
在 2023 年如何做中文補習評價?無論您是在中國還是在自己的國家學習中文,到目前為止,提高聽力和口語的最快方法就是通過一對一的輔導。








因此,當我遇到幾個不同的平台,如 Sino-bus,這個平台都允許學生在自己方便的時候,以合理的價格在自己的電腦上用真正的母語學習中文……




我第一次接觸到 Sino-bus是一位朋友告訴我的,他們每週都會在家補習。 我做了一些研究,發現實際上有很多選擇可以找到在線中文家教。










優勢 1:定制的學習節奏


優勢 2:自定義語言基準測試





您只需要一個快速可靠的 Internet 就可以!



















(一年前)“timi~ 這孩子肯定又開始玩王者榮耀了,”


Primary 1 Chinese Tuition Is the Cornerstone of the Child’s Success

Many parents are worried about their child’s Chinese learning, and they will attach more importance to primary 1 Chinese tuition; Let’s start with some questions first…

(If you want to know more information about Chinese learning, please click here^^)
“Why can’t my child learn Chinese well after enrolling in a course to learn Chinese?”
“Why do children learn Chinese all the time, but the more they learn it, the worse it becomes?”
“I bought a lot of textbooks for learning Chinese, and my child’s Chinese ability still hasn’t improved!”

Parents obviously invest a lot in their children’s Chinese learning, but the children’s Chinese level is still at the initial state, and repeated learning is still unsatisfactory, and some primary 1 children will even become more and more resistant to learning Chinese.

I also received some similar feedback in our study group, and found that most parents are also facing these problems. After communication, I found similarities in the parents of these children.

In fact, parents must avoid these misunderstandings if you want your children to learn Chinese well!

1.Chinese is too difficult, and children don’t have to force it if they can’t learn it well.
I can understand my parents’ thinking, after all, they use foreign languages most of the time abroad; So primary 1 Chinese tuition is necessary;

Learning Chinese is not easy, and learning it abroad is even more difficult. If this concept is instilled in children, then when they learn Chinese, they will also think: Chinese is so difficult to learn, why should they learn Chinese? Why do you still have to take up your playing time to learn Chinese?

In fact, there is no child who is not playful. Coupled with the difficulty of Chinese, it is also difficult for children to learn.

Many parents will not bear to compromise after seeing their children fail to improve after studying for a long time.

I think: as long as you can speak, you don’t have to force your child to learn well.
So many children have the same problem: “It can be said, that they are illiterate and unable to write.”
You can learn Chinese well if you learn Pinyin well

Many parents teach their children in the domestic way when they start to learn Chinese, speaking first, and then learning Pinyin. In fact, foreign children cannot be taught in this way.

Because all sentences and articles in a foreign language are composed of letters, it is very important to learn alphabetic words well. However, Chinese characters are different.

 primary 1 Chinese tuition

Chinese characters are not composed of pinyin. Chinese characters are mainly based on form. To truly learn Chinese well, you must not only learn pinyin, but also understand the meaning and learn how to write.

Moreover, Chinese characters have their own particularities, and it is impossible to learn Chinese in the way of “just learn pinyin well”.

After taking primary 1 Chinese tuition, many children are able to speak Chinese, but when they are allowed to read and write Chinese characters, they find that they can’t and don’t know them at all.

When children start to have their own memorization ability, they can also learn Chinese characters while learning pinyin, starting from some simple characters.

Step-by-step learning method
The way of learning is also a very important part. When the child is young, parents can guide the child to speak Chinese through ordinary conversations, and try to speak Chinese as much as possible in life.
Learning Chinese through life is also a subtle influence. Such learning The method will not be particularly deliberate.

When children show unwillingness to learn Chinese, what parents should do at this time is not to press every step of the way, let alone use some extreme methods to force children to learn.

Instead, we should think about how to make children like learning Chinese.
Moreover, when studying, you should not be limited to some dry books. You should change your teaching methods and methods, and guide them from the perspective of children.

You can let children recognize them through some simple text cards.
When children are young, parents can guide their children to take primary 1 Chinese tuition through stories and poems. It’s okay if they can’t speak, at least they have been exposed since childhood.

