Online Chinese Courses for Kids that You Deserve to know!

So online Chinese courses for kids is possible?

Many overseas Chinese parents want their children to learn Chinese, but they are struggling with work and daily chores, and cannot spend a lot of time teaching their children systematically. All they can do is ask their children to speak Chinese at home and exercise their listening and speaking skills. The method may not allow children to really learn Chinese.

An Australian mother confides her distress on the Internet. Her family Chinese education has achieved remarkable results from the beginning to slow progress. In the end, Chinese can’t express the child’s thoughts, and adults can’t communicate deeply with the child. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Back to English communication, in daily conversations, there are only simple and commonly used conversations such as “wake up”, “it’s time to eat”, and “goodbye, mother”.

When summing up the experience and lessons, this mother realized that if parents want to exercise their children’s Chinese ability, it is not enough to teach them simple daily conversations.

Every language has its own culture and system, and it is necessary to lay a good foundation for the children, arrange Only by learning the content and progress well, and constantly overcoming problems in Chinese learning can we make progress.

To a certain extent, it is a good language atmosphere for parents to speak Chinese at home, which can make children listen more and practice more. In early childhood, children’s listening and speaking learning is mainly based on imitation, so this method works very well.

 online Chinese courses for kids

But when the child grows up, don’t force the child to express everything in Chinese, because at this stage, the ability of imitation learning will decline rapidly, and the learning mode will gradually change to trial-and-error learning, relying solely on dialogue to improve the child’s Chinese Levels are extremely limited.

In addition, as the level of Chinese learning deepens, the Chinese language system that comes into contact with becomes more and more complex and difficult to imitate, and children will naturally develop resistance.

At this time, parents should be patient, guide their children, and encourage them to try more. It doesn’t matter even if the expression is wrong. The children must be willing to speak Chinese in order to learn Chinese better.

Online Chinese courses for kids, if a child retells what he saw and heard in school today, if there are words or situations that he cannot express, parents can first ask the child to express it in another way.

If the child still cannot express it, do not force the child to use Chinese , After the child has fully expressed what he wants to say, the parent will guide the child and tell him how to express the content just now in Chinese better and more accurately.

Online Chinese courses for kids?At the same time, parents can also collect more literary stories or film and television dramas with Chinese characteristics, tell them to their children or watch them together, so as to increase their interest in learning Chinese, guide them to learn Chinese independently, and understand Chinese culture.

From the perspective of teaching methods, chatting with children in Chinese can indeed exercise children’s listening and speaking skills, and can also stimulate children’s desire to learn after guidance.

However, it is difficult for children to establish a complete language system without professional courses. Therefore, many parents will gradually feel that the improvement of their children’s Chinese ability is slowing down or even deteriorating.

This is because children have shortcomings in reading and writing, which leads to more and more complex language expressions and more and more problems. It will cause children to fear difficulties, greatly reduce their enthusiasm for learning Chinese, and even develop rebellious psychology and refuse to learn Chinese when they reach adolescence.

Moreover, it is difficult to improve children’s reading and writing skills if they only use Chinese for daily chatting, and it is also difficult for children to learn more Chinese characters and written expressions. Such incomplete Chinese skills are difficult to use in formal occasions.

You must know that although domestic children are also taught to speak by their parents little by little, they have teachers who have taught them to read and write systematically since kindergarten, and use well-arranged short stories to let the children learn on their own initiative and fill every day.

There are teaching vacancies in each stage. In the senior grades, the children have developed the habit of thinking in Chinese, through talking, reading, watching movies, writing… Every moment is actively or passively strengthening their language ability.

And children living abroad, outside the family, do not use Chinese to speak, write, read and write. How can this allow children to learn Chinese naturally, communicate with their parents at home without any obstacles, and be proficient in everything in listening, speaking, reading and writing? Woolen cloth?

In the face of such problems, the most scientific way at present is to carry out systematic Chinese training. Although our parents are very proficient in Chinese, teaching children to learn Chinese is not an easy task.

Family education alone is not enough. Chinese itself is a relatively complex language with profound historical background, and there are certain thresholds at different stages of learning, which can only be passed to the next stage.

If there is no professional teacher to help children build a Chinese learning system from an early age and lay a solid language foundation, then when learning increasingly complex advanced language content, it is necessary to constantly find and make up for incomplete basic knowledge.

This requires finding a suitable Chinese teacher for the children, using standardized teaching methods and scientific teaching methods, laying the foundation for children to learn Chinese, making up for the lack of reading and writing language skills of Chinese children, and correcting some of the usual problems.

Pay attention to pronunciation and expression habits, so that children can master the purest Chinese.

In this regard, professional Chinese school teachers can save parents a lot of trouble. For example, Lingxi Chinese, which has been studying Chinese language teaching for many years, has a large number of cases and teaching experience.

