Beginner Chinese Lessons in 2023, You Deserve to Know!

Why beginner Chinese lessons are important?

Learning Chinese is important for several reasons:

Global relevance: Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world, with over 1.4 billion native speakers. China is also a major global economic power and plays a significant role in international trade, politics, and culture. Learning Chinese opens doors to opportunities in business, diplomacy, and cultural exchange.

Career prospects: As China continues to grow as a global economic powerhouse, there is an increasing demand for professionals who can speak Chinese. Many multinational companies have operations in China or trade with Chinese companies, creating a need for individuals with Chinese language skills. Proficiency in Chinese can give you a competitive edge in the job market. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Cultural understanding: Language is a key component of culture, and learning Chinese provides insight into the rich and diverse Chinese culture. It allows you to appreciate Chinese traditions, history, literature, art, and philosophy on a deeper level. Understanding the language helps foster cross-cultural understanding and bridges the gap between people from different backgrounds.

Academic opportunities: China has a long and storied history, and its contributions to various fields such as science, technology, medicine, and philosophy are significant. Learning Chinese opens up opportunities to study at prestigious Chinese universities and participate in academic exchange programs. It also provides access to a vast range of Chinese literature, research, and academic resources.

Personal growth: Learning a new language, especially one as different as Chinese, challenges the brain and enhances cognitive skills. It improves memory, problem-solving abilities, and multitasking skills. Learning Chinese can boost your confidence and expand your horizons by immersing yourself in a different linguistic and cultural environment.

Travel and exploration: China is a country of immense natural beauty, historical sites, and vibrant cities. Knowing Chinese allows you to navigate and communicate more easily when traveling in China. It enriches your travel experience, enabling you to connect with locals, understand signs and menus, and immerse yourself in the local culture.

Preservation of heritage: For individuals with Chinese heritage, learning the language helps maintain a connection to their roots, family history, and cultural heritage. It enables them to communicate with older family members, understand ancestral documents, and pass on their heritage to future generations.

But beginner Chinese lessons is not very easy; Chinese is often considered difficult to learn due to several factors:

beginner Chinese lessons

Writing system: Chinese characters, or hanzi, are logographic, meaning each character represents a word or concept. Learning thousands of characters and their stroke order can be challenging and time-consuming.

Tones: Chinese is a tonal language, which means that the meaning of a word can change depending on the tone used when pronouncing it. Mandarin Chinese has four tones, and mastering them can be difficult for non-native speakers.

Grammar structure: The grammar structure of Chinese is different from that of many Indo-European languages. Chinese sentences typically follow a subject-verb-object order, and there are no verb conjugations, plurals, or tenses. Understanding and using the correct sentence structure can be challenging for beginners.

Pronunciation: Chinese has a unique set of phonetic sounds that may not exist in other languages. The pronunciation of certain sounds, such as the retroflex consonants and the initial “zh,” “ch,” and “sh” sounds, can be particularly challenging for beginner Chinese lessons.

Lack of cognates: Chinese and English belong to different language families, so there are fewer cognates or words that share similar meanings and forms. This means that learners need to start from scratch when building their vocabulary.

Cultural nuances: Language and culture are intertwined, and Chinese culture has its own set of nuances, idioms, and cultural references that may be unfamiliar to non-native speakers. Understanding and navigating these cultural aspects adds an extra layer of complexity to language learning.

Despite these challenges, learning Chinese is achievable with dedication, consistent practice, and the right resources. Breaking down the language into manageable components, finding effective learning methods, and immersing oneself in the language and culture can help overcome the difficulties and make progress in mastering Chinese.

Beginner Chinese lessons can be an exciting and rewarding journey. Here are some steps to help you get started:

Master the basics of pronunciation: Chinese has a unique set of phonetic sounds. Start by learning the four tones used in Mandarin Chinese and practice pronouncing them correctly. Pay attention to the different vowel and consonant sounds and mimic native speakers as much as possible.

Learn Pinyin: Pinyin is a system that uses Roman letters to represent the sounds of Chinese characters. It serves as a useful tool for pronunciation and spelling. Study the Pinyin system and practice reading and writing Pinyin to familiarize yourself with the language’s sound patterns.

Start with essential vocabulary: Begin by learning commonly used words and phrases that are relevant to everyday situations. Focus on practical topics such as greetings, numbers, colors, family, food, and basic expressions. Practice using these words in context through simple conversations or writing exercises.

Grasp basic grammar: While Chinese grammar may seem different from English or other Indo-European languages, it has its own logical structure. Start by understanding sentence patterns, word order, and basic sentence components like nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Practice constructing simple sentences and gradually expand your knowledge of grammar rules.

Build a solid foundation in characters: Chinese characters are a key part of the language. Begin by learning radicals, which are the building blocks of characters. Start with commonly used characters and gradually increase your vocabulary. Practice writing characters stroke by stroke, and use flashcards or mnemonic techniques to aid memorization.

Immerse yourself in the language: Surround yourself with Chinese as much as possible. Listen to Chinese music, watch movies or TV shows, and engage with Chinese-speaking communities online or offline. Immerse yourself in the language to improve your listening skills and expose yourself to natural speech patterns and cultural references.