When the child is slowly able to speak Chinese, parents can guide the child to read through the method of identifying Chinese characters at this time, which is an excellent method of unconscious cognition!

 primary 1 Chinese tuition

You can also choose the corresponding learning method according to the child’s interest. If the child likes the learning method with more interaction, at this time, the parents can arrange a simple drama based on the story and learn while playing. There is also a strong sense of participation.

I am afraid that my child will learn two languages, and neither of them will be able to learn well.
Many parents should have had this thought: they are worried that their children are still young, and they are afraid that their children will not be able to learn two languages.

In fact, there is no conflict between learning Chinese and learning foreign languages. When children start to babble, they can slowly teach them to speak some simple Chinese.

Although they are two different languages, there is no conflict between children’s learning.
If you want to learn Chinese well, you must use it frequently in your life.

Children use more foreign languages abroad, and they are exposed to foreign culture and education.
In fact, this will make the child form a fixed way of thinking. After the child has formed this kind of thinking, it will be more difficult to learn Chinese.

If parents want to cultivate their children’s bilingual thinking, it is best to learn Chinese at the same time when their children start learning foreign languages. In this way, it will be much easier for children to learn Chinese in the future.

In fact, the potential of every child is unlimited, and parents and the environment have a great influence on children.

Come and join in primary 1 Chinese tuition, I believe that children can learn Chinese well!

Don’t Let Your Children Lose on Primary 1 Chinese Tuition!

The most exciting time in any child’s life is when they start school. Primary 1 Chinese tuition serves as a starting point, and their ever-expanding minds are constantly progressing, eager to learn and absorb all the knowledge and experience they can acquire.

Although learning can be hard work, new technologies that facilitate progressive learning make learning Chinese easier for children.

From live teaching and real-time feedback and interaction, to engaging online Chinese classes using software and multimedia, it is now easier than ever to have a comprehensive learning experience.

Provide your child with immersive mini-online lessons to complement learning at home. A new wave of modern educators are fully prepared to take students’ Chinese proficiency to a new level.

But why are our young learners still struggling to learn Chinese?

The best way for children to learn Chinese is to start by developing the habit at home
Did you know that your habits and behaviors can positively engage your child’s learning abilities and make a big difference?

By watching your responses to the language and learning it, your child can learn if he or she appreciates Chinese.

The way parents shape behavior is key. Parents can make a big difference by demonstrating the behavior they expect from their children.

Here are some habits you can start to make learning Chinese a part of your child’s daily life:

Habit 1: Make your child’s Chinese learning a fun family experience!
Kids love to have fun, so learning Chinese should be no different.
Learn Chinese in a fun way by turning the experiences they encounter in their daily lives into a gateway to the world of Chinese language and culture.

Don’t make it boring, let them enjoy the learning process by trying these fun learning-by-doing methods:

  1. Print Chinese phrases and pronunciation
    Printing words and phrases in Chinese characters can help your child develop an interest in Chinese.

Children learn better when they don’t feel that their Primary 1 Chinese tuition is a burden, which often happens when the focus is only on grades.

If you treat class as a chore, Chinese will quickly become tedious and become a chore. Instead, let it be a simple introduction to Chinese culture.

Primary 1 Chinese tuition

These repetitive actions of seeing, using and hearing Chinese words and accompanying sounds in everyday life help your child learn language more naturally.

Have them look at objects around the house through a Chinese lens. Label the bowls, utensils, tables, and chairs they use every day. Print out Chinese characters and their pronunciations.

For example, you can label items around your home, such as putting a “door” sticker on your door. That way, every time your child opens or closes the door, they also learn the Chinese word.
Seeing Chinese characters during a fun activity like eating will put your child in a good mood while their brains are actively learning new Mandarin vocabulary.

Your child will remember these “triggers” later, making it easier for them to learn.

  1. Let your kids learn Chinese while having fun!
    Another fun activity is scheduling a weekly call in which you can entertain your child to play with their playmates while practicing their Mandarin together.

