0 Level Higher Chinese Tuition:How to Start?

Many people asked: 0 level higher Chinese tuition, how to start?

Before answering this question, we should know the importance of learning Chinese;
Learning Chinese and mastering Chinese is an inevitable trend of economic globalization and an irresistible trend.

Chinese is closely related to other Asian languages, such as Japanese, Korean, etc. Mastering Chinese also plays an important auxiliary role in learning other languages.

China is playing an increasingly important role in world economic and cultural exchanges. The most effective way to understand China is to master Chinese. China is one of the four ancient civilizations.

It has a long and splendid culture. The Chinese language is extensive and profound, with rich vocabulary, appropriate metaphors, and can express delicate feelings. Many excellent literary masterpieces are created in Chinese.

To master Chinese is to master the splendid Chinese culture. So how to master it for 0 level higher Chinese tuition?

Learning Chinese and mastering Chinese is an inevitable trend of economic globalization and an irresistible trend. Chinese is the most beautiful language in the world and the most precious treasure left to us by our ancestors. Chinese characters are the pride of the Chinese nation.

China is playing an increasingly important role in the world’s economic and cultural exchanges. Just as former British Prime Minister Blair said: If you don’t understand China, you can’t grasp the future of the world.

The most effective way to understand China is to master Chinese. China is one of the four ancient civilizations and has a long and splendid culture. The Chinese language is extensive and profound, with rich vocabulary, appropriate metaphors, and the ability to express delicate feelings.

Many excellent literary and artistic works are created in Chinese. To master Chinese is to master the splendid Chinese culture. Chinese is closely related to other Asian languages, such as Japanese, Korean, etc. Mastering Chinese also plays an important auxiliary role in learning other languages.

Learning Chinese and mastering Chinese is an inevitable trend of economic globalization and an irresistible trend for 0 level higher Chinese tuition.

During this period of time, I often see such a question, how to teach children who are three or four years old or slightly older? In other words, how can children learn Chinese with zero foundation?

This problem frequently occurs in overseas Chinese families. Most of their children do not have a pure Chinese language environment, and most of them do not use Chinese in daily life.

0 level higher Chinese tuition

Therefore, if you want to learn Chinese from scratch, you must have a suitable teaching form and lively and interesting teaching materials.

In our daily teaching experience, we have found that young children have difficulty concentrating and are easily distracted. Many times the teacher’s teaching makes them feel bored, they will unconsciously look out the window, or fiddle with the stationery in their hands.

Therefore, the best way is to catch the children’s attention all the time and keep them very interested in your courses. The following are some commonly used methods in the teaching process:

Sing and dance nursery rhymes with children
The most suitable way for zero-based children to learn Chinese is interactive teaching. We can find some related nursery rhyme resources before class, and let the children sing and dance together before or during class.

This behavior will be difficult at the beginning. Most children can’t keep up with the speed of the song at all, let alone rap and dance, and more are just dancing with the music.

Learning Chinese as an adult can be a rewarding and fulfilling endeavor. Here are some steps to help you get started:

Set Goals: Determine why you want to learn Chinese and set specific, achievable goals. Do you want to communicate with native speakers, travel to China, conduct business, or explore Chinese culture? Clearly defined goals will help guide your learning process.

Choose a Learning Method: There are various methods to learn Chinese, including self-study, online courses, language exchange programs, or enrolling in a language school. Consider your preferred learning style, budget, and time availability when selecting a method that suits you.

Start with Pinyin: Pinyin is a system that uses Roman letters to represent the sounds of Chinese characters. It is a useful tool for pronunciation and learning the basics of the language. Begin by familiarizing yourself with Pinyin, its pronunciation rules, and practice speaking Chinese words and phrases.

Learn Basic Vocabulary and Phrases: Focus on building a foundation of basic vocabulary and commonly used phrases. Start with greetings, introductions, numbers, and everyday expressions. Practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing these words and phrases to reinforce your learning.

Master Pronunciation and Tones: Chinese is a tonal language, meaning that the tone in which a word is pronounced can change its meaning. Spend time mastering the four tones (and neutral tone) in Mandarin Chinese to ensure accurate pronunciation. Listening to native speakers and mimicking their pronunciation can be helpful.

Practice Listening and Speaking: Engage in activities that improve your listening and speaking skills. This can involve listening to podcasts, watching Chinese movies or TV shows, finding language exchange partners, or participating in conversation practice groups. Regular practice and exposure to spoken Chinese will enhance your comprehension and fluency.

Learn Characters: Chinese characters can seem daunting, but gradually introducing them into your learning process is essential. Start with commonly used characters and their meanings. Practice stroke order and writing to reinforce your understanding. Flashcards and writing exercises can aid memorization.

Use Language Learning Resources: Utilize textbooks, online resources, mobile apps, and language learning platforms designed for Chinese learners. These resources often include grammar explanations, vocabulary lists, audio recordings, and interactive exercises to enhance your learning experience.

Immerse Yourself in the Language: Immerse yourself in Chinese as much as possible. Listen to Chinese music, watch Chinese movies or TV shows with subtitles, read Chinese books or news articles, and try to use Chinese in everyday situations. Creating an immersive environment helps develop your language skills more effectively.

Be Consistent and Persistent: Learning a language takes time and effort. Consistency is key to progress. Set aside dedicated study time each day or week and practice regularly. Stay motivated, persevere through challenges, and celebrate your achievements along the way.

Remember that learning Chinese is a gradual process, and everyone learns at their own pace. Enjoy the journey, embrace mistakes as part of the learning process, and keep a positive attitude towards your language learning endeavor.

So now do you know how to start with 0 level higher Chinese tuition

Primary 1 Chinese Tuition: Lay a Solid Chinese Foundation, how?

Many people complained that their kids think Chinese is difficult to learn; So how to lay a solid Chinese foundation for kids? Is primary 1 Chinese tuition necessary?

To lay a solid foundation in Chinese for kids, you can follow these strategies:

Start early: Introduce Chinese to kids at a young age. The early years are crucial for language acquisition, and children are more receptive to learning new languages during this period.

Create a language-rich environment: Surround kids with Chinese language materials such as books, music, videos, and games. Label objects in the house with Chinese words, and use Chinese in daily routines and conversations. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Use interactive and engaging resources: Utilize interactive and age-appropriate resources that make learning Chinese enjoyable for kids. This can include educational apps, online games, and videos with interactive exercises and quizzes.

Focus on listening and speaking: Emphasize listening and speaking skills in the early stages. Engage children in conversations, sing Chinese songs together, and encourage them to repeat words and phrases. This helps them develop a natural pronunciation and intonation.

Introduce reading and writing gradually: In primary 1 Chinese tuition class, teachers will introduce basic Chinese characters and pinyin (phonetic system) as children progress. Start with simple characters and gradually increase the complexity. Incorporate reading Chinese books, practicing writing strokes, and forming simple sentences.

Make learning fun and interactive: Incorporate games, role-plays, storytelling, and hands-on activities to make learning Chinese engaging and interactive. Use props, puppets, or flashcards to make the learning experience enjoyable.