The problem is well understood. At present, the Chinese classes in most public language schools, in order to meet the learning progress of most people, will lack pertinence, waste children’s natural advantages in Chinese learning, and miss the best learning time.

Good Chinese teachers have established targeted teaching models for children with different learning abilities, which can better guide and strengthen children’s weaknesses and make up for their shortcomings.

Online Chinese courses for kids, teachers of Lingxi Chinese can communicate with children anytime and anywhere to ensure that children learn Chinese most efficiently and solve difficulties encountered in learning in a timely manner.

Do Kids Know the Best Way to Learn Chinese Online in 2023?

Oh! Recently, I have heard many people say that Chinese is so difficult to learn! Is there any best way to learn Chinese online?

Learning Chinese online has become an increasingly popular choice for individuals seeking to embark on a journey of language mastery. With the rapid advancement of technology and the widespread availability of online resources, the best way to learn Chinese now lies at the fingertips of eager learners around the globe. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

One of the key advantages of learning Chinese online is the flexibility it offers. Unlike traditional classroom settings, online platforms provide learners with the freedom to tailor their study schedule according to their personal commitments and preferences.

This flexibility allows individuals to learn at their own pace, ensuring that they can allocate sufficient time to grasp the intricacies of the language without feeling overwhelmed.

To make the most of online Chinese learning, it is crucial to choose a reputable and comprehensive platform. Look for platforms that offer a diverse range of learning materials, including interactive lessons, audio recordings, video tutorials, and practice exercises.

A well-rounded curriculum that covers all aspects of language acquisition, such as vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, and speaking, is essential for achieving proficiency in Chinese.

One of the distinctive advantages of best way to learn Chinese online is the ability to access native speakers as teachers and conversation partners. Authentic interaction with native speakers helps learners develop a deeper understanding of the language, its nuances, and cultural contexts.

best way to learn Chinese online

Through online platforms, learners can engage in one-on-one or group video sessions, where they can practice their speaking skills, receive immediate feedback, and immerse themselves in genuine Chinese conversations.

Supplementing online learning with language exchange programs or language learning communities can greatly enhance the learning experience. Joining online forums, chat groups, or language exchange platforms enables learners to connect with fellow enthusiasts or native speakers, fostering a supportive community of learners.

Engaging in conversations with peers and native speakers outside the virtual classroom environment adds a practical dimension to learning Chinese, enriching vocabulary, improving pronunciation, and building confidence.

Another key aspect of effective online Chinese learning is consistent practice. Regularly setting aside dedicated study time and engaging with the language daily is essential for making progress.

Online platforms often provide gamified learning experiences, encouraging learners to practice regularly and track their progress. Utilizing flashcards, language apps, or online quizzes can also be beneficial in reinforcing vocabulary and grammar concepts.

Lastly, it is important to stay motivated throughout the learning journey. Learning a new language requires dedication and perseverance. Setting achievable goals, celebrating milestones, and seeking out cultural immersion experiences can keep the flame of motivation burning.

Watching Chinese movies, listening to Chinese music, or exploring Chinese literature can provide a window into the rich tapestry of Chinese culture, while also deepening language comprehension.

In conclusion, the best way to learn Chinese online involves a combination of flexibility, comprehensive resources, interaction with native speakers, participation in language exchange programs, consistent practice, and staying motivated.

With the vast array of online tools and platforms available, aspiring Chinese learners can embark on an enriching journey that brings them closer to fluency in one of the world’s most fascinating languages.

Learning Chinese online has become increasingly popular due to its convenience, flexibility, and accessibility. With numerous resources available at your fingertips, mastering this intricate language has never been easier. To embark on this linguistic journey and maximize your learning potential, consider the following tips for the best way to learn Chinese online.

First and foremost, it is essential to choose a reputable online learning platform or course. Look for platforms that offer comprehensive curricula, interactive lessons, and engaging multimedia content. A well-structured course will guide you through the language step by step, ensuring a solid foundation in pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and writing.

To grasp the tonal nature of Chinese, incorporating audio and video components into your learning process is crucial. Seek courses that provide audio recordings of native speakers to familiarize yourself with the correct intonation and pronunciation. Similarly, video lessons can help you observe facial movements and body language, aiding in understanding context and cultural nuances.

Regular practice is the key to language proficiency, and Chinese is no exception. Dedicate consistent time to your studies, ideally on a daily basis, to reinforce what you have learned and improve your retention. Utilize the interactive features of online platforms, such as quizzes, flashcards, and exercises, to reinforce your knowledge and test your progress.

Immersing yourself in the language is vital for developing fluency. Online communities, language exchange platforms, and language learning apps can connect you with native Chinese speakers. Engaging in conversation with them will not only enhance your speaking skills but also expose you to colloquial expressions and cultural insights. Additionally, watching Chinese movies, TV shows, and listening to Chinese music will help you familiarize yourself with the language in its natural context.

