Primary 5 Chinese Tuition Help Children Win the PSLE!

If your children are in the fifth grade of primary school this year, after 1 more year, they will take the PSLE exam, Chinese is a big challenge for many students, so now, please pay more attention to primary 5 Chinese tuition!

What is PSLE?
PSLE is the English abbreviation of Primary School Leaving Examination (Primary School Leaving Examination) in Singapore, also known as the Primary School Leaving Examination, and assign students to appropriate secondary schools.

Every Primary 6 student is required to sit for the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). This test will assess students’ academic ability in order to place them in a secondary school that suits their academic progress and abilities.

(If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please click here!)

PSLE exam content

  1. P1/P2: English, Chinese, Mathematics;
  2. P3/P4: English, Chinese, Mathematics, Science;
  3. P5/P6: English, Chinese, Mathematics, Science, Advanced Mother Tongue;

After the reform, there will be two grades of standard and foundation for each subject.

 primary 5 Chinese tuition

The PSLE has started to implement a new points grading system. The results of the four subjects are divided into 1 to 8, with 1 being the best and 8 being the worst.

After the implementation of the new points grading system, the points grades obtained by candidates for each subject range from AL1 to AL8, with AL1 being the most outstanding grade.

PSLE’s Triage System

Students will be assigned to different secondary schools according to their PSLE results. Those with the best grades will enter the “prestige schools” through trains and do not need to take the senior high school entrance examination.

When enrolling in secondary school, there are five courses: express, general (academic), general (technical) and specialty education, IP through-train program, Chinese Special Program (Chinese Special Programme).

Students of both courses can take the Singapore “O” level examination in the fourth year of secondary school. Exam results will determine progression to Secondary, Junior College and Polytechnic.

PSLE Admission Rules

The PSLE score requirements for various secondary school courses in Singapore are as follows:

  1. Express class 4-20;
  2. Express/regular class (academic) 21-22;
  3. Ordinary class (academic) 23-24;
  4. Ordinary class (academic) or ordinary class (craft) 25;
  5. Ordinary class (craft) 26-30;

Situation with the same score:

With the grade points system, it is inevitable that there will be more students with the same grade points. If this happens, places will be allocated as follows.


Singapore Citizen > Singapore Permanent Resident > Foreigner.

School selection order:

Students who choose the school as their first choice will be given preference.

Advanced native language:

If the school you choose is a special school, such as advanced Chinese, then the advanced Chinese level (divided into three levels: pass, excellent, and special) will become a priority factor beyond status.

draw lots:

If all of the above are the same, it will be decided by lottery.

For students whose mother tongue is Chinese, PSLE Chinese is an important opportunity to assess their mastery and application of their mother tongue.

It directly affects their subsequent ability to use Chinese in academic and professional development. Test scores can help students better assess their strengths and weaknesses in learning Chinese, so they can make better progress.

The PSLE Chinese test is also important for students with non-Chinese background and other language backgrounds.

Singapore focuses on cultivating students’ bilingual ability, and the PSLE Chinese test provides these students with the opportunity to demonstrate their efforts and achievements in Chinese learning.

In general, the PSLE Chinese test is of great significance to students’ academic assessment, secondary school admission, and the mastery and development of the Chinese language.

It reflects students’ language ability and academic performance, and lays the foundation for students’ future study and career development.

For students who are about to take the PSLE Chinese exam, primary 5 Chinese tuition help children understanding the structure of the PSLE Chinese exam, knowing the content of the inspection, and then making targeted preparations are the keys to successfully coping with the PSLE Chinese exam!

The following are the PSLE Chinese test tips shared by Hantu’s Chinese teachers.

Preparing for the Singapore Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) requires thorough planning and preparation and primary 5 Chinese tuition. The following are the test preparation tips brought by Hantu, I hope it can help you!

So how to prepare for PSLE for primary 5 students?
Develop a detailed Chinese learning plan

formulate a detailed

The study plan lists the content and tasks that need to be studied every day. Arrange time reasonably to practice listening, speaking, reading and writing, and make sure you have enough time to review each part of Chinese.

Understand the PSLE Chinese test requirements

Learn more about the PSLE Chinese exam requirements and exam format. Understand the structure, test time and score allocation of the Chinese language test so that you can prepare accordingly.

Review early

Don’t wait until before the exam to start revising, it’s better to start revising months in advance. The review should include reviewing the knowledge learned in class, completing practice questions and doing mock test papers. This can deepen the understanding of Chinese knowledge, improve problem-solving and time-management skills.

 primary 5 Chinese tuition

Focus on accumulating basic Chinese knowledge

Ensure a solid grasp of the fundamentals of each Chinese component. If any concept is unclear, ask the teacher for help or refer to other learning resources in time.

Do mock test papers

Doing some practice papers can help you become familiar with the format and requirements of the PSLE Chinese exam. With PSLE Chinese practice papers, you can assess your weaknesses and have the opportunity to practice answering questions.

Practice Time Management

The PSLE Chinese exam is a time-limited exam, so it is important to have good time management skills. In daily practice and mock exams, try to complete the questions according to the time stipulated in the PSLE Chinese exam, so as to develop good time allocation skills.

Effective use of Chinese learning resources

Utilize various Chinese learning resources, such as Chinese textbooks, Chinese reference books, online Chinese learning platforms, etc. A variety of Chinese learning resources can help you better understand knowledge.