Practice speaking and listening: Speaking and listening are crucial skills in language learning. Find language exchange partners or join conversation groups to practice speaking. Listen to podcasts, audiobooks, or online lessons to improve your listening comprehension. Practice shadowing, where you repeat sentences immediately after hearing them, to improve pronunciation and rhythm.

Utilize online resources and apps: Take advantage of the wealth of online resources and language learning apps available. Use interactive apps, online courses, and language learning platforms to supplement your studies. These resources often offer exercises, quizzes, and interactive tools to help you practice and reinforce what you’ve learned.

Immerse yourself in Chinese culture: Learning Chinese is not just about the language; it’s also about understanding the culture. Explore Chinese traditions, festivals, literature, and history. Engage with Chinese media, such as movies, TV dramas, and literature, to gain insights into the culture and deepen your understanding of the language.

Stay consistent and motivated: Learning a language takes time and effort. Set realistic goals and establish a study routine. Consistency is key, so allocate regular study time and practice consistently. Stay motivated by celebrating your progress, finding enjoyable learning materials, and connecting with a supportive language learning community.

Remember, although beginner Chinese lessons are not very easy; Please be patient with yourself, embrace mistakes as learning opportunities, and enjoy the journey of discovering this rich and fascinating language.

How to Learn Chinese:Your Kids Need to Know These 5 Ways

How to learn Chinese? Learning Chinese can be an exciting and rewarding journey. With its rich history, fascinating culture, and increasing global influence, mastering the Chinese language opens up a world of opportunities. Here are some effective strategies to help you embark on your Chinese learning adventure:

Set Clear Goals: Start by defining your learning objectives. Determine whether you want to focus on speaking, listening, reading, writing, or a combination of skills. Setting clear goals will provide direction and motivation throughout your language learning journey. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Build a Strong Foundation: Begin with the basics. Familiarize yourself with Chinese pronunciation, tones, and Pinyin, which is the phonetic system used to represent Chinese characters. Mastering these fundamentals early on will lay a solid foundation for your Chinese language skills.

Immerse Yourself: Immerse yourself in the Chinese language as much as possible. Surround yourself with Chinese input, such as movies, TV shows, music, podcasts, and books. Actively listen to Chinese conversations, paying attention to intonation and rhythm. The more you expose yourself to the language, the more your brain will become attuned to its patterns and structures.

Practice Regularly: Consistency is key when learning any language, including Chinese. Set aside dedicated study time each day or week and stick to your schedule. Practice speaking and listening with native speakers whenever possible, either through language exchange programs, online communities, or local language meetups. Regular practice will help you improve your fluency and build confidence.

Utilize Resources: Take advantage of a wide range of learning resources available to you. Invest in a good textbook or online course that provides comprehensive lessons and exercises. Use language learning apps, flashcards, and online dictionaries to expand your vocabulary. Explore online language forums and discussion boards to connect with other Chinese learners and seek guidance.

Embrace Characters: Chinese characters are an essential part of the language. While it may seem daunting at first, gradually learning characters will significantly enhance your reading and writing abilities. Practice stroke order, repetition, and context-based learning techniques to make character acquisition more manageable and enjoyable.

Immerse in Culture: Chinese language and culture are intricately linked. To deepen your understanding of the language, explore Chinese history, customs, traditions, and literature. Engage with Chinese cultural events, festivals, and cuisine. Immerse yourself in authentic experiences to gain a deeper appreciation for the language and its cultural nuances.

Stay Motivated: Learning Chinese can be challenging at times, but maintaining motivation is crucial. Set small milestones along the way and reward yourself for achieving them. Celebrate your progress and remind yourself of the exciting opportunities that await as you continue your Chinese language journey.

 how to learn Chinese

Remember, learning any language takes time and dedication. Embrace the process, be patient with yourself, and enjoy the experience of learning Chinese. With perseverance and consistent effort, you will gradually unlock the doors to fluency and a deeper connection with Chinese culture and its people.

How to learn Chinese?
Start with the basics: Begin by learning the fundamentals of Chinese pronunciation, including the four tones and Pinyin system. Mastering the correct pronunciation will lay a strong foundation for your overall language skills.

Build vocabulary systematically: Chinese characters can seem overwhelming, but by starting with commonly used words and characters, you can gradually expand your vocabulary. Practice writing and recognizing characters, and gradually increase the complexity of the words you learn.

Practice listening and speaking: Listening to native Chinese speakers and engaging in conversations are essential for improving your listening and speaking skills. Watch Chinese movies, listen to music, and find language exchange partners or conversation groups to practice speaking.

Embrace immersive experiences: Immerse yourself in Chinese culture as much as possible. This can include reading Chinese books or newspapers, watching Chinese TV shows, and participating in cultural activities. Immerse yourself in the language and culture to enhance your understanding and appreciation of the Chinese language.

Seek out a language partner or tutor: Having a language partner or tutor can greatly accelerate your learning progress. They can provide guidance, correct your mistakes, and engage in conversations to help you practice and improve your Chinese skills.

Utilize online resources: Take advantage of online resources such as language learning apps, websites, and online courses. These platforms often offer interactive lessons, practice exercises, and audio materials to enhance your learning experience.

