Beginner Chinese Lessons,You Can’t Miss!

Why beginner Chinese lessons is important? Learning Chinese can be challenging for beginners due to several reasons:

Writing system: Chinese characters are logographic, meaning each character represents a concept or an idea. Learning and memorizing a large number of characters can be overwhelming for beginners, especially if they are not familiar with non-alphabetic writing systems. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Tones: Mandarin Chinese is a tonal language, meaning the meaning of a word can change based on the tone used to pronounce it. Mastering the four tones (and the neutral tone) requires careful listening and practice, which can be initially difficult for beginners.

Grammar structure: Chinese grammar structure differs significantly from English and other Indo-European languages. Sentence order, word order, and the absence of verb conjugation and plurals can be confusing for beginners.

Pronunciation: Chinese has a unique set of phonetic sounds that may not exist in other languages. Beginners may find it challenging to accurately produce these sounds and differentiate between similar-sounding words.

Character stroke order: Writing Chinese characters requires following specific stroke order rules. Beginners may struggle with stroke order and stroke direction, which affects the legibility and accuracy of their writing.

Lack of cognates: Unlike languages such as Spanish or French, which share many cognates with English, Chinese has relatively fewer cognates. This means that beginners cannot rely as much on existing vocabulary to help them grasp new words.

beginner Chinese lessons

Different sentence structures: Chinese sentences often use a subject-verb-object (SVO) structure, while English uses subject-verb-object (SVO) or subject-object-verb (SOV) structures. Adjusting to this difference can be challenging for beginners.

Cultural context: Chinese language and culture are closely intertwined. Understanding beginner Chinese lessons often requires familiarity with Chinese culture, history, and traditions, which may be new to beginners.

Despite the challenges, beginner Chinese lessons can also be rewarding. Here are some tips to make the learning process smoother:

Start with the basics: Focus on learning essential vocabulary, basic sentence structures, and pronunciation. Build a solid foundation before moving on to more complex aspects.

Practice regularly: Consistent practice is key. Set aside dedicated time each day to study and practice Chinese. Regular exposure and repetition will help reinforce learning.

Immerse yourself: Surround yourself with Chinese language and culture as much as possible. Watch Chinese movies or TV shows, listen to Chinese music, and find language exchange partners or tutors to practice speaking.

Use multimedia resources: Take advantage of online resources, mobile apps, and language learning platforms that provide interactive lessons, pronunciation practice, and writing exercises.

Join language communities: Engage with fellow Chinese learners, join language exchange groups, or find local Chinese culture and language communities. Sharing experiences and learning from others can be beneficial.

Be patient and persistent: Learning any language takes time and effort. Embrace the challenges and stay motivated. Celebrate small victories along the way and focus on progress rather than perfection.

Remember, with dedication, consistent practice, and a positive mindset, beginners can overcome the initial difficulties and make significant progress in learning Chinese.

Learning Chinese as a beginner can be an exciting and rewarding journey. Here are some steps to help you get started:

Set clear goals: Determine why you want to learn Chinese and set specific goals. Do you want to become conversational, read Chinese literature, or communicate with Chinese-speaking friends? Clear goals will guide your learning path.

Start with pronunciation: Chinese has its own set of phonetic sounds. Begin by familiarizing yourself with pinyin, the system that represents Chinese characters using the Roman alphabet. Practice pronunciation and tones to develop good speaking habits from the beginning.

Master basic greetings and essential phrases: Learn common greetings, introductions, and basic phrases such as “hello,” “thank you,” and “goodbye.” These phrases will give you a solid foundation for basic communication.

Focus on essential vocabulary: Begin by learning high-frequency words and everyday vocabulary. Start with words related to family, numbers, colors, food, and basic objects. Flashcards, language learning apps, and online resources can be helpful in building vocabulary.

Understand Chinese characters: Chinese characters are an integral part of the language. Start by learning basic radicals and stroke order. Practice writing characters using grid paper or digital tools. Regular practice will help you recognize and remember characters.

Grasp basic grammar structures: Chinese grammar is different from English. Start with simple sentence structures, such as subject-verb-object (SVO). Focus on basic sentence patterns and gradually expand your understanding of grammar rules.

Immerse yourself in Chinese media: Watch Chinese movies, TV shows, and listen to Chinese music. This will expose you to the language, help improve your listening skills, and familiarize you with Chinese culture.

