How to Learn Chinese:Your Kids Need to Know These 5 Ways

How to learn Chinese? Learning Chinese can be an exciting and rewarding journey. With its rich history, fascinating culture, and increasing global influence, mastering the Chinese language opens up a world of opportunities. Here are some effective strategies to help you embark on your Chinese learning adventure:

Set Clear Goals: Start by defining your learning objectives. Determine whether you want to focus on speaking, listening, reading, writing, or a combination of skills. Setting clear goals will provide direction and motivation throughout your language learning journey. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Build a Strong Foundation: Begin with the basics. Familiarize yourself with Chinese pronunciation, tones, and Pinyin, which is the phonetic system used to represent Chinese characters. Mastering these fundamentals early on will lay a solid foundation for your Chinese language skills.

Immerse Yourself: Immerse yourself in the Chinese language as much as possible. Surround yourself with Chinese input, such as movies, TV shows, music, podcasts, and books. Actively listen to Chinese conversations, paying attention to intonation and rhythm. The more you expose yourself to the language, the more your brain will become attuned to its patterns and structures.

Practice Regularly: Consistency is key when learning any language, including Chinese. Set aside dedicated study time each day or week and stick to your schedule. Practice speaking and listening with native speakers whenever possible, either through language exchange programs, online communities, or local language meetups. Regular practice will help you improve your fluency and build confidence.

Utilize Resources: Take advantage of a wide range of learning resources available to you. Invest in a good textbook or online course that provides comprehensive lessons and exercises. Use language learning apps, flashcards, and online dictionaries to expand your vocabulary. Explore online language forums and discussion boards to connect with other Chinese learners and seek guidance.

Embrace Characters: Chinese characters are an essential part of the language. While it may seem daunting at first, gradually learning characters will significantly enhance your reading and writing abilities. Practice stroke order, repetition, and context-based learning techniques to make character acquisition more manageable and enjoyable.

Immerse in Culture: Chinese language and culture are intricately linked. To deepen your understanding of the language, explore Chinese history, customs, traditions, and literature. Engage with Chinese cultural events, festivals, and cuisine. Immerse yourself in authentic experiences to gain a deeper appreciation for the language and its cultural nuances.

Stay Motivated: Learning Chinese can be challenging at times, but maintaining motivation is crucial. Set small milestones along the way and reward yourself for achieving them. Celebrate your progress and remind yourself of the exciting opportunities that await as you continue your Chinese language journey.

 how to learn Chinese

Remember, learning any language takes time and dedication. Embrace the process, be patient with yourself, and enjoy the experience of learning Chinese. With perseverance and consistent effort, you will gradually unlock the doors to fluency and a deeper connection with Chinese culture and its people.

How to learn Chinese?
Start with the basics: Begin by learning the fundamentals of Chinese pronunciation, including the four tones and Pinyin system. Mastering the correct pronunciation will lay a strong foundation for your overall language skills.

Build vocabulary systematically: Chinese characters can seem overwhelming, but by starting with commonly used words and characters, you can gradually expand your vocabulary. Practice writing and recognizing characters, and gradually increase the complexity of the words you learn.

Practice listening and speaking: Listening to native Chinese speakers and engaging in conversations are essential for improving your listening and speaking skills. Watch Chinese movies, listen to music, and find language exchange partners or conversation groups to practice speaking.

Embrace immersive experiences: Immerse yourself in Chinese culture as much as possible. This can include reading Chinese books or newspapers, watching Chinese TV shows, and participating in cultural activities. Immerse yourself in the language and culture to enhance your understanding and appreciation of the Chinese language.

Seek out a language partner or tutor: Having a language partner or tutor can greatly accelerate your learning progress. They can provide guidance, correct your mistakes, and engage in conversations to help you practice and improve your Chinese skills.

Utilize online resources: Take advantage of online resources such as language learning apps, websites, and online courses. These platforms often offer interactive lessons, practice exercises, and audio materials to enhance your learning experience.