Keep a positive attitude

It is very important to maintain a good attitude during the preparation period, not to be overly nervous or too relaxed~ Primary 5 Chinese tuition will help children enhance the ability to withstand stress to help cope with the PSLE Chinese exam.

Primary 3 Chinese Tuition Let Children Win at the Starting Line

Mike is in Primary 3 this year. Every day after school, he would take his favorite bus to go to primary 3 Chinese tuition. The center is located in Jordan and specializes in serving non-Chinese speaking students.

Today, his Chinese homework was to make sentences. There were two questions on the worksheet. The first question had to use the word “friendly”, and the second question had to use the words “busy” and “care”.

The tutor explained the words first, and then let Mike make up the sentences by himself. At the same time, the teacher was preparing another girl’s Chinese silent book for the next day. Mike stared at the two black lines in front of his eyes, holding a pencil, unable to start.

Why is it so difficult to make sentences? “I know the meaning of these words, but I don’t know how to put together a sentence.” Mike, who originally spoke fluent English, suddenly spoke intermittently.

(If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Too much, too much, too much dissatisfaction poured out all at once, like a pile of colorful building blocks, and he couldn’t find the shape he wanted.

primary 3 Chinese tuition

“I hate dictation,” he said. Over the years he had learned many words, but he never knew how to use them. “I hate Chinese,” he said. Strange structure, rote memorization of homework once, meeting the same sentence three months later, is like a stranger.

Since entering primary 3 Chinese tuition for 1 year, he often gets “A” grades in homework, but he always thought it was “B” grades.

For five years, every Monday to Friday, Mike has spent an hour and a half at the tuition center every day. He remembers that when he was still in kindergarten, he sang songs and read stories in the tuition center, and he did learn a lot of Chinese.

Later, when he entered elementary school, the one-and-a-half hour tutoring time was usually only enough for him to complete his homework, and sometimes he could barely read a few pages of storybooks.

Mike thinks that instead of preparing silent books and doing homework, it is better to spend more time learning Chinese. “But I know that silent reading is very important. Parents ask tutoring teachers like this.”

If you had three wishes to change the school and make you happier in school, what would you do? “I love primary 3 Chinese tuition! Sports days and travel days are my favorite,” Mike said. When he goes to school on weekdays, he looks forward to the break most, running around the campus and playing with his classmates
In class, Mike also has favorite activities. For example, he can play Scrabble on the whiteboard in English class, and he can raise his hands to answer questions in math class, and strive for opportunities to solve problems on the whiteboard. “Only in the Chinese hall, I can only sit in a daze.”

“I think one wish is enough.” Mike said suddenly, “No more Chinese homework, dictation, quizzes, and exams.” He was promoted to primary two last year, and he had already complained to his parents that he didn’t want to learn Chinese.

“They ignored it. Is it normal? Adults usually ignore children’s complaints.”

“I don’t want my son to face the same difficulties in life as I do in the future,” said Anjali, who is Mike’s mother. As a child, she grew up and studied in Nepal to gain professional qualifications.

After coming to Hong Kong, due to language problems, she can only work in the catering industry, and her husband is currently a construction worker. “If we know how to speak Chinese, others will look at us differently, and we can get more opportunities.”

primary 3 Chinese tuition

She believes that Mike was born and raised in Hong Kong, so he needs to learn Chinese well and understand the local culture.

Anjali has always been nervous about Mike’s studies, but she couldn’t help him with his Chinese, which he needs help most. She used to find private tutoring for Mike, but the tuition was too expensive to afford.

Through word of mouth, she learned from relatives that an education center was dedicated to serving non-Chinese speaking students, and that it was a charity organization with affordable fees. As if she had found a treasure, she immediately took Mike, who was still in kindergarten at the time, to sign up.

The Integrated Brilliant Education Center (Integrated Brilliant Education Center) was founded by an Indian couple. They found that the social welfare institutions provided insufficient learning support for ethnic minorities.

The children had to go to school every day, but the homework tutoring class was only two days a week. Six years ago, the couple founded a tutoring center with their own funds, providing non-Chinese speaking students with homework tutoring classes five days a week, with a teacher-student ratio as low as one to three or four.

The monthly tuition fee is 1,000 yuan, which is half of the average tuition fee.

In the first month of establishment, there were only eight students in the center; after two months, the number of students increased to thirty. Two years later, the center is providing homework assistance to 80 students every day. The founders, Geetanjali and Manoj, sometimes serve as volunteer teachers and hire part-time teachers.

They also offer Chinese classes on Saturdays, hoping that students will have more class hours to improve their Chinese proficiency.

Paying 1,000 yuan a month is an expense for Anjali, but she knows it is well spent. “Mike likes to go to the tutoring center. He said that the teachers are friendly and enthusiastic. After attending the remedial class, his Chinese writing has improved.”

However, the improvement does not mean that he is interested. Mike’s motivation to learn Chinese is still very low, and Anjali is helpless. .

Not long after Mike was born, Anjali chose English as the “mother tongue” of the family, hoping to help the child use it in school in the future. “Among the Nepalese parents I know, even though everyone wants their children to learn Chinese well, most of them will not send their children to Chinese schools.

They are worried that they will not be able to help their children with revision in the future.” As a result, many children start attending English schools from kindergarten .

Take Mike as an example. Most of the friends and teachers he met at school are also from ethnic minorities, and they communicate in English in daily communication.

Only primary 3 Chinese tuition class can let your children win at the starting line, don’t hesitate, come on!