Be consistent and persistent: Do you know how to learn Chinese? Learning a new language takes time and dedication. Set aside regular study sessions and practice daily. Consistency is key to reinforcing what you’ve learned and making steady progress.

Embrace challenges and make mistakes: Learning a new language involves making mistakes and facing challenges. Embrace these moments as valuable opportunities for growth and learning. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, as they are an essential part of the learning process.

Immerse yourself in real-life situations: Whenever possible, immerse yourself in real-life situations where you can use your Chinese language skills. This could involve traveling to a Chinese-speaking country, participating in language exchange programs, or interacting with native speakers in your community.

Stay motivated and have fun: Learning Chinese can be a long journey, so it’s important to stay motivated and enjoy the process. Set clear goals, celebrate your accomplishments, and find ways to make learning Chinese enjoyable, such as exploring Chinese cuisine, watching Chinese dramas, or learning about Chinese history and traditions.

So now do you know how to learn Chinese? learning Chinese is a gradual process that requires patience and perseverance. By following these strategies and staying dedicated, you can make significant progress and unlock the doors to a rich and fascinating language and culture.

Primary 5 mandarin Tuition, why still waiting?

Why primary 5 mandarin tuition is very important?

The fifth grade of elementary school is a period of falling behind for many children, because at this time, book knowledge is no longer as simple as that of the lower grades.

It is very difficult for some children, especially Chinese. There are too many things to memorize. It’s hard to remember, so what should I do if the child’s Chinese performance is poor in the fifth grade?

What to do if the child’s Chinese performance is poor in the fifth grade

Chinese is a basic subject. Primary 5 mandarin tuition aims to enhance students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities. At the same time, after students have mastered Chinese knowledge, it will be helpful to the study of other subjects.

The learning of new words and characters is a part of language learning. The fifth grade students already have a good vocabulary. The textbooks compiled by the department now have words that are clearly required to be able to write and read. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel to click here!)

For the words that are required to be able to write, they can be written Practice making words, and read the text repeatedly at the same time, through reading and recognizing characters, practice makes perfect.

Children’s Chinese performance in the fifth grade is poor, and primary school Chinese education should pay attention to students’ oral communication practice.

Primary 5 mandarin tuition

As a parent, you should encourage your children to deal with people more, and you can also take your children to participate in comprehensive practical activities to enhance their ability to communicate with others.

Reading and writing are also important to the development of children’s language skills. As a teacher and a parent, you should guide your children to read more and read good books.

A good memory is not as good as a bad pen. Make notes while reading. The accumulated good sentences and paragraphs need to be memorized and flexibly applied to future writing.

The improvement of children’s Chinese performance does not happen overnight. It requires not only good study habits, but also the active cooperation and guidance of parents. I believe that with the persistent joint efforts of parents and children, children’s learning will be greatly improved, come on!

Children with poor Chinese performance in the fifth grade, the improvement of learning efficiency most needs a clear and agile mind, so proper rest and entertainment are not only beneficial, but also necessary, and are the basis for improving various learning efficiency.

So how to improve the efficiency of listening to lectures during class?

It is necessary to have a certain amount of preview before class, but my preview is relatively rough. It is nothing more than a quick look at the textbook, so that the content and key points of the textbook can be roughly understood in my heart.

Listen to the class It is more targeted.

When previewing, we don’t need to be too detailed. If we are too detailed, it will waste time, and second, we will be a little slack during class, and sometimes we will ignore the most useful things.

The child’s Chinese performance in the fifth grade is poor. Of course, it is necessary to listen carefully during class.

No one can concentrate on a class. That is to say, it is impossible to concentrate for more than 40 minutes without distraction. As for the time allocation, when the teacher talks about some familiar things, you can relax appropriately.

Taking notes sometimes hinders the efficiency of class listening. Sometimes I am busy copying notes in a class.

In doing so, I sometimes overlook some important things, but this does not mean that it is not necessary to copy notes. , Everyone will forget, with notes, there is a basis for review.

Sometimes the teacher talks a lot and remembers a lot on the blackboard, but it is not necessary to memorize all of them. Of course, don’t memorize the things in the book.

You should memorize some theorems and laws, typical examples and typical solutions that are not in the book. Something worth remembering.


A dictionary, also known as a dumb teacher, is an indispensable tool in a student’s study life. For primary 5 mandarin tuition, there are many new words and words that they don’t know, which will cause certain obstacles to their reading and understanding of the text. Therefore, students need to develop a good habit of frequently looking up dictionaries.

On the one hand, it can exercise students’ own hands-on ability, on the other hand, it can also cultivate students’ active self-learning ability.

Improve reading comprehension

How to improve grade 5 Chinese, read three to five excellent articles every day, summarize the characteristics of people and things described in the articles, summarize the general idea of the paragraphs, learn the narrative logic of excellent articles, and try to copy some of them to achieve depth only by reading and thinking deeply can we dig deeper content, understand the author’s thoughts and feelings, and improve our cognition.

In addition to imitating excellent articles, you can recite beautiful fragments, or even recite the entire article, so that you can accumulate more and more knowledge points through reading.

practice writing more

What many students are most afraid of is writing essays. They have no desire to write, and they don’t know what to write. In terms of writing, in addition to reading more books and newspapers, you can also keep some diaries and weekly records to exercise your writing skills. Over time, you will write more smoothly.