Find a language partner or tutor: Practice speaking with native speakers or find a language exchange partner. This will give you opportunities to practice conversation, improve pronunciation, and gain cultural insights.

Use language learning resources: Take advantage of online platforms, textbooks, mobile apps, and language courses specifically designed for beginners. These resources often provide structured lessons, exercises, and audio materials to support your learning.

Practice regularly and be consistent: Learning a language requires regular practice. Set aside dedicated study time each day or week and stick to your schedule. Consistency is key to progress.

Immerse yourself in Chinese culture: Learning Chinese is not just about language; it’s also about understanding Chinese culture. Explore Chinese traditions, festivals, cuisine, and history to deepen your appreciation for the language.

Embrace mistakes and keep a positive mindset: Learning a new language takes time and effort. Embrace mistakes as part of the learning process and stay motivated. Celebrate small achievements and enjoy the journey.

Remember, beginner Chinese lessons is a gradual process. Be patient, stay motivated, and enjoy the experience of discovering a new language and culture.

How to Primary 3 mandarin Tuition in Singapore?

The quality of primary 3 mandarin tuition is related to the quality of children’s academic performance. To learn Chinese well, you must have good study habits. Learning Chinese well is also conducive to the study of other subjects.

So how can you improve your third-grade Chinese performance? Third-grade Chinese tutoring tell you!

The third grade Chinese tutoring tells you to master the basic knowledge. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

The first question of the third-grade Chinese test paper is usually “reading pinyin and writing Chinese characters”, which mainly examines children’s ability to read and write.

This is the most basic knowledge of Chinese. Most of the children can easily get full marks. If there is a problem here , that is a manifestation of the weak foundation of the language, and must be attached great importance to.

About the third grade Chinese tutoring, tell you how to improve the third grade Chinese performance! I have also updated my very effective learning improvement experience, including how to mobilize children’s learning enthusiasm, independent learning;

Especially the first article on the primary 3 mandarin tuition, I spent a lot of time summarizing and organizing it! Hope to help everyone!

primary 3 mandarin tuition

The third grade Chinese tutoring tells you to understand the content of the textbook.

Of course, Chinese learning requires reading more extracurricular books, reading more good articles, reading more newspapers, even slogans and advertisements, and receiving external information through multiple channels.

However, some students have little or no understanding of what they are learning, so they write the primary school texts silently. The ancient poems I have learned, “Thinking about family members every festive season”, will be written as preparations and quilts, and “Weicheng morning rain and light dust”, light dust will be written as early morning.

These all require special attention.

Why are there so many typos among students nowadays, and they are strange and strange, and the main reason is that they do not understand the meaning of words. When you understand it, you will know it, and you will not make mistakes, so it is very useful for improving your Chinese performance.

The third grade language tutoring tells you to recite a lot.

Reciting classic articles and famous quotes is also one of the basic skills for cultivating children’s language literacy. If the third-grade child can recite 20 ancient and modern poems, 5 vernacular poems, 5 exquisite classical Chinese prose, 2 exquisite modern vernacular essays, and 50 ancient and modern Chinese and foreign aphorisms aphorism.

For the Chinese at this time, there will be no more talk, and it will be easier to improve the Chinese performance.

We must persist in reciting ancient poems, classical Chinese, members, famous sayings and epigrams, and absorb knowledge from the excellent literature and wisdom of ancient times.

The so-called poetic and literary spirit in the stomach can form a good language literacy, and it will be much easier to learn Chinese.

Regarding third-grade Chinese tutoring, I will tell you how to improve your third-grade Chinese performance! You already have the answer, and finally let me say that children’s learning is the same as our work, which requires scientific methods and professional guidance. Learning planning and guidance is the key to It should be sooner rather than later.

Language subjects are an important topic in the student stage. Primary education is the key to students’ learning and plays a vital role in their future study and life. Therefore, it is important to do a good job in primary school Chinese education. So how to learn Chinese in the third grade? Can tutoring quickly improve and improve the Chinese level of primary school students?

How to quickly improve the Chinese level of elementary school:

  1. The Importance of Chinese Pinyin in Primary School

Pinyin research is the key to learning Chinese. At this stage, teachers should have enough patience to teach them to recognize and distinguish the initials and finals, understand the changes of diacritics, and practice with specific words.