Everyone has to speak at least some Mandarin to each other during the allotted time.

While they may need to rely on English as a crutch at first, that’s okay. Start with small steps until speaking Mandarin with their friends becomes more and more natural.

The idea is to standardize the use of Mandarin. The more they use it, the more natural it becomes.

Ask children simple questions in Chinese to build their confidence
As your child becomes more confident, ask them questions in Chinese and have them answer you in Chinese too.

When you see them doing various things at home, have them describe what they are doing in Mandarin.

It will be a welcome mental boost as they do mundane tasks like packing, making beds, folding laundry, washing dishes, sweeping floors, etc.

Throughout the day, Primary 1 Chinese tuition started asking them simple questions in Chinese, such as did they have dinner or how was their day.

Remember, it’s not how much they can remember, but to make them curious and think about the language.

Habit 2: Talk about their difficulties in learning Chinese

A deep-rooted fear of embarrassment often prevents children from learning Chinese. As your child begins to develop a sense of self, they may also experience emotions they are not ready to process or communicate.

Children may feel awkward or frustrated when they try to speak Mandarin or write in Chinese.

When they see a little progress after trying a few times, they may even feel that they can’t learn. However, they may not know how to properly digest and channel them in a constructive manner.

This is a great opportunity to guide them through challenges that require a long-term commitment. Encourage your child to express their feelings and thoughts about learning Chinese.

It’s not a question of learning Chinese or not, it’s about shaping how you want them to behave in the face of challenges, both academically and in life. Be sure to turn this into a conversation, not an interrogation.

Habit 3: Teach children Chinese by learning with them.
In a guest panel on the Education and Enrichment webinar at Parenting Singapore 2021, 58% of parents said their children had difficulty learning languages in the poll.

62% of respondents also said they did not speak Mandarin enough at home, speaking it less than 50% of the time. The home language environment can be classified as monolingual, bilingual or multilingual.

To be bilingual, 50% of the conversation in each language, including in social settings, such as at school, must be achieved.

One of the best ways to get primary 1 Chinese tuition for your children in Primary 1 is to study with them. Try to use Chinese more in your family life.

Make it a family activity by addressing your children by their Chinese names and interacting with them in Mandarin. This shows them that you are trying too.

You might be thinking “oh, but my Chinese is terrible” and think that you might rather leave it to the educators to take on this role. But remember, you are irreplaceable in your child’s eyes.

Leading by example helps them see the value of learning Chinese. This will touch them more than telling them why learning Chinese is important.

It may be difficult at first, but your child’s education is a rewarding journey in which you can be an active part.

Teaching your child a language such as Chinese can be extremely challenging, so it’s best to make learning as fun as possible. There are no quick fixes to helping your child learn one of the world’s most difficult languages. The good news is that you can start small.

Think of it this way – the best way to give your child primary 1 Chinese tuition is actually a journey, full of opportunities to develop character, develop an attitude to overcome challenges, and healthy and fun family relationships! (If you want to know more information about Chinese learning, please click here^^)





如何幫助孩子提高中文發音? 簡單的! 我發現幫助我的孩子(幾乎)完善他們的發音的最好方法,考慮到他們的年齡,是中文繞口令。









  1. 吃葡萄 (chī pútáo) – Eating Grapes

Chī pútáo bù tǔ pútáo pí’ér.
吃 葡萄 不 吐 葡萄 皮儿
Eat grapes without spitting out grape skins.

Bù chī pútáo dào tǔ pútáo pí’ér.
不 吃 葡萄 倒 吐 葡萄 皮儿
Do not eat grapes and spit out grape skins.

