosts economic prospects, and is a strategic tool in a globalized environment. Chinese is not merely a language skill; it is an essential component of their educational journey and a critical asset for their future in an interconnected world.

Educational Advantages
Bilingual Education System: Singapore’s education system emphasizes bilingual proficiency. Mastering Chinese word order right complements English, enhancing students’ academic and cognitive abilities.
Access to Resources: Proficiency in Chinese opens up a wealth of educational resources, including books, research materials, and online content that are only available in Chinese.
Global Connectivity

International Communication: As one of the most spoken languages globally, Chinese is a key communication tool in international affairs, fostering global connections and understanding.
Career Mobility: Knowledge of Chinese is increasingly valued internationally, offering students opportunities for global careers and studies.

Learning Chinese is not just an academic exercise for Singaporean students; it’s an essential part of their cultural identity, a gateway to economic opportunities, a pillar of their education, and a bridge to the global community.

For a more detailed exploration, each of these sections can be expanded with specific examples, historical contexts, and current trends, creating a comprehensive overview of the significance of learning Chinese word order right in the unique context of Singapore.

Professional Native Chinese Teachers in Singapore, Urgent!

Professional Native Chinese Teachers in Singapore holds a significant place in both the educational landscape and the cultural fabric of the nation. Given Singapore’s unique position as a multiracial, multilingual society where Chinese is one of the four official languages, the relevance of Chinese reading extends beyond mere language proficiency to cultural preservation, economic utility, and societal harmony.

Historical and Cultural Context

Singapore, with its rich history as a melting pot of cultures, has seen the Chinese language play a crucial role. The Chinese community, being one of the largest ethnic groups in Singapore, has contributed significantly to the nation’s cultural and linguistic diversity. Professional Native Chinese Teachers, therefore, is not just about understanding a language but also about connecting with a rich heritage that includes literature, history, and philosophy. Through Chinese novels, poetry, and other literary works, readers can delve into centuries of wisdom and storytelling that form an integral part of the collective Chinese consciousness.

Professional Native Chinese Teachers

Educational Importance

In the realm of education, the Singaporean government has long emphasized bilingual education, with most Chinese Singaporeans learning both English and Mandarin. Chinese reading is vital in this context, as it enhances linguistic skills, deepens cultural understanding, and fosters cognitive development. It also plays a crucial role in academic achievement, as proficiency in Chinese reading is essential for success in Chinese language examinations and classes.

Economic Implications

From an economic perspective, the ability to read and understand Chinese opens up numerous opportunities. Singapore, being a global financial center and a gateway to Asia, often interacts with Chinese-speaking regions. Proficiency in Chinese, starting with the ability to read and comprehend the language, is a valuable skill in the business world, facilitating communication and understanding in a market that includes over a billion people.

Social and Global Connectivity

On a social level, Chinese reading helps maintain connections within the diverse Chinese community in Singapore, which includes a range of dialects and cultural backgrounds. It also fosters a sense of identity and belonging among younger generations who may be more removed from their traditional roots.

Globally, Chinese reading bridges Singapore with other Chinese-speaking communities worldwide. In an increasingly interconnected world, such cultural and linguistic ties are crucial for both personal and professional relationships.

Professional Native Chinese Teachers

Technological and Modern Influences

In the age of digital media, Professional Native Chinese Teachers are evolving. Online platforms, e-books, and social media are changing the way people engage with the written word. This shift presents both challenges and opportunities for Chinese reading in Singapore. While it may lead to a diversification of reading materials and formats, there is also a concern about maintaining the depth and quality of reading.


In conclusion, the importance of Professional Native Chinese Teachers in Singapore is multifaceted. It is a cornerstone of educational policy, a bridge to cultural heritage, a tool for economic engagement, and a means of societal cohesion. As Singapore continues to navigate its path as a global city and a hub of cultural confluence, Chinese reading will undoubtedly remain an essential part of its tapestry, evolving and adapting to meet the needs of future generations.

Primary 1 Chinese Tuition: Lay a Solid Chinese Foundation, how?

Many people complained that their kids think Chinese is difficult to learn; So how to lay a solid Chinese foundation for kids? Is primary 1 Chinese tuition necessary?

To lay a solid foundation in Chinese for kids, you can follow these strategies:

Start early: Introduce Chinese to kids at a young age. The early years are crucial for language acquisition, and children are more receptive to learning new languages during this period.