Supplementing your online learning with additional resources can further accelerate your progress. Explore Chinese language podcasts, online dictionaries, and grammar references to deepen your understanding. Reading Chinese literature, news articles, and blogs will improve your reading comprehension and expand your vocabulary.

To truly master Chinese, it is essential to practice best way to learn Chinese online. Utilize online tools and apps that provide stroke order animations and practice sheets. Regularly writing characters by hand will reinforce your memory and understanding of their structure.

Finally, stay motivated and set achievable goals. Learning any language requires time and dedication, so celebrate your milestones and progress along the way. Join online communities of fellow learners, where you can share experiences, exchange tips, and find encouragement.

Learning Chinese online offers unparalleled flexibility and resources. By selecting a reputable platform, engaging with multimedia content, practicing regularly, immersing yourself in the language, and supplementing your learning, you will be on the path to becoming proficient in Chinese.

Best way to learn Chinese online embraces this enriching linguistic journey and unlocks a world of opportunities to connect with Chinese culture, people, and the vast realm of Mandarin.

Best Way to Learn Chinese Online in 2023, Some Tips for Success

What is the best way to learn Chinese online?

Many overseas Chinese parents want their children to learn Chinese, but they are struggling with work and daily chores, and cannot spend a lot of time teaching their children systematically.

All they can do is ask their children to speak Chinese at home and exercise their listening and speaking skills. The method may not allow children to really learn Chinese.

An Australian mother confides her troubles on the Internet. Her family’s Chinese education has achieved remarkable results at the beginning to slow progress. In the end, Chinese can’t express the child’s thoughts, and adults can’t communicate with the child deeply.

Back to English communication, in daily conversations, there are only simple and commonly used conversations such as “wake up”, “it’s time to eat”, and “goodbye, mother”. (If you want to know more about Chinese, please feel free to click here!)

When summing up the experience and lessons, this mother realized that if parents want to exercise their children’s Chinese ability, it is not enough to just teach their children simple daily conversations.

best way to learn Chinese online

Every language has its own culture and system, and it is necessary to lay a good foundation for the children, arrange only by learning the content and progress well, and constantly overcoming problems in Chinese learning can we make progress.

To a certain extent, it is a good language atmosphere for parents to speak Chinese at home, which can make children listen more and practice more. In early childhood, children’s listening and speaking learning is mainly based on imitation, so this method works very well.

But when the child grows up, don’t force the child to express everything in Chinese, because at this stage, the ability of imitation learning will decline rapidly, and the learning mode will gradually change to trial-and-error learning, relying solely on dialogue to improve the child’s Chinese Levels are extremely limited.

In addition, as the level of Chinese learning deepens, the Chinese language system that comes into contact with becomes more and more complex and difficult to imitate, and children will naturally develop resistance.

At this time, parents should be patient, guide their children, and encourage them to try more. It doesn’t matter even if the expression is wrong. The children must be willing to speak Chinese in order to learn Chinese better.

In daily life, if a child retells what he saw and heard in school today, if there are words or situations that he cannot express, parents can first ask the child to express it in another way.

If the child still cannot express it, do not force the child to use best way to learn Chinese online, after the child has completely expressed what he wants to say, the parent will guide the child and tell him how to express the content just now in Chinese better and more accurately.

At the same time, parents can also collect more literary stories or film and television dramas with Chinese characteristics, tell them to their children or watch them together, so as to increase their interest in learning Chinese, guide them to learn Chinese independently, and understand Chinese culture.

Learning Chinese online can be an effective and convenient way to acquire the language. Here are some steps you can take to make the most of your online learning experience:

Set clear goals: Determine your reasons for learning Chinese and set achievable goals. This will help you stay motivated and track your progress.

Choose a reputable online platform: There are several online platforms and websites that offer Chinese language courses. Look for platforms with experienced teachers, interactive learning materials, and positive reviews from previous learners.

Seek structured courses: Look for courses that offer a structured curriculum, covering different aspects of the language such as vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, listening, and speaking. A well-organized course will ensure you have a comprehensive learning experience.

Utilize multimedia resources: Make use of multimedia resources like videos, audio recordings, and interactive exercises to enhance your learning. Many online platforms provide access to these resources, which can help improve your listening and pronunciation skills.

Best way to learn Chinese online? Practice speaking: Chinese is a tonal language, and speaking practice is crucial for developing accurate pronunciation and intonation. Seek opportunities to practice speaking, such as language exchange programs, conversation groups, or online tutoring sessions.

Engage with native speakers: Interacting with native speakers will expose you to real-life language usage and cultural nuances. Join online forums, language exchange websites, or social media groups to connect with native Chinese speakers and practice your language skills.