  1. 数枣儿 (shǔ zǎo’er) – Counting Jujubes
    Chū dōngmén guò dàqiáo,
    出 东门 过 大桥,
    Dàqiáo dǐ xià yī shù zǎo’ér.
    大桥 底 下 一 树 枣儿。
    Ná zhe gānzǐ qù dǎ zǎo’ér.
    拿 着 竿子 去 打 枣儿。
    Qīng de duō hóng de shǎo.
    青 的 多 红 的 少。
    Yí gè zǎo’ér、liǎng gè zǎo’ér
    一 个 枣儿、 两 个 枣儿
    Sān gè zǎo’ér、sì gè zǎo’ér
    三 个 枣儿、 四 个 枣儿
    Wǔ gè zǎo’ér、liù gè zǎo’ér
    五 个 枣儿、 六 个 枣儿
    Qī gè zǎo’ér、bā gè zǎo’ér
    七 个 枣儿、八 个 枣儿
    Jiǔ gè zǎo’ér、shí gè zǎo’ér
    九 个 枣儿、十 个 枣儿
    Zhè shì yí gè ràokǒulìng,
    这 是 一 个 绕口令,
    Yī qì shuō wán cái suàn hǎo.
    一 气 说 完 才 算 好。

Go out the east gate and cross the bridge;
there’s a jujube tree under the bridge;
take the pole to strike the jujube;
many green ones, few red ones;
one jujube, two jujubes;
three jujubes, four jujubes;
five jujubes, six jujubes;
seven jujubes, eight jujubes;
nine jujubes, ten jujubes;
this is a tongue twister;
it only counts if you say it all in one breath!

  1. 四是四,十是十 (sì shì sì,shí shì shí) – Four Is Four And Ten Is Ten

Sì shì sì, shí shì shí;
四 是 四, 十 是 十;
Shísì shì shísì, sìshí shì sìshí ;
十四 是 十四,四十 是 四十;
Bié bǎ sìshí shuō “xìxí”, bié bǎ shísì shuō “shìshí”.
别 把 四十 说 “细席”, 别 把 十四 说 “适时”。
Yào xiǎng shuō hǎo sì hé shí, quán kào shétóu hé yáchǐ .
要 想 说 好 四 和 十,全 靠 舌头 和 牙齿。
Yào xiǎng shuō duì sì, shétóu pèng yáchǐ;
要 想 说 对 四, 舌头 碰 牙齿;
Yào xiǎng shuō duì shí, shétóu bié shēnzhí.
要 想 说 对 十, 舌头 别 伸直。
Rènzhēn xué, cháng liànxí, shísì 、 sìshí、 sìshísì.
认真 学, 常 练习,十四、 四十、 四十四。










“Practice makes perfect”,多說多練總會進步!


如果剛開始孩子不知道開口說什麼,那請鼓勵孩子多閱讀,記住! 一定要讓孩子出聲讀,而不是默讀;



你可能會想:“明明她女兒讀書很好——她媽媽是中文老師。” 然而,和大多數新加坡孩子一樣,Jane 對英文的習慣遠不如中文,小學的大部分時間都不想看中文書,而林老師也不教 Jane 中文。




小一孩子自然希望與父母共度時光,幾乎所有的孩子都喜歡聽故事,因此鼓勵閱讀很容易。 我開始每晚給她讀書,然後鼓勵她自己讀故事。





在小學時,她對自己想做什麼或想讀什麼有自己的偏好 我需要尊重這一點,否則她最終會討厭中國人。但同時,我也想讓她繼續讀中文書。








如果您想鼓勵您的孩子閱讀,請查看 Vocab King 上的 100 多個動畫故事。

這個在線複習門戶通過動畫故事、測驗和有趣的遊戲幫助您的孩子每週學習和復習 100 多個新的或遺忘的單詞。

小一面試補習 – 希望你家小朋友可以成為一下個小一面試的勝出者!(想了解更多關於小一面試的信息,快來這裡吧!)

Reading Comprehension for Kids is a Piece of Cake!

When it comes to reading comprehension for kids, many parents are confused – They have no idea letting their kids like reading comprehension……

(If you want to know more about Chinese learning for kids, please click here!)

Is your child having difficulty with Chinese reading comprehension in elementary school?

Then come and take a look at this about elementary school Chinese reading comprehension. Reading comprehension not only tests students’ ability of understanding Chinese, but more about their ability to apply Chinese.

Not surprisingly, students often view it as the hardest part of the Chinese test paper to do well.

