


現在想像一下,一個 5 歲的孩子正在面對同樣的問題,但他們想要克服的差距不是水,而是知識和成熟度。


“在我們提供橋樑計劃之前,他們唯一的選擇是將孩子轉移到其他地方,他們不想這樣做或讓他們重複[學前班],這對他們的孩子來說並不是最好的教育。” (如果還想了解更多關於中文學習的信息,那就快來點擊這裡吧!)




在參觀了周圍提供類似項目的不同學校後,他開始考慮開發一個專為 5 歲孩子設計的項目。


戴維斯解釋說,在幾乎所有情況下,幼小銜接中文課程的學生都是那些過著夏季生日的學生,而且通常是同年級中年齡最小的學生。她說,當立法規定幼兒園兒童在 9 月 1 日之前年齡限制為 5 歲時,學校要到勞動節之後才開學。現在,學校在八月份開學,所以那些在夏末生日的孩子才五歲,有時甚至才四歲。

戴維斯說:“當你與同班的其他將於 9 月或初秋開始滿 6 歲的學生進行比較時,我們發現這些在夏季過生日的孩子幾乎比一些同齡人小一歲。” “幼小中文銜接的小朋友獲得額外一年的發展……並讓他們成為同年級中年齡最大的孩子。”


“我們有更豐富的學術重點,”戴維斯說。 “學生有機會學習更正式的中文閱讀和寫作技能。”



她說:“我們不會忽視這些孩子中的許多人都非常年輕,仍然需要額外的時間來培養社交和情感技能。” “我們開展中心、小型地面教學和教學實踐,以促進更多的社會發展。”

她說:“它幫助每個孩子發現學習漢語的樂趣,並有助於培養對自己能力的堅定信念,更好地為他們的成功做好準備。” “關於學生的經歷以及他們在離開課堂後為上幼兒園做好準備的情況,我們只得到了很好的反饋。”


“如果能看到他們建立這些聯繫,那將是有史以來最有價值的事情,”她承認道。 “這堂課就像一個拼圖——我們給他們所有他們需要的部分,然後我們才能真正看到他們把它們拼在一起。”

紐比說,幼小銜接中文課程項目很快就滿了。返校學生於 1 月開始招生,然後於 2 月向公眾開放。 除了需要參加學前班外,申請沒有其他要求,但他鼓勵家長聯繫學校進行參觀和麵試。

Do Kids Know the Best Way to Learn Chinese Online in 2023?

Oh! Recently, I have heard many people say that Chinese is so difficult to learn! Is there any best way to learn Chinese online?

Learning Chinese online has become an increasingly popular choice for individuals seeking to embark on a journey of language mastery. With the rapid advancement of technology and the widespread availability of online resources, the best way to learn Chinese now lies at the fingertips of eager learners around the globe. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

One of the key advantages of learning Chinese online is the flexibility it offers. Unlike traditional classroom settings, online platforms provide learners with the freedom to tailor their study schedule according to their personal commitments and preferences.

This flexibility allows individuals to learn at their own pace, ensuring that they can allocate sufficient time to grasp the intricacies of the language without feeling overwhelmed.

To make the most of online Chinese learning, it is crucial to choose a reputable and comprehensive platform. Look for platforms that offer a diverse range of learning materials, including interactive lessons, audio recordings, video tutorials, and practice exercises.

A well-rounded curriculum that covers all aspects of language acquisition, such as vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, and speaking, is essential for achieving proficiency in Chinese.

One of the distinctive advantages of best way to learn Chinese online is the ability to access native speakers as teachers and conversation partners. Authentic interaction with native speakers helps learners develop a deeper understanding of the language, its nuances, and cultural contexts.

best way to learn Chinese online

Through online platforms, learners can engage in one-on-one or group video sessions, where they can practice their speaking skills, receive immediate feedback, and immerse themselves in genuine Chinese conversations.

Supplementing online learning with language exchange programs or language learning communities can greatly enhance the learning experience. Joining online forums, chat groups, or language exchange platforms enables learners to connect with fellow enthusiasts or native speakers, fostering a supportive community of learners.

