Beginner Chinese Lessons,You Can’t Miss!

Why beginner Chinese lessons is important? Learning Chinese can be challenging for beginners due to several reasons:

Writing system: Chinese characters are logographic, meaning each character represents a concept or an idea. Learning and memorizing a large number of characters can be overwhelming for beginners, especially if they are not familiar with non-alphabetic writing systems. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Tones: Mandarin Chinese is a tonal language, meaning the meaning of a word can change based on the tone used to pronounce it. Mastering the four tones (and the neutral tone) requires careful listening and practice, which can be initially difficult for beginners.

Grammar structure: Chinese grammar structure differs significantly from English and other Indo-European languages. Sentence order, word order, and the absence of verb conjugation and plurals can be confusing for beginners.

Pronunciation: Chinese has a unique set of phonetic sounds that may not exist in other languages. Beginners may find it challenging to accurately produce these sounds and differentiate between similar-sounding words.

Character stroke order: Writing Chinese characters requires following specific stroke order rules. Beginners may struggle with stroke order and stroke direction, which affects the legibility and accuracy of their writing.

Lack of cognates: Unlike languages such as Spanish or French, which share many cognates with English, Chinese has relatively fewer cognates. This means that beginners cannot rely as much on existing vocabulary to help them grasp new words.

beginner Chinese lessons

Different sentence structures: Chinese sentences often use a subject-verb-object (SVO) structure, while English uses subject-verb-object (SVO) or subject-object-verb (SOV) structures. Adjusting to this difference can be challenging for beginners.

Cultural context: Chinese language and culture are closely intertwined. Understanding beginner Chinese lessons often requires familiarity with Chinese culture, history, and traditions, which may be new to beginners.

Despite the challenges, beginner Chinese lessons can also be rewarding. Here are some tips to make the learning process smoother:

Start with the basics: Focus on learning essential vocabulary, basic sentence structures, and pronunciation. Build a solid foundation before moving on to more complex aspects.

Practice regularly: Consistent practice is key. Set aside dedicated time each day to study and practice Chinese. Regular exposure and repetition will help reinforce learning.

Immerse yourself: Surround yourself with Chinese language and culture as much as possible. Watch Chinese movies or TV shows, listen to Chinese music, and find language exchange partners or tutors to practice speaking.

Use multimedia resources: Take advantage of online resources, mobile apps, and language learning platforms that provide interactive lessons, pronunciation practice, and writing exercises.

Join language communities: Engage with fellow Chinese learners, join language exchange groups, or find local Chinese culture and language communities. Sharing experiences and learning from others can be beneficial.

Be patient and persistent: Learning any language takes time and effort. Embrace the challenges and stay motivated. Celebrate small victories along the way and focus on progress rather than perfection.

Remember, with dedication, consistent practice, and a positive mindset, beginners can overcome the initial difficulties and make significant progress in learning Chinese.

Learning Chinese as a beginner can be an exciting and rewarding journey. Here are some steps to help you get started:

Set clear goals: Determine why you want to learn Chinese and set specific goals. Do you want to become conversational, read Chinese literature, or communicate with Chinese-speaking friends? Clear goals will guide your learning path.

Start with pronunciation: Chinese has its own set of phonetic sounds. Begin by familiarizing yourself with pinyin, the system that represents Chinese characters using the Roman alphabet. Practice pronunciation and tones to develop good speaking habits from the beginning.

Master basic greetings and essential phrases: Learn common greetings, introductions, and basic phrases such as “hello,” “thank you,” and “goodbye.” These phrases will give you a solid foundation for basic communication.

Focus on essential vocabulary: Begin by learning high-frequency words and everyday vocabulary. Start with words related to family, numbers, colors, food, and basic objects. Flashcards, language learning apps, and online resources can be helpful in building vocabulary.

Understand Chinese characters: Chinese characters are an integral part of the language. Start by learning basic radicals and stroke order. Practice writing characters using grid paper or digital tools. Regular practice will help you recognize and remember characters.

Grasp basic grammar structures: Chinese grammar is different from English. Start with simple sentence structures, such as subject-verb-object (SVO). Focus on basic sentence patterns and gradually expand your understanding of grammar rules.

Immerse yourself in Chinese media: Watch Chinese movies, TV shows, and listen to Chinese music. This will expose you to the language, help improve your listening skills, and familiarize you with Chinese culture.