Let each student understand, spell, Then the spelling is correct, and the pinyin should be practiced repeatedly. As a teacher, we cannot be dead in the classroom. In order to make the classroom fully active, you can use beautiful pinyin cards that are different from textbooks, and learn with the children in the game. Children Interest in learning is mobilized, which also helps them remember pinyin for long-term memory.

2.More reading and writing to stimulate students’ interest in language

Reading can cultivate language sense. Language learning, language sense is very important. “Why use this word in this paragraph instead of that word”, “Why is this sentence a malicious sentence?”

Many times, we don’t have to ask “why” , The sense of language has told us the reason. The cultivation of language awareness comes from the accumulation of reading in the usual way. Reading is an effective way to improve reading comprehension.

  1. Warm and new

Review is not only a review, but also a new self-study knowledge. There are many types of review, including after-school review, daily review, weekly review, monthly review, mid-term review, stage review and general review.

In a broad sense, they are all review after class, and the role of review should not be ignored. Review is an indispensable part of mastering knowledge.

  1. Use multimedia to reduce boredom

Multimedia teaching mobilizes students’ interest in learning and enables students to learn actively. Interest is a good teacher and friend, and learning without interest is equal to hard work; without interest, teaching has no wisdom and inspiration.

It is characterized by lively skills, concise explanations, good and pleasant Music, timely and effective feedback, so that students maintain a strong interest in learning, mobilize the enthusiasm of students, attract long-term attention, and participate in a relaxed and happy mood.

In classroom teaching, I have realized the transformation from “let me learn” to “I want to the transition of “learning”. The above are several methods for how to quickly improve the Chinese level in the primary 3 mandarin tuition. I hope the content of the article can bring you help.

Reading Comprehension for Kids: Helping Kids Get It!

May people said that reading comprehension for kids is very difficult. Why? Due to the lack of reading comprehension ability, many children feel very difficult and unable to start when writing essays or doing reading questions.

So how to improve children’s reading comprehension ability? Understand the reading characteristics of primary school students


Reading purpose is not strong

Many elementary school students believe that extracurricular reading is to complete the tasks assigned by their parents and teachers. The so-called classics and novels only choose chapters with strong stories or interleaved pages to read. (If you want to know more about Chinese, please feel free to click here!)

More than half of the students do not consider the characters in novels or classics. What is the meaning of society? There are fewer students who take reading notes.


Read more pictures than text

According to surveys by authoritative organizations, nearly 30% of primary school students like comics, and only 20% of primary school students are willing to read books that are “full of text”.

 reading comprehension for kids

This result explains well the reason why the four major classics of “vernacular version” and “picture version” are selling well in the market. When students read, whether they emphasize the text or the pictures, they should be analyzed with a rational eye.


Why reading comprehension for kids is hard? Not enough time to read

From the end of primary school to the time before going to bed at night, primary school students spend about 4 hours at their disposal, but 26% of families watch TV (including surfing the Internet) for more than 2 hours.

If the time for dinner is deducted, it is estimated that many children have no time to read. It is hoped that this issue can attract the attention of parents.


The source of extracurricular books is relatively single

The survey found that although 40% of families have more than 50 books in their collection, the source is very single. Parents bought 67%, and 13% were borrowed from relatives or classmates.

This shows that whether it is the school or the society, the book resources available to primary school students are very limited. If the resources are more abundant and the procedure of borrowing books is simplified, it may increase the reading volume of primary school students.

Understanding the Requirements for Teaching Reading in Primary Schools

Reading ability refers to the child’s ability to understand books and newspapers. Requirements vary for different grade groups.

In the primary school stage, children should be trained to have preliminary reading ability and be able to read relatively simple books and newspapers suitable for age characteristics.

Reading ability is a comprehensive ability. The reading ability of elementary school students mainly refers to the ability to read and understand the content of ideas.

Specifically manifested in the following aspects:

  1. Ability to read and understand text. Be able to read, write, and use

2.The ability to understand the content of thought, the ability to understand words, sentences, and texts.

