





























Top 10 Best Way to Learn Mandarin Online Free!

In recent days, you can always heard some guys say:“Is there a best way to learn mandarin online free”? You may have such doubts:

1.Why do so many people want to learn mandarin?
2.What is the point of learning mandarin?
3.What can learning mandarin change?

Oh~my dear friends, if you miss learning Chinese, you will lose a lot! Chinese is the most attractive language in the world;

If you learn Chinese, it is equivalent to knocking on the door to ancient China 5,000 years ago; Chinese culture is extensive and profound, which fascinates many overseas friends:

“I heard that there are many thousand-year-old cultural relics and murals in the Forbidden City in Beijing, China…… said Mike .

“So I really really like Jay Chou and I am his loyal fan; After listening to his “Nunchaku”, I am also fascinated by China; So I wonder if Chinese people know ‘kung fu’ and can play nunchaku……” said Robert.

“When I was studying abroad in Sydney, I once listened to “The Peony Pavilion” at the Sydney Opera House, which is a Kunqu opera from China.

Although I didn’t understand its meaning, I was still fascinated by the opera actors’ costumes, gentle steps, colorful makeup and their smiles, all of which made me fascinated!

best way to learn mandarin online free

I really want to go to China to listen to opera again, I must learn mandarin Chinese well! Where can I find best way to learn mandarin online free ”? Alice said.

“I came to China to participate in the school’s research and exchange activities last summer;

The Chinese friends are so hospitable and friendly; That’s where I met my good friend ‘左木修’. I love Chinese people so much! It’s just that the language is a little difficult, it seems that I have to study mandarin Chinese hard! Cindy said.

These are the comments I saw on social media such as facebook and twitter; It seems that everyone likes China very much and wants to come to China, but there is a problem: the language barrier!

If you don’t understand mandarin, how can you make friends with Chinese people? If your Chinese friends asked: “what did you have for breakfast?”

You ate ‘豆腐腦’ and '油條' for breakfast, but you don’t understand mandarin Chinese, and you can't find an exact words to match in English, what should you do?  Communicate with each other in sign language?

That’s sounds really ridiculous!!!

If you don’t understand mandarin, how can you understand “The Peony Pavilion” and “A Dream of Red Mansions”? Due to language barriers, you can never get close to these classic works, and you can never really appreciate the mysteries and beauty in them……

If you don’t understand mandarin, you can’t even finish your job! Graduating! Now, I am a graduate student; I have master degree.

You get a high-paying offer from a listed Chinese-funded company; But you still can’t adapt to the working environment after working for a period of time due to language barriers, and you have to open the translator at any time, which affects work efficiency too much !

It’s Okay, I’ve heard a lot of people say:“oh my gosh, this is horrible, it’s like a nightmare! I can’t let language become a stumbling block to my trip of China! But Chinese is really difficult to learn;

So what should I do to find best way to learn mandarin online free?

In recent years, with the advent of the Internet age, many people have begun to choose online classes. Online classes are more convenient and faster, so many people choose to learn mandarin online.

But what is the best way to learn mandarin online free?”

In fact, online and offline are the same. You don’t have to worry about the study efficiency of online learning, so you only need to pay attention to mandarin learning itself.

Here are some tips for your reference~
Learn new words and expand your vocabulary;
Read more, read more, see more vocabulary, and remember it naturally.

Learn and use it alive.
Chat more with Chinese classmates, make more Chinese friends, practice more, imitate them.

Remember to always correct yourself.
Don’t be afraid to say it wrong, don’t be afraid to say it wrong, don’t be afraid to say it wrong! But we must correct it, and don’t keep repeating the mistakes.
(Important things are said three times!)

Read more miscellaneous books, news, newspapers, official accounts, and jokes.

Use various APPs, websites, forums
for example:
Youdao Dictionary, Anki Cards, Du Chinese, Italki, Chinese-forum

Language apps can be a very convenient way to learn Chinese. You can use them on a phone, computer, tablet, etc so you can study anywhere and at any time.

Many apps have gamified the learning experience, making it addicting to log in and learn more every day23.

Learn what you teach others. If you teach others, you will really know it and be familiar with it.

