












Professional Native Chinese Teachers in Singapore, Urgent!

Professional Native Chinese Teachers in Singapore holds a significant place in both the educational landscape and the cultural fabric of the nation. Given Singapore’s unique position as a multiracial, multilingual society where Chinese is one of the four official languages, the relevance of Chinese reading extends beyond mere language proficiency to cultural preservation, economic utility, and societal harmony.

Historical and Cultural Context

Singapore, with its rich history as a melting pot of cultures, has seen the Chinese language play a crucial role. The Chinese community, being one of the largest ethnic groups in Singapore, has contributed significantly to the nation’s cultural and linguistic diversity. Professional Native Chinese Teachers, therefore, is not just about understanding a language but also about connecting with a rich heritage that includes literature, history, and philosophy. Through Chinese novels, poetry, and other literary works, readers can delve into centuries of wisdom and storytelling that form an integral part of the collective Chinese consciousness.

Professional Native Chinese Teachers

Educational Importance

In the realm of education, the Singaporean government has long emphasized bilingual education, with most Chinese Singaporeans learning both English and Mandarin. Chinese reading is vital in this context, as it enhances linguistic skills, deepens cultural understanding, and fosters cognitive development. It also plays a crucial role in academic achievement, as proficiency in Chinese reading is essential for success in Chinese language examinations and classes.

Economic Implications

From an economic perspective, the ability to read and understand Chinese opens up numerous opportunities. Singapore, being a global financial center and a gateway to Asia, often interacts with Chinese-speaking regions. Proficiency in Chinese, starting with the ability to read and comprehend the language, is a valuable skill in the business world, facilitating communication and understanding in a market that includes over a billion people.

Social and Global Connectivity

On a social level, Chinese reading helps maintain connections within the diverse Chinese community in Singapore, which includes a range of dialects and cultural backgrounds. It also fosters a sense of identity and belonging among younger generations who may be more removed from their traditional roots.

Globally, Chinese reading bridges Singapore with other Chinese-speaking communities worldwide. In an increasingly interconnected world, such cultural and linguistic ties are crucial for both personal and professional relationships.

Professional Native Chinese Teachers

Technological and Modern Influences

In the age of digital media, Professional Native Chinese Teachers are evolving. Online platforms, e-books, and social media are changing the way people engage with the written word. This shift presents both challenges and opportunities for Chinese reading in Singapore. While it may lead to a diversification of reading materials and formats, there is also a concern about maintaining the depth and quality of reading.


In conclusion, the importance of Professional Native Chinese Teachers in Singapore is multifaceted. It is a cornerstone of educational policy, a bridge to cultural heritage, a tool for economic engagement, and a means of societal cohesion. As Singapore continues to navigate its path as a global city and a hub of cultural confluence, Chinese reading will undoubtedly remain an essential part of its tapestry, evolving and adapting to meet the needs of future generations.

Online Chinese Class for Adults:An Entirely New Experience

Online Chinese class for adults is difficult, why?

Before I came to China, I thought Chinese was the most difficult language to learn, because there are many Chinese characters in Chinese, and each Chinese character has many meanings and sometimes the pronunciation is different.

At that time, I didn’t have the confidence to learn Chinese. But after coming to China, I found that if you are in China, especially in Beijing, there is a good environment for learning Chinese. Although Chinese is difficult, there are many ways to help us solve the difficulties in learning Chinese. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to contact us.)

When I first came here, I couldn’t understand anything other than the numbers from one to ten, and I couldn’t speak fluently. Now I think it’s okay, because I used many methods when I was learning Chinese.

The first way is to choose a foreign roommate for yourself. Coincidentally, my roommate is a Thai, she is a student in the intermediate class, her level is higher than mine, and she speaks fluently. In this way, I can talk to her every day, chat with her, and practice my oral English. This method is of great help to me, if I don’t know how to say it, I can ask her by the way.

The second way for online Chinese class for adults is to often watch TV and watch Chinese programs. I can choose many programs, such as: news, movies, TV series, sports, life, cartoon (animation) and so on. My favorite things to watch are cartoons, movies, TV series and life shows.

online Chinese class for kids

Cartoon programs are programs for children. They are relatively simple and easy to understand and understand. Watching movies and TV shows can help you understand how adults usually speak, and you can also learn new words from them.

If I encounter new words, I can read the dictionary while watching TV, so I can learn a lot of new words. Even if you can’t remember it once, you can remember it after watching it a lot. Take your time. I also like watching life shows, because I can learn a lot of knowledge.

Watching TV can improve my listening ability, and it can also help me recognize Chinese characters. Improving listening skills is of course, but how to help people recognize Chinese characters?

When watching TV, I can listen to them while watching the subtitles below. Reading more Chinese characters will definitely help me recognize and remember Chinese characters. But because my Chinese level is not yet high, I can read the subtitles too slowly, so I can see the first words, but I can’t read the latter ones in time.

Sometimes I don’t really watch TV, the TV is turned on, but I don’t watch it, I listen to the sound of the TV to do my homework.

The third way is to listen to the text recordings. We have recordings of texts for reading and speaking. Sometimes I do things while listening to the recording, for example, doing laundry or cleaning the house while listening to the recording, which saves time. In order to understand the meaning, I sometimes played the recording repeatedly.