Be consistent and persistent: Do you know how to learn Chinese? Learning a new language takes time and dedication. Set aside regular study sessions and practice daily. Consistency is key to reinforcing what you’ve learned and making steady progress.

Embrace challenges and make mistakes: Learning a new language involves making mistakes and facing challenges. Embrace these moments as valuable opportunities for growth and learning. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, as they are an essential part of the learning process.

Immerse yourself in real-life situations: Whenever possible, immerse yourself in real-life situations where you can use your Chinese language skills. This could involve traveling to a Chinese-speaking country, participating in language exchange programs, or interacting with native speakers in your community.

Stay motivated and have fun: Learning Chinese can be a long journey, so it’s important to stay motivated and enjoy the process. Set clear goals, celebrate your accomplishments, and find ways to make learning Chinese enjoyable, such as exploring Chinese cuisine, watching Chinese dramas, or learning about Chinese history and traditions.

So now do you know how to learn Chinese? learning Chinese is a gradual process that requires patience and perseverance. By following these strategies and staying dedicated, you can make significant progress and unlock the doors to a rich and fascinating language and culture.





































不得不說,我跟著lili試聽了幾節課後,作為家長,也受到了一些啟發…… (如果還想了解更多關於KPCC中文的信息,那就請點擊這裡吧!)



  1. 命名對象


  1. 唱歌、背詩



  1. 紀念中國節日
    雖然我們在中國的慶祝活動和節日期間沒有假期,但我們仍然可以繼續紀念它並與我們的孩子們分享故事。 這些故事有助於激發人們對中國文化和語言的興趣!


孩子們絕對喜歡看動畫片,家長可以通過注入一劑中文來明智地利用屏幕時間。 每週抽出一兩天讓您的孩子一邊看中國動畫片,一邊學中文!特別是對於非華語家庭來說,這些中文動畫片可以讓您的孩子接觸大量的中文詞彙。

  1. 在現實生活中練習漢語






你以前說過這個嗎?“我開始用中文和我的孩子們說話……但他們只用英語回复。” 我也去過那裡。這種困難是真實存在的:當漢語是少數民族語言時,讓孩子們說中文可能是一個巨大的挑戰。那麼九龍中文補習如何教孩子說中文呢? (如果還想了解更多關於中文學習的信息,那就請點擊這裡吧!)









九龍中文補習教孩子如何用中文說話的 20 個策略
這篇文章有超過 20 個教孩子在家說中文的策略。這裡的重點是中文,因為那是我和我的孩子們說的。但是,無論您身在何處,您都可以使用這些策略來鼓勵任何少數民族語言。


  1. 堅持和孩子說中文



  1. 用中文自言自語

雙語媽媽兼藥劑師Chen分享道:“過馬路的成功已經被破解。 我傾向於問:“看左看右。” 有沒有車?我也用“沒有車”來回應自己。現在這是他們在沒有提示的情況下開始用普通話回复的一種情況。”

敘述重複的動作是練習漢語單詞的自然方式。例如,當我和 2.5 歲的兒子看到棕櫚樹的影子時,我們就在每片葉子的影子下來回奔跑。

  1. 握住你正在用中文談論的物體


例如,當與您的孩子談論玩具車(玩具車/玩具車/wánjù chē)時,一邊描述外觀一邊拿起它。


  1. 談論孩子對中文的興趣


How to Learn Chinese: 5 Helpful Tips You Deserve to Know

Ms. Su, who lives in the United States, often communicates with her eight-year-old son in Chinese. Once, when the child was about to take an exam, Ms. Su said, “Come on, baby! Do you know how to learn Chinese?” The child asked curiously, “How?” Ms. Su dumbfounded.

This kind of situation is actually not uncommon. Many Chinese parents say that children are often puzzled by some commonly used idioms that they blurt out, but they feel that idioms “can only be understood, not expressed in words”, and it is difficult to explain to their children. . So, how can Chinese children learn idioms well? The editor provides four ideas for parents today, you might as well go back and try.