Create a language-rich environment: Surround kids with Chinese language materials such as books, music, videos, and games. Label objects in the house with Chinese words, and use Chinese in daily routines and conversations. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Use interactive and engaging resources: Utilize interactive and age-appropriate resources that make learning Chinese enjoyable for kids. This can include educational apps, online games, and videos with interactive exercises and quizzes.

Focus on listening and speaking: Emphasize listening and speaking skills in the early stages. Engage children in conversations, sing Chinese songs together, and encourage them to repeat words and phrases. This helps them develop a natural pronunciation and intonation.

Introduce reading and writing gradually: In primary 1 Chinese tuition class, teachers will introduce basic Chinese characters and pinyin (phonetic system) as children progress. Start with simple characters and gradually increase the complexity. Incorporate reading Chinese books, practicing writing strokes, and forming simple sentences.

Make learning fun and interactive: Incorporate games, role-plays, storytelling, and hands-on activities to make learning Chinese engaging and interactive. Use props, puppets, or flashcards to make the learning experience enjoyable.

Provide cultural exposure: Introduce Chinese culture through stories, traditions, festivals, and cultural activities. This helps children understand the context and significance of the language and promotes cultural appreciation.

 primary 1 Chinese tuition

Consistency and repetition: Consistent practice and repetition are essential for language learning. Set aside regular time for Chinese learning activities and ensure continuous exposure to the language.

Celebrate progress: Celebrate children’s achievements and progress in learning Chinese. Encourage and praise their efforts, which boosts their confidence and motivation to continue learning.

Seek professional guidance: Consider enrolling children in Chinese language classes or hiring a tutor who specializes in teaching Chinese to kids. Qualified instructors can provide structured lessons and tailored guidance based on children’s abilities and learning styles.

Remember, building a solid foundation takes time and patience. By incorporating these strategies and creating a supportive learning environment, you can help children develop a strong foundation in Chinese language skills.

Start with basic vocabulary: Begin by introducing essential vocabulary words and phrases that are relevant to a child’s daily life. Teach them words for common objects, actions, and greetings. Use visuals, flashcards, and interactive games to make learning fun and engaging.

Focus on pronunciation and tones: Pay special attention to correct pronunciation and tones from the beginning. Primary 1 Chinese tuition will Help kids develop good pronunciation habits by modeling the sounds for them and encouraging them to practice speaking aloud. Practice tone recognition through listening exercises and repetition.

Use interactive and age-appropriate resources: Utilize interactive resources designed for children, such as educational apps, online games, and videos. These resources often incorporate colorful visuals, animated characters, and interactive exercises to make learning Chinese enjoyable and interactive.

Encourage conversational practice: Create opportunities for kids to practice speaking Chinese in a conversational setting. Engage in simple conversations with them, encourage them to speak in Chinese during daily activities, and role-play scenarios to simulate real-life situations. Provide positive reinforcement and corrective feedback to help them improve their speaking skills.

Incorporate storytelling and songs: Storytelling and songs are effective tools for language learning. Read Chinese storybooks to kids, incorporating gestures and expressions to make it more engaging. Sing Chinese songs together, teaching them the lyrics and explaining the meanings. These activities help develop vocabulary, listening comprehension, and intonation.

Introduce Chinese characters gradually: Introduce Chinese characters at an appropriate pace. Start with basic characters that are relevant to their daily life and gradually introduce more complex characters as their proficiency grows. Use stroke order worksheets and character tracing activities to help them become familiar with the characters’ formation.

Provide cultural exposure: Introduce aspects of Chinese culture to make the language learning experience richer. Explore Chinese traditions, holidays, and customs with kids. Watch Chinese cultural performances, introduce Chinese cuisine, and engage in activities like paper cutting or calligraphy. This fosters a deeper appreciation and understanding of the Chinese language and culture.

Consistent practice and reinforcement: Encourage regular practice to reinforce learning. Set aside dedicated time for Chinese language activities each day. Use flashcards, language games, and quizzes to review vocabulary and reinforce language concepts. Celebrate their progress and achievements to motivate continued learning.

Provide opportunities for immersion: Whenever possible, create opportunities for kids to use Chinese outside the classroom. Attend Chinese cultural events, visit Chinese-speaking communities, or connect with native Chinese speakers through language exchange programs. Immersion experiences enhance their language skills and boost confidence in using Chinese.