Supplement with reading and writing: Chinese characters may seem daunting at first, but regular practice is key to developing reading and writing skills. Use online resources for reading Chinese texts, and practice writing characters using online tools or apps specifically designed for character learning.

Use language-learning apps: Incorporate language-learning apps like Duolingo, HelloChinese, or Memrise into your routine. These apps offer gamified lessons, vocabulary building exercises, and interactive quizzes to make learning more engaging.

Practice regularly and be consistent: Consistency is crucial for language learning. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to practice Chinese. Regular practice, even in short sessions, will help reinforce your learning and improve your retention.

Join online communities: Joining online communities of Chinese language learners can provide you with additional support, resources, and opportunities for practicing your skills. These communities often have forums, discussion boards, and language partners who can offer guidance and practice opportunities.

Remember, learning a language requires time, effort, and patience. By following these steps and staying committed to your learning journey, you can make significant progress in learning Chinese online.

Focus on vocabulary and grammar: Expand your vocabulary gradually by learning common words and phrases in context. Study grammar rules and sentence structures to enhance your ability to form coherent sentences. Online platforms often provide vocabulary and grammar exercises, flashcards, and quizzes to reinforce your learning.

Join online language communities: Engage with fellow Chinese language learners through online forums, social media groups, or language exchange platforms. Interacting with other learners and native speakers can provide valuable practice opportunities, cultural insights, and motivation.

Incorporate multimedia resources: Take advantage of multimedia resources like videos, podcasts, and interactive exercises. These resources can expose you to authentic Chinese content, help improve your listening skills, and provide cultural context.

Practice reading and writing: Develop your reading skills by starting with simple texts, such as children’s books or online articles. Gradually increase the difficulty level as your proficiency improves. For writing, practice stroke order and character formation using online tools or apps designed for Chinese character learning.

So now do you know the best way to learn Chinese online? Remember, learning a language requires patience and perseverance. Stay motivated, be open to making mistakes, and embrace the learning process. Learning Chinese online provides flexibility and convenience, allowing you to progress at your own pace.

Top 6 Best Ways to Learn Mandarin Online Free in 2023 !

“It’s already 2023! I wonder if there exist some best ways to learn mandarin online free”? says Leo……

The times are constantly developing, and the Internet is also developing rapidly; More and more people are aware of Chinese traditional culture, including foreign friends.

Chinese traditional culture is a classic handed down from our ancestors, and it is the most precious wealth left to us; Chinese characters are one of them.

As China’s national strength continues to grow stronger, Chinese has gradually developed into a common language in the world.

 best ways to learn mandarin online free

So not only Leo wanna find some best ways to learn mandarin online free, you might as well want to know it. Right?

Please don’t worry, I will tell you later~

When almost all human beings are learning a new skill, whenever they encounter difficulties, they want to find a shortcut immediately – This is human nature; Maybe you have seen similar titles: ‘Master 2,000 Chinese characters in 5 days’, ‘Learn Chinese writing in 7 days’…

Those titles look catchy, don’t they? But do you really think Chinese can be learned in a few days? Chinese culture is extensive and profound, and Chinese characters have a history of thousands of years – It is completely impossible to master more than 2,000 Chinese characters in 5 days! ! Don’t be fooled by these titles!

I heard some guys ask:“So there are no best ways to learn mandarin online free ?”

Of course there must exist some effective ways to learn mandarin online free~

Don’t be nervous, you can take it easy. To learn a language, you must first integrate into the language environment. The same is true for Chinese learning; It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a Chinese environment around you, we can create it ourselves!

You can find some Chinese TV dramas or movies to watch first, sitcoms like “Wulin Biography” and “Family with Children” are very suitable; You can also listen to some Chinese songs, why not try Jay Chou, many young people like his songs; If you wanna listen to songs with more ancient Chinese elements, you can try Yaoyang, Hetu, Huang Shifu, etc.

Well, now that you have gradually integrated into the Chinese environment, it is not too late to start learning Chinese systematically; Here are 6 best ways to learn mandarin online free:

1.To learn Chinese, you must first lay a solid foundation.
To practice using the four tones of Chinese. Chinese is a tonal language, which means that words have different meanings with different tones, even though they are pronounced and spelled the same.

Learning these different tones is certainly essential if you want to speak Chinese correctly.

2.Memorize simple vocabulary.
No matter what language you study, the more vocabulary you have, the more fluent you will be. Therefore, the next thing to do is to memorize some useful words. Such as:早上:zǎoshàng,下午:xiàwǔ,晚上:wǎnshàng);Body part:(头:tóu,脚:jiǎo,手:shǒu)食物(牛肉niúròu,鸡:jī,鸡蛋:jīdàn,面条:miàntiáo), and words related with color、transportation、weather and month etc.

