The Best Primary 5 mandarin Tuition, Urgent!

Today I will give you some tips on how to improve your Chinese performance in the primary 5 mandarin tuition.

Many children have low Chinese scores in the fifth grade of elementary school, especially boys, who can even get high in mathematics, but they just can’t learn Chinese.

  1. Cultivate children’s interest in reading

The reading comprehension ability in Chinese in the fifth grade of primary school is very important, so parents need to increase their children’s reading through guidance to cultivate children’s reading comprehension ability for articles, so that the reading comprehension of Chinese in the fifth grade of primary school will not lose points as much as possible. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

In order to better improve children’s reading comprehension ability, children must first be interested in reading. For children in the primary 5 mandarin tuition, parents can first let them read magazines and newspapers they are interested in.

Parents can also subscribe children to some periodicals of children’s literature to increase children’s interest in reading.

In addition, parents can let their children talk about what they have learned from reading and what they understand. On the good side, parents can give their children some rewards.

  1. Practice calligraphy more and write carefully

In the fifth grade of elementary school, the Chinese performance was low, and the handwriting was not neat, and the teacher could not see it clearly. Therefore, if you want to improve your Chinese performance in the fifth grade of elementary school, you must have a neat handwriting, which can also leave a good impression on the marking teacher.

It is recommended that children practice regular script. Practice over time can not only standardize the font, but also enable children to hone their will.

  1. Keep a diary

In the primary 5 mandarin tuition, Chinese has begun to require children to write essays, and essays account for a large part of the score. However, many children do not have enough accumulation when they are in the fifth grade of elementary school, resulting in often insufficient words or writing “” “Current account”, naturally the Chinese scores in the fifth grade of elementary school will not be too high.

Diaries can train children’s observation, thinking, and analysis skills, and can also improve children’s connection skills, writing skills, and self-reflection skills. More importantly, they can hone children’s willpower and accumulate synthetic materials.

primary 5 mandarin tuition

Let the children write a diary step by step, start writing one or two sentences a day, write three to five lines a day, and gradually increase the growth. The content does not need to be formal, you can write about imagination, interesting things in life, trivial things, etc.

But it shouldn’t be the case of fishing for three days and posting on the net for two days. Even if it’s a sentence or two, which is a bit absurd and a bit unusual, it should be written down. The purpose is to form a habit. As long as the parents have the correct guidance, the child’s writing level and Chinese performance can be steadily improved.

There are many ways to improve Chinese performance in the fifth grade of elementary school, but the most important thing is the company of parents and a good learning atmosphere, so as to improve children’s Chinese performance.

How to improve Chinese grades in the fifth grade of elementary school? I believe everyone has the answer. Finally, let me say that children’s learning is just like our work. It needs scientific methods and professional guidance. It is better to make learning planning and guidance sooner rather than later .

How to improve primary school language performance? ——Reading

What should parents pay attention to when instructing their children to read?

1: Choose reading materials that adapt to the child’s literacy level. Children in the lower grades are best to choose books marked with pinyin, which are beautifully printed and clearly written.

Children in advanced grades can choose rewritten versions of Chinese and foreign masterpieces, and gradually transition to reading the original works. Improve children’s language taste and improve children’s literary appreciation ability.

2: It is best to read out the sound when reading. Why, when reading aloud, the mouth, eyes, and ears work at the same time, and the stimuli produced are various, which will greatly help memory.

3: Parents and children can read a paragraph each, or act as different characters in the book. First of all, parents can play a demonstration role, and secondly, increase the fun of reading and help children develop a reading habit.

4: After reading, it will be more meaningful to discuss the content of the reading with the children on an equal footing.

How to improve primary school language performance? ——Composition

There is no shortcut to improve writing skills, hard work is required, and parents must accompany and urge their children to do the following:

1: Observe more. Before writing, carefully observe the writing object. The more careful the observation, the more fully you understand, and the more you can write. Parents should guide students not only to see with their eyes, but also to think with their brains.

2: Read more. “Reading through thousands of volumes, writing like a god” Reading can let children learn from other people’s writing methods, and “copying” is the way for all beginners to get started. I don’t think parents need to absolutely forbid their children to watch TV. Allowing children to watch TV news for half an hour every day can not only allow children to accumulate composition materials, but also prevent children from being derailed from society.

3: practice writing more. Writing a diary is the most effective way to practice writing. All teachers will require students to write a diary, and parents can give guidance. The first writing only requires fluent sentences and clear meaning.

How to improve primary school language performance? ——Exercise papers

Seeing this, many parents may be wondering, didn’t the title of the article say it? What is provided here is a better learning method than brushing the questions. Why do children still have to brush the questions in the end?

Don’t worry, listen to me slowly.

First of all: Is it possible for children to improve their Chinese performance by not brushing the questions?

The answer is: of course! But the speed and efficiency will be very slow!

What should we do? Of course, it is a selective brushing question! Parents should help their children choose high-quality real questions from famous schools, and the explanations are very detailed, which can cultivate children’s problem-solving thinking. Of course, details such as paper quality, printing, and typesetting must also pass the test, and genuine copies are supported!

