How to Primary 3 mandarin Tuition in Singapore?

The quality of primary 3 mandarin tuition is related to the quality of children’s academic performance. To learn Chinese well, you must have good study habits. Learning Chinese well is also conducive to the study of other subjects.

So how can you improve your third-grade Chinese performance? Third-grade Chinese tutoring tell you!

The third grade Chinese tutoring tells you to master the basic knowledge. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

The first question of the third-grade Chinese test paper is usually “reading pinyin and writing Chinese characters”, which mainly examines children’s ability to read and write.

This is the most basic knowledge of Chinese. Most of the children can easily get full marks. If there is a problem here , that is a manifestation of the weak foundation of the language, and must be attached great importance to.

About the third grade Chinese tutoring, tell you how to improve the third grade Chinese performance! I have also updated my very effective learning improvement experience, including how to mobilize children’s learning enthusiasm, independent learning;

Especially the first article on the primary 3 mandarin tuition, I spent a lot of time summarizing and organizing it! Hope to help everyone!

primary 3 mandarin tuition

The third grade Chinese tutoring tells you to understand the content of the textbook.

Of course, Chinese learning requires reading more extracurricular books, reading more good articles, reading more newspapers, even slogans and advertisements, and receiving external information through multiple channels.

However, some students have little or no understanding of what they are learning, so they write the primary school texts silently. The ancient poems I have learned, “Thinking about family members every festive season”, will be written as preparations and quilts, and “Weicheng morning rain and light dust”, light dust will be written as early morning.

These all require special attention.

Why are there so many typos among students nowadays, and they are strange and strange, and the main reason is that they do not understand the meaning of words. When you understand it, you will know it, and you will not make mistakes, so it is very useful for improving your Chinese performance.

The third grade language tutoring tells you to recite a lot.

Reciting classic articles and famous quotes is also one of the basic skills for cultivating children’s language literacy. If the third-grade child can recite 20 ancient and modern poems, 5 vernacular poems, 5 exquisite classical Chinese prose, 2 exquisite modern vernacular essays, and 50 ancient and modern Chinese and foreign aphorisms aphorism.

For the Chinese at this time, there will be no more talk, and it will be easier to improve the Chinese performance.

We must persist in reciting ancient poems, classical Chinese, members, famous sayings and epigrams, and absorb knowledge from the excellent literature and wisdom of ancient times.

The so-called poetic and literary spirit in the stomach can form a good language literacy, and it will be much easier to learn Chinese.

Regarding third-grade Chinese tutoring, I will tell you how to improve your third-grade Chinese performance! You already have the answer, and finally let me say that children’s learning is the same as our work, which requires scientific methods and professional guidance. Learning planning and guidance is the key to It should be sooner rather than later.

Language subjects are an important topic in the student stage. Primary education is the key to students’ learning and plays a vital role in their future study and life. Therefore, it is important to do a good job in primary school Chinese education. So how to learn Chinese in the third grade? Can tutoring quickly improve and improve the Chinese level of primary school students?

How to quickly improve the Chinese level of elementary school:

  1. The Importance of Chinese Pinyin in Primary School

Pinyin research is the key to learning Chinese. At this stage, teachers should have enough patience to teach them to recognize and distinguish the initials and finals, understand the changes of diacritics, and practice with specific words.

Let each student understand, spell, Then the spelling is correct, and the pinyin should be practiced repeatedly. As a teacher, we cannot be dead in the classroom. In order to make the classroom fully active, you can use beautiful pinyin cards that are different from textbooks, and learn with the children in the game. Children Interest in learning is mobilized, which also helps them remember pinyin for long-term memory.

2.More reading and writing to stimulate students’ interest in language

Reading can cultivate language sense. Language learning, language sense is very important. “Why use this word in this paragraph instead of that word”, “Why is this sentence a malicious sentence?”

Many times, we don’t have to ask “why” , The sense of language has told us the reason. The cultivation of language awareness comes from the accumulation of reading in the usual way. Reading is an effective way to improve reading comprehension.

  1. Warm and new

Review is not only a review, but also a new self-study knowledge. There are many types of review, including after-school review, daily review, weekly review, monthly review, mid-term review, stage review and general review.

In a broad sense, they are all review after class, and the role of review should not be ignored. Review is an indispensable part of mastering knowledge.

  1. Use multimedia to reduce boredom

Multimedia teaching mobilizes students’ interest in learning and enables students to learn actively. Interest is a good teacher and friend, and learning without interest is equal to hard work; without interest, teaching has no wisdom and inspiration.