1.Choose a good story and match the animation
When many parents buy idiom storybooks for their children, they choose one at random in the market. They think that their children have good Chinese skills and can understand, so they just throw it to their children. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

In this case, the child will generally just rummage through it and throw it aside. When parents buy books for Chinese children, try to choose books with short storylines, colorful pictures, easy to understand idioms, and easy to use in daily life. If there is no such finished book, parents must choose the story themselves.

For example: Stories such as Carving a boat and seeking a sword, It’s not too late to make up for it after a dead sheep, and “Putting seedlings to encourage growth” are easy to understand and easy to use, and they are all suitable for Chinese children to learn.

 how to learn Chinese

If the child can’t sit still and the parents spend less time with them, it is a good idea to match the corresponding Chinese animation. Parents can try the APP “Children’s Animated Idiom Stories”, which will contain elementary school idioms cartoons.

2.Divide into categories and gradually refine
Idioms are an advanced learning for Chinese children. We parents don’t need to put too much pressure on our children to study. Under normal circumstances, there are not many idioms used in daily life, and learning about a hundred is enough for reading, writing and communication.

Parents can classify these idioms into categories. For example, first divide daily idioms into two categories: commendatory and derogatory, after the child can probably judge the emotional color of the learned idioms. Then divide into idioms of location, numbers, etc. in detail, and gradually refine these idioms, so that children can use idioms more accurately.

  1. Get closer and use what you have learned
    How to learn Chinese? Idioms are also often used in people’s daily life. If the child encounters some obscure idioms, the best way is to accompany the child to reproduce the scene, which will help to narrow the distance between the child and the idiom. After learning an idiom, parents should take the initiative to give their children the opportunity to use it and give more real examples.

For example, the idiom “Self-recommendation”, parents can ask when picking up their children from school: Has the teacher assigned any new tasks? Did you recommend yourself in class? If you want a little help from your children at home, you can also ask: Who can help mom, and I will see who can recommend themselves. Use idioms in life, so that children can master idioms and apply what they have learned.

4.Comparing with cultural differences, understand the meaning of idioms
For Chinese children in the “non-Chinese character cultural circle”, they often face some cultural conflicts that they do not understand. For example, when describing a lot of things, the Chinese will use an idiom: “喷金如土”, while the English expression is “spend money like water”.

At this time, parents can explain to their children the national conditions of the two countries. The UK is an island country surrounded by water. Therefore, for the UK, the most resource is water. However, China is a large agricultural country with rich land resources, so soil is often used to describe a lot.

This kind of comparative introduction can help children have a more comprehensive understanding of China’s national conditions and culture, and better understand the meaning of idioms.

The learning of any language is inseparable from the constant consolidation of the children. Our parents should pay more attention to scientific methods and spend more time with their children in learning. I believe that the children will be able to master daily idioms proficiently soon!

  1. Learn to write

Many Chinese children will face a problem: they can’t write! Can’t remember!

It is true that many domestic children are also like this when learning Chinese characters. In fact, there are ways to solve this problem. Both English and Chinese characters have certain characteristics.

Some Chinese characters are pictographs, which are Chinese characters composed of pictures or signs. That is to say, they can be strengthened and memorized by connecting pictures, which is much easier than rote memorization.

There are also some pictophonetic characters, “shape” refers to the shape, and “sound” refers to the sound. As long as you know the pronunciation of the sound of the character, you can usually pronounce the word correctly.

In the process of learning, teachers or parents should also reduce the difficulty appropriately, and use some metaphors to illustrate the structure of Chinese characters. For example, the Chinese character “one” in Chinese characters, in order to facilitate memory, you can tell the child: “one” is a horizontal branch, use the method of association, connect the things that you often see in life, so that children can learn more easily. Remember the characteristics and structure of the word.
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  1. Learn to understand

After many children have accumulated a certain vocabulary, parents and teachers will encourage children to form words, make sentences, and read. But if you don’t understand Chinese enough, you will definitely make many grammatical and word mistakes, which will often make you laugh.

At this time, children can properly watch some Chinese-related cartoons, picture books, and variety shows. When watching cartoons, reading picture books, and watching variety shows, parents and teachers can also give certain explanations. Explain some words and sentences so that children can understand the meaning of the sentences and words.