Provide cultural exposure: Introduce Chinese culture through stories, traditions, festivals, and cultural activities. This helps children understand the context and significance of the language and promotes cultural appreciation.

 primary 1 Chinese tuition

Consistency and repetition: Consistent practice and repetition are essential for language learning. Set aside regular time for Chinese learning activities and ensure continuous exposure to the language.

Celebrate progress: Celebrate children’s achievements and progress in learning Chinese. Encourage and praise their efforts, which boosts their confidence and motivation to continue learning.

Seek professional guidance: Consider enrolling children in Chinese language classes or hiring a tutor who specializes in teaching Chinese to kids. Qualified instructors can provide structured lessons and tailored guidance based on children’s abilities and learning styles.

Remember, building a solid foundation takes time and patience. By incorporating these strategies and creating a supportive learning environment, you can help children develop a strong foundation in Chinese language skills.

Start with basic vocabulary: Begin by introducing essential vocabulary words and phrases that are relevant to a child’s daily life. Teach them words for common objects, actions, and greetings. Use visuals, flashcards, and interactive games to make learning fun and engaging.

Focus on pronunciation and tones: Pay special attention to correct pronunciation and tones from the beginning. Primary 1 Chinese tuition will Help kids develop good pronunciation habits by modeling the sounds for them and encouraging them to practice speaking aloud. Practice tone recognition through listening exercises and repetition.

Use interactive and age-appropriate resources: Utilize interactive resources designed for children, such as educational apps, online games, and videos. These resources often incorporate colorful visuals, animated characters, and interactive exercises to make learning Chinese enjoyable and interactive.

Encourage conversational practice: Create opportunities for kids to practice speaking Chinese in a conversational setting. Engage in simple conversations with them, encourage them to speak in Chinese during daily activities, and role-play scenarios to simulate real-life situations. Provide positive reinforcement and corrective feedback to help them improve their speaking skills.

Incorporate storytelling and songs: Storytelling and songs are effective tools for language learning. Read Chinese storybooks to kids, incorporating gestures and expressions to make it more engaging. Sing Chinese songs together, teaching them the lyrics and explaining the meanings. These activities help develop vocabulary, listening comprehension, and intonation.

Introduce Chinese characters gradually: Introduce Chinese characters at an appropriate pace. Start with basic characters that are relevant to their daily life and gradually introduce more complex characters as their proficiency grows. Use stroke order worksheets and character tracing activities to help them become familiar with the characters’ formation.

Provide cultural exposure: Introduce aspects of Chinese culture to make the language learning experience richer. Explore Chinese traditions, holidays, and customs with kids. Watch Chinese cultural performances, introduce Chinese cuisine, and engage in activities like paper cutting or calligraphy. This fosters a deeper appreciation and understanding of the Chinese language and culture.

Consistent practice and reinforcement: Encourage regular practice to reinforce learning. Set aside dedicated time for Chinese language activities each day. Use flashcards, language games, and quizzes to review vocabulary and reinforce language concepts. Celebrate their progress and achievements to motivate continued learning.

Provide opportunities for immersion: Whenever possible, create opportunities for kids to use Chinese outside the classroom. Attend Chinese cultural events, visit Chinese-speaking communities, or connect with native Chinese speakers through language exchange programs. Immersion experiences enhance their language skills and boost confidence in using Chinese.

Start with oral communication: Focus on developing oral communication skills as a foundation for language learning. Encourage kids to listen and speak Chinese through conversations, role-playing, and language games. Provide ample opportunities for them to practice speaking and build their confidence in using the language.

Introduce Pinyin and tones: Teach Pinyin, the phonetic system for Chinese, to help kids understand pronunciation. Emphasize the importance of tones and guide them in correctly pronouncing the four tones of Mandarin. Practice tone drills and provide feedback to ensure accuracy.

Build vocabulary systematically: Introduce vocabulary based on themes or topics relevant to kids’ lives, such as family, school, food, and animals. Start with basic words and gradually expand their vocabulary. Use flashcards, picture books, and interactive activities to reinforce vocabulary acquisition.

Use visual aids and multimedia: Utilize visual aids, such as posters, charts, and videos, to support learning. Incorporate multimedia resources like interactive apps, songs, and videos designed for children to make the learning experience engaging and enjoyable.

Cultural immersion: Expose kids to Chinese culture and traditions through activities, stories, and celebrations. Share Chinese folktales, introduce traditional festivals, and explore customs like calligraphy or paper cutting. This helps children develop an appreciation for Chinese culture alongside language learning.

Encourage authentic language use: Provide primary 1 Chinese tuition for kids to use Chinese in real-life contexts. Encourage them to engage with native speakers, participate in language exchange programs, or join Chinese language clubs. This allows them to practice and apply their language skills in authentic settings.

Consistent practice: Establish a consistent language learning routine. Set aside dedicated time for Chinese practice each day, incorporating activities like reading, listening to Chinese songs or podcasts, and engaging in interactive language apps. Consistency helps reinforce learning and build fluency over time.

Remember, creating a supportive and encouraging learning environment is essential. Primary 1 Chinese tuition will tailor the approach to each child’s learning style and interests, making the learning process fun and engaging. With consistent practice and guidance, children can develop a solid foundation in Chinese.

Beginner Chinese Lessons in 2023, You Deserve to Know!

Why beginner Chinese lessons are important?

Learning Chinese is important for several reasons:

Global relevance: Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world, with over 1.4 billion native speakers. China is also a major global economic power and plays a significant role in international trade, politics, and culture. Learning Chinese opens doors to opportunities in business, diplomacy, and cultural exchange.

Career prospects: As China continues to grow as a global economic powerhouse, there is an increasing demand for professionals who can speak Chinese. Many multinational companies have operations in China or trade with Chinese companies, creating a need for individuals with Chinese language skills. Proficiency in Chinese can give you a competitive edge in the job market. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Cultural understanding: Language is a key component of culture, and learning Chinese provides insight into the rich and diverse Chinese culture. It allows you to appreciate Chinese traditions, history, literature, art, and philosophy on a deeper level. Understanding the language helps foster cross-cultural understanding and bridges the gap between people from different backgrounds.

Academic opportunities: China has a long and storied history, and its contributions to various fields such as science, technology, medicine, and philosophy are significant. Learning Chinese opens up opportunities to study at prestigious Chinese universities and participate in academic exchange programs. It also provides access to a vast range of Chinese literature, research, and academic resources.

Personal growth: Learning a new language, especially one as different as Chinese, challenges the brain and enhances cognitive skills. It improves memory, problem-solving abilities, and multitasking skills. Learning Chinese can boost your confidence and expand your horizons by immersing yourself in a different linguistic and cultural environment.

Travel and exploration: China is a country of immense natural beauty, historical sites, and vibrant cities. Knowing Chinese allows you to navigate and communicate more easily when traveling in China. It enriches your travel experience, enabling you to connect with locals, understand signs and menus, and immerse yourself in the local culture.