Find a language partner or tutor: Practice speaking with native speakers or find a language exchange partner. This will give you opportunities to practice conversation, improve pronunciation, and gain cultural insights.

Use language learning resources: Take advantage of online platforms, textbooks, mobile apps, and language courses specifically designed for beginners. These resources often provide structured lessons, exercises, and audio materials to support your learning.

Practice regularly and be consistent: Learning a language requires regular practice. Set aside dedicated study time each day or week and stick to your schedule. Consistency is key to progress.

Immerse yourself in Chinese culture: Learning Chinese is not just about language; it’s also about understanding Chinese culture. Explore Chinese traditions, festivals, cuisine, and history to deepen your appreciation for the language.

Embrace mistakes and keep a positive mindset: Learning a new language takes time and effort. Embrace mistakes as part of the learning process and stay motivated. Celebrate small achievements and enjoy the journey.

Remember, beginner Chinese lessons is a gradual process. Be patient, stay motivated, and enjoy the experience of discovering a new language and culture.

Online Chinese Courses for Kids that You Deserve to know!

So online Chinese courses for kids is possible?

Many overseas Chinese parents want their children to learn Chinese, but they are struggling with work and daily chores, and cannot spend a lot of time teaching their children systematically. All they can do is ask their children to speak Chinese at home and exercise their listening and speaking skills. The method may not allow children to really learn Chinese.

An Australian mother confides her distress on the Internet. Her family Chinese education has achieved remarkable results from the beginning to slow progress. In the end, Chinese can’t express the child’s thoughts, and adults can’t communicate deeply with the child. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Back to English communication, in daily conversations, there are only simple and commonly used conversations such as “wake up”, “it’s time to eat”, and “goodbye, mother”.

When summing up the experience and lessons, this mother realized that if parents want to exercise their children’s Chinese ability, it is not enough to teach them simple daily conversations.

Every language has its own culture and system, and it is necessary to lay a good foundation for the children, arrange Only by learning the content and progress well, and constantly overcoming problems in Chinese learning can we make progress.

To a certain extent, it is a good language atmosphere for parents to speak Chinese at home, which can make children listen more and practice more. In early childhood, children’s listening and speaking learning is mainly based on imitation, so this method works very well.

 online Chinese courses for kids

But when the child grows up, don’t force the child to express everything in Chinese, because at this stage, the ability of imitation learning will decline rapidly, and the learning mode will gradually change to trial-and-error learning, relying solely on dialogue to improve the child’s Chinese Levels are extremely limited.

In addition, as the level of Chinese learning deepens, the Chinese language system that comes into contact with becomes more and more complex and difficult to imitate, and children will naturally develop resistance.

At this time, parents should be patient, guide their children, and encourage them to try more. It doesn’t matter even if the expression is wrong. The children must be willing to speak Chinese in order to learn Chinese better.

Online Chinese courses for kids, if a child retells what he saw and heard in school today, if there are words or situations that he cannot express, parents can first ask the child to express it in another way.

If the child still cannot express it, do not force the child to use Chinese , After the child has fully expressed what he wants to say, the parent will guide the child and tell him how to express the content just now in Chinese better and more accurately.

Online Chinese courses for kids?At the same time, parents can also collect more literary stories or film and television dramas with Chinese characteristics, tell them to their children or watch them together, so as to increase their interest in learning Chinese, guide them to learn Chinese independently, and understand Chinese culture.

From the perspective of teaching methods, chatting with children in Chinese can indeed exercise children’s listening and speaking skills, and can also stimulate children’s desire to learn after guidance.

However, it is difficult for children to establish a complete language system without professional courses. Therefore, many parents will gradually feel that the improvement of their children’s Chinese ability is slowing down or even deteriorating.

This is because children have shortcomings in reading and writing, which leads to more and more complex language expressions and more and more problems. It will cause children to fear difficulties, greatly reduce their enthusiasm for learning Chinese, and even develop rebellious psychology and refuse to learn Chinese when they reach adolescence.

Moreover, it is difficult to improve children’s reading and writing skills if they only use Chinese for daily chatting, and it is also difficult for children to learn more Chinese characters and written expressions. Such incomplete Chinese skills are difficult to use in formal occasions.

You must know that although domestic children are also taught to speak by their parents little by little, they have teachers who have taught them to read and write systematically since kindergarten, and use well-arranged short stories to let the children learn on their own initiative and fill every day.