You can also give some simple words for children to make sentences, and encourage them to use the same words to form different sentences. In this way, the purpose of flexible use can be achieved.

You can also play some lighter games with your children, such as word matching games. For example, “apple , weather , breakfast _“, “big, sunny, delicious” let the children fill in the predicate after the subject that can be matched.

After the child has been able to make sentences and understand short passages smoothly, he can read some easy-to-understand storybooks, such as “Easy Cat: Graded Chinese Readers”. I believe this set of books will be of great help to children in learning Chinese .

So now do you know how to learn Chinese?

How to Learn Chinese:6 Effective Guide Ways

“Mom, how to learn Chinese? This story is so long, I really can’t read it anymore.” “Keep going, finish the book!” “But reading is so boring, I’ve been reading it for a long time, and I don’t even understand the relationship between them.

“This is a conversation between Ms. Liu and her ten-year-old Chinese-American child. Ms. Liu very much hoped that her child would like Chinese culture, so she bought him one of the four famous novels, “Dream of Red Mansions”. (If you want to know more Chinese learning, please feel free to click here!)

Unexpectedly, the child had no interest at all and could not read it. So, what can parents do to make their children fall in love with reading Chinese books? We can try the following three methods.

  1. Targeted selection of books
    A good book is not necessarily suitable for children to read. When choosing Chinese books, you should focus on your child’s age, hobbies, and needs. For example, for Chinese children aged 3-9, you can choose short fables, preferably with pictures, such as “Aesop’s Fables” and “Andersen’s Fairy Tales”.

Children aged 9-15 can choose novellas or idiom storybooks, such as “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” and “Education of Love”. Only children over the age of 15 who have years of Chinese learning foundation can buy him classics. At this time, the child has his own appreciation ability and accumulation needs.

how to learn Chinese

We can buy him some popular science books, including “Chinese Geography”, “Up and Down Five Thousand Years” and so on. In addition, when buying books, you should refer to your children’s opinions, and let your children choose according to their hobbies. Parents can’t buy books all over the place, lest the books they buy will be shelved.

  1. Parent-child communication is very important
    Young children tend to gulp down the books when they read, and they read many books without actually acquiring any knowledge at all. Therefore, it is best for parents to have time to read with their children.

If there is no time, it is recommended that parents communicate with their children about reading experience before eating or going to bed. You can ask them these questions: which character do you like (dislike) most in this book, what story is told in the chapter you read today, what did you learn, what did you understand, etc.

Even if the child utters the simplest answer, parents should encourage in time and add positive reinforcement to the child’s reading, so as to improve the child’s reading self-control and reading passion.

How to learn Chinese?

  1. Help children develop good reading habits
    Many children feel that reading is boring and uncomfortable, and it is more because they do not have good reading habits, and children will feel physically and mentally exhausted.

When reading, pay attention to the child’s reading posture, such as correct sitting posture, do eye exercises after reading the book, and look into the distance, which can reduce the physical pressure on the child’s reading.

In addition, it is best for parents to make a reading plan with their children. Including the fixed time and duration of reading every day, as well as the number of articles read. Avoid the disadvantages of children forgetting part after not reading for a long time after reading a part.

Making children’s reading system continuous is also conducive to helping them form a good habit of persistent reading. It is best for parents to lead by example, create a good reading family atmosphere for their children, and let them fall in love with reading through hearing and seeing.

4.Find the right textbook
While there are plenty of resources on the Internet, there is also a lot of distracting information of all kinds. How many times have you opened your web browser (or smartphone) looking for one thing, but got lost and lost time on YouTube?

Textbooks can help you stay away from electronic devices for a certain period of time and study more focusedly. Also, a good textbook can provide an overview and demonstration of a system, giving you the big picture, compared to short video clips, blogs, or snippets of knowledge in an app.

Be sure to find an appropriate textbook considering your age and interests. The right material should feel fresh to you, but not too difficult. Its topics should be interesting to you, and the focus of the dialogue or grammar should be on your cognitive level. It should also have practice and consolidation. When looking for textbooks, consult some professional educators, tell them your level and interests, and get a list of recommended books.