Preservation of heritage: For individuals with Chinese heritage, learning the language helps maintain a connection to their roots, family history, and cultural heritage. It enables them to communicate with older family members, understand ancestral documents, and pass on their heritage to future generations.

But beginner Chinese lessons is not very easy; Chinese is often considered difficult to learn due to several factors:

beginner Chinese lessons

Writing system: Chinese characters, or hanzi, are logographic, meaning each character represents a word or concept. Learning thousands of characters and their stroke order can be challenging and time-consuming.

Tones: Chinese is a tonal language, which means that the meaning of a word can change depending on the tone used when pronouncing it. Mandarin Chinese has four tones, and mastering them can be difficult for non-native speakers.

Grammar structure: The grammar structure of Chinese is different from that of many Indo-European languages. Chinese sentences typically follow a subject-verb-object order, and there are no verb conjugations, plurals, or tenses. Understanding and using the correct sentence structure can be challenging for beginners.

Pronunciation: Chinese has a unique set of phonetic sounds that may not exist in other languages. The pronunciation of certain sounds, such as the retroflex consonants and the initial “zh,” “ch,” and “sh” sounds, can be particularly challenging for beginner Chinese lessons.

Lack of cognates: Chinese and English belong to different language families, so there are fewer cognates or words that share similar meanings and forms. This means that learners need to start from scratch when building their vocabulary.

Cultural nuances: Language and culture are intertwined, and Chinese culture has its own set of nuances, idioms, and cultural references that may be unfamiliar to non-native speakers. Understanding and navigating these cultural aspects adds an extra layer of complexity to language learning.

Despite these challenges, learning Chinese is achievable with dedication, consistent practice, and the right resources. Breaking down the language into manageable components, finding effective learning methods, and immersing oneself in the language and culture can help overcome the difficulties and make progress in mastering Chinese.

Beginner Chinese lessons can be an exciting and rewarding journey. Here are some steps to help you get started:

Master the basics of pronunciation: Chinese has a unique set of phonetic sounds. Start by learning the four tones used in Mandarin Chinese and practice pronouncing them correctly. Pay attention to the different vowel and consonant sounds and mimic native speakers as much as possible.

Learn Pinyin: Pinyin is a system that uses Roman letters to represent the sounds of Chinese characters. It serves as a useful tool for pronunciation and spelling. Study the Pinyin system and practice reading and writing Pinyin to familiarize yourself with the language’s sound patterns.

Start with essential vocabulary: Begin by learning commonly used words and phrases that are relevant to everyday situations. Focus on practical topics such as greetings, numbers, colors, family, food, and basic expressions. Practice using these words in context through simple conversations or writing exercises.

Grasp basic grammar: While Chinese grammar may seem different from English or other Indo-European languages, it has its own logical structure. Start by understanding sentence patterns, word order, and basic sentence components like nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Practice constructing simple sentences and gradually expand your knowledge of grammar rules.

Build a solid foundation in characters: Chinese characters are a key part of the language. Begin by learning radicals, which are the building blocks of characters. Start with commonly used characters and gradually increase your vocabulary. Practice writing characters stroke by stroke, and use flashcards or mnemonic techniques to aid memorization.

Immerse yourself in the language: Surround yourself with Chinese as much as possible. Listen to Chinese music, watch movies or TV shows, and engage with Chinese-speaking communities online or offline. Immerse yourself in the language to improve your listening skills and expose yourself to natural speech patterns and cultural references.

Practice speaking and listening: Speaking and listening are crucial skills in language learning. Find language exchange partners or join conversation groups to practice speaking. Listen to podcasts, audiobooks, or online lessons to improve your listening comprehension. Practice shadowing, where you repeat sentences immediately after hearing them, to improve pronunciation and rhythm.

Utilize online resources and apps: Take advantage of the wealth of online resources and language learning apps available. Use interactive apps, online courses, and language learning platforms to supplement your studies. These resources often offer exercises, quizzes, and interactive tools to help you practice and reinforce what you’ve learned.

Immerse yourself in Chinese culture: Learning Chinese is not just about the language; it’s also about understanding the culture. Explore Chinese traditions, festivals, literature, and history. Engage with Chinese media, such as movies, TV dramas, and literature, to gain insights into the culture and deepen your understanding of the language.

Stay consistent and motivated: Learning a language takes time and effort. Set realistic goals and establish a study routine. Consistency is key, so allocate regular study time and practice consistently. Stay motivated by celebrating your progress, finding enjoyable learning materials, and connecting with a supportive language learning community.

Remember, although beginner Chinese lessons are not very easy; Please be patient with yourself, embrace mistakes as learning opportunities, and enjoy the journey of discovering this rich and fascinating language.

Reading Comprehension for Kids, Difficult?

Why reading comprehension for kids is difficult? There can be several reasons why children may struggle with learning Chinese reading:

Complex writing system: The Chinese writing system is logographic, meaning that each character represents a meaning or an idea rather than a sound. This makes it more challenging for children to learn compared to alphabetic systems. Memorizing a large number of characters and understanding their different combinations requires time and practice. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Lack of exposure: If children do not have regular exposure to the Chinese language outside of formal learning settings, such as at home or in their daily lives, they may have limited opportunities to practice reading and develop their reading skills. Consistent exposure to Chinese texts and materials is crucial for building reading proficiency.

Limited vocabulary: Reading comprehension for kids heavily relies on vocabulary knowledge. If children have a limited vocabulary in Chinese, they may struggle to understand the meaning of words and sentences in texts. Building a strong vocabulary foundation is essential for improving reading skills.

Insufficient reading strategies: Effective reading involves the use of various strategies, such as phonics, context clues, and understanding sentence structures. If children are not explicitly taught these strategies or do not know how to apply them, it can impede their reading comprehension abilities.

Lack of reading motivation: If children do not find reading in Chinese enjoyable or relevant to their interests, they may lack the motivation to invest time and effort into improving their reading skills. Creating a supportive and engaging reading environment, with interesting and age-appropriate materials, can help foster a love for reading and enhance their reading abilities.

 reading comprehension for kids

Inadequate instructional methods: The teaching methods employed may not be effective in helping children develop their Chinese reading skills. It is important to use a variety of instructional approaches, such as phonics instruction, guided reading, and comprehension strategies, to cater to different learning styles and needs.

To address these challenges and support children in learning Chinese reading, it is crucial to provide them with a supportive and immersive learning environment, expose them to a wide range of reading materials, and employ effective instructional strategies that focus on vocabulary development, reading comprehension strategies, and fostering a love for reading.

Additionally, regular practice and consistent exposure to the Chinese language will contribute to their overall progress in reading proficiency.

Character complexity: Chinese characters are logograms, and some of them can be quite complex, consisting of multiple strokes. Learning and recognizing a large number of characters can be overwhelming for some children, especially those accustomed to phonetic-based writing systems.

Reading comprehension for kids

Lack of exposure: Children who do not have regular exposure to the Chinese language outside of formal learning environments may find it challenging to grasp the language’s nuances and context. Exposure to authentic Chinese texts, conversations, and media is crucial for language development.