It is characterized by lively skills, concise explanations, good and pleasant Music, timely and effective feedback, so that students maintain a strong interest in learning, mobilize the enthusiasm of students, attract long-term attention, and participate in a relaxed and happy mood.

In classroom teaching, I have realized the transformation from “let me learn” to “I want to the transition of “learning”. The above are several methods for how to quickly improve the Chinese level in the primary 3 mandarin tuition. I hope the content of the article can bring you help.

Online Chinese Class and Honesty should be Your Eternal Mates!

Taking Online Chinese Class?

Hey, guys! How’s it going? I have noticed you and I thought you were seeing me; What are you doing in recent days?

Let me guess…You are busy in learning cooking recently, preparing to improve your child’s meals; you are planning to take a parent-child trip in the upcoming holidays; you are planning to enroll your child in a violin lesson to enrich your child’s after-school life…

Maybe I am right, haha~ But have you ever thought about letting your children take Online Chinese Class?

Are your kids familiar with mandarin Chinese? How much do your kids know about China and its language? Franklin has ever said:“Honesty and diligence should be your eternal mates”;

Learning Chinese is just like climbing a mountain, and diligence is essential. There is an idiom in Chinese called ‘天道酬勤’ – it means “Heaven rewards those who work hard”; So I think the most important thing in Online Chinese Class is diligence, thus the two can almost be equated.

As for honesty? Honesty is a must for learning mandarin Chinese! It’s a feedback of your kids’ learning outcome;

They can test themselves – If they can use the Chinese characters and words they have learned in their daily speaking and writing, then they have learned it. Otherwise, they should humbly ask the teacher for advice. ‘Practice makes perfect’!

 Online Chinese Class

You might ask:“why taking class online?”Okay~ Compared with traditional class, online-learning can save time and you can focus more on learning. So if you have a phone or an Ipad or a computer. You can take our lesson no matter where you are.

“My child is only 6 years old, is it too early to start Online Chinese Class now? My children have to learn other subjects; Learning Chinese will affect other studies…

Guys, please don’t worry! Your worries will only become a burden for your child’s learning; The story of the child prodigy Mozart is well known to everyone; Mozart has been learning the violin since he was 4 years old.

Once, his father asked him what he was doing, and Mozart said he was writing a piano concerto. His father brought over the staff paper and looked at it. He was so excited that he shed tears. He said to his friend: “Look, what he wrote is correct and meaningful!” With the support of his father and his diligence, he eventually become a generation of violin masters!

Generally speaking, Learning Chinese and learning the violin have the similar effect when shaping a child’s thinking. Experts have tested – children learning a new foreign language can better develop their thinking and improve their cognitive ability; Children have just learned about the world and are full of enthusiasm for everything; This is an excellent time for them to learn Chinese!

Oh! I almost forget that! Amy was just 4 years old when she took our Online Chinese Class; She has been learning with us for about a year, and she stood out in the interview for kindergarten promotion to primary school several months ago!! Just because her oral Chinese is fluent than other children and has memorized more Tang poems.

Come on, let me test your child! Amy can fluently recite this poem in her four and a half years old. So I wonder if your child can recite this ancient poem?

We have received lots of feedback from parents before:
Jerry said that Chinese is too difficult to write and pronounce, he has to straighten his tongue…
Lisa said that she still knew how to read this word in class, but she forgot it when she went back home, and she still doesn’t know how to use it normally…
Mary said that she didn’t know why she should learn Chinese, and felt that she was memorizing some words by rote every day, and she could only write but not use them flexibly…So she felt it is none of any use to learn Chinese!

 Online Chinese Class

Let me tell you! Actually, you kids have barely no interest in Online Chinese Class! ‘Interest is the best teacher’ – What we have been doing is to cultivate children’s interest in learning Chinese;

Compared with traditional teaching model: our students will become active learners, teachers are responsible for cultivating children’s expressions, observing children’s learning habits, and guiding each child in a targeted manner.

Many parents say that their children are shy and unwilling to speak. Don’t panic! In our Online Chinese Class, we will not force children to speak difficult Chinese from the very beginning. Sino – Bus will create an all-Chinese teaching environment for them. Under the influence of the surrounding environment, children will gradually speak Chinese on their own initiative.