Require children not only to understand the meaning of the words and sentences in the article, but also to divide the paragraph levels, and to summarize the meaning and central idea of the paragraph, and have the ability of preliminary analysis and generalization;

  1. Able to read the text aloud correctly, fluently and emotionally, and then more skillfully silently read the text;
  2. Ability to use reference books. If you encounter unfamiliar words or meanings when reading, you can solve them yourself by consulting dictionaries, dictionaries, etc.

Children must develop good reading habits from an early age. When reading, they must read, think, and outline.

Good habits can benefit children for life, and bad habits may harm them for life. Therefore, we must attach great importance to the cultivation of good reading habits in children.

Ways to guide children in reading texts

The British biologist Darwin said: “The most valuable thing is the knowledge about the method.”

The child has mastered the method, just like getting a “golden key” to open the treasure house of knowledge, which can be used for life. Therefore, parents should pay attention to teaching children how to read while reading.

 reading comprehension for kids

When children get an article, they often feel that they have no way to start, and they think that they have finished reading after a cursory reading. This kind of reading is ineffective and cannot improve their reading ability as soon as possible. So, how to guide children to read a text?

The first step is to let the children recognize and read the text, read it two or three times, and understand the general idea of the article as a whole. For unfamiliar words and words, parents should urge their children to solve them by looking them up in the dictionary.

The second step is to let the children read the text carefully. Through the children’s own brains, mouth, and hands, they can understand the content of the text, try to divide the text into paragraphs, and summarize the meaning of the paragraph.

The third step is to let the children read the text intensively. On the basis of understanding the content of the text, you can determine the key paragraphs, focus on understanding, extracting from them, and come up with the central idea of the article.

The fourth step allows children to answer the questions at the end of the book, write preview notes, and have their own evaluation of the article. After reading the text, you can ask questions that you don’t understand, and ask the teacher and others.

Through the above process, children will understand that to read an article, they must not only read through the sentences, but also understand what the article is about, how it is written, and why it is written in this way, so as to cultivate children’s ability to analyze and generalize.

Cultivate the habit of reading more, thinking more, and writing diligently

Children should develop the reading habit of reading more, thinking more, and writing diligently from an early age. The content of the article is expressed through language and characters.

Only through reading can the silent language be turned into a sound language, and the characters and stories described in the language can be expressed. Learning is expensive and doubtful, and thinking always starts with questions.

Only when children have doubts in their studies can they have a strong desire to actively explore and solve problem – reading comprehension for kids. Parents should be enthusiastic about this.

For example: After learning the text “A Parachute”, the child asks, why did Premier Zhou give up his umbrella bag to others? This question is the center of this text.

After solving this problem, we have grasped the center of this article——at the critical moment when the plane was in danger, Premier Zhou gave up the hope of life to others and left the danger of death to himself.

This kind of positive thinking not only masters the content of the text, but also understands the author’s expression method. Frequently guiding your child to read in this way will help improve his reading ability.

Parents should set an example

There is a story that in a Jewish home, when a child is a little sensible, the mother will open the Bible, drop a little honey on it, and then ask the child to kiss the honey on the Bible. Let children feel the sweetness of books and the beauty of reading from an early age!

Israel surpasses any other country in the world in terms of per capita ownership of books and publishing houses and per capita reading per capita. So far, there have been more than 130 Jewish Nobel laureates.

Although it is hard to judge the connection between winning the Nobel Prize and studying in childhood simply by using this example, in real life, many families have not formed a good reading atmosphere.

After the parents pick up their children home, they lie down in front of the computer and TV, or play with their mobile phones on the sofa, but ask their children to read famous books. This situation exists in many families.

Some people think that the national reading plan should be implemented, just like the implementation of nine-year compulsory education. The plan is beautiful and long-term.

For now, the most urgent task facing parents is to cultivate children’s reading habits through their own words and deeds. In terms of education for the next generation, I believe most people don’t want to hear “haven’t read” and “lack of education”. Wait for similar reviews?

In fact, it doesn’t matter if adults don’t like to read literature books, history books, psychological books and other books with serious topics. There are also relaxing travel books and gourmet books to read.

You can also explore books about reading comprehension for kids, which cultivate logical thinking with your children. Opening books is beneficial. Just give yourself some time to start reading and the fun will spring up on its own.

Online Chinese Class and Honesty should be Your Eternal Mates!

Taking Online Chinese Class?

Hey, guys! How’s it going? I have noticed you and I thought you were seeing me; What are you doing in recent days?