Start with oral communication: Focus on developing oral communication skills as a foundation for language learning. Encourage kids to listen and speak Chinese through conversations, role-playing, and language games. Provide ample opportunities for them to practice speaking and build their confidence in using the language.

Introduce Pinyin and tones: Teach Pinyin, the phonetic system for Chinese, to help kids understand pronunciation. Emphasize the importance of tones and guide them in correctly pronouncing the four tones of Mandarin. Practice tone drills and provide feedback to ensure accuracy.

Build vocabulary systematically: Introduce vocabulary based on themes or topics relevant to kids’ lives, such as family, school, food, and animals. Start with basic words and gradually expand their vocabulary. Use flashcards, picture books, and interactive activities to reinforce vocabulary acquisition.

Use visual aids and multimedia: Utilize visual aids, such as posters, charts, and videos, to support learning. Incorporate multimedia resources like interactive apps, songs, and videos designed for children to make the learning experience engaging and enjoyable.

Cultural immersion: Expose kids to Chinese culture and traditions through activities, stories, and celebrations. Share Chinese folktales, introduce traditional festivals, and explore customs like calligraphy or paper cutting. This helps children develop an appreciation for Chinese culture alongside language learning.

Encourage authentic language use: Provide primary 1 Chinese tuition for kids to use Chinese in real-life contexts. Encourage them to engage with native speakers, participate in language exchange programs, or join Chinese language clubs. This allows them to practice and apply their language skills in authentic settings.

Consistent practice: Establish a consistent language learning routine. Set aside dedicated time for Chinese practice each day, incorporating activities like reading, listening to Chinese songs or podcasts, and engaging in interactive language apps. Consistency helps reinforce learning and build fluency over time.

Remember, creating a supportive and encouraging learning environment is essential. Primary 1 Chinese tuition will tailor the approach to each child’s learning style and interests, making the learning process fun and engaging. With consistent practice and guidance, children can develop a solid foundation in Chinese.

Online Mandarin Class for Adults is much Easier than You Think!

Why should we pay attention to online mandarin class for adults?

In today’s globalized world, learning Mandarin has become increasingly valuable for adults who want to expand their cultural horizons, improve career prospects, or simply explore a new language.

With the convenience and accessibility of online learning platforms, adults now have the opportunity to embark on a Mandarin language journey from the comfort of their own homes. Online Mandarin classes offer flexibility, personalized instruction, and a supportive learning environment tailored to meet the unique needs of adult learners. (If you want to know more about Chinese, please feel free to click here!)

One of the key advantages of online Mandarin class for adults is the flexibility they provide. Busy professionals and individuals with hectic schedules can now fit language learning into their daily routine.

Online classes allow learners to choose their preferred time slots and study at their own pace. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, you can find a suitable class that fits your schedule. No more commuting or rigid class timetables!

Another benefit of online Mandarin classes is the personalized instruction that adult learners receive. In a virtual classroom setting, learners have the advantage of one-on-one or small group sessions with experienced Mandarin teachers.

This personalized attention enables instructors to tailor the curriculum to the specific needs and goals of each student. Whether you want to focus on conversational Mandarin, business Chinese, or cultural aspects of the language, the lessons can be customized to your interests and objectives.

The online learning environment also offers a supportive and interactive space for adult learners. Through video conferencing tools and interactive learning platforms, students can engage in real-time conversations, practice pronunciation, and receive instant feedback from their instructors.

Virtual classrooms often incorporate multimedia resources, such as audio and video materials, online exercises, and interactive games, to enhance the learning experience and make it more engaging for adult learners.

Furthermore, online Mandarin classes provide access to a diverse community of learners from around the world. Through discussion forums, online group activities, and language exchange opportunities, adult learners can connect with fellow students who share the same passion for Mandarin.

This not only fosters a sense of camaraderie but also provides opportunities for cultural exchange and language practice outside the classroom.

Lastly, online Mandarin classes often offer additional resources and support to adult learners. From downloadable materials and language apps to online dictionaries and pronunciation guides, learners have a wealth of tools at their disposal to supplement their studies and reinforce what they’ve learned during class sessions.

In conclusion, online Mandarin class for adults offer a convenient, personalized, and supportive learning experience. Whether you’re a busy professional, a lifelong learner, or someone seeking to explore a new language and culture, online Mandarin classes provide the flexibility and resources necessary to embark on a successful language learning journey.