There are teaching vacancies in each stage. In the senior grades, the children have developed the habit of thinking in Chinese, through talking, reading, watching movies, writing… Every moment is actively or passively strengthening their language ability.

And children living abroad, outside the family, do not use Chinese to speak, write, read and write. How can this allow children to learn Chinese naturally, communicate with their parents at home without any obstacles, and be proficient in everything in listening, speaking, reading and writing? Woolen cloth?

In the face of such problems, the most scientific way at present is to carry out systematic Chinese training. Although our parents are very proficient in Chinese, teaching children to learn Chinese is not an easy task.

Family education alone is not enough. Chinese itself is a relatively complex language with profound historical background, and there are certain thresholds at different stages of learning, which can only be passed to the next stage.

If there is no professional teacher to help children build a Chinese learning system from an early age and lay a solid language foundation, then when learning increasingly complex advanced language content, it is necessary to constantly find and make up for incomplete basic knowledge.

This requires finding a suitable Chinese teacher for the children, using standardized teaching methods and scientific teaching methods, laying the foundation for children to learn Chinese, making up for the lack of reading and writing language skills of Chinese children, and correcting some of the usual problems.

Pay attention to pronunciation and expression habits, so that children can master the purest Chinese.

In this regard, professional Chinese school teachers can save parents a lot of trouble. For example, Lingxi Chinese, which has been studying Chinese language teaching for many years, has a large number of cases and teaching experience.

The problem is well understood. At present, the Chinese classes in most public language schools, in order to meet the learning progress of most people, will lack pertinence, waste children’s natural advantages in Chinese learning, and miss the best learning time.

Good Chinese teachers have established targeted teaching models for children with different learning abilities, which can better guide and strengthen children’s weaknesses and make up for their shortcomings.

Online Chinese courses for kids, teachers of Lingxi Chinese can communicate with children anytime and anywhere to ensure that children learn Chinese most efficiently and solve difficulties encountered in learning in a timely manner.

Reading Comprehension for Kids: Helping Kids Get It!

May people said that reading comprehension for kids is very difficult. Why? Due to the lack of reading comprehension ability, many children feel very difficult and unable to start when writing essays or doing reading questions.

So how to improve children’s reading comprehension ability? Understand the reading characteristics of primary school students


Reading purpose is not strong

Many elementary school students believe that extracurricular reading is to complete the tasks assigned by their parents and teachers. The so-called classics and novels only choose chapters with strong stories or interleaved pages to read. (If you want to know more about Chinese, please feel free to click here!)

More than half of the students do not consider the characters in novels or classics. What is the meaning of society? There are fewer students who take reading notes.


Read more pictures than text

According to surveys by authoritative organizations, nearly 30% of primary school students like comics, and only 20% of primary school students are willing to read books that are “full of text”.

 reading comprehension for kids

This result explains well the reason why the four major classics of “vernacular version” and “picture version” are selling well in the market. When students read, whether they emphasize the text or the pictures, they should be analyzed with a rational eye.


Why reading comprehension for kids is hard? Not enough time to read

From the end of primary school to the time before going to bed at night, primary school students spend about 4 hours at their disposal, but 26% of families watch TV (including surfing the Internet) for more than 2 hours.

If the time for dinner is deducted, it is estimated that many children have no time to read. It is hoped that this issue can attract the attention of parents.


The source of extracurricular books is relatively single

The survey found that although 40% of families have more than 50 books in their collection, the source is very single. Parents bought 67%, and 13% were borrowed from relatives or classmates.

This shows that whether it is the school or the society, the book resources available to primary school students are very limited. If the resources are more abundant and the procedure of borrowing books is simplified, it may increase the reading volume of primary school students.

Understanding the Requirements for Teaching Reading in Primary Schools

Reading ability refers to the child’s ability to understand books and newspapers. Requirements vary for different grade groups.

In the primary school stage, children should be trained to have preliminary reading ability and be able to read relatively simple books and newspapers suitable for age characteristics.

Reading ability is a comprehensive ability. The reading ability of elementary school students mainly refers to the ability to read and understand the content of ideas.

Specifically manifested in the following aspects:

  1. Ability to read and understand text. Be able to read, write, and use

2.The ability to understand the content of thought, the ability to understand words, sentences, and texts.