3.Learn how to count.
Chinese does not have an alphabet, which makes it difficult for Westerners to learn it. Fortunately, the Chinese number system is fairly straightforward and fairly logical, and once you learn the first ten numbers, you’ll be able to count to 99.

 best ways to learn mandarin online free

4.Learn some basic conversational phrases.
Once you have a basic grasp of vocabulary and pronunciation, you can move on to basic conversational phrases that can be used in everyday Chinese conversation.

5.Write a diary
Many people have the habit of keeping a diary, recording what they see, hear and feel every day in a small diary; Keeping a diary can not only exercise perseverance and perseverance, but also cultivate the habit of writing and thinking!

But Harry reminds you, don’t write too boring schedule, describe more characters, scenes, write down people and things that make you deep, and then you can write a deep diary!

For example, students saw many torn-off propaganda posters left on the walls of flyovers. Some said they were whitewashing the peace, while others thought they were restoring order.

What do you think? The diary can not only be used to record the development process of things, but also can train students to describe their mood and feelings in words and summarize their thoughts; I believe it can greatly improve students’ narrative, lyric and discussion skills.

6.Read the movie’s original novel
Blessed are you who like to watch movies in your spare time! For every outstanding movie, there will always be its original novel, which is no less exciting than the movie version and allows you to understand the whole story.

To test DSE Chinese well, learning methods can be more diversified!If reading traditional literature isn’t your thing, reading novels for movies is another way to learn different writing techniques.

For example, Jin Yong’s works have been adapted into movies and TV series many times, and in martial arts novels, he added a lot of descriptions of behavior and characters, and the ups and downs of the plot are also impressive.

In addition, the recent Hong Kong-produced film “The Taste of Pepper” was adapted from Zhang Xiaoxian’s novel “My Love Is So Spicy”.

There are many emotional descriptions in it, describing how the three sisters managed the hot pot restaurant left by their father after losing their father. Candidates can definitely learn Chinese writing from it!

Chinese is the most spoken language in the world. Do as the Romans do when you go to the country, and you have to learn Chinese language and culture when you enter the territory of China, which also increases the difficulty of learning for foreign friends.

And Chinese is one of the most difficult languages in the world, which directly causes foreign friends to collapse several times while learning Chinese; So it is no wonder that many people ask the best ways to learn mandarin online free~

In fact, it is not easy to learn a language at the beginning; Chinese is to foreigners what English is to us, but English is much easier than Chinese. There are many cases in Chinese where there are different words with the same sound.

For example, ‘shi ’ has four tones, and the corresponding Chinese characters are yes, 是、四、事、使、思、市 …… Chinese people can easily distinguish them, but in the eyes of foreigners, they just can’t tell the difference – they might think these characters are same?

For another example, if these Chinese characters are combined with different characters to form words, the meaning will change a lot, and the same word has different meanings in different contexts; This is much more difficult than learning English.

No wonder it is so difficult for foreigners to make complaints about English, and even how difficult it is to use “memes” to make complaints about Chinese.

In this regard, netizens have seen how difficult it is for foreigners to learn Chinese, and they have left messages one after another, just like themselves who are learning English.

“Hello, Leo! May I confirm if you now get the best ways to learn mandarin online free”……

Hong Kong primary Chinese language tutoring, Chinese is so easy!

Hey! Parents, today we are going to talk about Hong Kong primary Chinese language tutoring.

First of all, I would like to ask some questions to parents: Children do not like learning Chinese, Why? Children can’t learn Chinese well, what is the root cause?

Do you just blame the children for not studying hard?

In fact, language learning for Hong Kong students is very important, after all, language is the foundation of communication.

In Hong Kong, many students are exposed to Chinese in primary school, but they face many challenges in their studies.

First of all, Chinese is a relatively complex and difficult language.

Primary school students in Hong Kong must learn Chinese from pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and other aspects.

Hong Kong primary school Chinese language tutoring

In addition, due to the multicultural characteristics of Hong Kong, students need to face various dialects and accents;

This also means that students need to devote more time and energy to improve their Chinese proficiency.

Therefore, it is often more difficult for primary school students in Hong Kong to learn Chinese than children in other regions.

It is not because the children do not want to learn well, but more often it is caused by the general environment, so parents should not just blame the children for not working hard.

Secondly, because Hong Kong is a bilingual society, students learn two languages—Chinese and English from an early age. This makes students need more time to learn two languages, and may experience excessive learning pressure.

In addition, Cantonese may be used for daily communication, and multi-language is often switched, which often makes Chinese beginners confusing.

It is not good for children to learn Chinese alone; Language learning often requires more language environment to assist.

So for primary school students who have difficulty in learning Chinese, there are also many Chinese tutoring schools in Hong Kong.

In Hong Kong, you can see Hong Kong primary Chinese language tutoring institutions everywhere! Chinese language tutoring in primary schools can be seen on almost every street corner.

In order to make their children learn Chinese better, both the students and their parents will spend a lot of time and money to enroll in tutoring schools.