Some students who like to listen to songs often memorize some favorite lyrics and use them when writing. It is really a good way, at least it has a lot of advantages in terms of language.

Of course, you can also memorize some beautiful sentences, turn them into your own things, remember them often, and your writing level will naturally improve.

Develop good study habits

How to improve the performance of Chinese in the fifth grade? Most of the children with unsatisfactory Chinese performance are related to their study habits. Good study habits are the guarantee for good grades.

Chinese learning requires preview before class, active participation in class, and consolidation after class. Exercise listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Pay attention to children’s reading.

As a parent, find a way to let your children read more. As the saying goes, there is a house of gold in the book, and there is Yan Ruyu in the book. Let the children fall in love with reading, and the mind will be easy to calm down. Reading comprehension and composition problems can basically be solved.

Be confident

How to improve grades in primary 5 mandarin tuition? Many scientific studies have proved that people have great potential, but most people have not effectively developed this potential. Among them, people’s self-confidence is a very important aspect.

No matter when and where you do anything, with this kind of self-confidence, primary 5 mandarin tuition has a belief that you must win, and it can make you get rid of the shadow of failure very quickly.

The Best Primary 5 mandarin Tuition, Urgent!

Today I will give you some tips on how to improve your Chinese performance in the primary 5 mandarin tuition.

Many children have low Chinese scores in the fifth grade of elementary school, especially boys, who can even get high in mathematics, but they just can’t learn Chinese.

  1. Cultivate children’s interest in reading

The reading comprehension ability in Chinese in the fifth grade of primary school is very important, so parents need to increase their children’s reading through guidance to cultivate children’s reading comprehension ability for articles, so that the reading comprehension of Chinese in the fifth grade of primary school will not lose points as much as possible. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

In order to better improve children’s reading comprehension ability, children must first be interested in reading. For children in the primary 5 mandarin tuition, parents can first let them read magazines and newspapers they are interested in.

Parents can also subscribe children to some periodicals of children’s literature to increase children’s interest in reading.

In addition, parents can let their children talk about what they have learned from reading and what they understand. On the good side, parents can give their children some rewards.

  1. Practice calligraphy more and write carefully

In the fifth grade of elementary school, the Chinese performance was low, and the handwriting was not neat, and the teacher could not see it clearly. Therefore, if you want to improve your Chinese performance in the fifth grade of elementary school, you must have a neat handwriting, which can also leave a good impression on the marking teacher.

It is recommended that children practice regular script. Practice over time can not only standardize the font, but also enable children to hone their will.

  1. Keep a diary

In the primary 5 mandarin tuition, Chinese has begun to require children to write essays, and essays account for a large part of the score. However, many children do not have enough accumulation when they are in the fifth grade of elementary school, resulting in often insufficient words or writing “” “Current account”, naturally the Chinese scores in the fifth grade of elementary school will not be too high.

Diaries can train children’s observation, thinking, and analysis skills, and can also improve children’s connection skills, writing skills, and self-reflection skills. More importantly, they can hone children’s willpower and accumulate synthetic materials.

primary 5 mandarin tuition

Let the children write a diary step by step, start writing one or two sentences a day, write three to five lines a day, and gradually increase the growth. The content does not need to be formal, you can write about imagination, interesting things in life, trivial things, etc.

But it shouldn’t be the case of fishing for three days and posting on the net for two days. Even if it’s a sentence or two, which is a bit absurd and a bit unusual, it should be written down. The purpose is to form a habit. As long as the parents have the correct guidance, the child’s writing level and Chinese performance can be steadily improved.

There are many ways to improve Chinese performance in the fifth grade of elementary school, but the most important thing is the company of parents and a good learning atmosphere, so as to improve children’s Chinese performance.

How to improve Chinese grades in the fifth grade of elementary school? I believe everyone has the answer. Finally, let me say that children’s learning is just like our work. It needs scientific methods and professional guidance. It is better to make learning planning and guidance sooner rather than later .

How to improve primary school language performance? ——Reading

What should parents pay attention to when instructing their children to read?

1: Choose reading materials that adapt to the child’s literacy level. Children in the lower grades are best to choose books marked with pinyin, which are beautifully printed and clearly written.

Children in advanced grades can choose rewritten versions of Chinese and foreign masterpieces, and gradually transition to reading the original works. Improve children’s language taste and improve children’s literary appreciation ability.

2: It is best to read out the sound when reading. Why, when reading aloud, the mouth, eyes, and ears work at the same time, and the stimuli produced are various, which will greatly help memory.

3: Parents and children can read a paragraph each, or act as different characters in the book. First of all, parents can play a demonstration role, and secondly, increase the fun of reading and help children develop a reading habit.

4: After reading, it will be more meaningful to discuss the content of the reading with the children on an equal footing.

How to improve primary school language performance? ——Composition

There is no shortcut to improve writing skills, hard work is required, and parents must accompany and urge their children to do the following:

1: Observe more. Before writing, carefully observe the writing object. The more careful the observation, the more fully you understand, and the more you can write. Parents should guide students not only to see with their eyes, but also to think with their brains.