Let me guess…You are busy in learning cooking recently, preparing to improve your child’s meals; you are planning to take a parent-child trip in the upcoming holidays; you are planning to enroll your child in a violin lesson to enrich your child’s after-school life…

Maybe I am right, haha~ But have you ever thought about letting your children take Online Chinese Class?

Are your kids familiar with mandarin Chinese? How much do your kids know about China and its language? Franklin has ever said:“Honesty and diligence should be your eternal mates”;

Learning Chinese is just like climbing a mountain, and diligence is essential. There is an idiom in Chinese called ‘天道酬勤’ – it means “Heaven rewards those who work hard”; So I think the most important thing in Online Chinese Class is diligence, thus the two can almost be equated.

As for honesty? Honesty is a must for learning mandarin Chinese! It’s a feedback of your kids’ learning outcome;

They can test themselves – If they can use the Chinese characters and words they have learned in their daily speaking and writing, then they have learned it. Otherwise, they should humbly ask the teacher for advice. ‘Practice makes perfect’!

 Online Chinese Class

You might ask:“why taking class online?”Okay~ Compared with traditional class, online-learning can save time and you can focus more on learning. So if you have a phone or an Ipad or a computer. You can take our lesson no matter where you are.

“My child is only 6 years old, is it too early to start Online Chinese Class now? My children have to learn other subjects; Learning Chinese will affect other studies…

Guys, please don’t worry! Your worries will only become a burden for your child’s learning; The story of the child prodigy Mozart is well known to everyone; Mozart has been learning the violin since he was 4 years old.

Once, his father asked him what he was doing, and Mozart said he was writing a piano concerto. His father brought over the staff paper and looked at it. He was so excited that he shed tears. He said to his friend: “Look, what he wrote is correct and meaningful!” With the support of his father and his diligence, he eventually become a generation of violin masters!

Generally speaking, Learning Chinese and learning the violin have the similar effect when shaping a child’s thinking. Experts have tested – children learning a new foreign language can better develop their thinking and improve their cognitive ability; Children have just learned about the world and are full of enthusiasm for everything; This is an excellent time for them to learn Chinese!

Oh! I almost forget that! Amy was just 4 years old when she took our Online Chinese Class; She has been learning with us for about a year, and she stood out in the interview for kindergarten promotion to primary school several months ago!! Just because her oral Chinese is fluent than other children and has memorized more Tang poems.

Come on, let me test your child! Amy can fluently recite this poem in her four and a half years old. So I wonder if your child can recite this ancient poem?

We have received lots of feedback from parents before:
Jerry said that Chinese is too difficult to write and pronounce, he has to straighten his tongue…
Lisa said that she still knew how to read this word in class, but she forgot it when she went back home, and she still doesn’t know how to use it normally…
Mary said that she didn’t know why she should learn Chinese, and felt that she was memorizing some words by rote every day, and she could only write but not use them flexibly…So she felt it is none of any use to learn Chinese!

 Online Chinese Class

Let me tell you! Actually, you kids have barely no interest in Online Chinese Class! ‘Interest is the best teacher’ – What we have been doing is to cultivate children’s interest in learning Chinese;

Compared with traditional teaching model: our students will become active learners, teachers are responsible for cultivating children’s expressions, observing children’s learning habits, and guiding each child in a targeted manner.

Many parents say that their children are shy and unwilling to speak. Don’t panic! In our Online Chinese Class, we will not force children to speak difficult Chinese from the very beginning. Sino – Bus will create an all-Chinese teaching environment for them. Under the influence of the surrounding environment, children will gradually speak Chinese on their own initiative.

Do you find it is difficult to write Chinese characters? Is it a little irregular? That’s right! Chinese is a pictographic character, and a pictogram is a word-making method that uses lines to describe the shape of objects. It is the wisdom of the ancients thousands of years ago. Such as‘日’,‘月’ ,‘山’,‘水’…… If you observe carefully, you will find that these Chinese characters are very similar to the things they represent. Isn’t it interesting!

These are just a little surprise, there will be more interesting and funny Chinese characters waiting for you to discover in our Online Chinese Class; We have waited for you for so long, come on now!

Sincerely wish our Online Chinese Class and honesty will become your kids’ enteral mates and they can harvest more from our mandarin online class! Okay~ see your kids in our online class!