Keeping an eye out for our next few blog posts for some helpful strategies, tips, and these tips you can use when parenting your kids at home.

Read books since childhood

First, help your child develop an interest in reading, and build a solid foundation in Chinese by developing reading habits from an early age, even before they enter Primary One.

 reading comprehension for kids

Yes, reading comprehension for kids starts from reading!

As your child is exposed to more Chinese books, he/she will learn to recognize more words, understand more vocabulary and become familiar with common Chinese sentence structures (different from English sentence structures).

In turn, these help your child understand the comprehension passages he/she reads.

Now, you might be wondering, what kind of reading material is right for your child?

Read different books at different ages

 Preschool

If you have a very young child, read picture books (picture books).

Picture books usually have a large picture-to-text ratio. Some of them have so little text that you might wonder if they are worth reading or buying.

In fact, picture books can have different reading depths, suitable for children of different ages and different levels of Chinese, and can even be read all the way to the upper grades.

We will share more knowledge about how to make full use of reading Chinese picture books in the next introduction to elementary school Chinese reading comprehension, so stay tuned!

 After preschool

Read graded books (graded books) with your K1 or K2 child. These readers are designed to cater to different reading levels. Levels range from urgent/beginner to advanced/independent with increasing number of words.

As your child enters elementary school and builds a larger vocabulary, gradually encourage him or her to study other bridge books, which are usually simpler, shorter chapter books with a smaller illustration-to-text ratio.

Hanyu Pinyin – yes or no?

Are you torn about whether to choose books with or without Hanyu Pinyin (Hanyu Pinyin)?

The most important factors to consider when choosing books are still based on their content and value – whether the storyline is interesting, engaging, appealing to your child, encouraging thought and conversation, and teaching good values.

Then, as much as possible, priority is given to those who do not have Hanyu Pinyin. Your child will get more practice about recognizing and remembering Chinese words, instead of just relying on Hanyu Pinyin to read.

 reading comprehension for kids

If you need help with this, invest in a dictionary to look up words. Looking it up in a dictionary is also a great skill to teach your child.

 Textbooks are not boring

Reading comprehension for kids?
What if your child has not developed a regular Chinese reading habit when he enters P1? Let him/her develop the habit of reading the Ministry of Education’s Chinese textbook “Happy Partners” at home every week, at least three times a week.

This will help to review and remember what he/she learned in school.

Make it a funny activity by taking turns reading alternate lines or paragraphs with him/her, or role-playing.

Enhancing learning by watching animations, listening to songs, and taking quizzes with him/her on LearningNet, the Department of Education’s digital resource library that complements the Joyful Partners curriculum.

Magazines as supplementary reading materials

Another reading resource is the popular Chinese magazine Good Friends (Primary 1-2 students)/Knowledge Pictorial (Primary 3-4 students)/Knowledge News (P5-6 students), also based on the “Partner” recommended syllabus for elementary school Chinese reading comprehension introduction.

You can subscribe through your child’s school or through Etutor’s website Knowledge Network.

Encourage your child to read the magazine at home after completing the exercises in the school magazine. If the subscription includes digital resources, you can also read with him/her on graded e-readers and try online quizzes.

Take reading comprehension seriously

Go to your local library or bookstore and check out Chinese comics such as Noisy Manga Paradise, Diary of This Class, and This Class Again. Written by local authors, the stories are full of country and humor.

Since your child can easily identify the characters, places, and situations in the comics, they may be more willing to read the comics instead of more text-based Chinese books.

Many children feel that reading comprehension is difficult, and they have no idea to answer the questions.

I hope this introduction to elementary school Chinese reading comprehension can make children no longer afraid of reading. In fact, reading is really not difficult to understand!

So reading comprehension for kids is not a difficult and boring thing unless you can work hard on it!




