Tutoring classes are also very common in the daily life of Hong Kong students. Many parents hope that, their children can enjoy more learning opportunities outside of school.

These after-school tutoring classes can help students improve their Chinese proficiency.

However, there are so many tutoring courses for Chinese majors in primary schools in Hong Kong. Where should children go?

Like Li***, this is a large Chinese tutoring institution for teenagers, with students all over the world, but Lili responded that the course is too difficult to learn, and the course content is more suitable for students with a little better Chinese foundation.

There is also ‘**Chinese’, this Hong Kong elementary school Chinese tutoring institution, can also be called a unicorn in the industry; They teach Chinese for children aged 4-15.

The course format is far more interesting, but once many parents reported that their courses were too expensive, and they kept memorizing reminders to renew the report not long, after the course started this quarter, which was annoying…

Well, maybe many parents still don’t know us(Sino-bus) yet~ It is not a big deal! Let me introduce ourselves for you guys!

We are also a large-scale online Chinese tutoring organization, However, the difference between the above two institutions is:

We use small class teaching, and the teaching difficulty is from shallower to deeper; So beginners will not feel strenuous at all;

We focus on cultivating children’s interest in Chinese learning and creating immersive learning through interactive games; An environment where children learn while playing!

Sino-Bus pays attention to the scientific planning of learning plans and strengthens students’ reading habits, which can help students better master the application of words and reading skills.

In addition, we will guide children to explore and understand Chinese culture in class, experience soup and customs on the spot, and enhance students’ interest and ability to master Chinese language and Chinese culture.

The price of our courses is also affordable, if you are interested, you can let your children try our free trial class of Chinese language tutoring for primary schools in Hong Kong~

Sino-Bus is good at Hong Kong primary Chinese language tutoring. It’s very simple to make children fall in love with learning Chinese!

Fall in Love with Online Mandarin Learning in 3 days! Hurry Up!

“What? Did I hear you wrong? You mean…that I could fall in love with online mandarin learning in 3 days? Noooo, I can’t believe it!” said Tommy…(one years ago)

Tommy is a primary school student, in the third grade in a certain elementary school in Hong Kong;He has been learning Chinese for almost two years, but his Chinese grades have not been able to improve. When the time comes, he will have a Chinese interview at the junior high school. So What should he do? His Parents are very worried…

His mother also communicated with the Chinese teacher at the school many times, but it is no avail. Tommy still doesn’t listen carefully in Chinese class, always looks around, and can’t concentrate; He doesn’t finish his Chinese homework seriously after class, and sometimes he doesn’t even write Chinese homework; he doesn’t review before the Chinese test, and he often fails in Chinese. Basically, His Chinese score always is 40!

Online Mandarin Learning

His mother is worried about his Chinese learning, and sometimes she wants to give up his Chinese learning!

Parents, do your children dislike online mandarin learning as much as Tommy? Get upset at the sight of Chinese characters? Can’t sit still in Chinese class for a while?

Okay, I saw some of you nodded silently, have you ever wondered why children can’t learn Chinese well?

It doesn’t matter if the child can’t learn Chinese well, but we must find out the reason. Only by prescribing the right medicine can we achieve twice the result with half the effort! In fact, the reason is very simple. Children are not interested in learning mandarin. A person can only learn it well if he is interested in this matter. You can look at those outstanding figures throughout the ages. Beethoven was born with a disability. If he didn’t love playing the piano, how could he become a piano master? Ronaldo grew up in a poor family. If he didn’t love football, how could he lead the Brazilian team to win the World Cup five times?

“Yes, what you said is correct. Interest is indeed the best teacher for learning, but my child is not interested in Chinese at all. What should I do?” Lili’s mother said.

”Don’t worry, Lili’s mother, listen to me slowly”.

It doesn’t matter if your child is not interested in mandarin, interest can be cultivated!

Different from other Chinese tutoring institutions on the market, our Sino-Bus has always paid the most attention to cultivating children’s interest in online mandarin learning. Our courses are all online, allowing children to experience learning Chinese online immersively, learning Chinese while playing.

In class, we will make interesting Chinese learning plans for children: for example, make plans to recite a few Chinese characters or Chinese idioms every day, so that children feel a sense of accomplishment.

Online Mandarin Learning

Creating a relaxed and pleasant Chinese learning atmosphere: for example, learning Chinese characters and Chinese Pinyin through singing and dancing.

Make interesting Chinese character cards or pinyin cards: write Chinese characters or pinyin on the cards, and then memorize them through games and other methods.
Learning Chinese characters and Pinyin through stories, animations, etc.: For example, learning Chinese characters and Pinyin by watching cartoons.

The teacher of us can teach Chinese for all levels, such as Chinese lessons for kinder garden kids, for primary school , and for adults business needs. We choose the most suitable teacher for you according to your needs. 