Best Way to Learn Mandarin Online Free, You Deserve to Know!

Hey guys, how are you doing recently? Are you still worried about your children’s mandarin learning? Referring to mandarin online learning, your children are very upset? So wanna a best way to learn mandarin online free? OK, I heard some of you say‘yes’~

…Wait a minute, please don’t worry! Let’s analyze the reasons first~ Only by finding out the reasons why children don’t like learning mandarin can we prescribe the right medicine!

 best way to learn mandarin online free

I interviewed some parents before~
Q: What is the reason why children can’t learn mandarin well?
A1: Can’t learn mandarin well, it must be because he didn’t work hard enough!
A2: The teacher has taught he the knowledge, and the learning lies in the individual! Other children in the class can learn mandarin well, why can’t he learn mandarin well?

That’s right, learning mandarin really requires you to work harder; Teachers have taught you the knowledge in class; So you really need to memorize and recite the content carefully after class! But “Interest is the best teacher in learning”, if a child has no interest in learning mandarin at all, how can she learn mandarin well?

“Mom, I thought mandarin was quite interesting before, but after I took this teacher’s mandarin class, I don’t want to learn mandarin anymore;Mandarin is too boring”!! said Lisa……

 best way to learn mandarin online free

A director of a private Chinese department in Silicon Valley once said:“it is very normal for overseas children not to want to learn mandarin. After reading many courses in mandarin schools, she wanted to scold: What a fool! You may not be able to imagine that even in Silicon Valley, the teaching method of many Chinese schools is to ask kindergarten children to silently write 《弟子规》 and copy 《三字经》.

Take a look at how children aged 3-8 in China learn English now – Online education companies are so competitive in various situational immersive animations and real-life lessons from foreign teachers. Is there anyone still learning foreign languages by copying words and memorizing texts by rote?
1.We lack the output of soft culture in the general environment, which is not fun or cool.
2.Just as many foreign teachers in China can’t teach English, many Chinese in the United States can’t teach either, and they only work part-time. But for children, in the most precious stage of 3-8 years old, they can’t teach mandarin. The love for mandarin is likely to be stifled.

So now do you still think that it is the children’s own fault that the they cannot learn mandarin well?

 best way to learn mandarin online free

Okay, I heard some people start asking: ”So if that’s the case, may I confirm is there a best way to learn mandarin online free for kids?

Of course!

1.Courses should be attractive enough and funny!
When talking about Chinese culture overseas, most foreigners think of “Chinese Kung Fu”, “Dragon and Lion Dance”, “Shaolin Temple”… Yes, these are all authentic Chinese elements! But the children are not interested in it, they like more trendy things;

They like browsing bilibili website, Douyin and other social media……In our Sino-Bus’ mandarin online class, teachers will play some Chinese movies that are more in line with the tastes of young people.

Children can immerse themselves in learning mandarin; There will be many activities and games related to mandarin in the class, and the children will not feel boring at all. Several months ago, they need to learn a text about the 12 zodiac signs. Before the class, the teacher played a section of “The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac” starring Jackie Chan to the students; the students were very focused in that class, and everyone was listening carefully; The bell rang for the end of class, no one came out of the classroom, and the idea was still unfinished!!

2.Teachers need to teach well!
The preschool Chinese market is mixed, and almost anyone who can speak Chinese can be taught. Parents are often limited to schools that are close to home. They think it is the best way to learn mandarin online free for kids.

Most of these teachers are temporary, and some of them are international students themselves. The teaching does not consider whether it is suitable for the age of the students, or whether it is acceptable or not as a second language.

Some of my students told me that in the Chinese class when they were young, the teacher gave the students answers for the sake of their test scores, or didn’t care about watching them cheat.

Until now, in the Chinese class in Silicon Valley, overseas Chinese students in kindergartens have just started learning Chinese, and they still memorize various characters by rote. For example, the word card below, don’t you feel a headache?

 best way to learn mandarin online free

In our Sino-Bus, mandarin online teachers have a lot teaching experience. They are all bilingual teachers with at least 10 years of teaching experience. Students can learn the most authentic Chinese knowledge here!

If you are still finding best way to learn mandarin online free, please join us! We are waiting you in Sino-Bus!

Best Way to Learn Mandarin Online Free must Exist!