Engaging in conversations with peers and native speakers outside the virtual classroom environment adds a practical dimension to learning Chinese, enriching vocabulary, improving pronunciation, and building confidence.

Another key aspect of effective online Chinese learning is consistent practice. Regularly setting aside dedicated study time and engaging with the language daily is essential for making progress.

Online platforms often provide gamified learning experiences, encouraging learners to practice regularly and track their progress. Utilizing flashcards, language apps, or online quizzes can also be beneficial in reinforcing vocabulary and grammar concepts.

Lastly, it is important to stay motivated throughout the learning journey. Learning a new language requires dedication and perseverance. Setting achievable goals, celebrating milestones, and seeking out cultural immersion experiences can keep the flame of motivation burning.

Watching Chinese movies, listening to Chinese music, or exploring Chinese literature can provide a window into the rich tapestry of Chinese culture, while also deepening language comprehension.

In conclusion, the best way to learn Chinese online involves a combination of flexibility, comprehensive resources, interaction with native speakers, participation in language exchange programs, consistent practice, and staying motivated.

With the vast array of online tools and platforms available, aspiring Chinese learners can embark on an enriching journey that brings them closer to fluency in one of the world’s most fascinating languages.

Learning Chinese online has become increasingly popular due to its convenience, flexibility, and accessibility. With numerous resources available at your fingertips, mastering this intricate language has never been easier. To embark on this linguistic journey and maximize your learning potential, consider the following tips for the best way to learn Chinese online.

First and foremost, it is essential to choose a reputable online learning platform or course. Look for platforms that offer comprehensive curricula, interactive lessons, and engaging multimedia content. A well-structured course will guide you through the language step by step, ensuring a solid foundation in pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and writing.

To grasp the tonal nature of Chinese, incorporating audio and video components into your learning process is crucial. Seek courses that provide audio recordings of native speakers to familiarize yourself with the correct intonation and pronunciation. Similarly, video lessons can help you observe facial movements and body language, aiding in understanding context and cultural nuances.

Regular practice is the key to language proficiency, and Chinese is no exception. Dedicate consistent time to your studies, ideally on a daily basis, to reinforce what you have learned and improve your retention. Utilize the interactive features of online platforms, such as quizzes, flashcards, and exercises, to reinforce your knowledge and test your progress.

Immersing yourself in the language is vital for developing fluency. Online communities, language exchange platforms, and language learning apps can connect you with native Chinese speakers. Engaging in conversation with them will not only enhance your speaking skills but also expose you to colloquial expressions and cultural insights. Additionally, watching Chinese movies, TV shows, and listening to Chinese music will help you familiarize yourself with the language in its natural context.

Supplementing your online learning with additional resources can further accelerate your progress. Explore Chinese language podcasts, online dictionaries, and grammar references to deepen your understanding. Reading Chinese literature, news articles, and blogs will improve your reading comprehension and expand your vocabulary.

To truly master Chinese, it is essential to practice best way to learn Chinese online. Utilize online tools and apps that provide stroke order animations and practice sheets. Regularly writing characters by hand will reinforce your memory and understanding of their structure.

Finally, stay motivated and set achievable goals. Learning any language requires time and dedication, so celebrate your milestones and progress along the way. Join online communities of fellow learners, where you can share experiences, exchange tips, and find encouragement.

Learning Chinese online offers unparalleled flexibility and resources. By selecting a reputable platform, engaging with multimedia content, practicing regularly, immersing yourself in the language, and supplementing your learning, you will be on the path to becoming proficient in Chinese.

Best way to learn Chinese online embraces this enriching linguistic journey and unlocks a world of opportunities to connect with Chinese culture, people, and the vast realm of Mandarin.




在我愛學語文中,有以下中文學習tips需要注意! (如果還想了解更多關於中文學習的信息,那就請點擊這裡吧!)