So, why not seize the opportunity and start your online Mandarin class today? Embrace the beauty and richness of the Chinese language and open doors to new possibilities in your personal and professional life.

Online Mandarin classes also provide a wealth of resources and learning materials. From interactive textbooks and audio recordings to online exercises and multimedia resources, you’ll have access to a wide range of materials that cater to different learning styles. These resources not only facilitate comprehension but also make your learning experience engaging and enjoyable.

Furthermore, online Mandarin classes often offer additional features and benefits that enrich your learning journey.

One of the greatest advantages of online Mandarin classes for adults is the flexibility they provide. You no longer have to worry about conflicting schedules or commuting to a physical classroom.

With online classes, you have the freedom to choose when and where you want to learn. Whether it’s early morning, during lunch breaks, or late at night, you can easily fit your Mandarin learning into your busy schedule. All you need is a computer, tablet, or smartphone with an internet connection, and you’re ready to go.

Online Mandarin class for adults are designed to cater to learners of different proficiency levels, from beginners to advanced. You can start from scratch or build upon your existing knowledge. Experienced Mandarin teachers will guide you through the learning process, providing you with structured lessons, interactive exercises, and personalized feedback.

They will help you develop essential language skills, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience.

For example, you may have access to a virtual language exchange program, where you can connect with native Mandarin speakers who are learning your native language. This allows you to practice your language skills in a real-world context and establish meaningful connections with language learners from around the world.

In conclusion, online Mandarin classes provide a convenient and flexible way for adults to learn Mandarin. With their flexibility, personalized instruction, native-speaking teachers, and a variety of learning materials, these classes offer an immersive and effective learning experience.

So, whether you want to communicate with Mandarin-speaking colleagues, travel to Mandarin-speaking countries, or explore the rich Chinese culture, online Mandarin class for adults are your gateway to mastering this fascinating language. Start your Mandarin learning journey today and unlock a world of opportunities!

How to Learn Chinese:Your Kids Need to Know These 5 Ways

How to learn Chinese? Learning Chinese can be an exciting and rewarding journey. With its rich history, fascinating culture, and increasing global influence, mastering the Chinese language opens up a world of opportunities. Here are some effective strategies to help you embark on your Chinese learning adventure:

Set Clear Goals: Start by defining your learning objectives. Determine whether you want to focus on speaking, listening, reading, writing, or a combination of skills. Setting clear goals will provide direction and motivation throughout your language learning journey. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Build a Strong Foundation: Begin with the basics. Familiarize yourself with Chinese pronunciation, tones, and Pinyin, which is the phonetic system used to represent Chinese characters. Mastering these fundamentals early on will lay a solid foundation for your Chinese language skills.

Immerse Yourself: Immerse yourself in the Chinese language as much as possible. Surround yourself with Chinese input, such as movies, TV shows, music, podcasts, and books. Actively listen to Chinese conversations, paying attention to intonation and rhythm. The more you expose yourself to the language, the more your brain will become attuned to its patterns and structures.

Practice Regularly: Consistency is key when learning any language, including Chinese. Set aside dedicated study time each day or week and stick to your schedule. Practice speaking and listening with native speakers whenever possible, either through language exchange programs, online communities, or local language meetups. Regular practice will help you improve your fluency and build confidence.

Utilize Resources: Take advantage of a wide range of learning resources available to you. Invest in a good textbook or online course that provides comprehensive lessons and exercises. Use language learning apps, flashcards, and online dictionaries to expand your vocabulary. Explore online language forums and discussion boards to connect with other Chinese learners and seek guidance.

Embrace Characters: Chinese characters are an essential part of the language. While it may seem daunting at first, gradually learning characters will significantly enhance your reading and writing abilities. Practice stroke order, repetition, and context-based learning techniques to make character acquisition more manageable and enjoyable.

Immerse in Culture: Chinese language and culture are intricately linked. To deepen your understanding of the language, explore Chinese history, customs, traditions, and literature. Engage with Chinese cultural events, festivals, and cuisine. Immerse yourself in authentic experiences to gain a deeper appreciation for the language and its cultural nuances.

Stay Motivated: Learning Chinese can be challenging at times, but maintaining motivation is crucial. Set small milestones along the way and reward yourself for achieving them. Celebrate your progress and remind yourself of the exciting opportunities that await as you continue your Chinese language journey.

 how to learn Chinese

Remember, learning any language takes time and dedication. Embrace the process, be patient with yourself, and enjoy the experience of learning Chinese. With perseverance and consistent effort, you will gradually unlock the doors to fluency and a deeper connection with Chinese culture and its people.