2: Read more. “Reading through thousands of volumes, writing like a god” Reading can let children learn from other people’s writing methods, and “copying” is the way for all beginners to get started. I don’t think parents need to absolutely forbid their children to watch TV. Allowing children to watch TV news for half an hour every day can not only allow children to accumulate composition materials, but also prevent children from being derailed from society.

3: practice writing more. Writing a diary is the most effective way to practice writing. All teachers will require students to write a diary, and parents can give guidance. The first writing only requires fluent sentences and clear meaning.

How to improve primary school language performance? ——Exercise papers

Seeing this, many parents may be wondering, didn’t the title of the article say it? What is provided here is a better learning method than brushing the questions. Why do children still have to brush the questions in the end?

Don’t worry, listen to me slowly.

First of all: Is it possible for children to improve their Chinese performance by not brushing the questions?

The answer is: of course! But the speed and efficiency will be very slow!

What should we do? Of course, it is a selective brushing question! Parents should help their children choose high-quality real questions from famous schools, and the explanations are very detailed, which can cultivate children’s problem-solving thinking. Of course, details such as paper quality, printing, and typesetting must also pass the test, and genuine copies are supported!

It will not only help children summarize all the knowledge points, but also mark the key knowledge, so that children can understand the learning goals at a glance. The following test questions are also real questions from prestigious schools corresponding to the previous knowledge points, allowing children to practice point-to-point!

The most important thing is that the explanations are really super detailed, telling children how to do it step by step, and cultivating children’s problem-solving thinking.

If the child is relatively young and has difficulty reading words, parents can also directly explain it to the child with the analysis. It is also a special volume for primary 5 mandarin tuition family counseling recognized by many parents! You might as well give it a try.

Primary 3 Chinese Tuition Let Children Win at the Starting Line

Mike is in Primary 3 this year. Every day after school, he would take his favorite bus to go to primary 3 Chinese tuition. The center is located in Jordan and specializes in serving non-Chinese speaking students.

Today, his Chinese homework was to make sentences. There were two questions on the worksheet. The first question had to use the word “friendly”, and the second question had to use the words “busy” and “care”.

The tutor explained the words first, and then let Mike make up the sentences by himself. At the same time, the teacher was preparing another girl’s Chinese silent book for the next day. Mike stared at the two black lines in front of his eyes, holding a pencil, unable to start.

Why is it so difficult to make sentences? “I know the meaning of these words, but I don’t know how to put together a sentence.” Mike, who originally spoke fluent English, suddenly spoke intermittently.

(If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Too much, too much, too much dissatisfaction poured out all at once, like a pile of colorful building blocks, and he couldn’t find the shape he wanted.

primary 3 Chinese tuition

“I hate dictation,” he said. Over the years he had learned many words, but he never knew how to use them. “I hate Chinese,” he said. Strange structure, rote memorization of homework once, meeting the same sentence three months later, is like a stranger.

Since entering primary 3 Chinese tuition for 1 year, he often gets “A” grades in homework, but he always thought it was “B” grades.

For five years, every Monday to Friday, Mike has spent an hour and a half at the tuition center every day. He remembers that when he was still in kindergarten, he sang songs and read stories in the tuition center, and he did learn a lot of Chinese.

Later, when he entered elementary school, the one-and-a-half hour tutoring time was usually only enough for him to complete his homework, and sometimes he could barely read a few pages of storybooks.

Mike thinks that instead of preparing silent books and doing homework, it is better to spend more time learning Chinese. “But I know that silent reading is very important. Parents ask tutoring teachers like this.”

If you had three wishes to change the school and make you happier in school, what would you do? “I love primary 3 Chinese tuition! Sports days and travel days are my favorite,” Mike said. When he goes to school on weekdays, he looks forward to the break most, running around the campus and playing with his classmates
In class, Mike also has favorite activities. For example, he can play Scrabble on the whiteboard in English class, and he can raise his hands to answer questions in math class, and strive for opportunities to solve problems on the whiteboard. “Only in the Chinese hall, I can only sit in a daze.”

“I think one wish is enough.” Mike said suddenly, “No more Chinese homework, dictation, quizzes, and exams.” He was promoted to primary two last year, and he had already complained to his parents that he didn’t want to learn Chinese.

“They ignored it. Is it normal? Adults usually ignore children’s complaints.”

“I don’t want my son to face the same difficulties in life as I do in the future,” said Anjali, who is Mike’s mother. As a child, she grew up and studied in Nepal to gain professional qualifications.

After coming to Hong Kong, due to language problems, she can only work in the catering industry, and her husband is currently a construction worker. “If we know how to speak Chinese, others will look at us differently, and we can get more opportunities.”

primary 3 Chinese tuition

She believes that Mike was born and raised in Hong Kong, so he needs to learn Chinese well and understand the local culture.

Anjali has always been nervous about Mike’s studies, but she couldn’t help him with his Chinese, which he needs help most. She used to find private tutoring for Mike, but the tuition was too expensive to afford.

Through word of mouth, she learned from relatives that an education center was dedicated to serving non-Chinese speaking students, and that it was a charity organization with affordable fees. As if she had found a treasure, she immediately took Mike, who was still in kindergarten at the time, to sign up.