Require children not only to understand the meaning of the words and sentences in the article, but also to divide the paragraph levels, and to summarize the meaning and central idea of the paragraph, and have the ability of preliminary analysis and generalization;

  1. Able to read the text aloud correctly, fluently and emotionally, and then more skillfully silently read the text;
  2. Ability to use reference books. If you encounter unfamiliar words or meanings when reading, you can solve them yourself by consulting dictionaries, dictionaries, etc.

Children must develop good reading habits from an early age. When reading, they must read, think, and outline.

Good habits can benefit children for life, and bad habits may harm them for life. Therefore, we must attach great importance to the cultivation of good reading habits in children.

Ways to guide children in reading texts

The British biologist Darwin said: “The most valuable thing is the knowledge about the method.”

The child has mastered the method, just like getting a “golden key” to open the treasure house of knowledge, which can be used for life. Therefore, parents should pay attention to teaching children how to read while reading.

 reading comprehension for kids

When children get an article, they often feel that they have no way to start, and they think that they have finished reading after a cursory reading. This kind of reading is ineffective and cannot improve their reading ability as soon as possible. So, how to guide children to read a text?

The first step is to let the children recognize and read the text, read it two or three times, and understand the general idea of the article as a whole. For unfamiliar words and words, parents should urge their children to solve them by looking them up in the dictionary.

The second step is to let the children read the text carefully. Through the children’s own brains, mouth, and hands, they can understand the content of the text, try to divide the text into paragraphs, and summarize the meaning of the paragraph.

The third step is to let the children read the text intensively. On the basis of understanding the content of the text, you can determine the key paragraphs, focus on understanding, extracting from them, and come up with the central idea of the article.

The fourth step allows children to answer the questions at the end of the book, write preview notes, and have their own evaluation of the article. After reading the text, you can ask questions that you don’t understand, and ask the teacher and others.

Through the above process, children will understand that to read an article, they must not only read through the sentences, but also understand what the article is about, how it is written, and why it is written in this way, so as to cultivate children’s ability to analyze and generalize.

Cultivate the habit of reading more, thinking more, and writing diligently

Children should develop the reading habit of reading more, thinking more, and writing diligently from an early age. The content of the article is expressed through language and characters.

Only through reading can the silent language be turned into a sound language, and the characters and stories described in the language can be expressed. Learning is expensive and doubtful, and thinking always starts with questions.

Only when children have doubts in their studies can they have a strong desire to actively explore and solve problem – reading comprehension for kids. Parents should be enthusiastic about this.

For example: After learning the text “A Parachute”, the child asks, why did Premier Zhou give up his umbrella bag to others? This question is the center of this text.

After solving this problem, we have grasped the center of this article——at the critical moment when the plane was in danger, Premier Zhou gave up the hope of life to others and left the danger of death to himself.

This kind of positive thinking not only masters the content of the text, but also understands the author’s expression method. Frequently guiding your child to read in this way will help improve his reading ability.

Parents should set an example

There is a story that in a Jewish home, when a child is a little sensible, the mother will open the Bible, drop a little honey on it, and then ask the child to kiss the honey on the Bible. Let children feel the sweetness of books and the beauty of reading from an early age!

Israel surpasses any other country in the world in terms of per capita ownership of books and publishing houses and per capita reading per capita. So far, there have been more than 130 Jewish Nobel laureates.

Although it is hard to judge the connection between winning the Nobel Prize and studying in childhood simply by using this example, in real life, many families have not formed a good reading atmosphere.

After the parents pick up their children home, they lie down in front of the computer and TV, or play with their mobile phones on the sofa, but ask their children to read famous books. This situation exists in many families.

Some people think that the national reading plan should be implemented, just like the implementation of nine-year compulsory education. The plan is beautiful and long-term.

For now, the most urgent task facing parents is to cultivate children’s reading habits through their own words and deeds. In terms of education for the next generation, I believe most people don’t want to hear “haven’t read” and “lack of education”. Wait for similar reviews?

In fact, it doesn’t matter if adults don’t like to read literature books, history books, psychological books and other books with serious topics. There are also relaxing travel books and gourmet books to read.

You can also explore books about reading comprehension for kids, which cultivate logical thinking with your children. Opening books is beneficial. Just give yourself some time to start reading and the fun will spring up on its own.

Online Chinese Class in 2023, You Can’t Miss!

Chinese education and training brand giant , New Oriental suffered a huge blow under the “Online Chinese Class” policy last year.