How to learn Chinese?
Start with the basics: Begin by learning the fundamentals of Chinese pronunciation, including the four tones and Pinyin system. Mastering the correct pronunciation will lay a strong foundation for your overall language skills.

Build vocabulary systematically: Chinese characters can seem overwhelming, but by starting with commonly used words and characters, you can gradually expand your vocabulary. Practice writing and recognizing characters, and gradually increase the complexity of the words you learn.

Practice listening and speaking: Listening to native Chinese speakers and engaging in conversations are essential for improving your listening and speaking skills. Watch Chinese movies, listen to music, and find language exchange partners or conversation groups to practice speaking.

Embrace immersive experiences: Immerse yourself in Chinese culture as much as possible. This can include reading Chinese books or newspapers, watching Chinese TV shows, and participating in cultural activities. Immerse yourself in the language and culture to enhance your understanding and appreciation of the Chinese language.

Seek out a language partner or tutor: Having a language partner or tutor can greatly accelerate your learning progress. They can provide guidance, correct your mistakes, and engage in conversations to help you practice and improve your Chinese skills.

Utilize online resources: Take advantage of online resources such as language learning apps, websites, and online courses. These platforms often offer interactive lessons, practice exercises, and audio materials to enhance your learning experience.

Be consistent and persistent: Do you know how to learn Chinese? Learning a new language takes time and dedication. Set aside regular study sessions and practice daily. Consistency is key to reinforcing what you’ve learned and making steady progress.

Embrace challenges and make mistakes: Learning a new language involves making mistakes and facing challenges. Embrace these moments as valuable opportunities for growth and learning. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, as they are an essential part of the learning process.

Immerse yourself in real-life situations: Whenever possible, immerse yourself in real-life situations where you can use your Chinese language skills. This could involve traveling to a Chinese-speaking country, participating in language exchange programs, or interacting with native speakers in your community.

Stay motivated and have fun: Learning Chinese can be a long journey, so it’s important to stay motivated and enjoy the process. Set clear goals, celebrate your accomplishments, and find ways to make learning Chinese enjoyable, such as exploring Chinese cuisine, watching Chinese dramas, or learning about Chinese history and traditions.

So now do you know how to learn Chinese? learning Chinese is a gradual process that requires patience and perseverance. By following these strategies and staying dedicated, you can make significant progress and unlock the doors to a rich and fascinating language and culture.

How to Learn Chinese: 5 Helpful Tips You Deserve to Know

Ms. Su, who lives in the United States, often communicates with her eight-year-old son in Chinese. Once, when the child was about to take an exam, Ms. Su said, “Come on, baby! Do you know how to learn Chinese?” The child asked curiously, “How?” Ms. Su dumbfounded.

This kind of situation is actually not uncommon. Many Chinese parents say that children are often puzzled by some commonly used idioms that they blurt out, but they feel that idioms “can only be understood, not expressed in words”, and it is difficult to explain to their children. . So, how can Chinese children learn idioms well? The editor provides four ideas for parents today, you might as well go back and try.

1.Choose a good story and match the animation
When many parents buy idiom storybooks for their children, they choose one at random in the market. They think that their children have good Chinese skills and can understand, so they just throw it to their children. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

In this case, the child will generally just rummage through it and throw it aside. When parents buy books for Chinese children, try to choose books with short storylines, colorful pictures, easy to understand idioms, and easy to use in daily life. If there is no such finished book, parents must choose the story themselves.

For example: Stories such as Carving a boat and seeking a sword, It’s not too late to make up for it after a dead sheep, and “Putting seedlings to encourage growth” are easy to understand and easy to use, and they are all suitable for Chinese children to learn.

 how to learn Chinese

If the child can’t sit still and the parents spend less time with them, it is a good idea to match the corresponding Chinese animation. Parents can try the APP “Children’s Animated Idiom Stories”, which will contain elementary school idioms cartoons.

2.Divide into categories and gradually refine
Idioms are an advanced learning for Chinese children. We parents don’t need to put too much pressure on our children to study. Under normal circumstances, there are not many idioms used in daily life, and learning about a hundred is enough for reading, writing and communication.