5.Make friends with other learners
You are not alone in this world, language is for communication, so you can learn a language by communicating, and you should!

Don’t be shy, tell your family, friends, and the whole world – you are learning Chinese. They will help you make progress. You may find a learning partner who has been thinking about learning Chinese or is already on the road, and share information and progress with each other. The encouragement of your peers will make you more motivated.

There are billions of Chinese-speaking people in the world, using the Internet and social media to find such a communication and learning partner. Zoom to meet him/her, make a study plan and have fun.

6.Make full use of time
How to learn Chinese? Learning Chinese does not require a lot of continuous time, you can use fragmented time. Study anytime, anywhere while you’re waiting at the airport or in the parking lot before coffee, dinner or a game. Download to smartphone apps, audio, video, vocabulary, short sentences, or from handwritten flashcards in your pocket. Repetition is the secret to memory, use spaced repetition to learn more scientifically.

It is very common that most people start learning Chinese within a few days, and then the battery dies quickly. Sustainable learning is challenging, but not impossible. Don’t be afraid to speak up and use Chinese publicly, we can learn better from responses and feedback.

Don’t hesitate to show off the new word or phrase you just learned. Watch some Chinese movies, listen to some Chinese songs or poems, if you don’t understand, don’t worry, you can start to increase your interest by appreciating the beauty of Chinese culture. Eventually, this habit will develop slowly, and day after day, you will become proficient in Chinese.

How to learn Chinese? Still thinking Chinese is difficult to conquer? If you study under the professional guidance of a trained tutor, you will find yourself making huge improvements over time.



KPCC兒童普通話水平測試是香港首個兒童普通話水平認證標準,它針對的是從K1到P3的幼兒園和小學生,該測試評估聽力、口語和閱讀領域,但也涵蓋會話和背誦領域,該測試的一個關鍵特點是它以對話形式進行。 (如果還想了解更多關於中文學習的信息,就請點擊這裡吧!)


級別:考試分為初級、中級、高級和高級。 50-64分視為及格。 65-79分被認為是優秀。 80分或以上的分數被視為優秀,有關每個級別評估內容的更詳細分類,請訪問此鏈接。


人們普遍的誤解是,只有老師才能提高孩子的中文水平,但上了KPCC中文後,發現父母仍然可以幫助促進中文的學習,尤其是在家裡, Lim 和Jame博士分享了家長如何利用不同媒體渠道提高孩子中文水平的五個技巧。

  1. 盡可能多用普通話與孩子交談


  1. 收聽中文廣播或電視節目

與孩子開車回家時收聽 YES 93.3FM 或 Capital 95.8FM 等中文廣播電台,或者在家時收聽 8 頻道或 U 頻道,即使沒有人主動觀看。這種被動接觸中文媒體的方式將幫助您的孩子感受到中文是他們日常生活的一部分,並讓他們對這門語言感到自在。

  1. 讓你的孩子給你讀中國故事書




一年四季都有眾多的中國傳統節日,藉此機會通過一些實踐活動向您的孩子介紹中國文化。 餃子製作課程將讓您向您解釋不同的中國餃子,如餃子 (jiao zi)、粽子 (zong zi)、湯圓 (tang Yuan)、春捲 (chun juan);或者用春聯裝飾房子。這將幫助您的孩子欣賞中國文化,進而幫助他們更加欣賞中文。

  1. 帶孩子參加以華人為主題的社區活動


想了解更多嗎?我們學匯樂的中文專家提供有趣且引人入勝的豐富課程,滿足各種學習需求。 我們知道通過我們創新有效的方法來提高您孩子的中文水平的最佳方法。


Online Chinese Class for Adults:An Entirely New Experience

Online Chinese class for adults is difficult, why?

Before I came to China, I thought Chinese was the most difficult language to learn, because there are many Chinese characters in Chinese, and each Chinese character has many meanings and sometimes the pronunciation is different.