The fourth way is to buy things. When shopping, I can listen to what other people say, how to ask, how to buy things, and I can learn a lot from talking to the salesperson or listening to them. Sometimes you can ask him, what is this thing called, what is that thing called. If I have time, I can chat with him for a while.

When shopping, for example, in a supermarket, in order to understand what you want to buy, you must read Chinese characters. When encountering a Chinese character you have learned, it is equivalent to reviewing it again, and you can guess the meaning if you don’t understand it.

In fact, there are many ways to learn Chinese, and there are many opportunities to see Chinese characters in life. You can look at the stop signs at bus stops or subway stations, and look at the menus when you go to restaurants to see if you can read them and understand what they mean. . It is also a good way to make friends with Chinese people, you can chat, send and receive text messages and so on.

There are many ways to help us learn Chinese, but the most important thing is to rely on ourselves. If we don’t work hard, there will be no way. It is necessary to study hard, and it is impossible to do nothing.

Russia’s “Komsomolskaya Pravda” article on April 20, original title: In order for children to be competitive in the international job market, they should learn Chinese. April 20 is the United Nations Chinese Day. Alexei Naam, head of the Harlem-China Friendship Association, was interviewed and answered questions such as how to start learning Chinese.

Nam said: “Chinese has become an international language, and there are currently about 40 million people around the world who are learning this language. For those who are just starting to learn Chinese, the biggest difficulty may be mastering pictographs. For us, learning Chinese characters may feel unaccustomed.

But I think, pictographs are easier to remember than letters and words, because it is like a painting. For children who are new to Chinese, pictographs are the easiest , because there are connections between different Chinese characters, after mastering the basic Chinese characters, all that remains is to memorize the correct pronunciation.”

When talking about the number of Chinese characters that need to be mastered, Namu said that for middle school graduates, the standard is to master 1,500 to 3,000 Chinese characters, while college graduates need to master 5,000 to 7,000 Chinese characters. He also mentioned that learning Chinese calligraphy is helpful to master the Chinese language. Calligraphy is an art and a part of traditional Chinese culture. In addition, learning calligraphy helps to develop students’ aesthetics, as well as enhance their comprehension and perseverance.

At present, some schools in the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk region have offered Chinese courses. After students pass the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) and reach a certain level of Chinese, they will have the opportunity to enter China’s first-class universities and receive scholarships.

Nahm said: “As far as I know, many Russian graduates who learn Chinese find jobs in Chinese companies in Australia or Europe, and some of them finish their studies and return to work in China. Some people stay in China. , and work there.”

Nam said: “It is necessary to master online Chinese class for adults nowadays, but if we want our children to be more competitive in the international job market, then we should give priority to letting children learn Chinese. Because a lot of trade and major production are in China. If If you want to work in China, you’d better master basic Chinese first.”

Do Kids Know the Best Way to Learn Chinese Online in 2023?

Oh! Recently, I have heard many people say that Chinese is so difficult to learn! Is there any best way to learn Chinese online?

Learning Chinese online has become an increasingly popular choice for individuals seeking to embark on a journey of language mastery. With the rapid advancement of technology and the widespread availability of online resources, the best way to learn Chinese now lies at the fingertips of eager learners around the globe. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

One of the key advantages of learning Chinese online is the flexibility it offers. Unlike traditional classroom settings, online platforms provide learners with the freedom to tailor their study schedule according to their personal commitments and preferences.

This flexibility allows individuals to learn at their own pace, ensuring that they can allocate sufficient time to grasp the intricacies of the language without feeling overwhelmed.

To make the most of online Chinese learning, it is crucial to choose a reputable and comprehensive platform. Look for platforms that offer a diverse range of learning materials, including interactive lessons, audio recordings, video tutorials, and practice exercises.

A well-rounded curriculum that covers all aspects of language acquisition, such as vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, and speaking, is essential for achieving proficiency in Chinese.

One of the distinctive advantages of best way to learn Chinese online is the ability to access native speakers as teachers and conversation partners. Authentic interaction with native speakers helps learners develop a deeper understanding of the language, its nuances, and cultural contexts.

best way to learn Chinese online

Through online platforms, learners can engage in one-on-one or group video sessions, where they can practice their speaking skills, receive immediate feedback, and immerse themselves in genuine Chinese conversations.

Supplementing online learning with language exchange programs or language learning communities can greatly enhance the learning experience. Joining online forums, chat groups, or language exchange platforms enables learners to connect with fellow enthusiasts or native speakers, fostering a supportive community of learners.

Engaging in conversations with peers and native speakers outside the virtual classroom environment adds a practical dimension to learning Chinese, enriching vocabulary, improving pronunciation, and building confidence.

Another key aspect of effective online Chinese learning is consistent practice. Regularly setting aside dedicated study time and engaging with the language daily is essential for making progress.

Online platforms often provide gamified learning experiences, encouraging learners to practice regularly and track their progress. Utilizing flashcards, language apps, or online quizzes can also be beneficial in reinforcing vocabulary and grammar concepts.

Lastly, it is important to stay motivated throughout the learning journey. Learning a new language requires dedication and perseverance. Setting achievable goals, celebrating milestones, and seeking out cultural immersion experiences can keep the flame of motivation burning.

Watching Chinese movies, listening to Chinese music, or exploring Chinese literature can provide a window into the rich tapestry of Chinese culture, while also deepening language comprehension.

