2023 Online Mandarin Chinese tutoring in Singapore, join sino-bus now!

Why online mandarin Chinese tutoring in Singapore is important? From traveling to textbooks to speaking to software, there are many more ways to learn Chinese. Overall, there are five basic ways to learn Chinese.

Mastering these methods is a good experience and help for foreigners who want to learn Chinese. Below, International Chinese Teacher Training will take you through these five different methods and the methods they include, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each method. (如果還想了解更多關於中文學習的信息,那就快點擊這裡吧!)

  1. Immersive learning of Chinese

As the name suggests, the immersion method immerses you in Chinese language and culture. It involves traveling to China, spending an extended period of time there and living your daily life in the language. Online mandarin Chinese tutoring in Singapore is often used in place of personal immersion when you learn the language by dating or becoming close friends with Chinese speakers.


This is the ideal Chinese learning method for those who don’t like formal learning, have some free time and money, want to learn the language in a natural environment, are lively and ambitious! Immersion learning forces Chinese learners to use the language every day, helps them connect with native speakers, and teaches them valuable knowledge about Chinese culture. Not only that, it can do all of this in a fraction of the time. The immersion learning method is often considered a faster way to learn Chinese.


For those of us with less time and money, immersion learning in Chinese is not a better option. This method is expensive, time-consuming and not to mention stressful. Although most Chinese speakers will welcome you and help you make your first introduction to the language, the initial communication barriers and culture shock can be very stressful and even scary.

  1. Learn Chinese translation methods

This method was used by people who studied a language before 1900 or who studied an extinct language such as Latin. In the translation method, Chinese learners find a Chinese book and then use a bilingual dictionary to translate between Chinese and their native language.

online mandarin Chinese tutoring in Singapore

International Chinese Teacher Training states that this method of language learning is a very cost-effective way of learning and is considered a cheap way to learn Chinese. If you are willing to invest the time and effort, you can get Chinese to a very high level for very little money.


If actually communicating in Chinese is your goal, then the translation method is not for you. This is a very difficult and tedious way to learn a language and does not teach speaking, listening or writing. Since Chinese is a native language with millions of speakers, you may find other ways to help you acquire a well-rounded Chinese language from online mandarin Chinese tutoring in Singapore.

  1. Grammar-based Chinese learning method

The grammar-based approach is the language learning method commonly used in most Chinese learning textbooks and “self-study” language books. These books are usually divided into chapters and contain a small amount of vocabulary and a lot of grammar rules, which are the key to building a perfect foundation in Chinese. The focus is on learning the grammatical rules of Chinese and being able to read and write in the language.


Learning the grammatical rules of Chinese can make it easier to integrate and use new vocabulary correctly. This is a great and cost-effective method for learners who like to know the rules of a language and want to be able to write well.


Additionally, students who learn Chinese using a grammar-based approach do not have many opportunities to actually speak or hear that language. Students have to remember a lot of grammar rules, which can be very frustrating and sometimes a bit boring.

Additionally, the vocabulary learned in a Chinese-speaking environment is often not the most practical, so students may not be able to use their knowledge immediately. This can be frustrating and lead to a lack of motivation to learn Chinese.

  1. Learn Chinese using the communicative method

Online mandarin Chinese tutoring in Singapore is a commonly used method in international Chinese teacher training schools where schools teach Chinese as a second language. If you’ve studied another language in class, chances are you’re familiar with this method. The communication method involves a teacher who teaches to a small group of students. Lessons are usually divided into reading, writing, listening or speaking activities to help students learn Chinese quickly.


Students who learn Chinese through the communicative approach will receive a well-rounded education. If lessons are planned and taught well, students can learn quickly and benefit from face-to-face, real-time interaction with teachers and other students in the target language.

With this approach, students can start having conversations in Chinese just weeks after starting language courses. This is why many language teachers believe that the communicative method is a good way to learn Chinese.

  1. Vocabulary-based Chinese learning method

Most language learning software and apps use a vocabulary-based approach to teaching Chinese. With this method, students learn Chinese by associating words with pictures of the objects they represent. Traditional grammar rules are not taught, but they are learned naturally as students develop.

Chinese learners can improve their vocabulary very quickly with this method due to the use of repetition and images. By using this method instead of traditional classes, students save travel time and money and can progress at their own pace. This is why the vocabulary-based approach is often considered an easy way to online mandarin Chinese tutoring in Singapore.


While students do learn a lot of vocabulary, the vocabulary taught is often not useful to people who want to travel to China or who want to communicate quickly with Chinese people.

Online mandarin Chinese tutoring in Singapore is not taught directly, students may sound a bit like Tarzan when they try to speak. Finding a good program that can also help students master basic Chinese grammar rules, speaking and writing can be expensive and many language learning software ignore these areas.