寫作也是我愛學語文補習的許多專業應用的重要組成部分,例如與同事、合作夥伴或客戶的交流。 最後,寫作也是許多能力測試的一部分。

與大多數其他語言相比,用中文寫作是不同的,因為它面臨著學習寫字和寫文章的雙重挑戰。 這是兩種完全不同的技能。





狹義閱讀——因為閱讀對於提高寫作能力非常重要,我將提出另一種特別有用的閱讀方式:狹義閱讀。 這是當您閱讀有關同一主題的幾篇文章時,這可以讓您習慣所使用的詞彙和結構。這不僅有利於培養閱讀能力,也是寫作的完美準備!這分享了寫摘要的許多好處,這也是從閱讀開始的。



例如,如果您認為很難表達因果關係(堅持使用因為/因為… 所以…)或發現自己使用相同的方式在故事中添加前進(例如一直使用然後/然後一直),然後收集 以母語為母語的人如何在他們的文本中做到這一點的例子。






  1. 拍下你遇到的漢字
    在中國學習中文的最大好處之一就是你可以在每個角落找到漢字。 一出門,各種引人入勝的漢字就等著你來閱讀。 這幾乎可以是任何東西:來自安全哨所的當地通知、牆上的塗鴉、名字奇怪的商店、自行車籃子裡的傳單等等。

如果您真的想學習漢字,提高閱讀能力的最真實方法之一就是為您在“野外”遇到的漢字拍下快照以供進一步學習。 您還會發現,向當地人詢問這些神秘標誌是一個很好的對話開場白。(如果你還想了解更多關於中文學習的信息,那請點擊這裡吧!)

我在中國發現了兩個有趣的字:左邊的字寫著“chāi”(拆),意思是“拆除”。 在許多即將拆除的舊建築上都能看到它的身影。 右邊的讀作“fú”(福),代表好運,通常在農曆新年前後出現。

如果您想立即知道字符的含義怎麼辦? 英漢詞典應用程序 Pleco 提供了一個光學字符識別器,讓您可以通過將手機的相機對準漢字和單詞來即時查找漢字和單詞。 微信有一個類似的功能,可以掃描你在相機前的中文單詞或文本,並將其翻譯成英文。

  1. 將移動設備上的語言設置更改為普通話

大多數人每天花在手機上的時間超過一個小時。何不挑戰一下自己,把手機的語言切換成中文呢? 您還可以更改常用應用程序的語言設置。起初,這會減慢你的速度,但你練習得越多,你就會越好。GAPSK補習認為這是增加您接觸漢字的簡單方法。不過我不推薦微信使用它,因為你失去了將中文文本翻譯成英文的能力。





圖書! 通常我不建議閱讀中國兒童讀物,因為它們往往比看起來難得多。 即使是適合 5 歲兒童的書籍通常也包含大量難懂且不常用的詞彙,其中一些可能會引起混淆。






首先,制定一個計劃。在準備GAPSK考試時,組織性和持續性非常重要。根據你的考試日期,制定一個具體的學習計劃。這包括每天或每周分配的學習時間,以及各個考試項目(聽力、口語、閱讀、寫作)的練習安排。記得給自己留出足夠的時間來複習和模擬考試。 (如果還想了解更多關於GAPSK相關的信息,就請點這裡來了解吧!)














首先,你需要瞭解考試的結構和內容。熟悉考試的不同科目、題型和評分標準。確保你了解每個科目的重點和要求,這樣你才能有針對性地進行準備。 (如何還想了解更多關於呈分試考試的信息,就請點擊這裡吧!)




































Best Way to Learn Chinese Online in 2023, Some Tips for Success

What is the best way to learn Chinese online?

Many overseas Chinese parents want their children to learn Chinese, but they are struggling with work and daily chores, and cannot spend a lot of time teaching their children systematically.

All they can do is ask their children to speak Chinese at home and exercise their listening and speaking skills. The method may not allow children to really learn Chinese.

An Australian mother confides her troubles on the Internet. Her family’s Chinese education has achieved remarkable results at the beginning to slow progress. In the end, Chinese can’t express the child’s thoughts, and adults can’t communicate with the child deeply.

Back to English communication, in daily conversations, there are only simple and commonly used conversations such as “wake up”, “it’s time to eat”, and “goodbye, mother”. (If you want to know more about Chinese, please feel free to click here!)

When summing up the experience and lessons, this mother realized that if parents want to exercise their children’s Chinese ability, it is not enough to just teach their children simple daily conversations.

best way to learn Chinese online

Every language has its own culture and system, and it is necessary to lay a good foundation for the children, arrange only by learning the content and progress well, and constantly overcoming problems in Chinese learning can we make progress.