In conclusion, the best way to learn Chinese online involves a combination of flexibility, comprehensive resources, interaction with native speakers, participation in language exchange programs, consistent practice, and staying motivated.

With the vast array of online tools and platforms available, aspiring Chinese learners can embark on an enriching journey that brings them closer to fluency in one of the world’s most fascinating languages.

Learning Chinese online has become increasingly popular due to its convenience, flexibility, and accessibility. With numerous resources available at your fingertips, mastering this intricate language has never been easier. To embark on this linguistic journey and maximize your learning potential, consider the following tips for the best way to learn Chinese online.

First and foremost, it is essential to choose a reputable online learning platform or course. Look for platforms that offer comprehensive curricula, interactive lessons, and engaging multimedia content. A well-structured course will guide you through the language step by step, ensuring a solid foundation in pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and writing.

To grasp the tonal nature of Chinese, incorporating audio and video components into your learning process is crucial. Seek courses that provide audio recordings of native speakers to familiarize yourself with the correct intonation and pronunciation. Similarly, video lessons can help you observe facial movements and body language, aiding in understanding context and cultural nuances.

Regular practice is the key to language proficiency, and Chinese is no exception. Dedicate consistent time to your studies, ideally on a daily basis, to reinforce what you have learned and improve your retention. Utilize the interactive features of online platforms, such as quizzes, flashcards, and exercises, to reinforce your knowledge and test your progress.

Immersing yourself in the language is vital for developing fluency. Online communities, language exchange platforms, and language learning apps can connect you with native Chinese speakers. Engaging in conversation with them will not only enhance your speaking skills but also expose you to colloquial expressions and cultural insights. Additionally, watching Chinese movies, TV shows, and listening to Chinese music will help you familiarize yourself with the language in its natural context.

Supplementing your online learning with additional resources can further accelerate your progress. Explore Chinese language podcasts, online dictionaries, and grammar references to deepen your understanding. Reading Chinese literature, news articles, and blogs will improve your reading comprehension and expand your vocabulary.

To truly master Chinese, it is essential to practice best way to learn Chinese online. Utilize online tools and apps that provide stroke order animations and practice sheets. Regularly writing characters by hand will reinforce your memory and understanding of their structure.

Finally, stay motivated and set achievable goals. Learning any language requires time and dedication, so celebrate your milestones and progress along the way. Join online communities of fellow learners, where you can share experiences, exchange tips, and find encouragement.

Learning Chinese online offers unparalleled flexibility and resources. By selecting a reputable platform, engaging with multimedia content, practicing regularly, immersing yourself in the language, and supplementing your learning, you will be on the path to becoming proficient in Chinese.

Best way to learn Chinese online embraces this enriching linguistic journey and unlocks a world of opportunities to connect with Chinese culture, people, and the vast realm of Mandarin.

Why Primary 3 Chinese Tuition Matters to Your Children?

How can we increase children’s interest in learning? In other words, how can primary 3 Chinese tuition start with my child’s interests? Immersion opens the door to Chinese learning.

An English teacher’s journey of letting her daughter learn Chinese.

In this four-part series, former New York professor and “ang moh pai” (Western education) English teacher Dr Yanyan Hu goes from tearing up Chinese textbooks to writing Chinese comics and a giant musical touring China 25 cities.

She shares her journey and how she enabled her American-born daughter with zero Chinese to thrive in a Taiwanese public school with all Chinese instruction.

This lecture series was produced for the Singapore Ministry of Education’s Mother Tongue Symposium 2020 and is supported by the Speak Mandarin Campaign.

How to stimulate children’s learning interest in primary 3 Chinese tuition?
Why is free time important for kids? When learning music or language, we often think that we have to start from the basics, step by step, and only move on to the next stage when we have mastered the basic level.

That’s why there are graded readers in classrooms, why we have grades and exams in music, and why kickboxing has different ribbons.

Have you also noticed that many children practice and learn to play the piano for years until 8th grade and then never play music again in their life? Have you ever noticed that many of us living in Singapore may have studied Chinese for many years but never read Chinese novels?

My speculation as to why this happened is that these learners never really felt ownership of the subject matter, and the process and lessons never really sparked their interest. It’s a “what my parents want me to do” or “I have to study to pass a test” kind of thing.

While we always assume we have to start with “the basics,” I think that focus is misplaced.
I think we have to start with “interest”, what is “interesting”!

It’s not that the foundation is not important, but that we must first engage in interest. This will take us further. Because studying is for living, not just for passing exams.

The father of progressive education, John Dewey, told us in Experience and Education (1938) that there must be experiential fireworks—those that arouse enough “curiosity,” strengthen “initiative,” and make learners “

It is enough that the experience of “desire and purpose” is aligned so that that spark can carry the learner through those difficult parts of learning when we have to work very, very hard to acquire new knowledge. This means effective learning starts with interest!

What does it mean to start with an interest?
Her curiosity and creativity will have to give way to mundane homework.

This is probably the most important point. What is the goal of learning anything – Chinese or any other subject?

Isn’t it about making our kids smart, creative, and innovative?

Especially when we know that in our current and future world, most jobs will be replaced by artificial intelligence, and the only thing that will allow our children to survive in the age of artificial intelligence is human intelligence, a major component of which must It’s creativity!

This means effective learning starts with interest!
What does it mean to start with an interest?

Curiosity and creativity will have to give way to mundane homework.
This is probably the most important point. What is the goal of learning anything – Chinese or any other subject?