Different writing system: Children whose native language uses a phonetic-based writing system might initially struggle to adapt to the unique logographic nature of Chinese characters. This requires a shift in their approach to reading and writing.

Learning reading comprehension effectively requires a combination of strategies and approaches tailored to the needs and abilities of children. Here are some tips to help children improve their reading comprehension skills:

Start with appropriate reading materials: Choose reading materials that are suitable for your child’s reading level. Begin with simpler texts and gradually increase the complexity as their skills improve. This ensures that they can understand the content and feel motivated to continue reading.

Build vocabulary: Vocabulary plays a crucial role in reading comprehension. Encourage your child to learn new words regularly by reading books, engaging in conversations, and using vocabulary-building apps or games. Provide explanations and examples to help them understand the meaning and usage of words.

Develop pre-reading skills: Before diving into a text, help your child develop pre-reading skills such as making predictions, activating prior knowledge, and previewing the text. This helps them establish connections and better understand the content.

Encourage active reading: Teach your child to engage actively while reading by highlighting important information, underlining or taking notes, and asking questions. This promotes deeper comprehension and critical thinking.

Discuss and summarize: After reading a passage or a book, encourage your child to discuss the content with you. Ask questions about the main idea, characters, plot, and their thoughts or opinions. This helps them practice summarizing, analyzing, and reflecting on what they’ve read.

Teach comprehension strategies: Reading comprehension for kids is difficult? Introduce specific comprehension strategies, such as making inferences, identifying main ideas, drawing conclusions, and visualizing. Teach your child how to apply these strategies while reading to enhance their understanding.

Provide context and background knowledge: Help your child make connections between the text and their own experiences or prior knowledge. Provide additional information or context when necessary to improve comprehension.

Encourage reading fluency: Fluent reading allows children to focus more on understanding the content rather than decoding individual words. Encourage regular reading practice to improve fluency, such as reading aloud, using reading apps, or participating in reading challenges.

Expose them to a variety of genres: Introduce your child to different genres of literature, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and short stories. This helps them develop a broader understanding of different writing styles and themes.

Make reading enjoyable: Foster a love for reading by creating a positive and enjoyable reading environment. Allow your child to choose books that interest them and incorporate reading into their daily routine. Visit libraries, participate in reading clubs, and celebrate reading accomplishments.

Remember to be patient and supportive throughout the process. Each child learns at their own pace, so provide guidance, encouragement, and opportunities for regular practice. With consistent effort and a nurturing learning environment, children can improve their reading comprehension skills and develop a lifelong love for reading.

Vocabulary development: Building a strong vocabulary is essential for reading comprehension. Encourage children to read widely and expose them to a variety of texts. Introduce new words and concepts, discuss their meanings, and help children make connections between new words and their existing knowledge.

Active reading strategies: Teach children to be active readers by using strategies such as previewing the text, predicting what might happen, and asking questions before, during, and after reading. This helps children engage with the text and promotes better comprehension.

Understanding story elements: Help children identify and understand key story elements, such as characters, settings, plot, and main ideas. Discuss the beginning, middle, and end of a story, and help them make connections between different parts of the text.

Making inferences: Encourage children to make inferences by using clues from the text. Help them identify implicit information and draw conclusions based on the information provided.

Provide a variety of texts: Offer children a wide range of reading materials, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and informational texts. Exposing children to different genres and writing styles helps broaden their reading comprehension skills.

Remember, every child learns at their own pace, so it’s important to be patient and provide support and guidance throughout the learning process. Encourage a love for reading and make it an enjoyable and rewarding experience for children.

So reading comprehension for kids is not very difficult, it is just a piece of cake!

How to Learn Chinese:6 Effective Guide Ways

“Mom, how to learn Chinese? This story is so long, I really can’t read it anymore.” “Keep going, finish the book!” “But reading is so boring, I’ve been reading it for a long time, and I don’t even understand the relationship between them.

“This is a conversation between Ms. Liu and her ten-year-old Chinese-American child. Ms. Liu very much hoped that her child would like Chinese culture, so she bought him one of the four famous novels, “Dream of Red Mansions”. (If you want to know more Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Unexpectedly, the child had no interest at all and could not read it. So, what can parents do to make their children fall in love with reading Chinese books? We can try the following three methods.

  1. Targeted selection of books
    A good book is not necessarily suitable for children to read. When choosing Chinese books, you should focus on your child’s age, hobbies, and needs. For example, for Chinese children aged 3-9, you can choose short fables, preferably with pictures, such as “Aesop’s Fables” and “Andersen’s Fairy Tales”.

Children aged 9-15 can choose novellas or idiom storybooks, such as “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” and “Education of Love”. Only children over the age of 15 who have years of Chinese learning foundation can buy him classics. At this time, the child has his own appreciation ability and accumulation needs.

how to learn Chinese

We can buy him some popular science books, including “Chinese Geography”, “Up and Down Five Thousand Years” and so on. In addition, when buying books, you should refer to your children’s opinions, and let your children choose according to their hobbies. Parents can’t buy books all over the place, lest the books they buy will be shelved.

  1. Parent-child communication is very important
    Young children tend to gulp down the books when they read, and they read many books without actually acquiring any knowledge at all. Therefore, it is best for parents to have time to read with their children.

If there is no time, it is recommended that parents communicate with their children about reading experience before eating or going to bed. You can ask them these questions: which character do you like (dislike) most in this book, what story is told in the chapter you read today, what did you learn, what did you understand, etc.

Even if the child utters the simplest answer, parents should encourage in time and add positive reinforcement to the child’s reading, so as to improve the child’s reading self-control and reading passion.

How to learn Chinese?

  1. Help children develop good reading habits
    Many children feel that reading is boring and uncomfortable, and it is more because they do not have good reading habits, and children will feel physically and mentally exhausted.

When reading, pay attention to the child’s reading posture, such as correct sitting posture, do eye exercises after reading the book, and look into the distance, which can reduce the physical pressure on the child’s reading.

In addition, it is best for parents to make a reading plan with their children. Including the fixed time and duration of reading every day, as well as the number of articles read. Avoid the disadvantages of children forgetting part after not reading for a long time after reading a part.

Making children’s reading system continuous is also conducive to helping them form a good habit of persistent reading. It is best for parents to lead by example, create a good reading family atmosphere for their children, and let them fall in love with reading through hearing and seeing.

4.Find the right textbook
While there are plenty of resources on the Internet, there is also a lot of distracting information of all kinds. How many times have you opened your web browser (or smartphone) looking for one thing, but got lost and lost time on YouTube?

Textbooks can help you stay away from electronic devices for a certain period of time and study more focusedly. Also, a good textbook can provide an overview and demonstration of a system, giving you the big picture, compared to short video clips, blogs, or snippets of knowledge in an app.

Be sure to find an appropriate textbook considering your age and interests. The right material should feel fresh to you, but not too difficult. Its topics should be interesting to you, and the focus of the dialogue or grammar should be on your cognitive level. It should also have practice and consolidation. When looking for textbooks, consult some professional educators, tell them your level and interests, and get a list of recommended books.