To a certain extent, it is a good language atmosphere for parents to speak Chinese at home, which can make children listen more and practice more. In early childhood, children’s listening and speaking learning is mainly based on imitation, so this method works very well.

But when the child grows up, don’t force the child to express everything in Chinese, because at this stage, the ability of imitation learning will decline rapidly, and the learning mode will gradually change to trial-and-error learning, relying solely on dialogue to improve the child’s Chinese Levels are extremely limited.

In addition, as the level of Chinese learning deepens, the Chinese language system that comes into contact with becomes more and more complex and difficult to imitate, and children will naturally develop resistance.

At this time, parents should be patient, guide their children, and encourage them to try more. It doesn’t matter even if the expression is wrong. The children must be willing to speak Chinese in order to learn Chinese better.

In daily life, if a child retells what he saw and heard in school today, if there are words or situations that he cannot express, parents can first ask the child to express it in another way.

If the child still cannot express it, do not force the child to use best way to learn Chinese online, after the child has completely expressed what he wants to say, the parent will guide the child and tell him how to express the content just now in Chinese better and more accurately.

At the same time, parents can also collect more literary stories or film and television dramas with Chinese characteristics, tell them to their children or watch them together, so as to increase their interest in learning Chinese, guide them to learn Chinese independently, and understand Chinese culture.

Learning Chinese online can be an effective and convenient way to acquire the language. Here are some steps you can take to make the most of your online learning experience:

Set clear goals: Determine your reasons for learning Chinese and set achievable goals. This will help you stay motivated and track your progress.

Choose a reputable online platform: There are several online platforms and websites that offer Chinese language courses. Look for platforms with experienced teachers, interactive learning materials, and positive reviews from previous learners.

Seek structured courses: Look for courses that offer a structured curriculum, covering different aspects of the language such as vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, listening, and speaking. A well-organized course will ensure you have a comprehensive learning experience.

Utilize multimedia resources: Make use of multimedia resources like videos, audio recordings, and interactive exercises to enhance your learning. Many online platforms provide access to these resources, which can help improve your listening and pronunciation skills.

Best way to learn Chinese online? Practice speaking: Chinese is a tonal language, and speaking practice is crucial for developing accurate pronunciation and intonation. Seek opportunities to practice speaking, such as language exchange programs, conversation groups, or online tutoring sessions.

Engage with native speakers: Interacting with native speakers will expose you to real-life language usage and cultural nuances. Join online forums, language exchange websites, or social media groups to connect with native Chinese speakers and practice your language skills.

Supplement with reading and writing: Chinese characters may seem daunting at first, but regular practice is key to developing reading and writing skills. Use online resources for reading Chinese texts, and practice writing characters using online tools or apps specifically designed for character learning.

Use language-learning apps: Incorporate language-learning apps like Duolingo, HelloChinese, or Memrise into your routine. These apps offer gamified lessons, vocabulary building exercises, and interactive quizzes to make learning more engaging.

Practice regularly and be consistent: Consistency is crucial for language learning. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to practice Chinese. Regular practice, even in short sessions, will help reinforce your learning and improve your retention.

Join online communities: Joining online communities of Chinese language learners can provide you with additional support, resources, and opportunities for practicing your skills. These communities often have forums, discussion boards, and language partners who can offer guidance and practice opportunities.

Remember, learning a language requires time, effort, and patience. By following these steps and staying committed to your learning journey, you can make significant progress in learning Chinese online.

Focus on vocabulary and grammar: Expand your vocabulary gradually by learning common words and phrases in context. Study grammar rules and sentence structures to enhance your ability to form coherent sentences. Online platforms often provide vocabulary and grammar exercises, flashcards, and quizzes to reinforce your learning.

Join online language communities: Engage with fellow Chinese language learners through online forums, social media groups, or language exchange platforms. Interacting with other learners and native speakers can provide valuable practice opportunities, cultural insights, and motivation.

Incorporate multimedia resources: Take advantage of multimedia resources like videos, podcasts, and interactive exercises. These resources can expose you to authentic Chinese content, help improve your listening skills, and provide cultural context.