Use spare time to study.
The best way to learn a language is the scattered time memory method. You can memorize some vocabulary and sentence patterns when you eat, wait for the bus, or take a walk.

Immersion can be the fastest way to learn Chinese. Practice speaking on your own. Speaking Chinese to yourself for an hour every day can help you improve your pronunciation and vocabulary

Language exchange programs – Language exchange programs allow you to practice speaking with native speakers of Chinese while they practice speaking with you in your native language

Immersive language learning programs
Even if you can’t pick up and move to China, you can still immerse yourself wherever you are with Chinese movies, TV shows, music, podcasts and more.

We all know that language-learning is a long and boring process, and many people cannot persist for a long time; So persistent enthusiasm is very important!

Then you might as well come to our Sino-Bus to try some online Chinese classes. In our mandarin online classes, you can experience the immersive learning of Chinese, which will not be boring at all!

At the beginning of learning mandarin Chinese, you must learn Chinese characters well; Every Chinese character is developed from a picture, and every idiom has a historical story.

To put it simply, learning Chinese likes listening to stories. After learning Chinese characters, you should learn Pinyin at the same time, then learn words, and then learn phrases and sentences – This is the correct order of mandarin learning.

The learning of Chinese in the classroom is just a taste, and the best way to learn mandarin online free is to integrating into life. In our Sino-Bus’ mandarin online class,you can fully experience the immersive teaching!















“還有個半开放式命题作文‘一次 嘗試’,某個小學生直接起名為“一次大胆的尝试”为题目,写作文,结果孩子只写了一句话“这是一次大胆的尝试,我决定不写了。”老师看到这张卷子的时候,估计也是满脸黑线,咬牙切齿吧!这个小朋友也是“勇气可嘉”啊!



























































怪不得老外吐槽英文那麼難,更難用“memes”吐槽中文。 對此,網友們見識到了外國人學中文有多難,紛紛留言,就像正在學英文的自己一樣。

文章開頭提到的Leo是一名香港地區小學四年級的學生,他馬上就快呈分試考試了,不僅 Leo想找到呈分試中文專項攻略,您家孩子不妨也想知道它。對嗎?



當幾乎所有的人類都在學習一門新技能的時候,每當遇到困難的時候,都想馬上找到捷徑——這是人的本性; 也許你看過類似的標題:‘5天掌握2000個漢字’、‘7天學會寫漢字’……

這些標題看起來很吸引人,不是嗎? 但是你真的認為中文幾天就能學會嗎? 中華文化博大精深,漢字有幾千年的歷史——5天掌握2000多個漢字是完全不可能的! ! 不要被這些標題所迷惑!

不要緊張,你可以放輕鬆。 學習一門語言,首先要融入語言環境。 語文學習也是如此; 如果你身邊沒有中文環境也沒關係,我們可以自己創造!

你可以先找一些中國的電視劇或者電影看,像《武林外傳》、《家有兒女》這樣的情景喜劇就很適合; 也可以聽一些中文歌曲,不如試試周杰倫,很多年輕人都喜歡他的歌; 如果想听更多中國古風的歌曲,可以試試瑤洋、河圖、黃師傅等。

好吧,既然你已經逐漸融入了中文環境,現在開始系統地學習中文也不晚; 以下是一些免費在線學習普通話的最佳方式:

練習使用漢語四聲。 漢語是有聲調的語言,這意味著即使發音和拼寫相同,不同的聲調也有不同的含義。 如果你想正確地說中文,學習這些不同的聲調當然是必不可少的。

無論你學習什麼語言,你擁有的詞彙量越多,你就會越流利。 因此,接下來要做的就是記住一些有用的單詞。 如:早上:zǎoshàng,下午:xiàwǔ,晚上:wǎnshàng);身體部位:(頭:tóu,腳:jiǎo,手:shǒu)食物(牛肉niúròu,雞:jī,雞蛋:jīdàn,麵條:miàn調), 以及與顏色、交通工具、天氣、月份等相關的詞。