The Integrated Brilliant Education Center (Integrated Brilliant Education Center) was founded by an Indian couple. They found that the social welfare institutions provided insufficient learning support for ethnic minorities.

The children had to go to school every day, but the homework tutoring class was only two days a week. Six years ago, the couple founded a tutoring center with their own funds, providing non-Chinese speaking students with homework tutoring classes five days a week, with a teacher-student ratio as low as one to three or four.

The monthly tuition fee is 1,000 yuan, which is half of the average tuition fee.

In the first month of establishment, there were only eight students in the center; after two months, the number of students increased to thirty. Two years later, the center is providing homework assistance to 80 students every day. The founders, Geetanjali and Manoj, sometimes serve as volunteer teachers and hire part-time teachers.

They also offer Chinese classes on Saturdays, hoping that students will have more class hours to improve their Chinese proficiency.

Paying 1,000 yuan a month is an expense for Anjali, but she knows it is well spent. “Mike likes to go to the tutoring center. He said that the teachers are friendly and enthusiastic. After attending the remedial class, his Chinese writing has improved.”

However, the improvement does not mean that he is interested. Mike’s motivation to learn Chinese is still very low, and Anjali is helpless. .

Not long after Mike was born, Anjali chose English as the “mother tongue” of the family, hoping to help the child use it in school in the future. “Among the Nepalese parents I know, even though everyone wants their children to learn Chinese well, most of them will not send their children to Chinese schools.

They are worried that they will not be able to help their children with revision in the future.” As a result, many children start attending English schools from kindergarten .

Take Mike as an example. Most of the friends and teachers he met at school are also from ethnic minorities, and they communicate in English in daily communication.

Only primary 3 Chinese tuition class can let your children win at the starting line, don’t hesitate, come on!

Why Primary 3 Chinese Tuition Matters to Your Children?

How can we increase children’s interest in learning? In other words, how can primary 3 Chinese tuition start with my child’s interests? Immersion opens the door to Chinese learning.

An English teacher’s journey of letting her daughter learn Chinese.

In this four-part series, former New York professor and “ang moh pai” (Western education) English teacher Dr Yanyan Hu goes from tearing up Chinese textbooks to writing Chinese comics and a giant musical touring China 25 cities.

She shares her journey and how she enabled her American-born daughter with zero Chinese to thrive in a Taiwanese public school with all Chinese instruction.

This lecture series was produced for the Singapore Ministry of Education’s Mother Tongue Symposium 2020 and is supported by the Speak Mandarin Campaign.

How to stimulate children’s learning interest in primary 3 Chinese tuition?
Why is free time important for kids? When learning music or language, we often think that we have to start from the basics, step by step, and only move on to the next stage when we have mastered the basic level.

That’s why there are graded readers in classrooms, why we have grades and exams in music, and why kickboxing has different ribbons.

Have you also noticed that many children practice and learn to play the piano for years until 8th grade and then never play music again in their life? Have you ever noticed that many of us living in Singapore may have studied Chinese for many years but never read Chinese novels?

My speculation as to why this happened is that these learners never really felt ownership of the subject matter, and the process and lessons never really sparked their interest. It’s a “what my parents want me to do” or “I have to study to pass a test” kind of thing.

While we always assume we have to start with “the basics,” I think that focus is misplaced.
I think we have to start with “interest”, what is “interesting”!

It’s not that the foundation is not important, but that we must first engage in interest. This will take us further. Because studying is for living, not just for passing exams.

The father of progressive education, John Dewey, told us in Experience and Education (1938) that there must be experiential fireworks—those that arouse enough “curiosity,” strengthen “initiative,” and make learners “

It is enough that the experience of “desire and purpose” is aligned so that that spark can carry the learner through those difficult parts of learning when we have to work very, very hard to acquire new knowledge. This means effective learning starts with interest!

What does it mean to start with an interest?
Her curiosity and creativity will have to give way to mundane homework.

This is probably the most important point. What is the goal of learning anything – Chinese or any other subject?

Isn’t it about making our kids smart, creative, and innovative?

Especially when we know that in our current and future world, most jobs will be replaced by artificial intelligence, and the only thing that will allow our children to survive in the age of artificial intelligence is human intelligence, a major component of which must It’s creativity!

This means effective learning starts with interest!
What does it mean to start with an interest?

Curiosity and creativity will have to give way to mundane homework.
This is probably the most important point. What is the goal of learning anything – Chinese or any other subject?

Traditionally, the outside world’s impression of private schools is that there are many classes, many exams, and heavy schoolwork. This is indeed the case during the reporter’s on-site visits. But other than that, we also see some different changes in the current Weidao curriculum.

The day of my visit happened to be the regular class running time on Friday, and all the freshmen and sophomores in the school were busy taking “multiple elective courses”, walking faster than many public high schools.

During the interview, I observed a class called “Science for Playing Beauty”, which was co-taught by art, biology, physics, mathematics and other teachers, leading students to design websites and computer graphics.

Principle, draw many lively patterns and color them, and also design multi-color QR code, which is both beautiful and practical.
Every Saturday morning, students can also choose to deepen and broaden the “characteristic courses”.