5.Make friends with other learners
You are not alone in this world, language is for communication, so you can learn a language by communicating, and you should!

Don’t be shy, tell your family, friends, and the whole world – you are learning Chinese. They will help you make progress. You may find a learning partner who has been thinking about learning Chinese or is already on the road, and share information and progress with each other. The encouragement of your peers will make you more motivated.

There are billions of Chinese-speaking people in the world, using the Internet and social media to find such a communication and learning partner. Zoom to meet him/her, make a study plan and have fun.

6.Make full use of time
How to learn Chinese? Learning Chinese does not require a lot of continuous time, you can use fragmented time. Study anytime, anywhere while you’re waiting at the airport or in the parking lot before coffee, dinner or a game. Download to smartphone apps, audio, video, vocabulary, short sentences, or from handwritten flashcards in your pocket. Repetition is the secret to memory, use spaced repetition to learn more scientifically.

It is very common that most people start learning Chinese within a few days, and then the battery dies quickly. Sustainable learning is challenging, but not impossible. Don’t be afraid to speak up and use Chinese publicly, we can learn better from responses and feedback.

Don’t hesitate to show off the new word or phrase you just learned. Watch some Chinese movies, listen to some Chinese songs or poems, if you don’t understand, don’t worry, you can start to increase your interest by appreciating the beauty of Chinese culture. Eventually, this habit will develop slowly, and day after day, you will become proficient in Chinese.

How to learn Chinese? Still thinking Chinese is difficult to conquer? If you study under the professional guidance of a trained tutor, you will find yourself making huge improvements over time.

Do Kids Know the Best Way to Learn Chinese Online in 2023?

Oh! Recently, I have heard many people say that Chinese is so difficult to learn! Is there any best way to learn Chinese online?

Learning Chinese online has become an increasingly popular choice for individuals seeking to embark on a journey of language mastery. With the rapid advancement of technology and the widespread availability of online resources, the best way to learn Chinese now lies at the fingertips of eager learners around the globe. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

One of the key advantages of learning Chinese online is the flexibility it offers. Unlike traditional classroom settings, online platforms provide learners with the freedom to tailor their study schedule according to their personal commitments and preferences.

This flexibility allows individuals to learn at their own pace, ensuring that they can allocate sufficient time to grasp the intricacies of the language without feeling overwhelmed.

To make the most of online Chinese learning, it is crucial to choose a reputable and comprehensive platform. Look for platforms that offer a diverse range of learning materials, including interactive lessons, audio recordings, video tutorials, and practice exercises.

A well-rounded curriculum that covers all aspects of language acquisition, such as vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, and speaking, is essential for achieving proficiency in Chinese.

One of the distinctive advantages of best way to learn Chinese online is the ability to access native speakers as teachers and conversation partners. Authentic interaction with native speakers helps learners develop a deeper understanding of the language, its nuances, and cultural contexts.

best way to learn Chinese online

Through online platforms, learners can engage in one-on-one or group video sessions, where they can practice their speaking skills, receive immediate feedback, and immerse themselves in genuine Chinese conversations.

Supplementing online learning with language exchange programs or language learning communities can greatly enhance the learning experience. Joining online forums, chat groups, or language exchange platforms enables learners to connect with fellow enthusiasts or native speakers, fostering a supportive community of learners.

Engaging in conversations with peers and native speakers outside the virtual classroom environment adds a practical dimension to learning Chinese, enriching vocabulary, improving pronunciation, and building confidence.

Another key aspect of effective online Chinese learning is consistent practice. Regularly setting aside dedicated study time and engaging with the language daily is essential for making progress.

Online platforms often provide gamified learning experiences, encouraging learners to practice regularly and track their progress. Utilizing flashcards, language apps, or online quizzes can also be beneficial in reinforcing vocabulary and grammar concepts.

Lastly, it is important to stay motivated throughout the learning journey. Learning a new language requires dedication and perseverance. Setting achievable goals, celebrating milestones, and seeking out cultural immersion experiences can keep the flame of motivation burning.

Watching Chinese movies, listening to Chinese music, or exploring Chinese literature can provide a window into the rich tapestry of Chinese culture, while also deepening language comprehension.

In conclusion, the best way to learn Chinese online involves a combination of flexibility, comprehensive resources, interaction with native speakers, participation in language exchange programs, consistent practice, and staying motivated.

With the vast array of online tools and platforms available, aspiring Chinese learners can embark on an enriching journey that brings them closer to fluency in one of the world’s most fascinating languages.

Learning Chinese online has become increasingly popular due to its convenience, flexibility, and accessibility. With numerous resources available at your fingertips, mastering this intricate language has never been easier. To embark on this linguistic journey and maximize your learning potential, consider the following tips for the best way to learn Chinese online.

First and foremost, it is essential to choose a reputable online learning platform or course. Look for platforms that offer comprehensive curricula, interactive lessons, and engaging multimedia content. A well-structured course will guide you through the language step by step, ensuring a solid foundation in pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and writing.

To grasp the tonal nature of Chinese, incorporating audio and video components into your learning process is crucial. Seek courses that provide audio recordings of native speakers to familiarize yourself with the correct intonation and pronunciation. Similarly, video lessons can help you observe facial movements and body language, aiding in understanding context and cultural nuances.

Regular practice is the key to language proficiency, and Chinese is no exception. Dedicate consistent time to your studies, ideally on a daily basis, to reinforce what you have learned and improve your retention. Utilize the interactive features of online platforms, such as quizzes, flashcards, and exercises, to reinforce your knowledge and test your progress.

Immersing yourself in the language is vital for developing fluency. Online communities, language exchange platforms, and language learning apps can connect you with native Chinese speakers. Engaging in conversation with them will not only enhance your speaking skills but also expose you to colloquial expressions and cultural insights. Additionally, watching Chinese movies, TV shows, and listening to Chinese music will help you familiarize yourself with the language in its natural context.

Supplementing your online learning with additional resources can further accelerate your progress. Explore Chinese language podcasts, online dictionaries, and grammar references to deepen your understanding. Reading Chinese literature, news articles, and blogs will improve your reading comprehension and expand your vocabulary.

To truly master Chinese, it is essential to practice best way to learn Chinese online. Utilize online tools and apps that provide stroke order animations and practice sheets. Regularly writing characters by hand will reinforce your memory and understanding of their structure.

Finally, stay motivated and set achievable goals. Learning any language requires time and dedication, so celebrate your milestones and progress along the way. Join online communities of fellow learners, where you can share experiences, exchange tips, and find encouragement.

Learning Chinese online offers unparalleled flexibility and resources. By selecting a reputable platform, engaging with multimedia content, practicing regularly, immersing yourself in the language, and supplementing your learning, you will be on the path to becoming proficient in Chinese.

Best way to learn Chinese online embraces this enriching linguistic journey and unlocks a world of opportunities to connect with Chinese culture, people, and the vast realm of Mandarin.

To Improve Reading Comprehension for Kids, Why Still Waiting?

Reading comprehension for kids is difficult. How to improve students’ reading ability has become one of the most troublesome topics for parents in the daily study in elementary school! When it comes to the improvement of reading ability, people naturally think of the answer: read more.