Practice reading and writing: Develop your reading skills by starting with simple texts, such as children’s books or online articles. Gradually increase the difficulty level as your proficiency improves. For writing, practice stroke order and character formation using online tools or apps designed for Chinese character learning.

So now do you know the best way to learn Chinese online? Remember, learning a language requires patience and perseverance. Stay motivated, be open to making mistakes, and embrace the learning process. Learning Chinese online provides flexibility and convenience, allowing you to progress at your own pace.

To Improve Reading Comprehension for Kids, Why Still Waiting?

Reading comprehension for kids is difficult. How to improve students’ reading ability has become one of the most troublesome topics for parents in the daily study in elementary school! When it comes to the improvement of reading ability, people naturally think of the answer: read more.

Of course, practice makes perfect is a well-known truth. Although there are old sayings: “Reading a book for a hundred times, its meaning will emerge”, “Reading an old book a hundred times, if you read it carefully, you will know yourself”, but given the heavy learning tasks of children, it is more appropriate to pursue the quality of reading .

Blindly piling up reading volume may not necessarily improve reading comprehension. Many students feel aggrieved, and they have read a lot of articles and learned a lot of “secret skills”, but their reading comprehension skills are always not improved. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

In the face of such a situation, after usual practice, the following editor will talk about how to improve the reading comprehension for kids.

  1. Interest is the best teacher

Interest refers to the emotion of liking or caring about something.

reading comprehension for kids

Psychology believes that it is the basic motivation for people to know something and engage in a certain activity, and it is manifested as people’s selective attitude and positive emotional response to a certain thing or a certain activity.

It can push children to seek new knowledge and broaden their horizons. Children who are interested in learning will be more active and active, and will have a happy and tense mood and a state of active will effort, thereby improving the efficiency and effectiveness of their own learning activities.

Therefore, before reading, parents can use the method of stimulating interest with suspicion to stimulate children’s interest in self-study.

So reading comprehension for kids, how? When children encounter doubts in the process of learning, parents make the best use of the situation to stimulate their desire and interest in self-study. Therefore, when guiding children to read texts, ask them to think while reading, especially to work hard on the word “thinking”, learn Set up doubts, clear up doubts.

Grasp the main questions of the text to ask questions, and then let the children read the text with the questions, try to figure out the general meaning of the text independently as much as possible, and grasp the context of the whole article.

  1. Good reading habits lie in daily accumulation

Mr. Ye Shengtao once said: “If you read roughly and develop bad reading habits, it will become a ‘lifelong fruit’. It can be seen that if you develop good reading habits, you will benefit for life.

The so-called good reading habits include three meanings:

A. Develop the habit of reading every day

Persevere, accumulate knowledge over time, develop intelligence, cultivate ability, and cultivate temperament;

B.When reading, uphold a good reading attitude and correct reading method

In the process of reading, carefully search and look up dictionaries, make comments, reflect on problems, and recite excerpts after reading. Only by developing good reading habits can we learn something.

C.Break the rough cumulative pan-reading mode and strengthen personalized reading

Strengthen the sense of participation in reading, respect individual differences, and guide children to understand and appreciate articles to strengthen their perception of articles, maximize reading initiative, develop reading ability in personalized reading activities, and improve reading comprehension.

  1. Strengthen the exercise of reading skills in the process of independent reading

In the process of reading, parents should try their best to only teach their children how to understand the text, and not arrange to replace their subjective consciousness. Let the children complete the reading independently. At this time, the editor summarizes some small methods for your reference:

  1. Extensive reading of the full text improves reading speed

For the articles to be read, it is required to read the entire text within the specified time, and then answer the questions.

During the reading process, students in lower grades will inevitably encounter new words and difficult sentences, but due to time constraints, they are not allowed to look up the dictionary, and can only guess the meaning and meaning of new words and difficult sentences based on the context.