中文沒有字母表,西方人學起來很困難。幸運的是,中國的數字系統相當簡單和合乎邏輯,一旦你學會了前十個數字,你就能數到 99。


“你好,Leo! 我可以確認你現在是否獲得了呈分試中文專項攻略”……



















有些學生寫出來的作文開頭能激發大家的閱讀興趣, 結尾也很自然,緊扣題目,這種就算得上是好作文,老師看了也會給高分。





還有的小學生無論是寫作文還是做其他的題, 很容易出現的問題就是審題不認真,這也是家長和老師重點要培養的,多給他們一點耐心。


平時要養成良好的習慣,家長和老師都可以督促學生做好語文的積累, 平時多練練動筆去寫,比如準備摘抄本,寫寫日記等,等到考試的時候就沒有那麽困難了。




























Hong Kong Primary Chinese Tutoring for Internal Assessment, No Worries about Chinese!

“Tommy needs to quickly improve the score of the internal assessment! So is there any Hong Kong primary Chinese tutoring for internal assessment? The internal assessment will be submitted soon… What can I do with Tommy’s Chinese, alas”…

With the passage of time, the first internal assessment of the fifth grade of primary school will be held in June in the near future;

The results of the test can determine the approximate position of the child in the grade, and affect the self-study stage, interview, and banding of the middle school!

For some important exams, we should not rush and prepare for the exams.

Children who have fully prepared for the exam will be able to face the exam in a good state, improve the accuracy of answering questions, solve problems more effectively, and obtain ideal grades;

If the results of the first internal assessment are satisfactory, it will greatly enhance the children’s interest and confidence in learning;

Preparing for the internal assessment is the key for children to stand out. However, after investigation, it was found that most of the children failed in Chinese…

The first internal assessment of the fifth grade of elementary school is approaching, and the results of the three main subjects of Chinese, English, and mathematics cannot be ignored.

Ree, a well-known teaching and research teacher of the test, said that Chinese is a “death subject”!

Because there are different papers in Chinese, students take the Chinese test in separate tests;

The most likely point to lose points is in reading comprehension – Long questions and answers are too short, the paragraphs are not inductive, and the multiple-choice items are not subtly different.

In the use of Chinese, punctuation and rhetorical definitions cannot be remembered clearly, reorganization and arranging sentences are too hasty, rewriting sentences are careless, and even copying typos, misunderstood titles, and underestimating problems, etc., are easy to lose points.

Students need to learn the art and science before reading an article to know which punctuation marks to use, and they also need to look at the emotions behind others and the context in which they are invested.

 Hong Kong primary Chinese tutoring for internal assessment

In this way, they can practice reading comprehension, reorganize sentences, etc., all of which are easy to understand.

So what about the child’s internal assessment?

After all, the ” internal assessment” is an exam, so it will be easy! As long as you are willing to study hard and find the test-taking skills that suit you, you will not have to worry about failing the exam!

For Hong Kong primary Chinese tutoring for internal assessment, Sino-bus has a dedicated internal assessment Chinese tutoring teaching and research team. The following tips are hoped to be helpful to children!

1: Get ready and make a plan!

Each primary five child must tailor a targeted study plan for the sub-examination according to his or her own situation.

First of all, children should list all the words, rhetoric, reading skills and theories, composition topics, etc. that need to be reviewed, and then make a corresponding study plan for the internal assessment based on the knowledge and the remaining test preparation time.

When making a internal assessment study plan, you should not put too much pressure on yourself or set too high a goal. After all, a plan that can be completed is a good plan.

2: The goal must be clear!

After formulating the internal assessment review plan, it is recommended that parents and children discuss and set a goal;

This goal can be achieved after hard work according to their own conditions, and divide a big goal into several small goals, and give appropriate encouragement after reaching the goal and rewards.

The point is, the goal must be what the child wants, not imposed by the parents. Only in this way can children’s learning initiative be improved, strive for their goals, and persevere.

3: Pay attention to details!

No matter what type of test it is, getting the questions you will do right is the key to scoring.

In the Chinese internal assessment, reading and writing are very important! You must read carefully, and the article must be understood; It doesn’t matter if you read it twice;

4: Review must be serious!

On the eve of submitting the internal assessment, many students always use the large amount of homework as an excuse to lower the quality of their homework, and fill in a few words on the homework as if they have completed it.

It is wrong to do such!!