It will not only help children summarize all the knowledge points, but also mark the key knowledge, so that children can understand the learning goals at a glance. The following test questions are also real questions from prestigious schools corresponding to the previous knowledge points, allowing children to practice point-to-point!

The most important thing is that the explanations are really super detailed, telling children how to do it step by step, and cultivating children’s problem-solving thinking.

If the child is relatively young and has difficulty reading words, parents can also directly explain it to the child with the analysis. It is also a special volume for primary 5 mandarin tuition family counseling recognized by many parents! You might as well give it a try.

Primary 1 Chinese Tuition Is the Cornerstone of the Child’s Success

Many parents are worried about their child’s Chinese learning, and they will attach more importance to primary 1 Chinese tuition; Let’s start with some questions first…

(If you want to know more information about Chinese learning, please click here^^)
“Why can’t my child learn Chinese well after enrolling in a course to learn Chinese?”
“Why do children learn Chinese all the time, but the more they learn it, the worse it becomes?”
“I bought a lot of textbooks for learning Chinese, and my child’s Chinese ability still hasn’t improved!”

Parents obviously invest a lot in their children’s Chinese learning, but the children’s Chinese level is still at the initial state, and repeated learning is still unsatisfactory, and some primary 1 children will even become more and more resistant to learning Chinese.

I also received some similar feedback in our study group, and found that most parents are also facing these problems. After communication, I found similarities in the parents of these children.

In fact, parents must avoid these misunderstandings if you want your children to learn Chinese well!

1.Chinese is too difficult, and children don’t have to force it if they can’t learn it well.
I can understand my parents’ thinking, after all, they use foreign languages most of the time abroad; So primary 1 Chinese tuition is necessary;

Learning Chinese is not easy, and learning it abroad is even more difficult. If this concept is instilled in children, then when they learn Chinese, they will also think: Chinese is so difficult to learn, why should they learn Chinese? Why do you still have to take up your playing time to learn Chinese?

In fact, there is no child who is not playful. Coupled with the difficulty of Chinese, it is also difficult for children to learn.

Many parents will not bear to compromise after seeing their children fail to improve after studying for a long time.

I think: as long as you can speak, you don’t have to force your child to learn well.
So many children have the same problem: “It can be said, that they are illiterate and unable to write.”
You can learn Chinese well if you learn Pinyin well

Many parents teach their children in the domestic way when they start to learn Chinese, speaking first, and then learning Pinyin. In fact, foreign children cannot be taught in this way.

Because all sentences and articles in a foreign language are composed of letters, it is very important to learn alphabetic words well. However, Chinese characters are different.

 primary 1 Chinese tuition

Chinese characters are not composed of pinyin. Chinese characters are mainly based on form. To truly learn Chinese well, you must not only learn pinyin, but also understand the meaning and learn how to write.

Moreover, Chinese characters have their own particularities, and it is impossible to learn Chinese in the way of “just learn pinyin well”.

After taking primary 1 Chinese tuition, many children are able to speak Chinese, but when they are allowed to read and write Chinese characters, they find that they can’t and don’t know them at all.

When children start to have their own memorization ability, they can also learn Chinese characters while learning pinyin, starting from some simple characters.

Step-by-step learning method
The way of learning is also a very important part. When the child is young, parents can guide the child to speak Chinese through ordinary conversations, and try to speak Chinese as much as possible in life.
Learning Chinese through life is also a subtle influence. Such learning The method will not be particularly deliberate.

When children show unwillingness to learn Chinese, what parents should do at this time is not to press every step of the way, let alone use some extreme methods to force children to learn.

Instead, we should think about how to make children like learning Chinese.
Moreover, when studying, you should not be limited to some dry books. You should change your teaching methods and methods, and guide them from the perspective of children.

You can let children recognize them through some simple text cards.
When children are young, parents can guide their children to take primary 1 Chinese tuition through stories and poems. It’s okay if they can’t speak, at least they have been exposed since childhood.

When the child is slowly able to speak Chinese, parents can guide the child to read through the method of identifying Chinese characters at this time, which is an excellent method of unconscious cognition!

 primary 1 Chinese tuition

You can also choose the corresponding learning method according to the child’s interest. If the child likes the learning method with more interaction, at this time, the parents can arrange a simple drama based on the story and learn while playing. There is also a strong sense of participation.

I am afraid that my child will learn two languages, and neither of them will be able to learn well.
Many parents should have had this thought: they are worried that their children are still young, and they are afraid that their children will not be able to learn two languages.

In fact, there is no conflict between learning Chinese and learning foreign languages. When children start to babble, they can slowly teach them to speak some simple Chinese.

Although they are two different languages, there is no conflict between children’s learning.
If you want to learn Chinese well, you must use it frequently in your life.

Children use more foreign languages abroad, and they are exposed to foreign culture and education.
In fact, this will make the child form a fixed way of thinking. After the child has formed this kind of thinking, it will be more difficult to learn Chinese.

If parents want to cultivate their children’s bilingual thinking, it is best to learn Chinese at the same time when their children start learning foreign languages. In this way, it will be much easier for children to learn Chinese in the future.

In fact, the potential of every child is unlimited, and parents and the environment have a great influence on children.

Come and join in primary 1 Chinese tuition, I believe that children can learn Chinese well!