Traditionally, the outside world’s impression of private schools is that there are many classes, many exams, and heavy schoolwork. This is indeed the case during the reporter’s on-site visits. But other than that, we also see some different changes in the current Weidao curriculum.

The day of my visit happened to be the regular class running time on Friday, and all the freshmen and sophomores in the school were busy taking “multiple elective courses”, walking faster than many public high schools.

During the interview, I observed a class called “Science for Playing Beauty”, which was co-taught by art, biology, physics, mathematics and other teachers, leading students to design websites and computer graphics.

Principle, draw many lively patterns and color them, and also design multi-color QR code, which is both beautiful and practical.
Every Saturday morning, students can also choose to deepen and broaden the “characteristic courses”.

Some courses focus on the analysis of previous exam questions and the strengthening of problem-solving skills, but there are also electives that are not related to exams, such as “AI programming” in the middle school The course has entered its fifth year.

The teacher who started the course, Cheng Weixiang, said that it can be combined with science exhibitions, and it is interesting, and is very popular among students. “I often think about what is the purpose of elite education?

It should be practiced and contribute to society.” Cheng Weixiang even combined with public services, leading students to exchange courses with Namasia Middle School in a remote village on weekends, encouraging those who take courses Junior high school students must learn mathematics and programming well before they can teach others.

(If you want to know more information about Chinese, please click here!)

 primary 3 Chinese tuition

As for the more complicated characters, they are expressed in the form of building blocks. According to the shape and meaning of the characters, they are transformed into the most basic and simple elements.

Through the prompts, the images are formed in the brain, and the concept of the characters is established, and then the image text is read. To understand the meaning of words, deepen the understanding and impression of words.

Thomas pointed out that word forms and meanings are unique features of Chinese characters. When designing font-related pictures, they must be simple, easy to understand and easy to remember.

In addition, this learning method can also inspire creativity. Taking “birth” as an example, “the cow’s first birthday” was used as a prompt sentence. Later, a teacher proposed another interpretation method of “three-layer birthday cake”.

Thomas said: “The creative process allows learners to think carefully about the various elements of each character, and to experience the beauty of Chinese characters.”

Chinese learning needs to be done step by step, starting from learning single characters, and then combining single characters into words, using different character cards to form different characters or words, such as “” and “月” become “明”, which can be associated with the sun and the moon are very bright the meaning of.

“Even nonsensical words, as long as they make sense, create associations, and understand them, that’s how Teochew comes from. Just like the compound word “Mingtian” I created, it means a luminous field.”

We often hear “go with the child’s interests” but don’t know how to do it. I’ve demonstrated several methods:

“Symbiosis” with primary 3 Chinese tuition
Find ways to get our kids to contribute their knowledge
Most importantly, we need to protect and value free time because it is actually very productive time.

98.89% People Don’t Know the Truth about Online Chinese Class for Adults !

What? Online Chinese class for adults?

I wanna make sure if I heard it right or not? According to some research and data, It’s better to learn Chinese from an early age; I’m already 32, is there still chance to learn Chinese?

(click here to know more information about Chinese learning)

The thing that I want to tell you is: as long as you want to learn! Willing to work hard to learn Chinese! It is never too late to start learning Chinese!

Let me tell you a real story – From learning Chinese to starting a business: How to start a successful career by learning Mandarin

For non-native speakers of Chinese, Online Chinese class for adults is an extremely challenging task.

Chinese has intricate strokes and thousands of characters, most of which take at least a year or even longer to understand and master, plus the difficulty of pronunciation makes many people daunted.

Although Mandarin is one of the most difficult languages in the world to master, there are many benefits to learning Chinese.

Mandarin is considered to be the second most common language in the world, therefore, being able to speak Mandarin can open you up to many employment opportunities and give you more opportunities to advance in various fields.

That’s why the story of Malaysian-born Shah Farid Rashid is so fascinating. As a Malay, he grew up with little exposure to Mandarin, but was eventually able to master the language.

Online Chinese class for adults

He told Study International: “As crazy as it sounds, I grew up listening to Chinese people speaking Mandarin. Even though I couldn’t understand what they were saying, I still found it very interesting.”

He decided to challenge himself and went to Beijing Foreign Studies University to study Chinese language and literature. His strong determination and hard work attitude have allowed him to master Mandarin in only six months, an amazing achievement!

From self-study to international education
Rashid spent his childhood in the Malaysian state of Kelantan, one of the poorest states in Malaysia. Like his hometown folks, Rashid comes from a modest family.

He shared, “My life was restricted a lot when I was a child. Due to my poor family background, I couldn’t pursue many things I was interested in.”

Therefore, Rashid has always believed that education is the key to changing destiny. He vowed to create a better future for himself and his family, so he resolutely decided to apply to a famous local university in Malaysia.

In this regard, he said, “I believe that only by working hard on my own can I realize my life-changing dream. For the future of me and my family, I must do my best to achieve success.”

Like his college classmates, Rashid worked hard to win a scholarship to study abroad. But, unlike other students, Rashid chose a unique path. “Most students either study maths or accountancy and I want to make a different choice,” he said.

And just as he expected, Rashid also received the admission letter from Beijing Foreign Studies University majoring in Chinese as he wished.

He explained, “I was very excited and had been waiting for the admission letter. I knew there wasn’t much competition because not many people realized the importance of Mandarin at the time.”