Of course, practice makes perfect is a well-known truth. Although there are old sayings: “Reading a book for a hundred times, its meaning will emerge”, “Reading an old book a hundred times, if you read it carefully, you will know yourself”, but given the heavy learning tasks of children, it is more appropriate to pursue the quality of reading .

Blindly piling up reading volume may not necessarily improve reading comprehension. Many students feel aggrieved, and they have read a lot of articles and learned a lot of “secret skills”, but their reading comprehension skills are always not improved. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

In the face of such a situation, after usual practice, the following editor will talk about how to improve the reading comprehension for kids.

  1. Interest is the best teacher

Interest refers to the emotion of liking or caring about something.

reading comprehension for kids

Psychology believes that it is the basic motivation for people to know something and engage in a certain activity, and it is manifested as people’s selective attitude and positive emotional response to a certain thing or a certain activity.

It can push children to seek new knowledge and broaden their horizons. Children who are interested in learning will be more active and active, and will have a happy and tense mood and a state of active will effort, thereby improving the efficiency and effectiveness of their own learning activities.

Therefore, before reading, parents can use the method of stimulating interest with suspicion to stimulate children’s interest in self-study.

So reading comprehension for kids, how? When children encounter doubts in the process of learning, parents make the best use of the situation to stimulate their desire and interest in self-study. Therefore, when guiding children to read texts, ask them to think while reading, especially to work hard on the word “thinking”, learn Set up doubts, clear up doubts.

Grasp the main questions of the text to ask questions, and then let the children read the text with the questions, try to figure out the general meaning of the text independently as much as possible, and grasp the context of the whole article.

  1. Good reading habits lie in daily accumulation

Mr. Ye Shengtao once said: “If you read roughly and develop bad reading habits, it will become a ‘lifelong fruit’. It can be seen that if you develop good reading habits, you will benefit for life.

The so-called good reading habits include three meanings:

A. Develop the habit of reading every day

Persevere, accumulate knowledge over time, develop intelligence, cultivate ability, and cultivate temperament;

B.When reading, uphold a good reading attitude and correct reading method

In the process of reading, carefully search and look up dictionaries, make comments, reflect on problems, and recite excerpts after reading. Only by developing good reading habits can we learn something.

C.Break the rough cumulative pan-reading mode and strengthen personalized reading

Strengthen the sense of participation in reading, respect individual differences, and guide children to understand and appreciate articles to strengthen their perception of articles, maximize reading initiative, develop reading ability in personalized reading activities, and improve reading comprehension.

  1. Strengthen the exercise of reading skills in the process of independent reading

In the process of reading, parents should try their best to only teach their children how to understand the text, and not arrange to replace their subjective consciousness. Let the children complete the reading independently. At this time, the editor summarizes some small methods for your reference:

  1. Extensive reading of the full text improves reading speed

For the articles to be read, it is required to read the entire text within the specified time, and then answer the questions.

During the reading process, students in lower grades will inevitably encounter new words and difficult sentences, but due to time constraints, they are not allowed to look up the dictionary, and can only guess the meaning and meaning of new words and difficult sentences based on the context.

Through such training, students not only speed up their reading speed, but also greatly improve their ability to guess words and sentence sentences according to the context;

  1. Answer questions quickly

After quickly scanning the reading materials, give some “yes” or “no” questions and ask for quick answers to deepen the impression and understanding of the articles read. The setting of these questions should be simple and easy to answer in order to build up their self-confidence and increase their interest in reading;

  1. Insist on retelling the content of the article

Retelling the content of the article means that the students will tell the content of the article in their own words according to the order of the article after reading. After the students have finished reading quickly, I will ask the students to retell the main idea of the article within the specified time and encourage them to speak. Specifically, there are the following ways:

① Repeat in detail. That is, according to the original meaning of the article, it is comprehensively and carefully described;

② Brief retelling. That is to say, it is required to describe the main content of the article in a general and concise language.

  1. Strengthen intensive reading training

Improving reading skills doesn’t happen overnight. Many students reported that after a lot of fast reading exercises, the reading speed has increased, but the comprehension ability has not improved much.

Why is this? In fact, it is difficult to improve reading comprehension only by fast reading. Language knowledge is the material basis of reading, and repeated reading comprehension is the only way to read.

For the texts that have been read, you should choose their representative articles and let the students read them intensively. They are not only required to understand the relationship between words and words, clauses and clauses in each sentence, but also to explain difficult sentences clearly.

reading comprehension for kids

Repeatedly scrutinize, understand its meaning deeply, and go deep into the language points and discourse structure inside the article. In addition, after the intensive reading, it is necessary to find out the topic sentence of the article, and tell the conception level of the article, the logical relationship of the context and the author’s point of view, so as to cultivate students’ ability of comprehensive analysis, induction and rationale;

  1. Parents should guide patiently and not rush for success

After all, elementary school students have poor comprehension ability. Parents should explain clearly to children about difficult and confusing knowledge points, and don’t rush to get results and pass them by;

  1. Pay attention to guiding children to repeat reading aloud

Reading aloud needs to be repeated, and the purpose of repeated reading aloud is to better cultivate the sense of language, so that children can better understand the meaning of the article.

Only repeated reading aloud can make children feel that the text they read is familiar and simple, which not only helps to understand the words deeply, but also makes children read more fluently.

  1. Diversity of Choices for Extracurricular Reading

The content of reading should be in line with the child’s actual level, interests and hobbies. In today’s diverse and open information environment, there are many channels to obtain reading resources.

Actually, reading comprehension for kids is not a difficult thing; Try to read some beautiful Chinese and foreign literary masterpieces, so that children can feel the beauty of the situation and language created by the articles during self-reading. Charm!

Primary 3 Chinese Tuition Tell Why Kids Can’t Learn Chinese Well?

When chatting with parents before, I often heard many mothers complain that their children are very resistant to primary 3 Chinese tuition.
“Mom, I don’t want to learn Chinese anymore, Chinese is so boring!”
“No, I have to go! Don’t be self-willed, be good.”
“I hate Chinese!”

Looking at the baby’s red eyes, most mothers dare not say a word to their children at this time, for fear of causing their children’s rebellion against Chinese; some mothers start to question themselves, is it right to insist on letting their children learn Chinese? (If you want to know more about Chinese, please feel free to click here~)

I believe that you who clicked into this article must have encountered a similar situation.

In order to escape the Chinese class, the children often fought wits and courage with the old mothers. From the initial verbal resistance, to pretending to be sick and staying in bed, everything that can be used.

Although most of the children’s tricks ended in failure, there is no winner after a fierce battle. The child’s idea of “not wanting to learn Chinese” has not been dispelled, it is only a temporary submission to the authority of the parents.

After a long time, children will feel that their inner voice has not been listened to and understood by their parents. As learning Chinese becomes more and more difficult, children who do not experience the joy of primary 3 Chinese tuition will inevitably have stronger resistance.

primary 3 Chinese tuition

With the rise of overseas Chinese fever, more and more parents send their children to Chinese schools to study. However, when it comes to how to help their children learn Chinese, many parents often have some problems.