Some courses focus on the analysis of previous exam questions and the strengthening of problem-solving skills, but there are also electives that are not related to exams, such as “AI programming” in the middle school The course has entered its fifth year.

The teacher who started the course, Cheng Weixiang, said that it can be combined with science exhibitions, and it is interesting, and is very popular among students. “I often think about what is the purpose of elite education?

It should be practiced and contribute to society.” Cheng Weixiang even combined with public services, leading students to exchange courses with Namasia Middle School in a remote village on weekends, encouraging those who take courses Junior high school students must learn mathematics and programming well before they can teach others.

(If you want to know more information about Chinese, please click here!)

 primary 3 Chinese tuition

As for the more complicated characters, they are expressed in the form of building blocks. According to the shape and meaning of the characters, they are transformed into the most basic and simple elements.

Through the prompts, the images are formed in the brain, and the concept of the characters is established, and then the image text is read. To understand the meaning of words, deepen the understanding and impression of words.

Thomas pointed out that word forms and meanings are unique features of Chinese characters. When designing font-related pictures, they must be simple, easy to understand and easy to remember.

In addition, this learning method can also inspire creativity. Taking “birth” as an example, “the cow’s first birthday” was used as a prompt sentence. Later, a teacher proposed another interpretation method of “three-layer birthday cake”.

Thomas said: “The creative process allows learners to think carefully about the various elements of each character, and to experience the beauty of Chinese characters.”

Chinese learning needs to be done step by step, starting from learning single characters, and then combining single characters into words, using different character cards to form different characters or words, such as “” and “月” become “明”, which can be associated with the sun and the moon are very bright the meaning of.

“Even nonsensical words, as long as they make sense, create associations, and understand them, that’s how Teochew comes from. Just like the compound word “Mingtian” I created, it means a luminous field.”

We often hear “go with the child’s interests” but don’t know how to do it. I’ve demonstrated several methods:

“Symbiosis” with primary 3 Chinese tuition
Find ways to get our kids to contribute their knowledge
Most importantly, we need to protect and value free time because it is actually very productive time.

Hong Kong Primary Chinese Tutoring for Internal Assessment, No Worries about Chinese!

“Tommy needs to quickly improve the score of the internal assessment! So is there any Hong Kong primary Chinese tutoring for internal assessment? The internal assessment will be submitted soon… What can I do with Tommy’s Chinese, alas”…

With the passage of time, the first internal assessment of the fifth grade of primary school will be held in June in the near future;

The results of the test can determine the approximate position of the child in the grade, and affect the self-study stage, interview, and banding of the middle school!

For some important exams, we should not rush and prepare for the exams.

Children who have fully prepared for the exam will be able to face the exam in a good state, improve the accuracy of answering questions, solve problems more effectively, and obtain ideal grades;

If the results of the first internal assessment are satisfactory, it will greatly enhance the children’s interest and confidence in learning;

Preparing for the internal assessment is the key for children to stand out. However, after investigation, it was found that most of the children failed in Chinese…

The first internal assessment of the fifth grade of elementary school is approaching, and the results of the three main subjects of Chinese, English, and mathematics cannot be ignored.

Ree, a well-known teaching and research teacher of the test, said that Chinese is a “death subject”!

Because there are different papers in Chinese, students take the Chinese test in separate tests;

The most likely point to lose points is in reading comprehension – Long questions and answers are too short, the paragraphs are not inductive, and the multiple-choice items are not subtly different.

In the use of Chinese, punctuation and rhetorical definitions cannot be remembered clearly, reorganization and arranging sentences are too hasty, rewriting sentences are careless, and even copying typos, misunderstood titles, and underestimating problems, etc., are easy to lose points.

Students need to learn the art and science before reading an article to know which punctuation marks to use, and they also need to look at the emotions behind others and the context in which they are invested.

 Hong Kong primary Chinese tutoring for internal assessment

In this way, they can practice reading comprehension, reorganize sentences, etc., all of which are easy to understand.

So what about the child’s internal assessment?

After all, the ” internal assessment” is an exam, so it will be easy! As long as you are willing to study hard and find the test-taking skills that suit you, you will not have to worry about failing the exam!

For Hong Kong primary Chinese tutoring for internal assessment, Sino-bus has a dedicated internal assessment Chinese tutoring teaching and research team. The following tips are hoped to be helpful to children!

1: Get ready and make a plan!

Each primary five child must tailor a targeted study plan for the sub-examination according to his or her own situation.

First of all, children should list all the words, rhetoric, reading skills and theories, composition topics, etc. that need to be reviewed, and then make a corresponding study plan for the internal assessment based on the knowledge and the remaining test preparation time.

When making a internal assessment study plan, you should not put too much pressure on yourself or set too high a goal. After all, a plan that can be completed is a good plan.

2: The goal must be clear!

After formulating the internal assessment review plan, it is recommended that parents and children discuss and set a goal;

This goal can be achieved after hard work according to their own conditions, and divide a big goal into several small goals, and give appropriate encouragement after reaching the goal and rewards.

The point is, the goal must be what the child wants, not imposed by the parents. Only in this way can children’s learning initiative be improved, strive for their goals, and persevere.

3: Pay attention to details!