Master Mandarin in six months
After coming to Beijing, Rashid faced another new challenge: adapting to life in the city. “I didn’t know anything about the city, and the language barrier got me into a lot of trouble,” he recalls.

“Not being able to communicate well prevented me from going out shopping, taking public transport, etc. I had to ask others for help from time to time.”

So Rashid doubled down on learning Mandarin. He thinks a lot of it has to do with his determination and self-discipline, but also with the interesting lessons he’s had.

He enthused, “Those lessons were so much fun. All the colors, songs and learning activities put me in kindergarten, but the students were adults. This unique and fresh way of learning was really different. “

Rashid’s five years in Beijing have been very fulfilling. He spent a lot of time exploring China and felt the rich and colorful culture and characteristics of this country.

And Online Chinese class for adults also brought great help to his job hunting process after he returned to Malaysia.

“I feel very lucky because I have been interviewed by many companies. Although I majored in languages, I have received high-paying offers from many large companies such as Google, Xiaomi and several fashion companies.

Although I did not Not having all the required skills, but the key to these employers is that I can speak Mandarin. They told me that other skills on the job can be learned by doing, but languages cannot.”

Faced with a plethora of job opportunities, Rashid found himself happiest in a teaching environment. In addition, he realized that learning Mandarin could help impoverished communities like his own, which prompted him to give back in what he believed to be the best way: through education.

The Beginning of Entrepreneurship: Fasih Mandarin (Fasih Mandarin)
Rashid got his first job as a Mandarin teacher at a local university, a profession he loved. However, he also faced the limitations and many limitations of the existing curriculum.

He explained: “The school’s teaching goal is only to let students pass the exam, and the curriculum is very rigid. I try my best to make my class interesting and lively, but there are still various restrictions.

Online Chinese class for adults

More importantly, I found that students don’t enjoy the course. They just take my class for credit and have no interest or value in the course content.”

Rashid realized that the real meaning of teaching is to stimulate students’ interest and interest in learning, rather than simply learning to meet graduation requirements.

Therefore, in 2018, he founded his own language center, which provides Mandarin training for non-native Chinese speakers.

Most of the teachers are also Malay. The Online Chinese class for adults school currently has branches in seven regions in Malaysia, with more than 8,000 students, making it one of the largest chartered Mandarin language institutes in Malaysia.

Faxi Mandarin is an academy for students of all ages, including young children and working professionals. The Academy’s courses are lively and engaging, employing many of the teaching strategies that Rashid employed while studying in Beijing.

However, according to Rashid, the really meaningful aspect of Faxi Mandarin is how helpful they are to students.

He shared: “One of our students came back to thank us for teaching her Mandarin. Because of her ability to speak Mandarin, she got a raise.” This story gave them new motivation to continue to make greater contributions to society.

Study International asks Rashid: Any advice for students looking to follow a different path?

He replied: Trust your instincts. Believe in yourself first, because if you don’t have confidence, others won’t trust you either.

If you want to experience a new life and challenge yourself, come and join in Online Chinese class for adults!

O level higher Chinese Tuition,Mastering Chinese in 1 Month!

Referring to O level higher Chinese tuition for children, what do you think about?

Most of these children are between 3 and 7 years old. Generally speaking, they have the following characteristics:

Inability to concentrate for a long time, often study may lead to desertion.

I am very tired of boring repetition. If it is just memorization, it will make them very boring and reduce their interest.

Inability to remember abstract concepts

During this period of time, I often see such a question, how to teach children who are three or four years old or slightly older?

In other words, how can children learn Chinese with zero foundation?

This problem frequently occurs in overseas Chinese families. Most of their children do not have a pure Chinese language environment, and most of them do not use Chinese in daily life.

Therefore, if you want to learn Chinese from scratch, you must have a suitable teaching form and lively and interesting teaching materials.

In our daily teaching experience, we have found that young children have difficulty concentrating and are easily distracted.

Many times the teacher’s teaching makes them feel bored, they will unconsciously look out the window, or fiddle with the stationery in their hands.

O level higher Chinese tuition

Therefore, the best way for O level higher Chinese tuition is to catch the children’s attention all the time and keep them very interested in your courses. The following are some commonly used methods in the teaching process:

(click here to know more information about Chinese learning)

Singing nursery rhymes with children.

The most suitable way for zero-based children to learn Chinese is interactive teaching.

We can find some related nursery rhyme resources before class, and let the children sing and dance together before or during class.

This behavior will be difficult at the beginning. Most children can’t keep up with the speed of the song at all, let alone rap and dance, and more are just dancing with the music.

Repeat it several times, and start to speed up the song when some children can keep up, so that the children are happy, and the teaching effect is often not bad.

Watch animated videos with kids.
Watching cartoons is not learning for children, but a kind of reward and a kind of relaxation.

Children learning Chinese with zero basics cannot learn boring grammar and knowledge points all day long like adults learning foreign languages. No child can sit still and listen to you finish a class.

The colorful pictures are a wonderful world for children, and they will deeply remember the important knowledge points in the classroom while wandering in the beautiful animation.

Here I recommend several youtube channels, you can go there to download the animation videos you need.

Rubik’s Cube Chinese
Little Fox Chinese
Liuyi Children’s Network

Recommend children to read picture book stories
There is no child who does not like listening to stories, and there is no child who is not interested in picture books.