Through such training, students not only speed up their reading speed, but also greatly improve their ability to guess words and sentence sentences according to the context;

  1. Answer questions quickly

After quickly scanning the reading materials, give some “yes” or “no” questions and ask for quick answers to deepen the impression and understanding of the articles read. The setting of these questions should be simple and easy to answer in order to build up their self-confidence and increase their interest in reading;

  1. Insist on retelling the content of the article

Retelling the content of the article means that the students will tell the content of the article in their own words according to the order of the article after reading. After the students have finished reading quickly, I will ask the students to retell the main idea of the article within the specified time and encourage them to speak. Specifically, there are the following ways:

① Repeat in detail. That is, according to the original meaning of the article, it is comprehensively and carefully described;

② Brief retelling. That is to say, it is required to describe the main content of the article in a general and concise language.

  1. Strengthen intensive reading training

Improving reading skills doesn’t happen overnight. Many students reported that after a lot of fast reading exercises, the reading speed has increased, but the comprehension ability has not improved much.

Why is this? In fact, it is difficult to improve reading comprehension only by fast reading. Language knowledge is the material basis of reading, and repeated reading comprehension is the only way to read.

For the texts that have been read, you should choose their representative articles and let the students read them intensively. They are not only required to understand the relationship between words and words, clauses and clauses in each sentence, but also to explain difficult sentences clearly.

reading comprehension for kids

Repeatedly scrutinize, understand its meaning deeply, and go deep into the language points and discourse structure inside the article. In addition, after the intensive reading, it is necessary to find out the topic sentence of the article, and tell the conception level of the article, the logical relationship of the context and the author’s point of view, so as to cultivate students’ ability of comprehensive analysis, induction and rationale;

  1. Parents should guide patiently and not rush for success

After all, elementary school students have poor comprehension ability. Parents should explain clearly to children about difficult and confusing knowledge points, and don’t rush to get results and pass them by;

  1. Pay attention to guiding children to repeat reading aloud

Reading aloud needs to be repeated, and the purpose of repeated reading aloud is to better cultivate the sense of language, so that children can better understand the meaning of the article.

Only repeated reading aloud can make children feel that the text they read is familiar and simple, which not only helps to understand the words deeply, but also makes children read more fluently.

  1. Diversity of Choices for Extracurricular Reading

The content of reading should be in line with the child’s actual level, interests and hobbies. In today’s diverse and open information environment, there are many channels to obtain reading resources.

Actually, reading comprehension for kids is not a difficult thing; Try to read some beautiful Chinese and foreign literary masterpieces, so that children can feel the beauty of the situation and language created by the articles during self-reading. Charm!




不過好在暑假快到了,這兩個月的時間可要好好利用起來!在別的小朋友玩的時候,我們一定要查漏補缺,多學一點,開學用中文成績驚艷全班! (如果還想了解更多關於如何提高中文成績,就點擊這裡吧!)

2023年暑期,我們即將推出暑期漢語課程,其中包括專為 K1-P6學生設計的暑期漢語課程。 這些中文課程專為兒童設計。這些中文課程有特定的教學方法和專業的中文教師,我們共同努力,進一步推動小朋友的中文學習進步。



我們專門教授(幼兒園/小學)在線中文課程,立即開始小朋友的 2023 暑期中文課程吧! 我們正在努力使這些中文課程適合您的孩子;




我們合格的教學團隊為每個孩子製定個性化的暑期中文課程學習計劃和一系列進度報告。 這完全取決於每個孩子的水平、步調、風格,甚至文化背景。我們所有的老師都是雙文化和雙語的,可以滿足您的中文課程需求。


我們的管理團隊由來自北京大學、清華大學、北京語言大學、香港中文大學等世界著名大學的具有豐富漢語教學經驗的充滿活力的人士組成,共同努力為您的學習打造最好的漢語課程 需要,尤其是為您的孩子開設的暑期中文課程。

少兒中文課專為3至12歲的孩子設計。 這個普通話課程幫助孩子們通過玩遊戲和討論有趣的話題來學習中文。在這些漢語課上,孩子們將在聽、說、讀、寫四個方面得到系統的訓練。 我們的少兒中文課程分為6個不同的級別,從初級到高級,可以幫助您的孩子逐步實現他們的中文學習目標。

每個新生在報名前都可以免費試聽一節漢語課,它是完全免費的,沒有義務, 免費中文課的唯一目的是幫助中文學習者了解我們的系統是如何運作的。