At that time, I didn’t have the confidence to learn Chinese. But after coming to China, I found that if you are in China, especially in Beijing, there is a good environment for learning Chinese. Although Chinese is difficult, there are many ways to help us solve the difficulties in learning Chinese. (If you want to know more about Chinese learning, please feel free to contact us.)

When I first came here, I couldn’t understand anything other than the numbers from one to ten, and I couldn’t speak fluently. Now I think it’s okay, because I used many methods when I was learning Chinese.

The first way is to choose a foreign roommate for yourself. Coincidentally, my roommate is a Thai, she is a student in the intermediate class, her level is higher than mine, and she speaks fluently. In this way, I can talk to her every day, chat with her, and practice my oral English. This method is of great help to me, if I don’t know how to say it, I can ask her by the way.

The second way for online Chinese class for adults is to often watch TV and watch Chinese programs. I can choose many programs, such as: news, movies, TV series, sports, life, cartoon (animation) and so on. My favorite things to watch are cartoons, movies, TV series and life shows.

online Chinese class for kids

Cartoon programs are programs for children. They are relatively simple and easy to understand and understand. Watching movies and TV shows can help you understand how adults usually speak, and you can also learn new words from them.

If I encounter new words, I can read the dictionary while watching TV, so I can learn a lot of new words. Even if you can’t remember it once, you can remember it after watching it a lot. Take your time. I also like watching life shows, because I can learn a lot of knowledge.

Watching TV can improve my listening ability, and it can also help me recognize Chinese characters. Improving listening skills is of course, but how to help people recognize Chinese characters?

When watching TV, I can listen to them while watching the subtitles below. Reading more Chinese characters will definitely help me recognize and remember Chinese characters. But because my Chinese level is not yet high, I can read the subtitles too slowly, so I can see the first words, but I can’t read the latter ones in time.

Sometimes I don’t really watch TV, the TV is turned on, but I don’t watch it, I listen to the sound of the TV to do my homework.

The third way is to listen to the text recordings. We have recordings of texts for reading and speaking. Sometimes I do things while listening to the recording, for example, doing laundry or cleaning the house while listening to the recording, which saves time. In order to understand the meaning, I sometimes played the recording repeatedly.

The fourth way is to buy things. When shopping, I can listen to what other people say, how to ask, how to buy things, and I can learn a lot from talking to the salesperson or listening to them. Sometimes you can ask him, what is this thing called, what is that thing called. If I have time, I can chat with him for a while.

When shopping, for example, in a supermarket, in order to understand what you want to buy, you must read Chinese characters. When encountering a Chinese character you have learned, it is equivalent to reviewing it again, and you can guess the meaning if you don’t understand it.

In fact, there are many ways to learn Chinese, and there are many opportunities to see Chinese characters in life. You can look at the stop signs at bus stops or subway stations, and look at the menus when you go to restaurants to see if you can read them and understand what they mean. . It is also a good way to make friends with Chinese people, you can chat, send and receive text messages and so on.

There are many ways to help us learn Chinese, but the most important thing is to rely on ourselves. If we don’t work hard, there will be no way. It is necessary to study hard, and it is impossible to do nothing.

Russia’s “Komsomolskaya Pravda” article on April 20, original title: In order for children to be competitive in the international job market, they should learn Chinese. April 20 is the United Nations Chinese Day. Alexei Naam, head of the Harlem-China Friendship Association, was interviewed and answered questions such as how to start learning Chinese.

Nam said: “Chinese has become an international language, and there are currently about 40 million people around the world who are learning this language. For those who are just starting to learn Chinese, the biggest difficulty may be mastering pictographs. For us, learning Chinese characters may feel unaccustomed.

But I think, pictographs are easier to remember than letters and words, because it is like a painting. For children who are new to Chinese, pictographs are the easiest , because there are connections between different Chinese characters, after mastering the basic Chinese characters, all that remains is to memorize the correct pronunciation.”