Which picture book stories are worth reading? Which picture books can children learn Chinese with zero basics?

Books for O level higher Chinese tuition Children Learning Chinese——10 Classic Picture Books You Must Read

O level higher Chinese tuition

As a simple and light teaching tool, it plays a pivotal role in the growth of many Chinese children. When we were young, we often begged our parents to buy us a new picture book after school.

4) Chinese mini-games

Games are one of the most effective channels for children to learn Chinese.

There are many Chinese games, including You Draw My Guess, Bingo, Story Solitaire, etc. You can choose the game according to the specific level of the child.

Making good use of games can make children learn Chinese more happily.

Build children’s confidence in speaking Chinese

For many overseas children, Chinese is a foreign language, and it is a long process to master a language proficiently. Then in this process, teachers and parents must give children timely affirmation and encourage their efforts.

Don’t be afraid of them making mistakes, but cultivate them to speak Chinese boldly, for example, let them use Chinese to have more conversations, and practice more in Chinese with other children.

  1. When learning Chinese with zero foundation, pay attention to the problem of homophones.
    The Chinese textbooks used by some teachers are written in pinyin throughout, without any Chinese characters.

Although such textbooks are easy to learn, there is a big problem-the inability to distinguish homophones. There are a large number of characters in Chinese that have the same pronunciation, but the meaning of the words is not related.

  1. When learning Chinese with zero foundation, the purpose should be clear.
    The purpose of learning Chinese is different, and the content of the teacher’s teaching naturally needs to be changed accordingly.

Some students only need to learn daily Chinese to deal with life scenes and general communication activities; some foreigners learn Chinese to deal with complex business conversations.

Teachers need to prepare lessons for different students. Usually, a teacher’s income is linked to the number of teaching hours. Most foreign students take Chinese classes three times a week, two class hours each time.

According to the different abilities of each teacher, the number of students that can be accepted is also different.

So do you have any other questions about O level higher Chinese tuition for children?

Online Chinese Class in 2023, You Can’t Miss!

Chinese education and training brand giant , New Oriental suffered a huge blow under the “Online Chinese Class” policy last year.

Choosing almost all online and offline training programs for K-9 compulsory education (kindergarten to junior high school grade three) in China.

However, this did not stop New Oriental from cultivating in the education field. The focus of its work quickly shifted to other educational products and services, including the development of the overseas Chinese market.

“Blingo Chinese” under New Oriental provides online Chinese learning courses for Chinese children aged 3 to 15 all over the world, including the United States.

Qiao Lei, CEO of Link Chinese, said that Link Chinese was derived from “New Oriental Link Foreign Teachers”, which was established in 2017, and at that time mainly provided online small-class foreign teacher services for domestic teenagers.

online Chinese learning

Qiao Lei said that in just a few years, the platform had grown to more than 2,000 classes taught by English-speaking professors, and 210,000 students attended the classes.

However, last year, we encountered the national “double reduction” policy, that is, to reduce the burden of homework and off-campus training for Online Chinese Class in the compulsory education stage, and foreign teachers are not allowed to teach Chinese children’s courses.

Therefore, in August last year, “New Oriental Link Foreign Teachers” was transformed into “Link Chinese Blingo”. , the customer group is for young people studying Chinese overseas.

For example, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) launched a free online Chinese course, starting from the most basic four tones, with clear human pronunciation, and vivid situational teaching, you can learn all the greetings in a short time without spending a lot of money.

In addition, China’s Confucius Institutes are also deeply rooted in the UK. There are 29 Confucius Institutes and 148 Confucius Schools to promote the Online Chinese Class and Chinese culture.

The Confucius Institute has also been criticized as a tool for exporting ideology, but it has been denied by the Chinese government.

Oliver mentioned in the interview that teaching Chinese well has a big element, that is, “laughter” when learning Chinese, which is not only required by parents, but also does not need to stick to the performance of scores.

So when I asked him why he seemed to be able to teach Chinese better than people who were born and raised in Taiwan when he came to the United States since he was a child, he said that because his Chinese level is not that good, so “we have fewer requirements, I hope children’s It’s good if you can use Chinese.”

He doesn’t pay so much attention to whether children can write Chinese characters by hand, but can use typing to do composition;

At the same time, he doesn’t use exams to test children’s Chinese level, but focuses on encouraging children to continue to use Chinese Read favorite works.

For myself, in the past 3 years when my child grew up, in addition to referring to Oliver’s blog.

I have also constantly reflected on the reasons why I want my child to learn Chinese, and Oliver mentioned a big point in the interview: “The longing for a piece of land is the people built on that land.

If you don’t miss the people in that place, you won’t have feelings for that piece of land.

” This is the same as my opinion──I hope my Although the children grew up in the United States, they will not be separated from the Chinese culture that I am familiar with and their grandparents because of language barriers.

I hope that they have Online Chinese Class and ties with people in Taiwan. This is the main reason why I want my children to learn Chinese.

For example, my children first learned the word “ice cream” when they ate it with their grandfather in the countryside of Taiwan, so even if they return to the United States later, they still have good memories of eating dessert with their elders;

It’s just the language, but the connection with the family.

Raising Bilingual Children in Chinese & English, a Facebook group initiated by Oliver, currently has more than 9,000 members.

It is a very active community mainly in English. Parents from different backgrounds around the world often share their stories.