No matter what type of test it is, getting the questions you will do right is the key to scoring.

In the Chinese internal assessment, reading and writing are very important! You must read carefully, and the article must be understood; It doesn’t matter if you read it twice;

4: Review must be serious!

On the eve of submitting the internal assessment, many students always use the large amount of homework as an excuse to lower the quality of their homework, and fill in a few words on the homework as if they have completed it.

It is wrong to do such!!

When doing reading questions, writing neat and clear answers will help children organize their thoughts and understand their understanding of a certain theory of knowledge.

Weaknesses should be consolidated so that you won’t lose points where you shouldn’t be in the internal assessment.

5: Good at summarizing!

Finally, students must be good at summarizing in the process of reviewing the internal assessment.

Why is the answer of the last reading comprehension so different from the reference answer? What is the reason why I didn’t answer the point? Why is the composition a bit off topic?

Everyone’s scoring situation is different. You should seriously think about the reasons for the loss of points after the exam, instead of just finishing the exam. Only by reflecting can you improve!

The above are the top five suggestions for preparing for the internal assessment for children and parents.

If you want to know how to develop these five skills, you are welcome to come to Sino-bus to listen to the Hong Kong primary Chinese tutoring for internal assessment. Come quickly!

Hong Kong primary school Chinese language tutoring, So Easy!

“Hello, Lingling’s mom, may I confirm why is Lingling’s Chinese so good? How did she learn Chinese? Is there any recommendation for Hong Kong primary school Chinese language tutoring? Sigh, why can’t Mike’s Chinese score improve? It’s so worrying”…

Dear parents, today we are going to talk about the problem of Hong Kong primary school students learning Chinese.

Presumably some parents should have the same problem as Mike’s mother – Is it because the children’s Chinese scores have not improved? I saw some of you nodded silently, OK, let’s talk it step by step~

In fact, it doesn’t matter if your children can’t learn Chinese well, the most important thing is to figure out the reason, and prescribe the right medicine to solve the problem better! Otherwise it is just invalid worry!

Parents, in Hong Kong, attach great importance to their children’s academic performance; So many primary school students feel a lot of pressure when learning Chinese;

Appropriate pressure is motivation, but too much pressure will only make children hate learning Chinese!!

In fact, primary school students face many difficulties in learning Chinese, such as too many Chinese characters, complicated grammar, difficult pronunciation and so on;

In addition, Hong Kong is a multilingual city, primary school students need to learn English and Chinese at the same time, so they need to spend more time and energy learning Chinese.

Maybe many children still speak Cantonese with their parents at home, it is more difficult for children to speak Chinese; because they have to switch between multiple languages.

So, how to solve such a problem? Do they need Hong Kong primary school Chinese language tutoring?

In fact, Chinese tutoring is very necessary. Many children can’t learn Chinese well, because they are not interested in Chinese learning at all!

Hong Kong primary school Chinese language tutoring

“Interest is the best teacher for learning”! If children are not interested in learning Chinese, it is difficult to motivate them in speaking Chinese;

In Sino-bus’ online Chinese class, children will not feel bored at all; There are many interactive games in the class, which can grab their attention~

“Mom, Chinese teacher led us play a lot of Chinese character games in class today, and I memorized a lot of difficult Chinese characters, such as 、象、部、图、标……”

Students can improve their Chinese proficiency by watching Chinese movies, listening to Chinese songs, reading stories, etc., and at the same time enhance their understanding of Chinese culture.

In addition, parents’ support is also very important!

Parents can create more language environments for their children at home, such as letting them watch Chinese TV programs, read Chinese books, etc.

At the same time, parents should not only pay attention to their children’s academic performance, but also pay attention to their children’s interests and personal development, so that children can find happiness and a sense of accomplishment in their studies.

I just heard a parent say: “I have done everything I can, and the family tried to create a good Chinese learning environment for their children, but the child’s Chinese foundation is not good, and they can’t keep up with other children in the big classes at school; The whole person feels a little inferior.” …

Please don’t worry about this, parent~

In view of the situation of your child, you can actually allow your child to take some Chinese tutoring.

If you feel that there are too many Chinese tutoring classes for elementary schools in Hong Kong on the market, and you don’t know which one to go to, I suggest you come first to try Sino-bus online Chinese class for free~

We adopt a small class system for teaching, and the teaching difficulty is from shallower to deeper.

Beginners will not feel strenuous at all; And Sino-Bus pays attention to cultivating children’s interest in Chinese learning, and creates an immersive learning environment through interactive games, so that children can learn while playing!

You can also play games and watch cartoons in class, children should not refuse it!

“Mike’s mom, please don’t worry; In fact, my daughter, Lingling, had a hard time learning Chinese at first. At that time, I was lucky enough to meet Sino-Bus.

The child became interested in Chinese after only a few classes, and she liked Chinese more and more. Actually, you can ask Mike to go to Sino-bus for a try.”

There are indeed many difficulties in learning Chinese for primary school students in Hong Kong, but the joint efforts of teachers, parents and children can resolve these difficulties and allow children to learn Chinese more naturally and easily.

Sino-Bus is good at Hong Kong primary school Chinese language tutoring! So why not let the children try a class first~