OK~ Now let’s hear some real feedback from our students~

♠Jane said that she still knew how to read this word in class, but she forgot it when she went back home; She was very confusing! After taking online mandarin class in Sino-Bus, She likes learning Chinese more and more, and has her own memory method, so she no longer has to worry about not being able to remember or use it.

♠Jerry said that he didn’t like Chinese at all, because it is too difficult to write and pronounce; But now after studying with us for a few days, she has become more and more fond of Chinese, and now she recites poems and reads books in her spare time.

♠Marry said that she didn’t know why she should learn Chinese, and felt that she was memorizing some words by rote every day, and she could only write but not use them flexibly…So she felt it is none of any use to learn Chinese! But after taking the class here, Mary was deeply impressed by the Chinese culture, and she could hear many ancient Chinese historical stories in every class. She said that she liked Chinese history more and more, and she must learn Chinese well!

Online Mandarin Learning

“Hi everyone, I am Tommy, mentioned at the beginning. I think no one hates learning Chinese more than I did a year ago. I accidentally walked into Sion-bus. This online Chinese education institution seems to have a magical power. I had only been in online mandarin learning class for two days and suddenly felt that learning mandarin was quite interesting. When I got home, I told my mother that I wanted to continue the class. My mother was so excited that she almost cried. Believe me, uncles and aunts, If your children don’t like learning Chinese, then you must come Sino-Bus!” Tommy said.

Parents, don’t hesitate, please trust us, give us three days, Sino-Bus will let your children fall in love with online mandarin learning thoroughly! We have a free trial lesson, come and try it out!

Best Way to Learn Mandarin Online Free, You can’t miss!

When it comes to your children’s mandarin learning, many parents have a headache. Some parents said: “Is there a best way to learn mandarin online free? I have made up the three subjects of Chinese, Mathematics and English for children, the math and English are quite effective; After one semester, the grades have improved significantly, but Chinese grades didn’t change a lot, and the last mid-term exam even dropped a few points”

……So have you figured out the reason why your child’s Chinese grades are not improving? ?

I think you must know some recommended methods for Chinese tutoring in primary schools!

Best Way to Learn Mandarin Online Free

In fact, parents don’t need to worry too much. Learning Chinese is indeed a accumulating process; The effect of tutoring is not as fast as mathematics, English and other courses; Like mathematics, it focuses on logical thinking; So knowing 1 question = knowing 100 questions, while Chinese is different.

At the beginning of learning Chinese, you need to learn pinyin, memorize new words every day, read aloud repeatedly, and you have to speak and use after learning; Otherwise = Learning nothing!

But for primary school students, it is their nature to love to play. Many children simply cannot focus on memorizing, reciting, and reading aloud for several hours a day. This process is indeed too boring!!

Let alone primary school students, high school students still find this process boring , and even if they remember it, they still can’t apply what they have learned, so what should they do? Is there a best way to learn mandarin online free for kids?

With the rapid development of the Internet, you have any questions, only need to search the relevant forums on the Internet and you will easily find the answer. Then the question comes~Regarding your child’s Chinese learning, you should have searched as following:

“My child is in the third grade of elementary school and doesn’t like to learn Chinese, is there any recommended method for Chinese tutoring in elementary school?”
“My child’s Chinese writing is not good, is there any remedial class recommended by elementary school Chinese tutoring to teach composition at a better price”?

But after searching so much, you should have found some answers. Has your child’s Chinese level improved now?

If not; Parents, have you ever thought about child’s mandarin learning method is wrong?

To teach primary school students Chinese, our Sino-Bus has always followed the 5C (communication, culture, connection, comparison, communities) principle teaching philosophy. We reject a single pure knowledge indoctrination teaching.

Best Way to Learn Mandarin Online Free

Primary school students are lively and active, with short attention spans; In our mandarin online class, there are a lot of interactive games in the class.

Pay close attention to the 15 minutes before class to fully mobilize children’s enthusiasm for learning Chinese, so that children can memorize and use Chinese characters while playing!

In our Sino-Bus’ Chinese class, your children will not only learn the most authentic and professional Chinese knowledge, but also hear many ancient Chinese stories, fully experience Chinese emotional culture, and learn a lot of principles of life. Not only to learn knowledge itself, but also to learn to be a good person!

“Mom, learning Chinese is very interesting. In Sino-Bus’ online mandarin class, our online mandarin teacher knows a lot! Every day in class, She will tell us a lot of idiom stories. I just learned a new idiom the day before yesterday – The foolish old man removed the mountains.. I feel that I Chinese learning should also have the spirit of Grandpa Yugong”

After school yesterday, this is what Cherry said to her mother, so do you want your children to like learning Chinese like Cherry? Do you still want to ask others about the methods recommended by others for Chinese tutoring in primary schools, but you still don’t know what methods are effective?