From experience, I often see that when someone raises a question, many well-meaning parents are willing to share their success or failure process, and many parents encourage each other and cheer for each other.

After finding Oliver, I gradually found other bloggers who teach Chinese, such as Chalk Academy and Guavarama.

Everyone’s method is a little different, but I have benefited a lot from them.

Thinking about it later, because they are all parents who grew up in the United States, they understand how difficult it is to teach children Chinese in an environment that is not Chinese, so their method is much faster than my own.

After all, although Chinese is my mother tongue, But I have never taught Chinese, so I have to study slowly to be successful.

As the saying goes, the boss is raised by books. The anxiety of first-time parents is also reflected in the language education of children.

Prenatal education, early education, reading ancient Online Chinese Class, singing Chinese nursery rhymes…

Due to my unprecedented enthusiasm for education, Ms. Du began to pretend to listen to me reading Chinese picture books as soon as she could sit still. Tell bedtime stories in Chinese.

Some books have been told so many times that after six or seven years, when I picked up the same book and told it to Sister Du’s younger sister, Taomei, I could still retell most of the content from memory.

The international logistics business 10 years ago was not as developed as it is today. In order to allow Ms. Du to have continuous Chinese input, every time we return to China and Japan, in addition to the Chinese picture books we carry with us, we have to ship a large box of books by sea .

We have moved 4 times in 9 years, but the books have stayed with us.

With the blessing of picture books and mother’s story time, Sister Du’s Chinese listening and speaking has always been smooth, and she has also formed a pattern of speaking Chinese at home and Japanese when going out.

In the middle class of the Online Chinese Class, there were Chinese children who joined the class who could not speak Japanese. She was entrusted by the principal to work as a small translator for more than half a year.

Online Chinese Class and Honesty should be Your Eternal Mates!

Taking Online Chinese Class?

Hey, guys! How’s it going? I have noticed you and I thought you were seeing me; What are you doing in recent days?

Let me guess…You are busy in learning cooking recently, preparing to improve your child’s meals; you are planning to take a parent-child trip in the upcoming holidays; you are planning to enroll your child in a violin lesson to enrich your child’s after-school life…

Maybe I am right, haha~ But have you ever thought about letting your children take Online Chinese Class?

Are your kids familiar with mandarin Chinese? How much do your kids know about China and its language? Franklin has ever said:“Honesty and diligence should be your eternal mates”;

Learning Chinese is just like climbing a mountain, and diligence is essential. There is an idiom in Chinese called ‘天道酬勤’ – it means “Heaven rewards those who work hard”; So I think the most important thing in Online Chinese Class is diligence, thus the two can almost be equated.

As for honesty? Honesty is a must for learning mandarin Chinese! It’s a feedback of your kids’ learning outcome;

They can test themselves – If they can use the Chinese characters and words they have learned in their daily speaking and writing, then they have learned it. Otherwise, they should humbly ask the teacher for advice. ‘Practice makes perfect’!

 Online Chinese Class

You might ask:“why taking class online?”Okay~ Compared with traditional class, online-learning can save time and you can focus more on learning. So if you have a phone or an Ipad or a computer. You can take our lesson no matter where you are.

“My child is only 6 years old, is it too early to start Online Chinese Class now? My children have to learn other subjects; Learning Chinese will affect other studies…

Guys, please don’t worry! Your worries will only become a burden for your child’s learning; The story of the child prodigy Mozart is well known to everyone; Mozart has been learning the violin since he was 4 years old.

Once, his father asked him what he was doing, and Mozart said he was writing a piano concerto. His father brought over the staff paper and looked at it. He was so excited that he shed tears. He said to his friend: “Look, what he wrote is correct and meaningful!” With the support of his father and his diligence, he eventually become a generation of violin masters!

Generally speaking, Learning Chinese and learning the violin have the similar effect when shaping a child’s thinking. Experts have tested – children learning a new foreign language can better develop their thinking and improve their cognitive ability; Children have just learned about the world and are full of enthusiasm for everything; This is an excellent time for them to learn Chinese!

Oh! I almost forget that! Amy was just 4 years old when she took our Online Chinese Class; She has been learning with us for about a year, and she stood out in the interview for kindergarten promotion to primary school several months ago!! Just because her oral Chinese is fluent than other children and has memorized more Tang poems.

Come on, let me test your child! Amy can fluently recite this poem in her four and a half years old. So I wonder if your child can recite this ancient poem?

We have received lots of feedback from parents before:
Jerry said that Chinese is too difficult to write and pronounce, he has to straighten his tongue…
Lisa said that she still knew how to read this word in class, but she forgot it when she went back home, and she still doesn’t know how to use it normally…
Mary said that she didn’t know why she should learn Chinese, and felt that she was memorizing some words by rote every day, and she could only write but not use them flexibly…So she felt it is none of any use to learn Chinese!

 Online Chinese Class

Let me tell you! Actually, you kids have barely no interest in Online Chinese Class! ‘Interest is the best teacher’ – What we have been doing is to cultivate children’s interest in learning Chinese;

Compared with traditional teaching model: our students will become active learners, teachers are responsible for cultivating children’s expressions, observing children’s learning habits, and guiding each child in a targeted manner.

Many parents say that their children are shy and unwilling to speak. Don’t panic! In our Online Chinese Class, we will not force children to speak difficult Chinese from the very beginning. Sino – Bus will create an all-Chinese teaching environment for them. Under the influence of the surrounding environment, children will gradually speak Chinese on their own initiative.