“I wonder if there exist a best way to learn mandarin online free”? says Leo……

The times are constantly developing, and the Internet is also developing rapidly. More and more people are aware of Chinese traditional culture, including foreign friends.
Chinese traditional culture is a classic handed down from our ancestors, and it is the most precious wealth left to us; Chinese characters are one of them. As China’s national strength continues to grow stronger, Chinese has gradually developed into a common language in the world.

Chinese is the most spoken language in the world. Do as the Romans do when you go to the country, and you have to learn Chinese language and culture when you enter the territory of China, which also increases the difficulty of learning for foreign friends.

Best Way to Learn Mandarin Online Free

And Chinese is one of the most difficult languages in the world, which directly causes foreign friends to collapse several times while learning Chinese; So it is no wonder that many people ask the best way to learn mandarin online free~

In fact, it is not easy to learn a language at the beginning; Chinese is to foreigners what English is to us, but English is much easier than Chinese. There are many cases in Chinese where there are different words with the same sound.

For example, ‘shi ’ has four tones, and the corresponding Chinese characters are yes, 是、四、事、使、思、市 …… Chinese people can easily distinguish them, but in the eyes of foreigners, they just can’t tell the difference – they might think these characters are same?

For another example, if these Chinese characters are combined with different characters to form words, the meaning will change a lot, and the same word has different meanings in different contexts; This is much more difficult than learning English.

No wonder it is so difficult for foreigners to make complaints about English, and even how difficult it is to use “memes” to make complaints about Chinese. In this regard, netizens have seen how difficult it is for foreigners to learn Chinese, and they have left messages one after another, just like themselves who are learning English.

So not only Leo wanna find a best way to learn mandarin online free, you might as well want to know it. Right?

Best Way to Learn Mandarin Online Free

Please don’t worry, I will tell you later~

When almost all human beings are learning a new skill, whenever they encounter difficulties, they want to find a shortcut immediately – This is human nature; Maybe you have seen similar titles: ‘Master 2,000 Chinese characters in 5 days’, ‘Learn Chinese writing in 7 days’…

Those titles look catchy, don’t they? But do you really think Chinese can be learned in a few days? Chinese culture is extensive and profound, and Chinese characters have a history of thousands of years – It is completely impossible to master more than 2,000 Chinese characters in 5 days! ! Don’t be fooled by these titles!

I heard some guys ask:“So is there no best way to learn mandarin online free ?”

Of course there must exist some effective ways to learn mandarin online free~

Don’t be nervous, you can take it easy. To learn a language, you must first integrate into the language environment. The same is true for Chinese learning; It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a Chinese environment around you, we can create it ourselves!

You can find some Chinese TV dramas or movies to watch first, sitcoms like “Wulin Biography” and “Family with Children” are very suitable; You can also listen to some Chinese songs, why not try Jay Chou, many young people like his songs; If you wanna listen to songs with more ancient Chinese elements, you can try Yaoyang, Hetu, Huang Shifu, etc.

Well, now that you have gradually integrated into the Chinese environment, it is not too late to start learning Chinese systematically; Here are some best way to learn mandarin online free:

1.To learn Chinese, you must first lay a solid foundation.
To practice using the four tones of Chinese. Chinese is a tonal language, which means that words have different meanings with different tones, even though they are pronounced and spelled the same. Learning these different tones is certainly essential if you want to speak Chinese correctly.

2.Memorize simple vocabulary.
No matter what language you study, the more vocabulary you have, the more fluent you will be. Therefore, the next thing to do is to memorize some useful words. Such as:早上:zǎoshàng,下午:xiàwǔ,晚上:wǎnshàng);Body part:(头:tóu,脚:jiǎo,手:shǒu)食物(牛肉niúròu,鸡:jī,鸡蛋:jīdàn,面条:miàntiáo), and words related with color、transportation、weather and month etc.

3.Learn how to count.
Chinese does not have an alphabet, which makes it difficult for Westerners to learn it. Fortunately, the Chinese number system is fairly straightforward and fairly logical, and once you learn the first ten numbers, you’ll be able to count to 99.

4.Learn some basic conversational phrases. Once you have a basic grasp of vocabulary and pronunciation, you can move on to basic conversational phrases that can be used in everyday Chinese conversation.

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