When doing reading questions, writing neat and clear answers will help children organize their thoughts and understand their understanding of a certain theory of knowledge.

Weaknesses should be consolidated so that you won’t lose points where you shouldn’t be in the internal assessment.

5: Good at summarizing!

Finally, students must be good at summarizing in the process of reviewing the internal assessment.

Why is the answer of the last reading comprehension so different from the reference answer? What is the reason why I didn’t answer the point? Why is the composition a bit off topic?

Everyone’s scoring situation is different. You should seriously think about the reasons for the loss of points after the exam, instead of just finishing the exam. Only by reflecting can you improve!

The above are the top five suggestions for preparing for the internal assessment for children and parents.

If you want to know how to develop these five skills, you are welcome to come to Sino-bus to listen to the Hong Kong primary Chinese tutoring for internal assessment. Come quickly!

Hong Kong primary Chinese language tutoring, Chinese is so easy!

Hey! Parents, today we are going to talk about Hong Kong primary Chinese language tutoring.

First of all, I would like to ask some questions to parents: Children do not like learning Chinese, Why? Children can’t learn Chinese well, what is the root cause?

Do you just blame the children for not studying hard?

In fact, language learning for Hong Kong students is very important, after all, language is the foundation of communication.

In Hong Kong, many students are exposed to Chinese in primary school, but they face many challenges in their studies.

First of all, Chinese is a relatively complex and difficult language.

Primary school students in Hong Kong must learn Chinese from pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and other aspects.

Hong Kong primary school Chinese language tutoring

In addition, due to the multicultural characteristics of Hong Kong, students need to face various dialects and accents;

This also means that students need to devote more time and energy to improve their Chinese proficiency.

Therefore, it is often more difficult for primary school students in Hong Kong to learn Chinese than children in other regions.

It is not because the children do not want to learn well, but more often it is caused by the general environment, so parents should not just blame the children for not working hard.

Secondly, because Hong Kong is a bilingual society, students learn two languages—Chinese and English from an early age. This makes students need more time to learn two languages, and may experience excessive learning pressure.

In addition, Cantonese may be used for daily communication, and multi-language is often switched, which often makes Chinese beginners confusing.

It is not good for children to learn Chinese alone; Language learning often requires more language environment to assist.

So for primary school students who have difficulty in learning Chinese, there are also many Chinese tutoring schools in Hong Kong.

In Hong Kong, you can see Hong Kong primary Chinese language tutoring institutions everywhere! Chinese language tutoring in primary schools can be seen on almost every street corner.

In order to make their children learn Chinese better, both the students and their parents will spend a lot of time and money to enroll in tutoring schools.

Tutoring classes are also very common in the daily life of Hong Kong students. Many parents hope that, their children can enjoy more learning opportunities outside of school.

These after-school tutoring classes can help students improve their Chinese proficiency.

However, there are so many tutoring courses for Chinese majors in primary schools in Hong Kong. Where should children go?

Like Li***, this is a large Chinese tutoring institution for teenagers, with students all over the world, but Lili responded that the course is too difficult to learn, and the course content is more suitable for students with a little better Chinese foundation.

There is also ‘**Chinese’, this Hong Kong elementary school Chinese tutoring institution, can also be called a unicorn in the industry; They teach Chinese for children aged 4-15.

The course format is far more interesting, but once many parents reported that their courses were too expensive, and they kept memorizing reminders to renew the report not long, after the course started this quarter, which was annoying…

Well, maybe many parents still don’t know us(Sino-bus) yet~ It is not a big deal! Let me introduce ourselves for you guys!

We are also a large-scale online Chinese tutoring organization, However, the difference between the above two institutions is:

We use small class teaching, and the teaching difficulty is from shallower to deeper; So beginners will not feel strenuous at all;

We focus on cultivating children’s interest in Chinese learning and creating immersive learning through interactive games; An environment where children learn while playing!

Sino-Bus pays attention to the scientific planning of learning plans and strengthens students’ reading habits, which can help students better master the application of words and reading skills.

In addition, we will guide children to explore and understand Chinese culture in class, experience soup and customs on the spot, and enhance students’ interest and ability to master Chinese language and Chinese culture.