Discussing these problems and proposing solutions will play a very good role in the communication between teachers and parents.

Widespread problem~

1.Sending children to school too early.

Many parents are very enthusiastic about letting their children learn Chinese, and they can’t wait for their children to come to primary 3 Chinese tuition when they are 4 years old. But I didn’t expect that from a psychological point of view, such a young child could not adapt to the continuous 3-hour Chinese class study.

They can’t concentrate in class and can interfere with older students’ learning.

Moreover, since young children’s eyes and hand bones are not mature enough, writing in small grids too early can easily cause myopia and wrist pain, which greatly affects their original enthusiasm for learning, and even fears going to school.

According to our teaching experience, I think it is more appropriate for children to go to Chinese schools when they are 6 years old.

At that time, the children had already started to go to elementary schools in Germany, became familiar with school life, and their physical conditions had also adapted to the requirements of learning.

So, how should 6-year-old children learn Chinese? Our suggestion is: qualified parents should speak more Chinese with their children, read nursery rhymes to them, and teach their children to read with flashcards.

If the child has the requirement to learn to write, it is best to let the child learn to write on the blackboard, sand table or large sheets of paper.

Do not write small print on the grid book. In this way, children can always maintain their interest in Chinese. Prepare yourself for studying in a Chinese school in the future.

2.Be eager for success.

Many parents have great hopes when their children are sent to Chinese schools. It is best for the child to become fat in one bite, and learn a lot every time. In the freshman class, you can often see this situation:

As soon as the teacher announced that get out of class was over, parents rushed into the classroom to check how many new words their children had learned. Then ask the child to write to them, regardless of this should be the child’s rest time.

Sometimes children do not write well, and they have to be criticized, which makes the children teary, and they don’t want to go to the next class.

This kind of practice is really undesirable. It must be known that interest is the greatest motivation for learning. Too much pressure will dampen children’s enthusiasm for learning.

What’s more, the teacher has his own teaching plan, not how many new words are taught in every class, sometimes it is review, such as flash card recognition, and sometimes it is test, such as recitation of nursery rhymes. Don’t think that if you don’t teach new characters, you haven’t learned something.

Three hours of continuous Chinese classes are already stressful enough for children (parents, please just imagine how you felt when you first learned German), otherwise ordinary primary and secondary schools would not need to painstakingly stagger the various classes in order to arrange the timetable.

Therefore, parents are asked to give their children enough rest time between classes, and do not put pressure on them at this time.

Tutoring children to learn Chinese is a long-term job that requires patience and perseverance. The most taboo is to be eager for success first, and then let go of it later.

It is recommended that parents spend a little time every day (15 minutes is enough) to help their children learn Chinese, such as listening to their children reading aloud, reciting, or dictating new words to their children. Instead of focusing on raids on weekends.

primary 3 Chinese tuition

When your child expresses negative emotions about Chinese for the first time, don’t rush to get angry, I will give you a big praise first! When your child encounters a problem, you can take the initiative to speak out, which shows that in normal life, you and your child Very effective communication took place.

When the child sends out his distress signal, the parents should not immediately get angry or get angry, first of all, they must express their position, we are friends on the same front, not enemies.

You can share your childhood experiences:

“Mom couldn’t tell the difference between pinyin and English when she was a child, but you are so good at learning, much better than your mother!”

You can also fully understand the child’s mood and then encourage:

“Mom understands your feelings very well. Writing Chinese characters in primary 3 Chinese tuition is indeed more difficult than English, but you can learn so many Chinese characters in one class, which is really amazing!”

In the process of learning Chinese, children will face one challenge after another. It may be that just because a word is not written well will hit the child’s confidence and motivation to learn.

At this time, parents must help their children build up their self-confidence in learning, and at the same time, from the perspective of their children, find out the problems that need to be overcome at present, and recognize and agree with their emotions.

I believe that after taking primary 3 Chinese tuition, the children will be full of confidence to meet the next challenge.

Why Primary 3 Chinese Tuition Matters to Your Children?

How can we increase children’s interest in learning? In other words, how can primary 3 Chinese tuition start with my child’s interests? Immersion opens the door to Chinese learning.

An English teacher’s journey of letting her daughter learn Chinese.

In this four-part series, former New York professor and “ang moh pai” (Western education) English teacher Dr Yanyan Hu goes from tearing up Chinese textbooks to writing Chinese comics and a giant musical touring China 25 cities.

She shares her journey and how she enabled her American-born daughter with zero Chinese to thrive in a Taiwanese public school with all Chinese instruction.

This lecture series was produced for the Singapore Ministry of Education’s Mother Tongue Symposium 2020 and is supported by the Speak Mandarin Campaign.

How to stimulate children’s learning interest in primary 3 Chinese tuition?
Why is free time important for kids? When learning music or language, we often think that we have to start from the basics, step by step, and only move on to the next stage when we have mastered the basic level.

That’s why there are graded readers in classrooms, why we have grades and exams in music, and why kickboxing has different ribbons.

Have you also noticed that many children practice and learn to play the piano for years until 8th grade and then never play music again in their life? Have you ever noticed that many of us living in Singapore may have studied Chinese for many years but never read Chinese novels?

My speculation as to why this happened is that these learners never really felt ownership of the subject matter, and the process and lessons never really sparked their interest. It’s a “what my parents want me to do” or “I have to study to pass a test” kind of thing.

While we always assume we have to start with “the basics,” I think that focus is misplaced.
I think we have to start with “interest”, what is “interesting”!

It’s not that the foundation is not important, but that we must first engage in interest. This will take us further. Because studying is for living, not just for passing exams.

The father of progressive education, John Dewey, told us in Experience and Education (1938) that there must be experiential fireworks—those that arouse enough “curiosity,” strengthen “initiative,” and make learners “

It is enough that the experience of “desire and purpose” is aligned so that that spark can carry the learner through those difficult parts of learning when we have to work very, very hard to acquire new knowledge. This means effective learning starts with interest!

What does it mean to start with an interest?
Her curiosity and creativity will have to give way to mundane homework.

This is probably the most important point. What is the goal of learning anything – Chinese or any other subject?

Isn’t it about making our kids smart, creative, and innovative?

Especially when we know that in our current and future world, most jobs will be replaced by artificial intelligence, and the only thing that will allow our children to survive in the age of artificial intelligence is human intelligence, a major component of which must It’s creativity!

This means effective learning starts with interest!
What does it mean to start with an interest?

Curiosity and creativity will have to give way to mundane homework.
This is probably the most important point. What is the goal of learning anything – Chinese or any other subject?

Traditionally, the outside world’s impression of private schools is that there are many classes, many exams, and heavy schoolwork. This is indeed the case during the reporter’s on-site visits. But other than that, we also see some different changes in the current Weidao curriculum.

The day of my visit happened to be the regular class running time on Friday, and all the freshmen and sophomores in the school were busy taking “multiple elective courses”, walking faster than many public high schools.