Parents can classify these idioms into categories. For example, first divide daily idioms into two categories: commendatory and derogatory, after the child can probably judge the emotional color of the learned idioms. Then divide into idioms of location, numbers, etc. in detail, and gradually refine these idioms, so that children can use idioms more accurately.

  1. Get closer and use what you have learned
    How to learn Chinese? Idioms are also often used in people’s daily life. If the child encounters some obscure idioms, the best way is to accompany the child to reproduce the scene, which will help to narrow the distance between the child and the idiom. After learning an idiom, parents should take the initiative to give their children the opportunity to use it and give more real examples.

For example, the idiom “Self-recommendation”, parents can ask when picking up their children from school: Has the teacher assigned any new tasks? Did you recommend yourself in class? If you want a little help from your children at home, you can also ask: Who can help mom, and I will see who can recommend themselves. Use idioms in life, so that children can master idioms and apply what they have learned.

4.Comparing with cultural differences, understand the meaning of idioms
For Chinese children in the “non-Chinese character cultural circle”, they often face some cultural conflicts that they do not understand. For example, when describing a lot of things, the Chinese will use an idiom: “喷金如土”, while the English expression is “spend money like water”.

At this time, parents can explain to their children the national conditions of the two countries. The UK is an island country surrounded by water. Therefore, for the UK, the most resource is water. However, China is a large agricultural country with rich land resources, so soil is often used to describe a lot.

This kind of comparative introduction can help children have a more comprehensive understanding of China’s national conditions and culture, and better understand the meaning of idioms.

The learning of any language is inseparable from the constant consolidation of the children. Our parents should pay more attention to scientific methods and spend more time with their children in learning. I believe that the children will be able to master daily idioms proficiently soon!

  1. Learn to write

Many Chinese children will face a problem: they can’t write! Can’t remember!

It is true that many domestic children are also like this when learning Chinese characters. In fact, there are ways to solve this problem. Both English and Chinese characters have certain characteristics.

Some Chinese characters are pictographs, which are Chinese characters composed of pictures or signs. That is to say, they can be strengthened and memorized by connecting pictures, which is much easier than rote memorization.

There are also some pictophonetic characters, “shape” refers to the shape, and “sound” refers to the sound. As long as you know the pronunciation of the sound of the character, you can usually pronounce the word correctly.

In the process of learning, teachers or parents should also reduce the difficulty appropriately, and use some metaphors to illustrate the structure of Chinese characters. For example, the Chinese character “one” in Chinese characters, in order to facilitate memory, you can tell the child: “one” is a horizontal branch, use the method of association, connect the things that you often see in life, so that children can learn more easily. Remember the characteristics and structure of the word.
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  1. Learn to understand

After many children have accumulated a certain vocabulary, parents and teachers will encourage children to form words, make sentences, and read. But if you don’t understand Chinese enough, you will definitely make many grammatical and word mistakes, which will often make you laugh.

At this time, children can properly watch some Chinese-related cartoons, picture books, and variety shows. When watching cartoons, reading picture books, and watching variety shows, parents and teachers can also give certain explanations. Explain some words and sentences so that children can understand the meaning of the sentences and words.

You can also give some simple words for children to make sentences, and encourage them to use the same words to form different sentences. In this way, the purpose of flexible use can be achieved.

You can also play some lighter games with your children, such as word matching games. For example, “apple , weather , breakfast _“, “big, sunny, delicious” let the children fill in the predicate after the subject that can be matched.

After the child has been able to make sentences and understand short passages smoothly, he can read some easy-to-understand storybooks, such as “Easy Cat: Graded Chinese Readers”. I believe this set of books will be of great help to children in learning Chinese .

So now do you know how to learn Chinese?

How to Learn Chinese:6 Effective Guide Ways

“Mom, how to learn Chinese? This story is so long, I really can’t read it anymore.” “Keep going, finish the book!” “But reading is so boring, I’ve been reading it for a long time, and I don’t even understand the relationship between them.

“This is a conversation between Ms. Liu and her ten-year-old Chinese-American child. Ms. Liu very much hoped that her child would like Chinese culture, so she bought him one of the four famous novels, “Dream of Red Mansions”. (If you want to know more Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Unexpectedly, the child had no interest at all and could not read it. So, what can parents do to make their children fall in love with reading Chinese books? We can try the following three methods.