The price of our courses is also affordable, if you are interested, you can let your children try our free trial class of Chinese language tutoring for primary schools in Hong Kong~

Sino-Bus is good at Hong Kong primary Chinese language tutoring. It’s very simple to make children fall in love with learning Chinese!

Hong Kong primary school Chinese language tutoring, So Easy!

“Hello, Lingling’s mom, may I confirm why is Lingling’s Chinese so good? How did she learn Chinese? Is there any recommendation for Hong Kong primary school Chinese language tutoring? Sigh, why can’t Mike’s Chinese score improve? It’s so worrying”…

Dear parents, today we are going to talk about the problem of Hong Kong primary school students learning Chinese.

Presumably some parents should have the same problem as Mike’s mother – Is it because the children’s Chinese scores have not improved? I saw some of you nodded silently, OK, let’s talk it step by step~

In fact, it doesn’t matter if your children can’t learn Chinese well, the most important thing is to figure out the reason, and prescribe the right medicine to solve the problem better! Otherwise it is just invalid worry!

Parents, in Hong Kong, attach great importance to their children’s academic performance; So many primary school students feel a lot of pressure when learning Chinese;

Appropriate pressure is motivation, but too much pressure will only make children hate learning Chinese!!

In fact, primary school students face many difficulties in learning Chinese, such as too many Chinese characters, complicated grammar, difficult pronunciation and so on;

In addition, Hong Kong is a multilingual city, primary school students need to learn English and Chinese at the same time, so they need to spend more time and energy learning Chinese.

Maybe many children still speak Cantonese with their parents at home, it is more difficult for children to speak Chinese; because they have to switch between multiple languages.

So, how to solve such a problem? Do they need Hong Kong primary school Chinese language tutoring?

In fact, Chinese tutoring is very necessary. Many children can’t learn Chinese well, because they are not interested in Chinese learning at all!

Hong Kong primary school Chinese language tutoring

“Interest is the best teacher for learning”! If children are not interested in learning Chinese, it is difficult to motivate them in speaking Chinese;

In Sino-bus’ online Chinese class, children will not feel bored at all; There are many interactive games in the class, which can grab their attention~

“Mom, Chinese teacher led us play a lot of Chinese character games in class today, and I memorized a lot of difficult Chinese characters, such as 、象、部、图、标……”

Students can improve their Chinese proficiency by watching Chinese movies, listening to Chinese songs, reading stories, etc., and at the same time enhance their understanding of Chinese culture.

In addition, parents’ support is also very important!

Parents can create more language environments for their children at home, such as letting them watch Chinese TV programs, read Chinese books, etc.

At the same time, parents should not only pay attention to their children’s academic performance, but also pay attention to their children’s interests and personal development, so that children can find happiness and a sense of accomplishment in their studies.

I just heard a parent say: “I have done everything I can, and the family tried to create a good Chinese learning environment for their children, but the child’s Chinese foundation is not good, and they can’t keep up with other children in the big classes at school; The whole person feels a little inferior.” …

Please don’t worry about this, parent~

In view of the situation of your child, you can actually allow your child to take some Chinese tutoring.

If you feel that there are too many Chinese tutoring classes for elementary schools in Hong Kong on the market, and you don’t know which one to go to, I suggest you come first to try Sino-bus online Chinese class for free~

We adopt a small class system for teaching, and the teaching difficulty is from shallower to deeper.

Beginners will not feel strenuous at all; And Sino-Bus pays attention to cultivating children’s interest in Chinese learning, and creates an immersive learning environment through interactive games, so that children can learn while playing!

You can also play games and watch cartoons in class, children should not refuse it!

“Mike’s mom, please don’t worry; In fact, my daughter, Lingling, had a hard time learning Chinese at first. At that time, I was lucky enough to meet Sino-Bus.

The child became interested in Chinese after only a few classes, and she liked Chinese more and more. Actually, you can ask Mike to go to Sino-bus for a try.”

There are indeed many difficulties in learning Chinese for primary school students in Hong Kong, but the joint efforts of teachers, parents and children can resolve these difficulties and allow children to learn Chinese more naturally and easily.

Sino-Bus is good at Hong Kong primary school Chinese language tutoring! So why not let the children try a class first~