Choosing almost all online and offline training programs for K-9 compulsory education (kindergarten to junior high school grade three) in China.

However, this did not stop New Oriental from cultivating in the education field. The focus of its work quickly shifted to other educational products and services, including the development of the overseas Chinese market.

“Blingo Chinese” under New Oriental provides online Chinese learning courses for Chinese children aged 3 to 15 all over the world, including the United States.

Qiao Lei, CEO of Link Chinese, said that Link Chinese was derived from “New Oriental Link Foreign Teachers”, which was established in 2017, and at that time mainly provided online small-class foreign teacher services for domestic teenagers.

online Chinese learning

Qiao Lei said that in just a few years, the platform had grown to more than 2,000 classes taught by English-speaking professors, and 210,000 students attended the classes.

However, last year, we encountered the national “double reduction” policy, that is, to reduce the burden of homework and off-campus training for Online Chinese Class in the compulsory education stage, and foreign teachers are not allowed to teach Chinese children’s courses.

Therefore, in August last year, “New Oriental Link Foreign Teachers” was transformed into “Link Chinese Blingo”. , the customer group is for young people studying Chinese overseas.

For example, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) launched a free online Chinese course, starting from the most basic four tones, with clear human pronunciation, and vivid situational teaching, you can learn all the greetings in a short time without spending a lot of money.

In addition, China’s Confucius Institutes are also deeply rooted in the UK. There are 29 Confucius Institutes and 148 Confucius Schools to promote the Online Chinese Class and Chinese culture.

The Confucius Institute has also been criticized as a tool for exporting ideology, but it has been denied by the Chinese government.

Oliver mentioned in the interview that teaching Chinese well has a big element, that is, “laughter” when learning Chinese, which is not only required by parents, but also does not need to stick to the performance of scores.

So when I asked him why he seemed to be able to teach Chinese better than people who were born and raised in Taiwan when he came to the United States since he was a child, he said that because his Chinese level is not that good, so “we have fewer requirements, I hope children’s It’s good if you can use Chinese.”

He doesn’t pay so much attention to whether children can write Chinese characters by hand, but can use typing to do composition;

At the same time, he doesn’t use exams to test children’s Chinese level, but focuses on encouraging children to continue to use Chinese Read favorite works.

For myself, in the past 3 years when my child grew up, in addition to referring to Oliver’s blog.

I have also constantly reflected on the reasons why I want my child to learn Chinese, and Oliver mentioned a big point in the interview: “The longing for a piece of land is the people built on that land.

If you don’t miss the people in that place, you won’t have feelings for that piece of land.

” This is the same as my opinion──I hope my Although the children grew up in the United States, they will not be separated from the Chinese culture that I am familiar with and their grandparents because of language barriers.

I hope that they have Online Chinese Class and ties with people in Taiwan. This is the main reason why I want my children to learn Chinese.

For example, my children first learned the word “ice cream” when they ate it with their grandfather in the countryside of Taiwan, so even if they return to the United States later, they still have good memories of eating dessert with their elders;

It’s just the language, but the connection with the family.

Raising Bilingual Children in Chinese & English, a Facebook group initiated by Oliver, currently has more than 9,000 members.

It is a very active community mainly in English. Parents from different backgrounds around the world often share their stories.

From experience, I often see that when someone raises a question, many well-meaning parents are willing to share their success or failure process, and many parents encourage each other and cheer for each other.

After finding Oliver, I gradually found other bloggers who teach Chinese, such as Chalk Academy and Guavarama.

Everyone’s method is a little different, but I have benefited a lot from them.

Thinking about it later, because they are all parents who grew up in the United States, they understand how difficult it is to teach children Chinese in an environment that is not Chinese, so their method is much faster than my own.

After all, although Chinese is my mother tongue, But I have never taught Chinese, so I have to study slowly to be successful.

As the saying goes, the boss is raised by books. The anxiety of first-time parents is also reflected in the language education of children.

Prenatal education, early education, reading ancient Online Chinese Class, singing Chinese nursery rhymes…

Due to my unprecedented enthusiasm for education, Ms. Du began to pretend to listen to me reading Chinese picture books as soon as she could sit still. Tell bedtime stories in Chinese.

Some books have been told so many times that after six or seven years, when I picked up the same book and told it to Sister Du’s younger sister, Taomei, I could still retell most of the content from memory.