Do you find it is difficult to write Chinese characters? Is it a little irregular? That’s right! Chinese is a pictographic character, and a pictogram is a word-making method that uses lines to describe the shape of objects. It is the wisdom of the ancients thousands of years ago. Such as‘日’,‘月’ ,‘山’,‘水’…… If you observe carefully, you will find that these Chinese characters are very similar to the things they represent. Isn’t it interesting!

These are just a little surprise, there will be more interesting and funny Chinese characters waiting for you to discover in our Online Chinese Class; We have waited for you for so long, come on now!

Sincerely wish our Online Chinese Class and honesty will become your kids’ enteral mates and they can harvest more from our mandarin online class! Okay~ see your kids in our online class!

Hong Kong primary school Chinese language tutoring, So Easy!

“Hello, Lingling’s mom, may I confirm why is Lingling’s Chinese so good? How did she learn Chinese? Is there any recommendation for Hong Kong primary school Chinese language tutoring? Sigh, why can’t Mike’s Chinese score improve? It’s so worrying”…

Dear parents, today we are going to talk about the problem of Hong Kong primary school students learning Chinese.

Presumably some parents should have the same problem as Mike’s mother – Is it because the children’s Chinese scores have not improved? I saw some of you nodded silently, OK, let’s talk it step by step~

In fact, it doesn’t matter if your children can’t learn Chinese well, the most important thing is to figure out the reason, and prescribe the right medicine to solve the problem better! Otherwise it is just invalid worry!

Parents, in Hong Kong, attach great importance to their children’s academic performance; So many primary school students feel a lot of pressure when learning Chinese;

Appropriate pressure is motivation, but too much pressure will only make children hate learning Chinese!!

In fact, primary school students face many difficulties in learning Chinese, such as too many Chinese characters, complicated grammar, difficult pronunciation and so on;

In addition, Hong Kong is a multilingual city, primary school students need to learn English and Chinese at the same time, so they need to spend more time and energy learning Chinese.

Maybe many children still speak Cantonese with their parents at home, it is more difficult for children to speak Chinese; because they have to switch between multiple languages.

So, how to solve such a problem? Do they need Hong Kong primary school Chinese language tutoring?

In fact, Chinese tutoring is very necessary. Many children can’t learn Chinese well, because they are not interested in Chinese learning at all!

Hong Kong primary school Chinese language tutoring

“Interest is the best teacher for learning”! If children are not interested in learning Chinese, it is difficult to motivate them in speaking Chinese;

In Sino-bus’ online Chinese class, children will not feel bored at all; There are many interactive games in the class, which can grab their attention~

“Mom, Chinese teacher led us play a lot of Chinese character games in class today, and I memorized a lot of difficult Chinese characters, such as 、象、部、图、标……”

Students can improve their Chinese proficiency by watching Chinese movies, listening to Chinese songs, reading stories, etc., and at the same time enhance their understanding of Chinese culture.

In addition, parents’ support is also very important!

Parents can create more language environments for their children at home, such as letting them watch Chinese TV programs, read Chinese books, etc.

At the same time, parents should not only pay attention to their children’s academic performance, but also pay attention to their children’s interests and personal development, so that children can find happiness and a sense of accomplishment in their studies.

I just heard a parent say: “I have done everything I can, and the family tried to create a good Chinese learning environment for their children, but the child’s Chinese foundation is not good, and they can’t keep up with other children in the big classes at school; The whole person feels a little inferior.” …

Please don’t worry about this, parent~

In view of the situation of your child, you can actually allow your child to take some Chinese tutoring.

If you feel that there are too many Chinese tutoring classes for elementary schools in Hong Kong on the market, and you don’t know which one to go to, I suggest you come first to try Sino-bus online Chinese class for free~

We adopt a small class system for teaching, and the teaching difficulty is from shallower to deeper.

Beginners will not feel strenuous at all; And Sino-Bus pays attention to cultivating children’s interest in Chinese learning, and creates an immersive learning environment through interactive games, so that children can learn while playing!

You can also play games and watch cartoons in class, children should not refuse it!

“Mike’s mom, please don’t worry; In fact, my daughter, Lingling, had a hard time learning Chinese at first. At that time, I was lucky enough to meet Sino-Bus.

The child became interested in Chinese after only a few classes, and she liked Chinese more and more. Actually, you can ask Mike to go to Sino-bus for a try.”

There are indeed many difficulties in learning Chinese for primary school students in Hong Kong, but the joint efforts of teachers, parents and children can resolve these difficulties and allow children to learn Chinese more naturally and easily.

Sino-Bus is good at Hong Kong primary school Chinese language tutoring! So why not let the children try a class first~