  1. Targeted selection of books
    A good book is not necessarily suitable for children to read. When choosing Chinese books, you should focus on your child’s age, hobbies, and needs. For example, for Chinese children aged 3-9, you can choose short fables, preferably with pictures, such as “Aesop’s Fables” and “Andersen’s Fairy Tales”.

Children aged 9-15 can choose novellas or idiom storybooks, such as “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” and “Education of Love”. Only children over the age of 15 who have years of Chinese learning foundation can buy him classics. At this time, the child has his own appreciation ability and accumulation needs.

how to learn Chinese

We can buy him some popular science books, including “Chinese Geography”, “Up and Down Five Thousand Years” and so on. In addition, when buying books, you should refer to your children’s opinions, and let your children choose according to their hobbies. Parents can’t buy books all over the place, lest the books they buy will be shelved.

  1. Parent-child communication is very important
    Young children tend to gulp down the books when they read, and they read many books without actually acquiring any knowledge at all. Therefore, it is best for parents to have time to read with their children.

If there is no time, it is recommended that parents communicate with their children about reading experience before eating or going to bed. You can ask them these questions: which character do you like (dislike) most in this book, what story is told in the chapter you read today, what did you learn, what did you understand, etc.

Even if the child utters the simplest answer, parents should encourage in time and add positive reinforcement to the child’s reading, so as to improve the child’s reading self-control and reading passion.

How to learn Chinese?

  1. Help children develop good reading habits
    Many children feel that reading is boring and uncomfortable, and it is more because they do not have good reading habits, and children will feel physically and mentally exhausted.

When reading, pay attention to the child’s reading posture, such as correct sitting posture, do eye exercises after reading the book, and look into the distance, which can reduce the physical pressure on the child’s reading.

In addition, it is best for parents to make a reading plan with their children. Including the fixed time and duration of reading every day, as well as the number of articles read. Avoid the disadvantages of children forgetting part after not reading for a long time after reading a part.

Making children’s reading system continuous is also conducive to helping them form a good habit of persistent reading. It is best for parents to lead by example, create a good reading family atmosphere for their children, and let them fall in love with reading through hearing and seeing.

4.Find the right textbook
While there are plenty of resources on the Internet, there is also a lot of distracting information of all kinds. How many times have you opened your web browser (or smartphone) looking for one thing, but got lost and lost time on YouTube?

Textbooks can help you stay away from electronic devices for a certain period of time and study more focusedly. Also, a good textbook can provide an overview and demonstration of a system, giving you the big picture, compared to short video clips, blogs, or snippets of knowledge in an app.

Be sure to find an appropriate textbook considering your age and interests. The right material should feel fresh to you, but not too difficult. Its topics should be interesting to you, and the focus of the dialogue or grammar should be on your cognitive level. It should also have practice and consolidation. When looking for textbooks, consult some professional educators, tell them your level and interests, and get a list of recommended books.

5.Make friends with other learners
You are not alone in this world, language is for communication, so you can learn a language by communicating, and you should!

Don’t be shy, tell your family, friends, and the whole world – you are learning Chinese. They will help you make progress. You may find a learning partner who has been thinking about learning Chinese or is already on the road, and share information and progress with each other. The encouragement of your peers will make you more motivated.

There are billions of Chinese-speaking people in the world, using the Internet and social media to find such a communication and learning partner. Zoom to meet him/her, make a study plan and have fun.

6.Make full use of time
How to learn Chinese? Learning Chinese does not require a lot of continuous time, you can use fragmented time. Study anytime, anywhere while you’re waiting at the airport or in the parking lot before coffee, dinner or a game. Download to smartphone apps, audio, video, vocabulary, short sentences, or from handwritten flashcards in your pocket. Repetition is the secret to memory, use spaced repetition to learn more scientifically.

It is very common that most people start learning Chinese within a few days, and then the battery dies quickly. Sustainable learning is challenging, but not impossible. Don’t be afraid to speak up and use Chinese publicly, we can learn better from responses and feedback.

Don’t hesitate to show off the new word or phrase you just learned. Watch some Chinese movies, listen to some Chinese songs or poems, if you don’t understand, don’t worry, you can start to increase your interest by appreciating the beauty of Chinese culture. Eventually, this habit will develop slowly, and day after day, you will become proficient in Chinese.

How to learn Chinese? Still thinking Chinese is difficult to conquer? If you study under the professional guidance of a trained tutor, you will find yourself making huge improvements over time.