The international logistics business 10 years ago was not as developed as it is today. In order to allow Ms. Du to have continuous Chinese input, every time we return to China and Japan, in addition to the Chinese picture books we carry with us, we have to ship a large box of books by sea .

We have moved 4 times in 9 years, but the books have stayed with us.

With the blessing of picture books and mother’s story time, Sister Du’s Chinese listening and speaking has always been smooth, and she has also formed a pattern of speaking Chinese at home and Japanese when going out.

In the middle class of the Online Chinese Class, there were Chinese children who joined the class who could not speak Japanese. She was entrusted by the principal to work as a small translator for more than half a year.

Hong Kong Primary Chinese Tutoring for Internal Assessment, No Worries about Chinese!

“Tommy needs to quickly improve the score of the internal assessment! So is there any Hong Kong primary Chinese tutoring for internal assessment? The internal assessment will be submitted soon… What can I do with Tommy’s Chinese, alas”…

With the passage of time, the first internal assessment of the fifth grade of primary school will be held in June in the near future;

The results of the test can determine the approximate position of the child in the grade, and affect the self-study stage, interview, and banding of the middle school!

For some important exams, we should not rush and prepare for the exams.

Children who have fully prepared for the exam will be able to face the exam in a good state, improve the accuracy of answering questions, solve problems more effectively, and obtain ideal grades;

If the results of the first internal assessment are satisfactory, it will greatly enhance the children’s interest and confidence in learning;

Preparing for the internal assessment is the key for children to stand out. However, after investigation, it was found that most of the children failed in Chinese…

The first internal assessment of the fifth grade of elementary school is approaching, and the results of the three main subjects of Chinese, English, and mathematics cannot be ignored.

Ree, a well-known teaching and research teacher of the test, said that Chinese is a “death subject”!

Because there are different papers in Chinese, students take the Chinese test in separate tests;

The most likely point to lose points is in reading comprehension – Long questions and answers are too short, the paragraphs are not inductive, and the multiple-choice items are not subtly different.

In the use of Chinese, punctuation and rhetorical definitions cannot be remembered clearly, reorganization and arranging sentences are too hasty, rewriting sentences are careless, and even copying typos, misunderstood titles, and underestimating problems, etc., are easy to lose points.

Students need to learn the art and science before reading an article to know which punctuation marks to use, and they also need to look at the emotions behind others and the context in which they are invested.

 Hong Kong primary Chinese tutoring for internal assessment

In this way, they can practice reading comprehension, reorganize sentences, etc., all of which are easy to understand.

So what about the child’s internal assessment?

After all, the ” internal assessment” is an exam, so it will be easy! As long as you are willing to study hard and find the test-taking skills that suit you, you will not have to worry about failing the exam!

For Hong Kong primary Chinese tutoring for internal assessment, Sino-bus has a dedicated internal assessment Chinese tutoring teaching and research team. The following tips are hoped to be helpful to children!

1: Get ready and make a plan!

Each primary five child must tailor a targeted study plan for the sub-examination according to his or her own situation.

First of all, children should list all the words, rhetoric, reading skills and theories, composition topics, etc. that need to be reviewed, and then make a corresponding study plan for the internal assessment based on the knowledge and the remaining test preparation time.

When making a internal assessment study plan, you should not put too much pressure on yourself or set too high a goal. After all, a plan that can be completed is a good plan.

2: The goal must be clear!

After formulating the internal assessment review plan, it is recommended that parents and children discuss and set a goal;

This goal can be achieved after hard work according to their own conditions, and divide a big goal into several small goals, and give appropriate encouragement after reaching the goal and rewards.

The point is, the goal must be what the child wants, not imposed by the parents. Only in this way can children’s learning initiative be improved, strive for their goals, and persevere.

3: Pay attention to details!

No matter what type of test it is, getting the questions you will do right is the key to scoring.

In the Chinese internal assessment, reading and writing are very important! You must read carefully, and the article must be understood; It doesn’t matter if you read it twice;

4: Review must be serious!

On the eve of submitting the internal assessment, many students always use the large amount of homework as an excuse to lower the quality of their homework, and fill in a few words on the homework as if they have completed it.

It is wrong to do such!!

When doing reading questions, writing neat and clear answers will help children organize their thoughts and understand their understanding of a certain theory of knowledge.