When talking about the number of Chinese characters that need to be mastered, Namu said that for middle school graduates, the standard is to master 1,500 to 3,000 Chinese characters, while college graduates need to master 5,000 to 7,000 Chinese characters. He also mentioned that learning Chinese calligraphy is helpful to master the Chinese language. Calligraphy is an art and a part of traditional Chinese culture. In addition, learning calligraphy helps to develop students’ aesthetics, as well as enhance their comprehension and perseverance.

At present, some schools in the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk region have offered Chinese courses. After students pass the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) and reach a certain level of Chinese, they will have the opportunity to enter China’s first-class universities and receive scholarships.

Nahm said: “As far as I know, many Russian graduates who learn Chinese find jobs in Chinese companies in Australia or Europe, and some of them finish their studies and return to work in China. Some people stay in China. , and work there.”

Nam said: “It is necessary to master online Chinese class for adults nowadays, but if we want our children to be more competitive in the international job market, then we should give priority to letting children learn Chinese. Because a lot of trade and major production are in China. If If you want to work in China, you’d better master basic Chinese first.”


我是一位孩子的母親,我之前接受過國際學校中文補習,我花了九個月的時間才達到將報紙社論從英文翻譯成中文、從中文翻譯成英文、閱讀小說並為人們翻譯的水平,我在開卷式錄音機時代就做到了這一點,早在那個時代之前 互聯網、在線詞典、語言學習應用程序、MP3 文件和 YouTube。

如果我反思自己所做的事情,我發現有六件事幫助我比其他和我一起學習的學生學得更快。 下面我列出了有關如何學習中文的每條提示,您可能希望將其應用到您的學習中。




當你對單詞、它們的發音或它們如何協同工作沒有任何感覺時,開始學習漢字就太困難了。 一門新語言一開始聽起來就像是無差別的噪音。第一步是習慣該語言的各個發音,學習區分單詞,甚至讓一些單詞和短語在你的大腦中迴響。

我對普通話的第一次介紹是聽《漢語對話》,這是一種沒有字符的中間文本,只有羅馬化,在本例中是耶魯版的羅馬化。 如今,在中國發展起來的拼音已成為普通話羅馬化的標準形式。



順便說一句,我認為從包含大量詞彙重複的中級文本開始學習語言是一個好主意,而不是過於簡單的初學者文本。播客和有聲讀物對此非常有用。50 年前我無法獲得這些。看電影和電視節目是吸引大量中國人傾聽的另一種極好的方式。

有了這種令人興奮的新語言的感覺和一些聽覺理解,我學習漢字的動力就增強了。 我想知道我一直在聽和習慣的單詞的漢字。


學習漢語,普通話,是一個長期的工程。 它將帶您接觸超過 20% 的人類的語言和文化,並對世界歷史產生重大影響。 因此,如果你要學習中文,國際學校中文補習總是建議你學習漢字。


您可能想使用 Anki 或其他一些基於計算機的現代學習系統。我開發了自己的間隔重複系統。 我有一套 1,000 張小紙板抽認卡,上面有最常見的 1000 個字符。我有幾張方格紙來練習寫這些字。

我會拿起一張卡片,在方格紙上的一欄中寫下這個字符 10 次,然後在幾欄上寫下含義或發音。 然後我會拿起另一張抽認卡並做同樣的事情。很快我就遇到了我在那裡寫的前一個字符的含義或聲音。

然後我又把這個角色寫了幾次,希望是在我完全忘記它之前。 我對前 1000 個字符執行了此操作。 從那以後,我就可以通過閱讀、發現新字、隨機手寫幾次來學習它們。

隨著我們的進步,學習新角色變得更加容易,因為角色中重複了很多元素。 這些字符都有“部首”,這些部件暗示了字符的含義。角色的某些組成部分也暗示了聲音。 這些部首有助於獲得漢字,儘管一開始並沒有幫助。

與語言學習中的許多內容一樣,過多的預先解釋會分散學習語言的注意力。我發現國際學校中文補習老師在我學習的早期階段解釋這些部首和其他組成部分的努力並沒有多大作用。我不明白他們的意思。 只有在足夠的接觸之後,我才開始注意到這些組件,這加快了我對角色的學習速度。