During the interview, I observed a class called “Science for Playing Beauty”, which was co-taught by art, biology, physics, mathematics and other teachers, leading students to design websites and computer graphics.

Principle, draw many lively patterns and color them, and also design multi-color QR code, which is both beautiful and practical.
Every Saturday morning, students can also choose to deepen and broaden the “characteristic courses”.

Some courses focus on the analysis of previous exam questions and the strengthening of problem-solving skills, but there are also electives that are not related to exams, such as “AI programming” in the middle school The course has entered its fifth year.

The teacher who started the course, Cheng Weixiang, said that it can be combined with science exhibitions, and it is interesting, and is very popular among students. “I often think about what is the purpose of elite education?

It should be practiced and contribute to society.” Cheng Weixiang even combined with public services, leading students to exchange courses with Namasia Middle School in a remote village on weekends, encouraging those who take courses Junior high school students must learn mathematics and programming well before they can teach others.

(If you want to know more information about Chinese, please click here!)

 primary 3 Chinese tuition

As for the more complicated characters, they are expressed in the form of building blocks. According to the shape and meaning of the characters, they are transformed into the most basic and simple elements.

Through the prompts, the images are formed in the brain, and the concept of the characters is established, and then the image text is read. To understand the meaning of words, deepen the understanding and impression of words.

Thomas pointed out that word forms and meanings are unique features of Chinese characters. When designing font-related pictures, they must be simple, easy to understand and easy to remember.

In addition, this learning method can also inspire creativity. Taking “birth” as an example, “the cow’s first birthday” was used as a prompt sentence. Later, a teacher proposed another interpretation method of “three-layer birthday cake”.

Thomas said: “The creative process allows learners to think carefully about the various elements of each character, and to experience the beauty of Chinese characters.”

Chinese learning needs to be done step by step, starting from learning single characters, and then combining single characters into words, using different character cards to form different characters or words, such as “” and “月” become “明”, which can be associated with the sun and the moon are very bright the meaning of.

“Even nonsensical words, as long as they make sense, create associations, and understand them, that’s how Teochew comes from. Just like the compound word “Mingtian” I created, it means a luminous field.”

We often hear “go with the child’s interests” but don’t know how to do it. I’ve demonstrated several methods:

“Symbiosis” with primary 3 Chinese tuition
Find ways to get our kids to contribute their knowledge
Most importantly, we need to protect and value free time because it is actually very productive time.

Primary 1 Chinese Tuition Is the Cornerstone of the Child’s Success

Many parents are worried about their child’s Chinese learning, and they will attach more importance to primary 1 Chinese tuition; Let’s start with some questions first…

(If you want to know more information about Chinese learning, please click here^^)
“Why can’t my child learn Chinese well after enrolling in a course to learn Chinese?”
“Why do children learn Chinese all the time, but the more they learn it, the worse it becomes?”
“I bought a lot of textbooks for learning Chinese, and my child’s Chinese ability still hasn’t improved!”

Parents obviously invest a lot in their children’s Chinese learning, but the children’s Chinese level is still at the initial state, and repeated learning is still unsatisfactory, and some primary 1 children will even become more and more resistant to learning Chinese.

I also received some similar feedback in our study group, and found that most parents are also facing these problems. After communication, I found similarities in the parents of these children.

In fact, parents must avoid these misunderstandings if you want your children to learn Chinese well!

1.Chinese is too difficult, and children don’t have to force it if they can’t learn it well.
I can understand my parents’ thinking, after all, they use foreign languages most of the time abroad; So primary 1 Chinese tuition is necessary;

Learning Chinese is not easy, and learning it abroad is even more difficult. If this concept is instilled in children, then when they learn Chinese, they will also think: Chinese is so difficult to learn, why should they learn Chinese? Why do you still have to take up your playing time to learn Chinese?

In fact, there is no child who is not playful. Coupled with the difficulty of Chinese, it is also difficult for children to learn.

Many parents will not bear to compromise after seeing their children fail to improve after studying for a long time.

I think: as long as you can speak, you don’t have to force your child to learn well.
So many children have the same problem: “It can be said, that they are illiterate and unable to write.”
You can learn Chinese well if you learn Pinyin well

Many parents teach their children in the domestic way when they start to learn Chinese, speaking first, and then learning Pinyin. In fact, foreign children cannot be taught in this way.

Because all sentences and articles in a foreign language are composed of letters, it is very important to learn alphabetic words well. However, Chinese characters are different.

 primary 1 Chinese tuition

Chinese characters are not composed of pinyin. Chinese characters are mainly based on form. To truly learn Chinese well, you must not only learn pinyin, but also understand the meaning and learn how to write.

Moreover, Chinese characters have their own particularities, and it is impossible to learn Chinese in the way of “just learn pinyin well”.

After taking primary 1 Chinese tuition, many children are able to speak Chinese, but when they are allowed to read and write Chinese characters, they find that they can’t and don’t know them at all.

When children start to have their own memorization ability, they can also learn Chinese characters while learning pinyin, starting from some simple characters.

Step-by-step learning method
The way of learning is also a very important part. When the child is young, parents can guide the child to speak Chinese through ordinary conversations, and try to speak Chinese as much as possible in life.
Learning Chinese through life is also a subtle influence. Such learning The method will not be particularly deliberate.

When children show unwillingness to learn Chinese, what parents should do at this time is not to press every step of the way, let alone use some extreme methods to force children to learn.

Instead, we should think about how to make children like learning Chinese.
Moreover, when studying, you should not be limited to some dry books. You should change your teaching methods and methods, and guide them from the perspective of children.

You can let children recognize them through some simple text cards.
When children are young, parents can guide their children to take primary 1 Chinese tuition through stories and poems. It’s okay if they can’t speak, at least they have been exposed since childhood.

When the child is slowly able to speak Chinese, parents can guide the child to read through the method of identifying Chinese characters at this time, which is an excellent method of unconscious cognition!

 primary 1 Chinese tuition

You can also choose the corresponding learning method according to the child’s interest. If the child likes the learning method with more interaction, at this time, the parents can arrange a simple drama based on the story and learn while playing. There is also a strong sense of participation.

I am afraid that my child will learn two languages, and neither of them will be able to learn well.
Many parents should have had this thought: they are worried that their children are still young, and they are afraid that their children will not be able to learn two languages.

In fact, there is no conflict between learning Chinese and learning foreign languages. When children start to babble, they can slowly teach them to speak some simple Chinese.

Although they are two different languages, there is no conflict between children’s learning.
If you want to learn Chinese well, you must use it frequently in your life.

Children use more foreign languages abroad, and they are exposed to foreign culture and education.
In fact, this will make the child form a fixed way of thinking. After the child has formed this kind of thinking, it will be more difficult to learn Chinese.

If parents want to cultivate their children’s bilingual thinking, it is best to learn Chinese at the same time when their children start learning foreign languages. In this way, it will be much easier for children to learn Chinese in the future.

In fact, the potential of every child is unlimited, and parents and the environment have a great influence on children.

Come and join in primary 1 Chinese tuition, I believe that children can learn Chinese well!