Do you find it is difficult to write Chinese characters? Is it a little irregular? That’s right! Chinese is a pictographic character, and a pictogram is a word-making method that uses lines to describe the shape of objects. It is the wisdom of the ancients thousands of years ago. Such as‘日’,‘月’ ,‘山’,‘水’…… If you observe carefully, you will find that these Chinese characters are very similar to the things they represent. Isn’t it interesting!

These are just a little surprise, there will be more interesting and funny Chinese characters waiting for you to discover in our Online Chinese Class; We have waited for you for so long, come on now!

Sincerely wish our Online Chinese Class and honesty will become your kids’ enteral mates and they can harvest more from our mandarin online class! Okay~ see your kids in our online class!

Fall in Love with Online Mandarin Learning in 3 days! Hurry Up!

“What? Did I hear you wrong? You mean…that I could fall in love with online mandarin learning in 3 days? Noooo, I can’t believe it!” said Tommy…(one years ago)

Tommy is a primary school student, in the third grade in a certain elementary school in Hong Kong;He has been learning Chinese for almost two years, but his Chinese grades have not been able to improve. When the time comes, he will have a Chinese interview at the junior high school. So What should he do? His Parents are very worried…

His mother also communicated with the Chinese teacher at the school many times, but it is no avail. Tommy still doesn’t listen carefully in Chinese class, always looks around, and can’t concentrate; He doesn’t finish his Chinese homework seriously after class, and sometimes he doesn’t even write Chinese homework; he doesn’t review before the Chinese test, and he often fails in Chinese. Basically, His Chinese score always is 40!

Online Mandarin Learning

His mother is worried about his Chinese learning, and sometimes she wants to give up his Chinese learning!

Parents, do your children dislike online mandarin learning as much as Tommy? Get upset at the sight of Chinese characters? Can’t sit still in Chinese class for a while?

Okay, I saw some of you nodded silently, have you ever wondered why children can’t learn Chinese well?

It doesn’t matter if the child can’t learn Chinese well, but we must find out the reason. Only by prescribing the right medicine can we achieve twice the result with half the effort! In fact, the reason is very simple. Children are not interested in learning mandarin. A person can only learn it well if he is interested in this matter. You can look at those outstanding figures throughout the ages. Beethoven was born with a disability. If he didn’t love playing the piano, how could he become a piano master? Ronaldo grew up in a poor family. If he didn’t love football, how could he lead the Brazilian team to win the World Cup five times?

“Yes, what you said is correct. Interest is indeed the best teacher for learning, but my child is not interested in Chinese at all. What should I do?” Lili’s mother said.

”Don’t worry, Lili’s mother, listen to me slowly”.

It doesn’t matter if your child is not interested in mandarin, interest can be cultivated!

Different from other Chinese tutoring institutions on the market, our Sino-Bus has always paid the most attention to cultivating children’s interest in online mandarin learning. Our courses are all online, allowing children to experience learning Chinese online immersively, learning Chinese while playing.

In class, we will make interesting Chinese learning plans for children: for example, make plans to recite a few Chinese characters or Chinese idioms every day, so that children feel a sense of accomplishment.

Online Mandarin Learning

Creating a relaxed and pleasant Chinese learning atmosphere: for example, learning Chinese characters and Chinese Pinyin through singing and dancing.

Make interesting Chinese character cards or pinyin cards: write Chinese characters or pinyin on the cards, and then memorize them through games and other methods.
Learning Chinese characters and Pinyin through stories, animations, etc.: For example, learning Chinese characters and Pinyin by watching cartoons.

The teacher of us can teach Chinese for all levels, such as Chinese lessons for kinder garden kids, for primary school , and for adults business needs. We choose the most suitable teacher for you according to your needs. 

OK~ Now let’s hear some real feedback from our students~

♠Jane said that she still knew how to read this word in class, but she forgot it when she went back home; She was very confusing! After taking online mandarin class in Sino-Bus, She likes learning Chinese more and more, and has her own memory method, so she no longer has to worry about not being able to remember or use it.

♠Jerry said that he didn’t like Chinese at all, because it is too difficult to write and pronounce; But now after studying with us for a few days, she has become more and more fond of Chinese, and now she recites poems and reads books in her spare time.

♠Marry said that she didn’t know why she should learn Chinese, and felt that she was memorizing some words by rote every day, and she could only write but not use them flexibly…So she felt it is none of any use to learn Chinese! But after taking the class here, Mary was deeply impressed by the Chinese culture, and she could hear many ancient Chinese historical stories in every class. She said that she liked Chinese history more and more, and she must learn Chinese well!

Online Mandarin Learning

“Hi everyone, I am Tommy, mentioned at the beginning. I think no one hates learning Chinese more than I did a year ago. I accidentally walked into Sion-bus. This online Chinese education institution seems to have a magical power. I had only been in online mandarin learning class for two days and suddenly felt that learning mandarin was quite interesting. When I got home, I told my mother that I wanted to continue the class. My mother was so excited that she almost cried. Believe me, uncles and aunts, If your children don’t like learning Chinese, then you must come Sino-Bus!” Tommy said.

Parents, don’t hesitate, please trust us, give us three days, Sino-Bus will let your children fall in love with online mandarin learning thoroughly! We have a free trial lesson, come and try it out!