Weaknesses should be consolidated so that you won’t lose points where you shouldn’t be in the internal assessment.

5: Good at summarizing!

Finally, students must be good at summarizing in the process of reviewing the internal assessment.

Why is the answer of the last reading comprehension so different from the reference answer? What is the reason why I didn’t answer the point? Why is the composition a bit off topic?

Everyone’s scoring situation is different. You should seriously think about the reasons for the loss of points after the exam, instead of just finishing the exam. Only by reflecting can you improve!

The above are the top five suggestions for preparing for the internal assessment for children and parents.

If you want to know how to develop these five skills, you are welcome to come to Sino-bus to listen to the Hong Kong primary Chinese tutoring for internal assessment. Come quickly!

Hong Kong primary Chinese language tutoring, Chinese is so easy!

Hey! Parents, today we are going to talk about Hong Kong primary Chinese language tutoring.

First of all, I would like to ask some questions to parents: Children do not like learning Chinese, Why? Children can’t learn Chinese well, what is the root cause?

Do you just blame the children for not studying hard?

In fact, language learning for Hong Kong students is very important, after all, language is the foundation of communication.

In Hong Kong, many students are exposed to Chinese in primary school, but they face many challenges in their studies.

First of all, Chinese is a relatively complex and difficult language.

Primary school students in Hong Kong must learn Chinese from pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and other aspects.

Hong Kong primary school Chinese language tutoring

In addition, due to the multicultural characteristics of Hong Kong, students need to face various dialects and accents;

This also means that students need to devote more time and energy to improve their Chinese proficiency.

Therefore, it is often more difficult for primary school students in Hong Kong to learn Chinese than children in other regions.

It is not because the children do not want to learn well, but more often it is caused by the general environment, so parents should not just blame the children for not working hard.

Secondly, because Hong Kong is a bilingual society, students learn two languages—Chinese and English from an early age. This makes students need more time to learn two languages, and may experience excessive learning pressure.

In addition, Cantonese may be used for daily communication, and multi-language is often switched, which often makes Chinese beginners confusing.

It is not good for children to learn Chinese alone; Language learning often requires more language environment to assist.

So for primary school students who have difficulty in learning Chinese, there are also many Chinese tutoring schools in Hong Kong.

In Hong Kong, you can see Hong Kong primary Chinese language tutoring institutions everywhere! Chinese language tutoring in primary schools can be seen on almost every street corner.

In order to make their children learn Chinese better, both the students and their parents will spend a lot of time and money to enroll in tutoring schools.

Tutoring classes are also very common in the daily life of Hong Kong students. Many parents hope that, their children can enjoy more learning opportunities outside of school.

These after-school tutoring classes can help students improve their Chinese proficiency.

However, there are so many tutoring courses for Chinese majors in primary schools in Hong Kong. Where should children go?

Like Li***, this is a large Chinese tutoring institution for teenagers, with students all over the world, but Lili responded that the course is too difficult to learn, and the course content is more suitable for students with a little better Chinese foundation.

There is also ‘**Chinese’, this Hong Kong elementary school Chinese tutoring institution, can also be called a unicorn in the industry; They teach Chinese for children aged 4-15.

The course format is far more interesting, but once many parents reported that their courses were too expensive, and they kept memorizing reminders to renew the report not long, after the course started this quarter, which was annoying…

Well, maybe many parents still don’t know us(Sino-bus) yet~ It is not a big deal! Let me introduce ourselves for you guys!

We are also a large-scale online Chinese tutoring organization, However, the difference between the above two institutions is:

We use small class teaching, and the teaching difficulty is from shallower to deeper; So beginners will not feel strenuous at all;

We focus on cultivating children’s interest in Chinese learning and creating immersive learning through interactive games; An environment where children learn while playing!

Sino-Bus pays attention to the scientific planning of learning plans and strengthens students’ reading habits, which can help students better master the application of words and reading skills.

In addition, we will guide children to explore and understand Chinese culture in class, experience soup and customs on the spot, and enhance students’ interest and ability to master Chinese language and Chinese culture.

The price of our courses is also affordable, if you are interested, you can let your children try our free trial class of Chinese language tutoring for primary schools in Hong Kong~

Sino-Bus is good at Hong Kong primary Chinese language tutoring. It’s very simple to make children fall in love with learning Chinese!

Best Way to Learn Mandarin Online Free must Exist!