Don’t get entangled, if you are still thinking hard about the best way to learn mandarin online free, welcome children to come to our Sino-Bus to listen to the free trial class! You won’t be disappointed!

Learning Chinese Language for Beginners Free, How?

“Mom, I really don’t want to learn Chinese anymore, Chinese is really too difficult! ! I want to play computer games; Playing games is much more interesting than learning Chinese.” said Lili. “What’s the matter with you, why do you get lazy when it’s time to learn Chinese, you’re going to piss me off! So I wonder is there a way – Learning Chinese language for beginners free – to help you?” said Lili’s mom

Lili is 7 years old, just entered the first grade in Hong Kong Primary school; This school has just opened a Chinese course this semester. Some children in the class have been exposed to Chinese since kindergarten; But, Lili has just started learning Chinese, other children have already learned Chinese;

Learning Chinese language for beginners free

They can recite a lot of Tang poems, but she doesn’t know a few Chinese characters yet, so she feels that Chinese is too difficult to learn! This made Lili’s mother worried a lot. Lili’s mother thought that it would be better if Lili could learn Chinese for her earlier……

Yes, that’s right. Studies have shown that it is necessary to learn a language as early as possible; Early childhood is the best age for learning a foreign language, so that when children grow up, the foreign language will be as fluent as their mother tongue.

After the age of 5, the thinking habit of the mother tongue is formed, and the pronunciation mechanism is gradually stabilized. When learning a foreign language, it will be hindered by speech interference and thinking stereotypes, making it more difficult!

Okay~ I heard some of you say: ”My child is over 5 years old, so he can’t learn Chinese well anymore?

Of course he can!

Nothing is unachievable! If your children are over 5 years old, it’s just a little difficult in the early stage of learning, but as long as you have the right method and they are willing to work hard, it is absolutely possible to learn Chinese well! Don’t worry at all.

Learning Chinese language for beginners free is not a hard thing!!!

So how?

Learning Chinese language for beginners free

Please don’t worry, the answer will be revealed later~

Let’s first take a look at what problems beginners may encounter, and prescribing the right medicine can better solve the problem!

1.Can’t tell the pronunciation of ‘j ’,‘q’,‘ x’.
2.Can’t distinghish the pronunciation of de te ze.
3.For European and American students, excessive pronunciation is the biggest problem. For example, the‘ xiao ’of the“小白兔” is ‘shall ’in the mouth of European and American students.

Chinese character:
Beginners feel that many Chinese characters look alike, and they cannot distinguish them at all, such as: ‘币’、‘市’、‘巿’

They don’t know the difference between synonyms.

Words used in written language will often appear in spoken language.


Learning Chinese language for beginners free

So Learning Chinese language for beginners free – how to do that?

A.Learn Chinese Pinyin:
Chinese is based on symbols or characters, not an alphabet like English. This makes pronunciation difficult, and the standard method is through Pinyin, a system for writing Chinese in the Roman alphabet. For example, “你好” is “ni-hao” in pinyin which means hello. When you see a Chinese character, Pinyin will help you pronounce it, so it is important for your speaking and listening.

B.Practice Chinese tones:
Many beginners do not pay attention to the pronunciation of Chinese characters, that is, the five tones, but it is actually very important because different Chinese tones correspond to completely different meanings or characters. You may have heard the famous example that the tone of the same syllable “ma” stands for “妈妈”, “麻木”, “马” and “责骂”, which are completely unrelated meanings. Ignoring this can lead to confusion or embarrassment for both parties. You need to realize the importance of Chinese tones and keep practicing. If possible, try to practice Mandarin with some native Chinese speakers.

C.Find the right textbook:
Be sure to find an appropriate textbook considering your age and interests. The right material should feel fresh to you, but not too difficult. Its topics should be interesting to you, and the focus of the dialogue or grammar should be on your cognitive level. It should also have practice and consolidation. When looking for textbooks, consult some professional educators, tell them your level and interests, and get a list of recommended books.

D.Make friends with native speakers:
You are not alone in this world, language is for communication, so you can learn a language by communicating, and you should!

Learning Chinese language for beginners free

Don’t be shy, tell your family, friends, and the whole world – you are learning Chinese; They will help you make progress. You may find a learning partner who has been thinking about learning Chinese or is already on the road, and share information and progress with each other. The encouragement of your peers will make you more motivated.

E.Make full use of time:
Learning Chinese does not require a lot of continuous time, you can use fragmented time. Study anytime, anywhere while you’re waiting at the airport or in the parking lot before coffee, dinner or a game. Download to smartphone apps, audio, video, vocabulary, short sentences, or from handwritten flashcards in your pocket. Repetition is the secret to memory, use spaced repetition to learn more scientifically.

These are the methods for learning Chinese language for beginners free. If you stick to it, your Chinese will definitely improve by leaps and bounds!