例如,你可以在家裡給物品貼上標籤,比如在門上貼一個“門”字貼。 這樣,每次您的孩子打開或關閉門時,他們也會學習這個中文單詞。



另一個有趣的活動是安排每週一次的 Zoom 通話,您可以在其中招待您的孩子和他們的玩伴一起玩,同時一起練習他們的普通話。在規定的時間內,每個人都必須至少互相說一些普通話。










在 2021 年香港中文補習網課客座專題中,58% 的家長表示他們的孩子在民意調查中難以學習語言。

62% 的受訪者還表示,他們在家裡說普通話的次數不足,不到 50% 的時間會說。 家庭語言環境可分為單語、雙語或多語。要達到雙語狀態,每種語言的對話(包括社交環境,例如在學校)必須達到 50%。(想了解更多關於中文學習資訊,請點擊這裡!)




但請記住,在您孩子的眼中,您是無可替代的。以身作則幫助他們看到學習中文的價值。 這比告誡他們為什麼學習中文很重要更能打動他們。















雖然在 Written Chinese,我們大力提倡使用在線平台和移動應用程序來學習中文,即使對於孩子來說也是如此,但是讓您的孩子的眼睛休息一下並通過紙張、工藝品和體育活動來學習老式的方法是件好事!




雖然一些家長發現會說多種語言的孩子比“正常”晚 3-6 個月開始說話,但大多數學習另一種語言的孩子都具有出色的閱讀和寫作能力。


  1. 它也有助於發展其他學習領域!


普通話有 5 個聲調(或 4 個聲調和一個平聲)、一個長平聲、一個上升聲、一個下降聲、一個下降聲和一個平聲,這些有助於在說話時表示一個字的意思。 當羅馬化時,“擁抱”和“珍貴”這兩個詞的“寶”讀音相同。



  1. 圖案讓孩子更容易記住

有很多中文短語和句型,使孩子學習語言更容易。例如,與其他語言不同,一旦您學會了 1-10,學習數數就很簡單了。

有一個非常合乎邏輯的過程可以用現有的數字創建另一個數字。 例如 12 是 10 + 2 十二 (shí èr) 和 40 是 4 + 10 四十 (sì shí)。星期幾和月份也很容易記住,它們只是一個帶有數字的星期或月份的單詞,例如,一月是“一個月”(yī yuè)。

例如,“2 支鉛筆”將是兩支鉛筆 (liǎng zhī qiān bǐ) ‘2 (classifier) pencil’ 或 ‘lots of paper’ 很多紙 (hěn duō zhǐ) ‘very much paper’。

此外,很容易從您已經知道的單詞中創建新單詞。 雖然您不能只是編造新單詞並抱有希望,但學習新單詞比學習其他語言要容易得多。

例如,飛機是“飛行”(fēi jī)“飛行機器”,斑馬是斑馬(bān mǎ)“脫衣馬”,氣球是氣球(qì qiú)“空氣球”。



全球有超過 12 億人說中文,自 2002 年以來,學習中文的班級增加了 51%。很明顯,中國在商業世界中佔有重要地位,說中文可能會讓未來做生意變得更容易。






  1. 提高中文學習專注度

“亞歷克斯,請專注於你的K2中文補習作業 10 分鐘!”




這可能是一個顯而易見的解決方案,但在我們被技術淹沒的家庭中,越來越難以消除手機、iPad 和電視等消遣。 然而,孩子在學習時間做得越多,我們的學生就越能真正專注於手頭的任務。

  1. 讓中文家庭作業不再是一件“苦差事”







  1. 鼓勵獨立、自學

您在大約半小時前尋求兒子的幫助; A)他看到你的指數級努力並讓你做工作; B)他感到無聊; 或 C) 他只需要去睡覺。 而且,唉,你是那個直到晚上 11 點才完成他的項目的人,因為你愛他並希望他取得好成績。


誠實、簡單的事實是,孩子們需要做自己的工作。他們需要了解花時間去理解和完成某件事會帶來怎樣的回報。 他們需要因為在太陽系項目中取得好成績來自他們自己的努力而不是來自父母的幫助(或嘮叨)這一事實而感到有力量。




甚至可以鼓勵K2孩子盡可能單獨完成中文家庭作業。 一旦他們能夠閱讀自己的說明,他們就會獲得完成任務所需的所有信息。此外,他們學得越年輕,就越容易管理不斷增加的工作量。