“I wonder if there exist a best way to learn mandarin online free”? says Leo……

The times are constantly developing, and the Internet is also developing rapidly. More and more people are aware of Chinese traditional culture, including foreign friends.
Chinese traditional culture is a classic handed down from our ancestors, and it is the most precious wealth left to us; Chinese characters are one of them. As China’s national strength continues to grow stronger, Chinese has gradually developed into a common language in the world.

Chinese is the most spoken language in the world. Do as the Romans do when you go to the country, and you have to learn Chinese language and culture when you enter the territory of China, which also increases the difficulty of learning for foreign friends.

Best Way to Learn Mandarin Online Free

And Chinese is one of the most difficult languages in the world, which directly causes foreign friends to collapse several times while learning Chinese; So it is no wonder that many people ask the best way to learn mandarin online free~

In fact, it is not easy to learn a language at the beginning; Chinese is to foreigners what English is to us, but English is much easier than Chinese. There are many cases in Chinese where there are different words with the same sound.

For example, ‘shi ’ has four tones, and the corresponding Chinese characters are yes, 是、四、事、使、思、市 …… Chinese people can easily distinguish them, but in the eyes of foreigners, they just can’t tell the difference – they might think these characters are same?

For another example, if these Chinese characters are combined with different characters to form words, the meaning will change a lot, and the same word has different meanings in different contexts; This is much more difficult than learning English.

No wonder it is so difficult for foreigners to make complaints about English, and even how difficult it is to use “memes” to make complaints about Chinese. In this regard, netizens have seen how difficult it is for foreigners to learn Chinese, and they have left messages one after another, just like themselves who are learning English.

So not only Leo wanna find a best way to learn mandarin online free, you might as well want to know it. Right?

Best Way to Learn Mandarin Online Free

Please don’t worry, I will tell you later~

When almost all human beings are learning a new skill, whenever they encounter difficulties, they want to find a shortcut immediately – This is human nature; Maybe you have seen similar titles: ‘Master 2,000 Chinese characters in 5 days’, ‘Learn Chinese writing in 7 days’…

Those titles look catchy, don’t they? But do you really think Chinese can be learned in a few days? Chinese culture is extensive and profound, and Chinese characters have a history of thousands of years – It is completely impossible to master more than 2,000 Chinese characters in 5 days! ! Don’t be fooled by these titles!

I heard some guys ask:“So is there no best way to learn mandarin online free ?”

Of course there must exist some effective ways to learn mandarin online free~

Don’t be nervous, you can take it easy. To learn a language, you must first integrate into the language environment. The same is true for Chinese learning; It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a Chinese environment around you, we can create it ourselves!

You can find some Chinese TV dramas or movies to watch first, sitcoms like “Wulin Biography” and “Family with Children” are very suitable; You can also listen to some Chinese songs, why not try Jay Chou, many young people like his songs; If you wanna listen to songs with more ancient Chinese elements, you can try Yaoyang, Hetu, Huang Shifu, etc.

Well, now that you have gradually integrated into the Chinese environment, it is not too late to start learning Chinese systematically; Here are some best way to learn mandarin online free:

1.To learn Chinese, you must first lay a solid foundation.
To practice using the four tones of Chinese. Chinese is a tonal language, which means that words have different meanings with different tones, even though they are pronounced and spelled the same. Learning these different tones is certainly essential if you want to speak Chinese correctly.

2.Memorize simple vocabulary.
No matter what language you study, the more vocabulary you have, the more fluent you will be. Therefore, the next thing to do is to memorize some useful words. Such as:早上:zǎoshàng,下午:xiàwǔ,晚上:wǎnshàng);Body part:(头:tóu,脚:jiǎo,手:shǒu)食物(牛肉niúròu,鸡:jī,鸡蛋:jīdàn,面条:miàntiáo), and words related with color、transportation、weather and month etc.

3.Learn how to count.
Chinese does not have an alphabet, which makes it difficult for Westerners to learn it. Fortunately, the Chinese number system is fairly straightforward and fairly logical, and once you learn the first ten numbers, you’ll be able to count to 99.

4.Learn some basic conversational phrases. Once you have a basic grasp of vocabulary and pronunciation, you can move on to basic conversational phrases that can be used in everyday Chinese conversation.

“Hello, Leo! May I confirm if you now get the best way to learn mandarin online free”……

Best Way to Learn Mandarin Online Free